Black Ice

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Re: Black Ice

Post by Syth »

Chapter 9: Weapon Against Fear
It hadn’t occurred to Jack to leave a note or anything when he’d left. He had realized where he was when he’d finally managed to fight his way back to consciousness again. He’d been numb, his bite wounds had throbbed but he wasn’t surprised to note that they were little more than that. The cool air felt great, he’d felt sick before and not just because of what had happened, but he’d been getting too hot for his own good. He sighed a little in pure joy, he had needed this. Even so he’d left the North Pole, he needed to get away from Pitch before his fear could rise in him or he did something he regretted. He had every intention of going back, but first, there was something he needed. Being 300 years old had its advantages, he’d heard rumors once of a particularly scary fae who would reward those who managed to look upon its face and not be overcome with fear. Supposedly the gift would ward away spirits and provided the owner with the ability to stand up to fear. That was what Jack was after, he was not sure what it was that the fae would give him, or even if they would be willing to help Jack but he had to try. This particular fae lived in the Ganges, a place Jack wouldn’t visit normally because of its humid climate, but he was desperate. He landed near the river of the same name and noticed there was a fae sitting nearby. A water nymph, the sight of her made Jack cringe, but he approached her nonetheless.
“Excuse me.” She turned and smiled a little.
“Well, if it isn’t Jack Frost. What brings you here?”
“I’m looking for someone named Makara.” The nymph’s eyes widened a little but she nodded and pointed to the other side of the river.
“Go that way, when you find what looks like ruins you’re in the right place.”
“Thank you.” She nodded and Jack flew off in the direction the nymph had indicated. It wasn’t long before he found the ruins of what looked to be some ancient temple that was nearly entirely swallowed by the jungle, he was also sweating from the heat. Jack didn’t hesitate to wander up the broken steps onto the floor, he didn’t see anyone and after a few minutes of searching he saw a set of steps going down. He followed them. The floor beneath was a little cooler, but not by much and there wasn’t much light. Looking about though he noticed that the room was full of carvings of monsters of every sort, mostly were odd mixes of animals such as peacocks with the head of elephants or crocodiles with the antlers of a stag. Jack found all of this rather odd, he was unsteady now from the heat; his core temperature wasn’t going to stay normal for long if he wasn’t careful. He drew moisture from the air and froze it in a small circle around him to keep himself at the right temperature, unfortunately there wasn’t a lot of moisture and he knew he couldn’t do this sort of thing forever as he continued deeper into the lair of the Unseelie fae. The further he went the more carvings he saw, they were mostly the same though, it wasn’t until he stumbled that he realized just how warm he was feeling again and tried vainly to cool the air around him, but it was no use and he collapsed.

“Drink this.” A quiet voice said when he came to again, it was a reassuring voice and so Jack did as he was told. He then promptly was out once again. When he came to he found that he was laying against a patch of fur from some animal, not far away he saw what looked like a man between his twenties and thirties whose skin was a nice bronze and he wore only a loin cloth and gold bands around his hands and ankles. He also had a dazzling peacock tail trailing behind him, Jack propped himself up, watching as the man plucked a grape from a bowl that was full of them, he turned to Jack and held it out to him.
“Eat.” Jack was hesitant, he knew he didn’t really need to. The man’s green eyes flashed with understanding and he smiled a little.
“It will help you feel better.” Jack nodded his thanks and took the grape, finding it refreshingly juicy. The man was right, he did feel better for having eaten it.
“Can... can you tell Markara I’m here?” He asked after a moment.
“I am Makara.” The man replied, taking two grapes from the bowl to eat himself before going on.
“I know why you are here, what you want to ask of me. I can see past all illusion and into the hearts of anyone and everyone. There is no secret you can keep from me, I know what you know and even more than what you know. You need not ask, I will make you the scarf. I will work on it while you sleep.” Jack blinked, a little surprised that the fae had this sort of power, a little creeped out as well, but he decided it was for the best.
“I can’t sleep... I don’t think it would go well considering... well, you know.” Makara nodded thoughtfully.
“Yes, but you will rest easy this time. You need not fear nightmares of any kind.” Jack nodded a little, he was still reluctant to sleep, but found that he was starting to anyway.
“You... took care of my wounds didn’t you?” Jack asked sleepily.
“I did.” Jack let out a bit of a sigh before slipping under again. When he awoke he found that Makara was sitting several feet away at a stone table, nearby was a pitcher of water with an empty glass. Jack quickly poured himself some before downing the water greedily. He felt a lot more like himself once he’d finished a second glass and the heat around him seemed less oppressive. After a moment he sat up and then made his way to Makara who was carefully working with a paint brush against the dark navy material that Jack could only assume was a scarf. When Jack got a closer look at the scarf he realized it was Sanscrit that the other was using, the symbols were etched in a light silver.
“How long have I been asleep?” He asked after a moment.
“You will not be pleased with the answer. Two days.” Jack nearly groaned. He’d been out for two days?! He hadn’t meant to be here that long, but then again he hadn’t wagered on the heat getting to him so bad either and his wounds were almost healed now so he couldn’t complain too much.
“How are you feeling?”
“Better. Thanks.” He put one arm around his uninjured side, the closest he was going to get to hugging himself at this point. He still felt the doubt and fears he’d felt when he’d been captive.
“Are you sure that will work? I mean, I don’t want to fear he’ll find out about the scarf and him find out.”
“Even against him, he will not know. Your fear will be safe inside you, he will not be able to read it.” Jack nodded, feeling reassured.

“I’m not bothering you am I? I don’t want to bug you while you work.”
“Not at all. I rarely get company and so it is a treat having you here.” Feeling nervous, knowing that the other would know every thought and feeling he had, perhaps even before he did, Jack picked up a grape then looked at some of the carvings around the room.
“This is how others see you, isn’t it?” He asked before eating the grape. Makara didn’t answer right away, he’d finished with the script and was now looking at Jack thoughtfully.
“You don’t see this? These great creatures around you?” Jack shook his head after taking a good look at all the beasts with their permutations and mutations, with bared teeth or snarls. He looked back at Makara, half expecting the other’s form to shift, but it didn’t.
“I guess I missed that memo.”
He was silent a moment as he glanced around at the various statues again.
“So, are you saying that you don’t get to see your true form?”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
“Do you ever get bored? I mean, I get the sense that despite your appearance you’ve been around a long time.”
“Not any more, though I did go through that stage at some point. I discarded that scarf long ago. You must realize that we all wear scarfs for varying reasons, not just to hide fear. It is the how and the why these scarfs are removed that impacts how the world changes around you as well as how you change. You are are that there are consequences I take it.” Jack only nodded. Jack felt that Markara got the raw end of the deal in terms of Unseelie, even if he was one he was not any of the monsters that were etched into the wood and stone about him.
“What sort of payment do you require?” Jack asked after a moment.
“A simple thing, create the image of me that you see before you. You may use whatever method you like.” Jack raised an eyebrow at that, it couldn’t be that simple.
“There are rules, of course. You are not to flatter me when you do so or lie in your rendering. Although I cannot see myself as you see me now, I can fret out the intention of a lie. I will tolerate the intention, but not the act itself.”
“Can I use ice?” He knew it wouldn’t be permanent in this climate, but felt better for asking as Makara nodded. Jack promptly summoned a block of ice and set to work. He turned the unwanted ice that he sculpted off the block into frigid air about him and the block to keep it from melting too quickly as well as to relieve himself of the heat though he found it more subdued than he remembered. He worked carefully, molding the ice into the image of the man he saw before him. It was easier than he’d thought and though he was tempted to make the lanky figure that was Makara look more toned he didn’t see the point in lying and counted himself fortunate that he did not see the man as others had obviously seen him. As he worked, he wondered why many saw him the way they did, was it naivety? Fear?
“What did the last three see who came to you for scarves?” Jack asked as he worked on putting more detail into the sculpture.
“I do not know, I turned away the last three.”
“The last three?”
“The last five actually, but you asked for the last three. The last who visited me was a Pond Spirit you know well.” Jack’s jaw dropped a little. Cahal had come here for a scarf?
“Why? What is he hiding? You know don’t you?”
“Yes, but I will not say. I do not reveal what is hidden to others. You could say I am the best secret keeper.” Jack stood up when he was finished.
“You can look now. I’ve finished.” Makara turned to the ice sculpture, he was too ancient to show any physical sign of being surprised, but the fact that he stilled suddenly let Jack know that he was indeed shocked to see what Jack saw. Jack looked at it a moment and poured more magic into the sculpture so that it began to move suddenly on its own, mimicking the silent, confident movements of the real Makara who seemed to watch in pure wonder.
“You see me as beautiful...” The words were almost a whisper as he watched the ice sculpture of himself walk towards him and then wander about the place. Makara smiled in pure delight as the figure seemed to walk over to study the scarf he’d finished before shifting about towards the other carvings. He sighed.
“Would fate only let me look like this.”
“Well... since you don’t know for sure couldn’t you just... you know, choose how you see yourself?” Makara shook his head.

“As the majority of those who see me show me these... monsters, I expect that - alas - you are not correct. Now that I have seen this, you have perhaps spoiled me for now I find I am uncommonly vain.” Makara’s eyes never left the ice version of himself, as if trying to sear every movement, every moment into his memory.
“Well, the majority of those who can see me think I’m just an upstart child, but you have treated me like an adult since I got here. I couldn’t very well believe that though if I went with the crowd, could I? So I reckon that since you aren’t likely to find out the truth anytime soon you should just stick with what you like.” Makara watched the ice sculpture a moment longer before speaking with a nod.
“You can release it now.” When Jack did, the sculpture ceased moving and the heat around it began melting the sculpture instantly. In a matter of moments the sculpture was nothing but a puddle on the floor and that too would quickly disappear.
“Now then, I have finished, come here. For the magic to work, I must tie it the first time.” Jack grimaced at that. He didn’t want anyone else touching him, but as he considered it he realized that Makara had already done so when he’d dressed his wounds. Even so, he couldn’t help the shudder that ran through him. Jack looked at the scarf, it was completely covered in the Sanskrit, when not a bit of it smeared he realized that it must dry quickly. Swallowing against the fear that was welling up in him from memories he didn’t want, he did as he was told and approached Makara. The fae knelt before him and Jack felt his breath hitch.
“You will need to lift up your sweatshirt for me.” Jack trembled a little, but did as he was told and Makara calmly reached around him and tied the scarf gently, mindful of Jack’s wound, making sure that it wasn’t too tight nor rested anywhere that would cause pain.
“There now.” Jack looked at the scarf as Makara’s hands fell away before he slid his sweatshirt over the material. It was unbelievably soft, it reminded Jack of the sheets on Pitch’s bed in his lair and the thought was instantly soothing; calming his fears and Jack slid the material of the sweatshirt over the scarf, effectively hiding it. He had to admit that it didn’t seem like a magical item, it seemed like just any other scarf, but he knew better. Makara stepped back to watch Jack, a slight smile on his features.

“They see you as a child because of your openness. A quality that is exceedingly rare by the time most reach the physical age your appearance speaks of.” Jack stared, he’d hoped to find someone who would talk to him like this. Pitch had come close, but the relationship was still so knew, they still had so much to learn of each other; Jack had no illusions that his captivity would make advancing the relationship that much harder for them both. Makara’s ability to see into his mind was a marvel really, a relief in a way because Makara didn’t reject him for whatever sins he had committed that had resulted in his loneliness. He didn’t find the ability at all invasive, like others might. Makara seemed pleased, his eyes sparkling.
“You like me.”
“Um....” Jack wasn’t sure what to say to that.
“Not many people like me.”
“Why not? You dressed my wounds, gave me food and water. A scarf... seriously, what are you doing to others who visit?”
“I do nothing different. I offer food because it is nourishing, but most people cannot see past what they see of me. Then they begin lying, I don’t mind that they lie to themselves, but I cannot abide someone who lies to me. I cannot tolerate this.” Though Makara’s tone was nothing but calm, Jack had the feeling that lying to him would be a very bad thing indeed.
“Would you like to be friends? To visit me again?” Jack nodded.
“I’d like that. Hopefully next time it will be a little cooler so I don’t pass out on you.” Makara smiled at that.
“Before you leave, I feel that you need know some things. First off, even though you have spoken the words, you love this man more than you are willing to tell even yourself. More than you have let yourself love anyone. Secondly, you may soon learn yourself how to move through spaces; listen to the wind, it can teach you in time.” Jack nodded, he had all the time in the world.
“Now, I can send you to North’s Workshop, is that what you desire?” Jack nodded, steeling himself because he knew he’d have to face the others. The one he feared facing the most though wasn’t the other Guardians, but Pitch. He held no illusion that Pitch would be pleased with him. Makara didn’t move, didn’t touch him or make any sort of sign that he was doing anything to teleport Jack. The jungle temple around him dissolved and he found himself back in North’s Workshop. He was standing before the globe, none of the elves that wandered around him seemed to notice he’d just appeared out of thin air. For a moment, Jack felt a spike of fear that Pitch would be able to sense him and his fear and suddenly appear, but when that didn’t happen Jack relaxed. He sighed a little and wondered if anyone had actually noticed his absence, he didn’t have long to wait to find out when he turned a corner and saw that Bunny was pouring over a book, which was odd for the Pooka. Bunny jerked and turned to him immediately a smile blossomed over the rabbit’s face.
“Jack! Where you been mate!? Blimey you had us all worried!” He said as he hopped over to him and ruffled his hair.
“Sorry, I just needed to clear my head and sort a few things out.” He said with a bit of a sheepish smile.
“Next time leave a note or somethin’. You had us all right worried.” Jack winced a little at the sad concern on his friend’s face. Cahal was right, he was a liability. He felt his heart sink but he tried to give Bunny a reassuring smile nonetheless.

“Since when do you worry rabbit?” He asked, attempting a joke like he knew he normally would. Bunny sat back a little, he seemed confused for a moment before he smiled a little ruefully at Jack. He knew the Pooka knew something was up.
“Jack!” He turned at the sound of his name and saw that Tooth was hovering nearby, she looked like she wanted to fly over and hug him, but she didn’t. He could see the concern written all over her face.
“Hey Tooth. I’d say go ahead and hug me, but I don’t think my wound has completely healed yet.” Oops. He shouldn’t have said that and winced at the worry that flickered on the fairy’s face. He’d forgotten that Pitch hadn’t let anyone near him so they didn’t know.
“Look, it’s nothing serious, I’m okay. I’m all bandaged and it should be gone soon enough. Besides, we have more serious things to worry about.” He said, trying to shift the topic off himself.
“True enough mate, though be honest haven’t heard a peep out of the varmint since you went missin’ at the battle.” He watched as Bunny fiddled with what looked like a Christmas ornament that was painted to look like an Easter egg. A floating screen popped up showing North.
“Bunny, what news?”
“Kid’s safe and sound here North. Donno where he was, but Jack’s here. I’ll pass the word on to Sandy.”
“My thanks Bunny, will see you back at pole.” The screen disappeared and a second popped up, Jack watched with fascination as this time the screen showed Sandy, who looked worried and a little tired.
“I just talked to North, Jack’s back safe an’ sound mate. You look tired, take a rest ‘ay?” Sandy responded with a tired smile and the screen vanished again.
“What is that?” Jack asked, pointing to the round device as Bunny stowed it into a small pouch on the sash he wore.
“Communicator. North made ‘em so we can keep in touch.”
“He had one made for us all, even you Jack.” Tooth said. Jack shifted a little uncomfortably all of the sudden when he realized Pitch hadn’t appeared.
“Ah... where’s Pitch?” Bunny and Tooth shared a surprised look that became a little uneasy.

“Last I knew he was in his room mate.... haven’t seen him since you disappeared from it.” Jack nodded a little, taking a breath.
“I shouldn’t put this off.” Tooth looked at him a moment then smiled, she laid a hand on his shoulder and Jack was glad that the simple touch didn’t invoke painful memories.
“You’ve grown so much... Jack, you know I’m here if you need to talk about... about it.” Jack nodded, he didn’t want to get into this now. Perhaps he’d manage it later, but first.
“Thanks Tooth.” She dropped her hand and he headed off towards where he knew Pitch’s room was. He felt his heart stutter in his chest the closer he got, fear seizing him by the throat, but he knew the scarf was working simply by the fact that the boogeyman didn’t make an appearance. He slowly turned the handle and stepped into the room, his gaze shifting. He said nothing at first as he saw that Pitch was staring out the window, hands clasped behind his back. His eyes were shut though, his head tilted up towards the moon despite the scowl on his face. At that moment, Jack wondered that he seemed so... upset wasn’t right the right word.
“Pitch?” The name passed his lips, almost a quiet whisper but at the sound of it the shade’s eyes snapped open and he turned to see Jack standing there. Jack wasn’t sure what to expect of the boogeyman, the other just stared at him like he was a dream that would be whisked away with the rays of the sun. Jack took a couple steps forward, he barely noticed the door shutting quietly close behind him; he felt both fear and joy surging through him, he hadn’t realized until this moment just how much he’d missed Pitch. Markara was right. Jack wanted nothing more than for the other to take him in his arms and tell him that everything would be alright, but at the same time he feared the other would do so and that he’d find himself sickened by the memories of his time as captive. What was worse, though, was the uneasy feeling he had now that he was staring into the eyes of the man he loved and the other wasn’t doing anything. He didn’t step towards Jack, but he did seem to be taking all of Jack in, as if assessing if he was real and whole. As if coming to a decision, he moved over to Jack, one finger lightly caressing his lips and Jack’s eyes fluttered closed for a moment as he soaked in this new sensation.
“Jack.” The sound of his name on a sigh sent a shiver of pure pleasure through him and Jack felt the urge to throw his arms around Pitch, but he didn’t move. His eyes opened again when Pitch made no other move to touch him and the finger that had been lightly caressing his lips dropped back to his side.
“Oh Jack... what has he done to you?” Jack felt like he was about to cry, the sadness he saw in those golden orbs almost undid him, but he managed not to. He’d cried enough during his torture and he didn’t want Pitch to pity him. Pitch lightly cupped his face with one hand and Jack flinched back, the ghost touch was strong and seeing the look Jack was giving him, the shade took a step back.

“I’m sorry Jack.” The words were so soft that Jack thought for a moment he’d imagined them.
“I should have known... I should have...” Jack watched as Pitch clenched his fists, outrage and horror that flitted across the carefully schooled features.
“Pitch.” Jack said after a moment.
“No... I knew how Cahal was...”
“You did warn me.” Jack said, trying to soothe, but the shade only turned from him to pace. He didn’t try and touch Jack again. It seemed that the boogeyman was in a right mood. Before, Jack would have tried to distract him the only way he knew now, but now he shuddered to even think of such a thing thanks to the Pond Spirit. It didn’t take away from his want though, that he longed to calm and soothe his lover who stopped after a moment. Jerking to look back towards the widow, his voice was quiet, but even so Jack thought he heard a tremor in it.
“Maybe it’s for the best.”
“What?” Pitch turned, his face was blank now.
“I don’t belong here. I don’t deserve you.”
“Wha- Pitch no!” Jack lurched towards him, but the boogeyman easily evaded him.
“Take care Jack. This isn’t over.” Before Jack could think to say anything Pitch was gone.
“Pitch? Pitch!!!” He cried, but he was alone in the room. It came crashing down on him all at once, unable to stop it he fell to his knees silently wailing into the night, tears falling to the floor as sobs racked his body and there was no comfort to be had.


Pitch grimaced at the sound of his name on the boy’s lips. It twisted something deep inside of him, he knew he wouldn’t be able to stand up to the Guardians, but he also knew that what they’d had... it had been destroyed. He clenched his hands, he would make that Pond Spirit wish he’d never been born! He transported himself from outside the door of his previous room to a room he knew wasn’t in use at the workshop currently. It held fabric that was used to make clothes, something that North didn’t do too often. He paced in the room, his vision blurring and he angrily wiped at his eyes to clear them; the warm liquid was foreign to him for a moment before he realized what it was. Tears. He felt the overwhelming pressure and so he simply sat down and close his eyes, letting the tears that welled up inside of him pour out. He didn’t make a single sound, but he knew he needed this purging if he was going to strike back at Cahal. He decided that if he was going to do this, then he would need to consort with some old “friends” of his among the Unseelie court. He didn’t relish this, but he knew he’d no other option at this point and drew the shadows around him to leave the workshop despite that what he really wanted to instead was to return to Jack and sweep him into his arms, kissing him senseless and showing him that Jack was the one light in his heart, his life and always would be. Since the Shadows had taken him, used him, corrupted him, there had been no one to make life worth living; he had not even been able to reclaim consciousness until he had first seen Jack as a boy, when he’d been alive. A boy who protected his sister, who overcame his fears and who didn’t fear the presence of the boogeyman. It had been such a fleeting encounter, a matter of days really, but even after that the Nightmare King had kept an eye on the boy who had floated in his death slumber beneath the ice. He had kept the boy company, though the dead were not really company; when the boy had awaken as the frost spirit he was, Pitch had been there. Watching and waiting for the boy to notice him, to remember, but the Man in the Moon had been cruel and had stolen the boy’s memories in the fleeting moments it had taken to transfer power into the young boy. Pitch had seen only glimpses of him, of the boy he’d come to know, during those 300 years. It had been a shock, for sure, to see him with the Guardians and he’d felt a pang in his heart when he’d been rejected at the pole by Jack despite that he’d dropped his guard. From that point on he’d found it hard to hate Jack, even though he’d sided with his enemies; there was just something that Pitch had always felt that there was a connection between them, they had a shared past, in a way. He hadn’t meant to hurt Jack, that was the last thing he wanted to do, but he knew that Jack wouldn’t understand this side of him. The darker side that thirsted for revenge, that felt a twisted pleasure in torturing the Pond Spirit until he snapped, and then tearing him apart limb by limb until even his fae abilities could no longer keep him alive. The thought of it made Pitch shiver with anticipation that he hadn’t felt since before crash landing on this planet. It was something he hadn’t been able to do to humans, but fae... they were a different story. He was going to relish this.


When the sun rose the next day, Jack didn’t see it, didn’t notice it as he twirled his staff among the fae as he sparred with them. He was beginning to feel exhausted, but he didn’t stop as they charged him time and time again, the wooden training swords they used rapping against his staff as he held them off. A puff of icy breadth escaped his lips as he missed and was smacked against his wounded side, of course now it was only a bruise, but that didn’t mean it hurt any less. He ignored the sting of it, for what was the sting of a blow by wood compared the to the empty hollowness in his heart? He let out a grunt when he missed again but he continued the drill, he’d told the fae soldiers to not go easy on him and they weren’t. When he dropped to his knees, however, they all backed off immediately and Gywn moved to help him up.
“Don’t.” He gritted out, causing the light element fae to stop before him. The fae scowled.
“You can’t expect us to keep going when you’re like this. We’re not your enemies.” Jack panted a little through the pain, but once he worked through it he spoke.
“I know, but I need this.” Gwyn frowned as Jack pushed himself up again and once more took a fighting stance, he fought the urge to simply drop to the snow covered ground and curl up. He wanted so badly to do so, to die, but he knew he couldn’t die and knew he had to push on whether or not he liked it. This was the only thing that seemed to work, for now. He could feel exhaustion start to seep into him, the other fae glanced to their commander who shook his head.
“Get some sleep Frost. We’re done here. You’re going to be no good if you’re asleep on your feet.”
“I’m not-” He began to protest until Gwyn walked over to him and gave him a light shove, it wasn’t enough to hurt, but it did cause him to stumble badly.
“You can barely stand. Get some rest. No argument.” He waved a hand towards his men, the group dispersed to go back to drills, leaving Jack to sag against his staff. He knew Gwyn was right, but he didn’t want to sleep because he knew he’d have nightmares. Feeling wrung out, he flew back to the workshop, knowing that the other fae wouldn’t dare go against their general and Gywn wasn’t going to have anything to do with him either. He sighed, feeling just as empty as ever as he alighted on the balcony of the room that had been Pitch’s. It felt like Pitch and for him, it felt like home in a way... He let out a long sigh and set down on the bed, he leaned his head up against the wall; too numb for tears anymore and too tired to drag up the energy to talk to anyone. He’d been avoiding the Guardians and they’d given him his space the last few days.

He didn’t hear the door slip open or the Pooka who came in.
“You okay mate?” Jack turned his head slightly and suppressed a sigh.
“No. I’m not okay, but neither are you. No one is with this war, but we get along fine because that’s what we do, isn’t it?”
“Jack... can we talk?” Jack didn’t say anything and Bunnymund moved inside the door. Jack shifted when he got close, a stubborn glint in his eyes as he smacked his staff to the ground. A warning if Bunny ever saw one.
“I’m tired from training.” Bunnymund narrowed his eyes at this.
“You? Training? I’m sorry, is there another Jack Frost here?” Jack stared at Bunny a moment in surprise as the Pooka stood tall, ears up, alert as always. Jack shook his head and gave the other Guardian a rueful smile.
“Look at us, the Guardian of Hope and the Guardian of Fun. Apparently I don’t know what’s really happening anymore. I’m not handling this well, but I’m handling it. I am not a child, I don’t need to be coddled.”
“Coulda fooled me mate. Look... I know from Pitch what that Cahal is like...” Jack shot him a look that made the Pooka want to clam up, but he continued on.
“Honest. He wouldn’t shut up about it.... Tooth and I did our best to calm the bloke down but blimey mate... He wouldn’t listen, wouldn’t sit still the whole time... North woulda kicked him out if he wasn’t wearing a hole in the Workshop over you.” Jack’s eyes widened for a moment before he looked away.
“I don’t know why he bothered.... he’s gone now. He said it was for the best....” Bunny didn’t hesitate to move to sit next to Jack’s side when he heard the boy’s voice falter.
“Maybe he thinks so mate... but I wager he doesn’t want to. He knows better than any of us what you went through and I wager the guilt is lain thick on ‘im. Ya only been close for a short time mate and he meant to protect ya... even if ya don’t rightly need it. Give ‘im a chance to sort this out. I wager he’ll be back when he’s ready. Blimey... never thought I’d look forward to the day I’d see that one again, especially here of all places.” Jack turned to meet the Pooka’s green eyes, hope flaring from somewhere deep in his heart.
“Do... do you really think... ?” Bunny put a hand on his shoulder, he could tell that Jack really needed this.
“I’d stake my reputation on it mate.” Jack was shocked, but at the same time he sagged in relief.
“Thanks, Bunny.... for everything.” Bunnymund smiled.
“It’s what I’m here for mate. I know you’re going through some things I ain’t never like to understand, but don’t forget your mates are here ta help if ya need it.” Jack nodded and Bunny stood up.
“I’d better give North a hand, he’s working on a little project he wants all of us to help with... erm, well you can stay here though. He has all the help... I mean... crickey, North’s gonna have my hide for even mentionin’ it.” Before Jack could ask more, the Pooka had disappeared out the door in a right hurry as if a Nightmare was hot on his heels.
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Re: Black Ice

Post by Syth »

Chapter 10: Darkness
The morning was to be full of surprises as when Jack got up he found that all of the Guardians were gathered in the meeting room, but there was no one else around. A yeti had indicated he was to join them by a few hand gestures. Jack glanced around the room.
“Ooookay... what is this about?” Sandy gave him a sort of sad look that only made Jack a little more uncomfortable.
“We want you to know we are here for you.” Tooth spoke up.
“That is not only reason we call you here. We know about you and Pitch, it very clear now.” North said.
“Yeah... well, it doesn’t really seem to matter much now. I mean, he’s gone.” The others exchanged a sad look before Bunny spoke up.
“Leave it be mates. This ain’t easy for him.” Bunny was the only one who wasn’t making Jack feel like he’d stumbled into an intervention.
“You’re right. Anyway, we actually come here to tell you that Cahal has struck again and to give you this.” Before Jack could speak he found that North was offering him a blue Christmas ornament. Curiously, Jack picked it up and examined it, on one side it was decorated with white snowflakes, on the other side he found various symbols that he recognized would correlate with each of his friends and realized with wide eyes what this had to be. A red present with a blue bow was North’s, Sandy’s was a golden swirl shape that looked sort of like an “s,” Bunny’s was a multicolored, pink and blue Easter Egg and Tooth’s was the shape of a white tooth. Jack looked up at his friends, he tried not to cry, but he felt tears swelling in his eyes nonetheless.
“I... I donno what to say... thank you.”
“Is nothing, now, to business.” For Jack the next few moments flew by, one of Gywn’s men had spotted Cahal with Pitch. Now they were surrounding the area, it was a park that was oddly deserted of any humans and there didn’t seem to be any of Cahal’s usual cohorts around which was doubly suspicious. What was Pitch up to? Before he knew it Jack heard the soft coo of a dove, that was the signal and the Guardians launched from their hiding spots towards the two. Cahal moved first, while Pitch stiffened with surprise.
“Well, well. The little birdy has returned. Did you want more?” Cahal said with a grin on his face that made Jack’s stomach twist, he was looking straight at Jack. With a snap of his fingers tengu and Ceffyl Dwr appeared with other fae to engage the Guardians in battle. It all happened so fast that Jack barely had time to disarm the tengu that plunged for him.
“I suppose the deal is off.” Jack turned to deal with Cahal when he noticed that the Pond Spirit held up a harp; it was gilded in gold and looked ancient, the writing scrawled along its sides were Hebrew. Jack paused, wondering what he was up to.

“Deal or no deal, I will have what I came for!” Speaking in a tongue that was foreign to even Jack’s ears, the spirit strummed the instrument lightly, Jack felt fear spike in him as with the notes Pitch let out a pained scream and dropped to his knees. The water spirit just smirked as he continued to play, a golden circle appeared around Pitch, holding him in place and Jack was frozen as he saw the shadows being pulled forcefully from the Nightmare King.
“Pitch!!!” Jack sent a bolt of lightening at Cahal, the other dodged but it made him stop playing; even so the damage was done as a large group of Fearlings stood now as large black shadows before Cahal. Jack felt a blow come from behind, it was a Ceffyl Dwr, Jack had been distracted and hadn’t realized that the beast was nearby. The blow sent him sprawling.
“Yes! Come to me!” Cahal said and opened his arms. The Fearlings surged forward, but instead of heading for Cahal, as he’d intended, they shot towards the frost spirit as he lay on the ground, struggling to get back to his feet as he knew he had to do something. The Ceffyl let out a cry of fright as it backed off from Jack as the shadows cut the two off. The painful cry from Pitch still rang in his ears, Jack had to stop this mad spirit; he had to....
“Jack!” The cry came too late and he suddenly saw the Fearlings as they surrounded him, Jack’s eyes went wide as they blocked his view of anything else, but he didn’t miss the choked sob from nearby.
“NO!” He knew that voice. Pitch.
Come with uusssss.
You can’t ssssavvveee theem.
Sssstaaaay with ussss.
We can give you power.
He doesn’t want you... but we do.... weee will help you...

Jack clutched his staff as his eyes widened, his fears clammering up in his throat and as soon he felt his fear threatening to overwhelm him they attacked. The fear that he would fail, that his friends would disappear, that Pitch... A silent cry of pain came from him as the Shadows struck, covering him, delving into his very soul. It hurt. Oh it hurt so much... then suddenly it was over. Jack collapsed where he was. Everyone watched with wide eyes of disbelief.
“No! Jack NO!!!!” Pitch cried as he and the others watched to see what would happen, but Pitch already knew and wished he didn’t. His heart was in his eyes and it was broken. He hadn’t wanted this for Jack, never for Jack. The Guardians stood, frozen in place as Jack slowly stood up. His normally pale skin had a gray tint to it now, his hair had become jet black like Pitch’s and when he turned to look at his friends, the eyes that greeted them wasn’t the icy blue they knew. It was dark violet eyes that greeted them.
“No! You were supposed to come to me!” Cahal raged, but Jack turned from his friends to the Pond Spirit.
“You were a fool.” Jack said with a grin on his face that made even Cahal take a step back. Before anyone could move, Jack had his staff in hand and shot frost lightning at the other; it wasn’t normal though, the frost was grayed instead of the pure white blue it had been the first time he had released it a year before. Cahal screamed as the now-darker hue lightning tore at him before encasing him in a solid block of ice. Jack chuckled as he admired his handy work. The others just stared on with shock, horror and sadness. The Jack they had known, the Guardian of Fun, was gone. In its place.... they had yet to find out.
“Jack... “ Jack turned at the sound of his name, it was Pitch. He seemed sad, so very sad, but Jack just grinned as he leaned on his staff.
“Here I thought you’d be pleased. You always wanted me to join you.”
“No... not like this.” He said, his voice soft. He was shaken by what he saw there, what he knew the Shadows had done to his lover.
“Heh... well fine. I can go at this alone. The world is my oyster after all. Winter has come.” The devilish expression on his face caused Tooth to gasp before the former Guardian was whisked away by the Shadows, leaving behind only the echoing sounds of his laughter. The cruel sound making even the Nightmare King wince from the dark promises it held.

The fae that had helped them dragged Cahal off and they disappeared while North simply broke down where he was at. Pitch knew the feeling, he turned his gaze up to the moon as it began to rise, the sun slowly setting on the horizon.
“Why did you let this happen?! Curse you, why?!” He wanted to rage at the moon, at the imprisoned Cahal, at ... He just... he couldn’t take this. He knew he didn’t deserve Jack, curse the moon, but why had the Fearlings taken Jack instead of returning to him? He saw that Tooth was doing her best to console North alongside Sandy. Bunnymund was hobbling over to join them. Pitch noticed there was a nasty gash along one leg that was slowly healing and one of his arms dangled at his side uselessly. Without thinking, he strode over to the Pooka who glanced at him questioningly.
“Brace yourself, rabbit.” It was the only warning he gave and Bunny cried out in pain when Pitch shoved his fingers into the wound, the golden light pouring from the two digits he’d dug into the wound before slowly pulling them back out as the surprised Pooka watched, ready to club him with the boomerang in his good hand until he realized that Pitch was actually helping.He wasn’t sure what to think as the pain disappeared and the wound fully closed like it was nothing. Pitch straightened then gritted his teeth as he dug his fingers into the wound at the Pooka’s shoulder and set the arm back into place before healing it. To his credit, Bunnymund didn’t even so much as yelp as he’d reset the bone back where it needed to be.
“Thanks mate.” Pitch only nodded before going over to North to make sure he was physically sound though the large Guardian was having trouble stopping his tears now but he managed it. Bunny followed him.
“So, what now? We can’t leave Jack like that.” North nodded.
“We need plan. Need to draw him out.”
“I think I know how we can... but you’re not going to like it.” Pitch said with a grimace, before going on.
“Let’s get back to the pole first.” North nodded and created a portal with a snow globe, the group going into the pole to rest and regroup. Pitch went to the room he’d been given and sat on the bed, he was a little surprised that he could feel a cold spot on the covers and his heart ached a little as he realized that the last person to sit on the bed had been Jack... Had Jack been here since he’d left? He sighed, closing his eyes, letting himself remember what it was like to cold Jack close; the feel of his cool skin beneath his fingers and the cool wintery taste of his mouth. It was sweet torture. No matter what he’d said, he knew he couldn’t go on as before; he needed Jack. A soft groan left him and as he let his head hit the wall. By the moon, what was he supposed to do? He closed his eyes, he wasn’t Pitch Black anymore, but he wasn’t Kozmotis Pitchiner either; he hadn’t been Kozmotis since the Shadows had taken over him. Was he even really the Nightmare King anymore? He tested this, trying to summon Fearlings to him, but nothing happened; frowning, he tried Nightmare Men next, but again nothing happened. He didn’t feel too surprised, thinking on how he’d produced the light to heal the insufferable rabbit... He tried to call a Nightmare and was surprised when one answered his call, she stood before him and when he reached out for her she didn’t shy from his touch. He stroked her head and mane then realized that he could think clearly for the first time in a very long time... He looked down at his free hand, off in thought as he idly stroked the Nightmare before turning to her.
“Find the Fearlings... what remains of them. Come back to me when you have news.” The Nightmare neighed softly in response before taking off. Pitch knew that they had to do something before Jack did something that he couldn’t take back. He had believers, Pitch knew he didn’t need believers who feared him; as Jack had told him at Antarctica, he didn’t want to be feared. Pitch straightened and went towards the meeting room, he wasn’t sure if the Guardians were going to be there yet but he knew that was where they would end up. It was time to put his plan into motion, and as he’d said, they weren’t going to like it.
Beware of dragons for you are small & tasty.I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb
Love maybe love, but there's no excuse for the ignorance.
RIP HiddenMystic 2024, you will be missed.

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Re: Black Ice

Post by Syth »

Chapter 11: Winter’s Wrath
“You want to WHAT?!?!” North roared. Pitch sighed, the other Guardians were looking at him with a mix of disbelief and outrage, well, except Bunny who was lounging in one chair like they were discussing the weather.
“I said you wouldn’t like it. It’s the only way to draw him out. The boy was his first believer, there is no doubt he will be after him or rather the Fearlings will want to take him out because of their connection, just like they played with my feelings for my daughter. They will want to destroy the boy, perhaps not kill him but I have no doubt that whatever they plan for the child will not be good.” Pitch said, silencing any more protests from the three Guardians. He didn’t want to do this, but there wasn’t much choice.
“The boy is the one that Jack cares for the most at this moment, he is the most vulnerable.”
“What about yourself?” North asked and Pitch’s mask seemed to falter for a split second, revealing pain in his eyes before the mask returned.
“I’m not defenseless North. Even without the Shadows I still have my Nightmares and there is... another weapon. The one I taught to the light fae, Gwyn. It seems that the notes of the harp that Cahal was in possession of was a holy item, it ripped the Shadows from me and they latched onto the nearest thing... I fear that Jack’s time as Cahal’s prisoner left him vulnerable to them. More than normal.”
“So how are we going to change that mate? Have you figured that out?” Bunny asked, looking at Pitch who shook his head.
“Unfortunately I do not have an answer on that score. It is possible we can try and rip them from him, but... finding an item of that purity would not be easy and I have no doubt that the fae will not be willing to let us have possession of the harp.” North nodded, thoughtful.
“Is it possible to just contain him?” Tooth asked.
“No, he has the Fearlings on his side. They would be able to transport him away unless....”
Sandy had a question mark floating on his head but Pitch shook his head.
“It’s not possible, making a room that is filled with just light, where no darkness can exist. That would be the only way. It is not possible to make such a room though that would be able to hold him for long. Even if we made such a room he would just destroy it to escape.”
Would my dreamsand have any effect on him?
“You would know that better than I. I don’t think it would be enough, even if your sand is composed of a small amount of the same light I produce.”
“Could we just maybe destroy them all?” Tooth asked hopefully, Pitch shook his head.
“Not likely, unless Jack lacks the ability to create more. The Shadows need a vessel that can replicate them and I don’t think it’d be so easy for us to simply destroy them; even if we could there is no way the Fearlings are going to just let us separate them from Jack.”

Meanwhile, Jamie was sitting in front of the TV, idly watching the news while doing his homework. Normally he didn’t pay it any attention unless it spoke of a snow day which he was hoping for another one of those because it meant Jack was visiting. Sadly, he didn’t think there would be any more snow days as winter was ending now in Burgess, which meant that he wasn’t likely to hear anything about -
“Scientists are baffled at the strange phenomenon that seems to be spreading itself across the globe. Places that were tropical paradises, like Australia and the Bahamas are now frozen tundras and people are being forced to stay indoors until authorities can get help down though it is believed that this will not happen for some time as the storms are too intense for planes to touch down in these areas and ice is forestalling any help that would come by boat.” Jamie stared at the TV as if it had offended him. What was going on? Jack wouldn’t have done something like that, he was sure of it, but at the same time he wondered who was responsible for this sort of thing; if not Jack, then who? He wanted to believe that his wintry friend wouldn’t do something so out of sorts. Jack didn’t mean any harm, he was the Guardian of Fun after all; Jamie didn’t doubt that something was wrong, but he didn’t doubt either that Jack had nothing to do with this bizarre weather.
“Jamie! Phone!” His mother called, interrupting his thoughts.
“Okay!” He went to the kitchen and took the phone from his mother.
“Caleb! What’s up?”
“Have you seen the news?”
“Yeah, I have. Strange weather, then again there was those attacks at those schools a few days back.”
“Do you think that the Guardians can help?”
“I think they’re the only ones we can rely on. The grownups aren’t going to believe a bunch of fairies are responsible for this.” He said, glancing in the direction of his mother who had moved back to the living room to settle on the couch to watch the news.
“What should we do?”
“I donno. I wish we had a sure way to contact them. I... I think for now we should just be on our guard and if we see any of them, let them know what’s going on.”
“I just can’t believe all this is happening. I thought all that stuff was over last year.”
“Yeah, so did I.” Jamie nearly jumped out of his skin when he noticed a pair of golden eyes staring at him from the shadows of his kitchen.
“Jamie? Jamie are you there?!”
“Y-yeah... I’m... uh... not the only one.”
“Are you okay?”
“I... I think so... Caleb... it’s Pitch.” He said in a near whisper, his eyes widening at the sight of the boogeyman standing before him.
“You and I need to talk.” It was all Pitch said.

“What?!? Are you sure?! I thought....”
“Yeah... so did I. He says he wants to talk.”
“Be careful Jamie.”
“I will be. I’ll talk to you later Caleb.” He hung up the phone quietly, he stared at Pitch definatly.
“What do you want?” He demanded.
“How about we take this up stairs? Talking to yourself is considered a good reason to be sent to a mental hospital.” Jamie blinked in surprise. Since when did Pitch care about something like that? and why did he have a sword strapped on his back? Brimming with questions, Jamie snuck through the living room to the stairs that would lead up to his bedroom; he’d worry about his homework later. This was more serious. Jamie didn’t let the boogeyman out of his sight for a moment, suspicion glinting in his brown eyes. He sat down on his bed once they were both in his bedroom.
“What is this about? What is with the weather?” What was... did the boogeyman just flinch?
“As unlikely as this seems, I need your help and so do the Guardians.”
“Something bad has happened hasn’t it? Is that why there is snow in places it shouldn’t be?”
“Yes. I’m afraid the Shadows that once possessed me are now in Jack.” A gasp escaped the young boy, his eyes going wide.
“You... you did this!?!”
“Believe it or not, no. I would never want this for Jack. I know the Shadows very well, how they can drive a person mad with fear. The Shadows were taken from me and instead of returning they turned on Jack during a battle.”
“The... adults don’t know of this do they?” Pitch shook his head, watching as various emotions played on the youth’s face as he processed this, suspicion chief among the emotions.
“How do I know that you are telling the truth?” Pitch sighed, he knew that this wasn’t going to be easy.
“If you prefer, I will take you to the Guardians myself.” Jamie jumped up then, expecting the shadows themselves to take him, but instead Pitch withdrew a snow globe from his robes.
“North gave this to me. You can control where you go by simply speaking the destination to the globe before throwing it.” Jamie took the snow globe gently, staring into it.
“Is... is that all that it does?”
“No. It can also show you anything that you like. Considering you not believe me, ask the snow globe to show you the truth.” Pitch gestured then stepped back to settle on the window seat. Jamie stared at him for a long moment, disbelief and suspicion in his eyes before he looked at the snow globe.
“Show me Jack Frost.” He said and shook it a little, the snow inside the globe swirled before settling and when it did it took Jamie a moment to realize what he was seeing now was a blizzard, and then a figure appeared. He nearly dropped the globe when he took note of the physical changes in Jack, the black hair and violet eyes. His jaw dropped as he soundless watched the globe.


A cackle came from Jack as he twirled his staff above the Sahara Desert, the humid area suddenly dropping in temperature as the sun was blocked out by clouds and snow began to pelt the land like hail. Many of the creatures that could not shelter themselves in the sand quick enough were soon frozen solid. Jack merely laughed, soaring over the place as cacti of all types withered from the intense cold that they were not meant to withstand. Jack skimmed his staff along the sandy dunes, frost following in his wake; it was opaque frost, not the soft kind that Jamie had seen on his window the year before when Jack had used it to keep Jamie’s belief in the Guardians alive. This frost killed without mercy, despite its beauty. Jack watched with growing amusement as Nightmares, with varying patterns of frost on their flanks and sides, galloped with him through the darkness he had created for them. He frosted everything and anyone he came upon without mercy. There was a malicious glee on his face as he came to a town that was bedding down for the night, Nightmares plunged on ahead to corrupt the dreams of others while Jack covered the town in blinding snow and froze water pipes, causing many of them to burst. He simply cackled in pure delight. Well, his body did anyway, he was a puppet, much as Pitch had been. Within his mind Jack was screaming for all his worth, but he had no control anymore and he wept for every animal and human that his body froze. He wept for the humans who would be missing those the Fearlings had frozen in their excitement to see what Jack’s limits were and to play around with the powers of winter that were inside Jack. Jack himself knew everything that they did, everything that they made his body do; he knew all of the tricks and cringed every time the Fearlings made his body shoot out the frigid ice lightning at a living creature; not only because it was draining or the result, but because the Fearlings were taking great pleasure in using the same power that had once ripped apart thousands upon thousands of Nightmares when he had faced Pitch after Sandy’s demise. At the time, the power had been a surprise to Jack because he never wanted to harm anyone; his snow was gentle and he used ice as a prank or to guide kids in crazy sled rides along streets and sidewalks. He’d used his frost to help Jamie believe in the Guardians when his faith had been flagging, and used it to decorate towns in his own version of Christmas decoration. The Fearlings in him had twisted this, had taken what he meant for fun and for decoration and turned it deadly. Cars were crashing all over streets due to ice, people who left the safety of buildings or cars were frozen if the Fearlings saw them. Fear oozed from humans everywhere he went and Jack cried out against it. He didn’t want this! He was the Guardian of Fun! He wasn’t meant to kill! He didn’t want any part of this! Try as he might, struggle as he did, he couldn’t seem to reclaim his body. The more he struggled, the more he despaired and he suddenly realized that he now understood Pitch more than anyone ever could. Pitch had fought against the Fearlings, he had been overrun by them centuries ago when they had fed on his fear for his daughter. The Fearlings were feeding off his fear for Pitch and the fear of what had happened to him when he’d been a prisoner. Jack felt his conscious mind grow weaker and weaker; he couldn’t fight forever, no matter how much he wanted to. The fear and despair was too much for him and so he sank back into the darkness of his own mind, sleeping now as the Fearlings continued their malicious rampage upon helpless citizens.


Jamie dropped the snow globe onto the bed, his eyes wide with at first shock that was soon overcome with a deep sadness and determination. He looked back at Pitch after a moment, as the snow globe’s images faded.
“What do you want me to do?
Beware of dragons for you are small & tasty.I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb
Love maybe love, but there's no excuse for the ignorance.
RIP HiddenMystic 2024, you will be missed.

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Re: Black Ice

Post by Syth »

Chapter 12: Unexpected

“Wha- What happened to him?” Jamie asked after a moment. Pitch hadn’t answered his first question, but the boy didn’t care for the moment. He cared more about Jack. Pitch nearly sighed, hadn’t he explained this already? Well, he would try again. He watched the boy look at him, he didn’t wonder that Jack had such a stout believer and he had faith that the boy could handle the truth. After all, hadn’t the boy conquered his own fears to protect Jack and the other Guardians just a year ago?
“We were fighting an enemy, the one who had caused the water shortage. I assume you heard about that no?” Jamie nodded, he’d heard about it and it had caused problems for sure.
“This enemy was also responsible for all of those missing people...” He trailed off, he wasn’t sure he should tell the boy the details of that, after all he really didn’t want the boy to lose sleep. Jamie just nodded slowly, as if he understood and didn’t feel anything; if he’d felt fear, Pitch would have known it.
“This, enemy, Cahal... he was smarter than I had anticipated. I had arranged a meeting with him, to lull him into a false sense of security... but the Guardians tracked us down faster than I had expected them to.” He didn’t mention his fight with Jack before hand, the boy didn’t need to know how close he was to Jack, how much he had come to care for the frost spirit. He blinked a little, when had he come to think of that discussion with Jack as a fight? He shook it off as he saw Jamie was looking at him with patience most children his age didn’t have, and with expectation, as if he expected maybe this would all be a dream. Pitch wished fervently that it could be, that he wasn’t about to ask this child to risk his own well-being, again, for the young Guardian.
“He had an ancient artifact with him, a holy object of power; I don’t know where he could have gotten it, but he had it. He used it to separate me from my Shadows. Once they were pulled from me they immediately looked for a suitable vessel. I have, recently, had them rebel against me and Jack.... he was... hurt by Cahal... it made him more of a suitable target. They surrounded him before I... before any of us could do anything.”
“I’ve fought your Nightmares before, I can do it again.” Pitch shook his head, impressed at the gall that the child was showing.
“Fearlings aren’t like Nightmares, you can’t simply make them vanish like you did with the Nightmares, turning them back into dreamsand. Fearlings aren’t made of dreamsand. They are Shadows and are not to be taken lightly.”
“What do you mean exactly?” Pitch thought that one through, how did one explain a Fearling to someone who did not know what one was?
“Consider your deepest, darkest fear and then, consider it taking form before you in terms of a shape that is darker than the blackest night. That is what a Fearling is, they feed on such fear and are like Nightmares only in that they can inspire fear. Fearlings are worse, because they can possess a person, can turn any living thing into one of them.” He watched the boy’s eyes widen with frightful understanding.
“W-what do you expect me to do then?” His voice quaked a little and was quiet. It reminded Pitch so much of Jack that his heart ached.
“This is going to sound bad, I know, but it’s the only way to lure him out.”
“You want me as... bait?” Pitch nodded and Jamie sat down on the bed, hard.
“Yes. You are his first believer, if anything, you are the most precious thing in his heart.” Even before me... Pitch thought with some sadness, but didn’t add the thought.
“The Fearlings will want you for their own devices, to use you to torture Jack into submission. To keep him from ever doing anything but what they want him to. Long ago, before I came here... I was tricked by the Shadows myself. I was led by them to believe that they had someone I loved and in a moment of weakness I opened their prison to rush to her aid... that was my mistake. That is how I became the Nightmare King.”
“If all this is true... why did you come instead one of the other Guardians?”
“Because they do not want to accept my plan. They don’t want to use you as bait because it is in their nature to protect you.” Jamie nodded slightly, as if he understood but the ex-shade knew that the boy couldn’t possibly understand.
“Wait, why would Santa give you a globe then? Can’t you move through the shadows on your own?”
“Yes, but I have hid that from them because I needed to get to you without them knowing I still had that. They aren’t going to agree to this willingly Jamie, not without your support.” Jamie nodded.
“For Jack.” He picked up the snow globe and shook it, speaking at it this time.
“North Pole.” Inside the globe North’s Workshop took form and the boy hurled it at a nearby wall, the white sparkling and swirling portal appeared and, after a moment’s hesitation, the boy stepped through with Pitch behind him. The boy marveled at the sight before him, the room the globe had taken them to was the lounge room that Pitch remembered being interrogated by the Guardians in over his relationship with Jack. Jamie could hardly contain his glee, but Pitch also saw a deep conviction in the boy’s gaze as he moved to the door and stepped past several elves who stopped to stare. No mortal had ever stepped foot here before, yetis also stopped what they were doing to stare, but Pitch didn’t give the boy time to stop and gawk at the toys they were making as he put a hand on the boy’s shoulder and steered him gently to the meeting room where the Guardians were still arguing over various ideas.
“I don’t care what Pitch think. No way is -” Everyone froze, just as they had a year ago when North had accidently woken the boy when they were working against Pitch to save belief in Tooth.
“Pitch!!!” North roared incredulously. Pitch held up his hands in a gesture of surrender.
“The boy came of his own violation. He wanted to validate my words to him.” Pitch said smoothly, forestalling anything any of the others might have seen. Bunny grinned at the boy.
“Good ta see ya mate.” Jamie waved at Bunnymund before turning to the others.
“Pitch is right. I mean, he gave me the snow globe but I came here because I wanted to... is.. what he say true? I mean, I saw Jack in the globe but...” He trailed off, his eyes wide with hope that this wasn’t really. North scowled at Pitch before turning his gaze sadly to the boy.
“I’m sorry. Is true. Pitch had no right to bring you to this.”
“I want to help.” The boy said stubbornly, though he was a little intimidated by the larger Guardian, he wasn’t about to be treated like a baby either.
“I came here because Jack needs help. I want to do what I can. He’s my friend and friends help each other.” North glance at the others. Tooth seemed indecisive, Bunny didn’t seem to care one way or the other though the Guardian of Wonder knew better. Sandy was giving Jamie a thumbs up, apparently he was on board with the kid.
“Did Pitch explain?”
“That I was to be bait? Yes.” The larger Guardian ran a hand over his face, he seemed so tired all of the sudden.
“You sure you want this? Is very dangerous.”
“It’s for Jack. He didn’t give up on me, he helped me to believe in you all even when I didn’t believe in him; even when I didn’t see him, he kept coming back to me, to make me believe in him as well as in all of you.” He saw the reluctance in the eyes of the other Guardians, but he was stubborn, just as he had been when he’d faced up against Pitch.
“I will shadow the boy, literally. I will keep him safe.” Pitch promised.
“Where’d you get that sword?” Tooth asked after a moment of silence.
“I’ve always had it. It’s a relic from my past. Up until now I hadn’t been able to touch it because it repels Shadows.”
“Handy that.” Bunny said and Pitch nodded in agreement.
“I guess we’re really doing this.” Tooth said after a long moment of silence.
“I guess we are.” North replied.


Jack skimmed lazily over the pond that he’d been reborn in. He frosted it over just for the joy of watching the frost spread out over the ice. Most of the world was covered in snow and ice now, but as he was bored now he wondered what there was left to do. Movement at the edge of his vision caught his attention. Jack paused and saw a young boy approaching him, he hovered over the ice, as if the other were a curiosity. The boy was obviously brave, he was bundled against the snow and ice. No... run! Jamie run! He screamed in his mind, wishing that he could make his mouth move, but not even a small sound of protest rose in his throat and he raged against the helplessness as he saw his first believer, his human friend, stopping at the edge of the pond. Jack slowly floated towards the boy then stopped. Something didn’t seem right, this boy was too confident, too.... cocky and he was obviously scared. Jack twirled his staff, the boy watching his every move. A smirk formed on his face as the Fearlings recognized the boy now, the boy Jack was fighting them currently to protect.
“Pretty brave.” Jack heard himself say. Jamie shrugged in response.
“There’s no way you’re here on your own.... Come on out Kozmotis! We know you’re here!” Pitch moved from the shadow of a nearby tree.
“So I am. What of it?” A sneer made its way across the frost spirit’s face.
“Do you really think you could trick us? That we’d be duped into thinking that the boy would be here on his own when he’s so ‘precious’? Have you forgotten we know how you think?”
“Not at all.”
“Jack... please... fight it.” Jamie’s pleas seemed so pitiful in the face of Pitch’s own response.
“Give it up kid. Unlike Kozmotis there, he can’t produce the golden light. He can’t just shake us off.”
“Jack... please...”
Jamie! Jack’s heart went out to the boy. He looked so sad, so helpless... like he was on the verge of tears and Jack swore he was on the verge of tears himself. Jamie... By the moon... Please run Jamie... please... Jack heard himself chuckle.
“You really are something special, you know that Jamie?” Jack felt anger well up inside of him at the Fearlings, they wanted to hurt Jamie, and that made him mad. Angrier than he remembered even being when Sandy had been swallowed up by Nightmares. Jack grabbed his head, nearly dropping the staff. He fell to the ground, swaying unsteadily.
“What is... this...” Jack ground out, as he managed to finish, Pitch was on the move and had appeared at Jack’s side. His hand was glowing as he touched Jack who jerked back even as some of the Shadows holding him sizzled and fell away. He cried out in pure agony, Pitch lunged after him, trying to get a hold on him, but the Fearlings had recovered from the shock of a dual attack and Jack was airborne, out of his reach. Jack hissed at Pitch, glaring daggers at him.
“This isn’t over Kozmotis.” He shot off into the air and disappeared into the cloud covered sky. Pitch sighed. He’d almost had him! It was going to take real work, he realized, to actually capture Jack. What he also realized though was that the Shadows had fallen away and sizzled at his touch... he’d made the golden light without even thinking about it and now it was fading from his hand. He knew how they would get Jack back, how he could release Jack from the grip of the Shadows, but capturing Jack was going to take a lot more effort than he’d thought.

“Did I hear that right? Is your name Kozmotis?” Pitch gritted his teeth, he’d forgot the kid was still there.
“Once. Before the Shadows.”
“Why wouldn’t it be now?” It was an innocent enough question but he wasn’t sure the boy would understand the answer.
“I’m not that man anymore.”
“You’re not the Nightmare King though either, at least, not now.” Pitch’s eyes widened in surprise. Was the boy that perceptive? Had he guessed? The grin on the boy’s face told him it was the lather.
“Why can’t you be that man now?”
“Anyone ever tell you that you ask too many questions?” Pitch asked instead of answering because he didn’t want to get into such a discussion as this with a boy who obviously wouldn’t understand.
“All the time at school.” Something was fluttering down in the sky and it caught Jamie’s attention, not because of what it was so much as because it stood out against all the white snow.
“Hey, what’s that?” Pitch followed the kid’s gaze to the fabric that settled down onto the ice. He didn’t hesitate to walk to it and pick it up, he stiffened as soon as he held it. He knew what it was immediately. His eyes narrowed, all this time he hadn’t been able to sense Jack’s fears because of this! He’d thought that maybe it was because he’d lost the ability to read the emotions of spirits, more specifically that Jack had some how learned to block him. He wanted to rip the thing up, but instead he folded it.
“Well? It’s kind of pretty.” Jamie said, drawing Pitch’s attention back to the boy.
“It’s a scarf, a magical one. I think it may come in handy.” For a moment he considered keeping it, but instead he wondered if it would work in the boy’s favor. He walked back to Jamie and shoved the cloth at him.
“Wear this at all times, it will keep you safe from the Fearlings.” Jamie blinked, but didn’t question him this time; something he was grateful for as the boy tied it about one arm for now. He hoped that it would shield the boy from danger, for now.
“You’d best get home. He won’t be back here any time soon. Don’t dawdle.” Jamie nodded and hurried home. Pitch stood there for a moment before deciding he should get back to the pole where the Guardians were. They needed a new plan.
Beware of dragons for you are small & tasty.I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb
Love maybe love, but there's no excuse for the ignorance.
RIP HiddenMystic 2024, you will be missed.

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Re: Black Ice

Post by Syth »

Chapter 13: New Plan

Pitch rubbed his eyes, he and the other Guardians had been at this for hours. Trying to figure out how they were going to corner Jack long enough for Pitch to get close and use the golden light on him.
“I think seeing Jamie made Jack fight the Fearlings harder, which was why they almost lost control.” He said for the umpth time.
“Is no place for child!” North argued.
“I agree with North on this.” Tooth said and Pitch nearly sighed, again. Hadn’t the plan gone fairly well last time? Sure it hadn’t been a complete success but the kid had made it home and was safe and sound just as Pitch had promised the others that he would be. He wondered if he could do this on his own... then he pushed the thought away. He had needed the kid’s help just to draw Jack’s attention. He’d little doubt that he would need it again, he wondered suddenly if the other kids would be willing... No, best not involve them if he could help it. He was getting enough flack from the Guardians as it was just for involving Jamie. There was no doubt about it now, that kid would be a true believer right up until his last breadth. That thought made him sigh inwardly, Jack would kill him if anything happened to the kid. No doubt that Jack was as mad at him as the other Guardians seemed to be, well save Bunnymund who seemed more subdued for whatever reason. He considered that the Guardian of Hope likely was taking this a lot harder than it appeared, as despite his clashes with Jack the Pooka did care a great deal. He just really wasn’t one to show it in normal ways, and Pitch doubted the other Guardians had taken notice. Bunnymund had been the least vocal of the Guardians in terms of ideas, perhaps not because he didn’t have any of his own so much in that he didn’t have any he thought would work.
“Like it or not, the kid is our best shot. Yes he will suspect, but given enough time it’s possible that he won’t and eventually he’ll get close enough for use to spring a trap.”
“Even so, what sort of trap do you think would hold him?” North asked.
“At this point... I’d say only my Nightmares. It goes without saying that he’d simply slip away from anything else.”
Even my dreamsand? Sandy asked.
“Well, no, I imagine though the Fearlings would take advantage of that and try to corrupt you. It’s too risky for you to try.” Sandy gave him a look that clearly spoke of the little Guardian’s doubts on that score, but the others were quick to agree. The loss of Sandman from the year before was still fresh in their minds.
“I have an idea that might work better.” Tooth said hesitantly, drawing attention to her.
“Jack and Baby Tooth grew close during the last year. Maybe we could use her instead of the kid...” She trailed off.
“That might work.” Pitch said, but didn’t sound certain. It was true that Jack had grown close to the one tiny fairy among Tooth’s many that he’d rescued from being captured by Pitch in the initial attack on the Tooth Palace. Pitch struggled a moment before standing.
“I need some air.” He left the room ignoring the looks of mixed pity and sorrow from the Guardians. He went back to his room and sat down on the bed. Pitch leaned his head against the wall, the sword in his hands dropped to the floor and he closed his eyes.
Jack.... My sweet Jack.... What have they done to you? I just... I just want you here... I want to take you to my home.... the home I once had used... He could picture it all in his mind, him standing on the wooden balcony in his home in Galich, Kostroma waiting for Jack to return from spreading snow across the globe. Pitch had to admit, if only to himself, that he desperately wanted that to be real. A soft sound of sheer longing escaped him, a longing for just the presence of the frost spirit. To be near Jack, to just be in the same room.... To hear him laugh so innocently at a prank he’d pulled on the unsuspecting or just to have the companionable silence that they had developed. His need for Jack to be around had rose quickly and so quickly had Jack been snatched from him, not once but twice. First by the now-frozen Pond Spirit who’d had the gall to even so much as look at Jack twice, and now by the Shadows that had once possessed him. Guilt washed over him, but it didn’t overwhelm the longing he felt. He just wanted to see Jack again, the real him, not the monster the Fearlings had turned him into. He ached to touch that pale skinned cheek once more, to run his fingers through his snowy hair that always seemed to be wind tousled. He cursed himself for not being quick enough to keep Jack out of Cahal’s hands and again for not being able to protect Jack against the Fearlings. He nearly gasped out from the weight of the guilt that slammed into him.
“You shouldn't do that to yourself.” Pitch’s head snapped up, his eyes scanning the room only to settle on the door where he was surprised to see Jamie standing. He’d thought the boy was at his home. Jamie stepped further into the room, the concern on the boy’s face puzzled him. What was he doing here? The others hadn’t been pleased when he’d brought the boy here the first time, so... why?
“What are you talking about?” He managed after a moment.
“You care. An awful lot, but it weighs on you. I’ve see my mom do this with one of her friends... Don’t say you don’t. I don’t understand how this has happened, but... I do understand what it’s like to care for a friend.” Pitch let out a little laugh, the sound bitter and grating even to his own ears. Oh the innocence of childhood.

“Maybe I’m too young to fully understand how much you care, like North said, but I can still tell that you do. An awful lot.” Pitch straightened to look at the boy.
“Just how much of this have they told you?”
“Well... They told me about the battle at the school. How you felt responsible that he disappeared for a little while... that how when he returned he wasn’t really the same... and how when he was gone you couldn’t do anything but pace as you waited for some sign of him from the Nightmares. How when he’d come back you tried to keep your distance because you knew he was hurting, that you blamed yourself for something that wasn’t your fault.” Pitch ground his teeth. What were those Guardians thinking? Sending a boy to tell him all this sort of drivel? Of course it was his fault! He’d been the one who’d been supposed to protect Jack! He’d failed.
“That you blame yourself now for what has happened to Jack, even though you had nothing to do with it. You couldn’t control those monsters no matter how bad you wanted to. You said it yourself how they fed off the darkest of fears.... To me, that just means that Jack feared something more than you did.” Pitch blinked at that, what could Jack fear more than.... Oh. Oh. How could he have missed that? From the mouth of babes, wasn’t that how the saying went? Suddenly he understood how he was going to draw out Jack, how he was going to do this and wasn’t sure if the Guardians would agree to this new plan either.
“You know, you’re a lot more useful than I thought kid. I think I know how we can get Jack back. Thank you.” Jamie smiled a little.
“You’re welcome, Pitch.” Pitch stood up and then the boy did something that shocked him to the core. Jamie had closed the distance and hugged him. He stared down at the boy. In all his time, no one had ever hugged the boogeyman like this; children had always been afraid but this boy... He realized suddenly that this boy, who had been Jack’s first believer, was now his as well. Something stirred in him at that thought, made his breath hitch; he knelt down and put an arm around the boy. This boy who was so brave and at the same time, so wise beyond his years.
“I promise you, I will bring Jack back.”
“I believe you.” Jamie said quietly before stepping back and then disappearing into the noise that was the Workshop. When Pitch followed him out the door he saw that Bunnymund was lounging several paces away, he didn’t seem at all sorry that he’d been close enough to hear. He saw Pitch and gave him a knowing smirk. Pitch only nodded and, surprised the Pooka by letting a small smile appear on his face.
“Meet me in the meeting room. I have a new plan.”


Pitch. Had it been spoke aloud the single word would have been shaky. Jack couldn’t breathe, or rather had he any control he was certain he wouldn’t be able to. Pitch was standing in the middle of his pond. He had his eyes closed, the sword he’d seen Pitch carrying before was no where in sight and he circled the man, wary. He noticed that golden embroidery ran along the edges of the robe he wore. Jack nearly swallowed, not that his body would obey, but how had he missed this before? Sure Pitch was changing, had been changing since Jack had first spoke with him, but how had he missed this little sign that spoke volumes of the man he loved? Wary of him, Jack alighted on the ground, staff pointed at him, knowing that he wasn’t completely helpless. Pitch slowly opened his eyes, it was still such a shock seeing violet instead of blue; how he sorely missed those icy blue orbs that were so refreshingly open, that could hold so much emotion and be so warm despite it all.
“Miss your lover do you?” He leaned against the staff, enjoying seeing the former Nightmare King jerk as if slapped.
“I’ve taken a new name as well, but I assume you know of it.”
“Jakol.” The frost spirit nodded.
“Suits me better don’t you think? After all, I’m not what I was. Though we could still be beautiful together... I wonder... would you like to be the one being penetrated this time? After all, you’ve been the dominate one for so long-”
“Stop it.” Jakol grinned.
“What’s the matter lover?” He said the word like a caress, Jack winced. He didn’t want to do this, he didn’t want to hurt Pitch. He watched, aching to go to him, to take back the words, but Pitch didn’t stiffen this time, he merely sighed and settled down on the ice. This was new, the Fearlings were skeptical.
“Why not get it over with?” Pitch said softly.
“Get what over with?” Jakol seemed surprised, and for a moment, confused.
“I know you want to possess me again.” Jack felt himself jerk, not just him, but his body seemed to respond as well; surprise and horror flitted through him while the Fearlings just seemed surprised.
“What’s the matter?” Pitch asked when he realized nothing was going to happen.
“You really think that we want to take over you again?” Pitch shrugged.
“Why not? I don’t see you making more of yourselves and there are so few of you left since that battle.” Jakol frowned.
“It’s not so easy, is it?” Pitch was obviously taunting them now. Jack understood this, Pitch could create more Shadows, but apparently whatever ability Pitch had to be able to do so Jack lacked.
“Very well.” Jakol took a step forward.
NO! His body stumbled, as if he’d taken a massive blow all of the sudden. Pitch just sat there calmly, resignation in his eyes sent a flare of desperation through Jack. He had to do something! He couldn’t let Pitch do this... He couldn’t! He... Jakol fell to his knees, clutching his head, howling in sheer pain as Pitch merely looked on.
Stop fighting usssss.
NO! I won’t let you take him again! He’s mine! You hear me?!?!Jack didn’t care if he sounded possessive, he wasn’t simply going to sit back as the Fearlings took over the man he loved, transforming him back into the monster that he remembered from a year ago. A soft hand on his shoulder made Jakol flinch and Jack saw the golden light out of the corner of his eye, the Shadows were trying to jerk away, but Jack fought back and pressed into the touch. It was comforting, warm... The Shadows shrieked in his mind and their pain became his, but he didn’t balk, knowing that this might be the only chance.... Jack sagged on the ice, his hair becoming snowy white again as the Shadows were destroyed, the golden light enveloping him in a warm embrace like a mother. A smile ghosted across his lips.
“Jack?” He knew that voice. It was so soft, so caring... He opened his eyes and saw instant relief in Pitch’s golden ones, Jack’s eyes were blue again; the waking nightmare was over.
“Pitch....” He murmured before his eyes closed, he was so tired... so very tired.
“It’s okay. I’ve got you snowflake.” He murmured softly as he enfolded Jack in his arms.
“You realize you’ve utterly destroyed my reputation as the Nightmare King, don’t you?” He asked softly, humor in his tone. Jack just smiled, it was so good to hear his voice again. To be held close, that not even the ghost of touches from Cahal could take this joy away. Pitch had come for him. He’d rescued him from the waking nightmare he’d become. That was the last thought he had as he slipped into unconsciousness.

Jack had thought, had even feared that the first person he’d wake up to would be Pitch because he knew that an wrong touch... even one that was too close to being what he’d gone through with Cahal would send the fear careening through him and then... then Pitch would know. Jack had lost the scarf he’d gone after and without it... Without it he couldn’t hide his fear from Pitch anymore. He was surprised to find, then, that the hand that was holding his didn’t belong to Pitch. Even more so when he realized who it did belong to.
“Jamie.” The boy looked up from his thoughts and smiled widely, he hugged Jack instantly and Jack enfolded the boy into the hug.
“I’m so glad... he kept his promise...” Jamie said quietly, there were tears in his voice, but also happiness.
“What? Promise?” Jack asked when Jamie pulled away to wipe his tears away on his sleeve.
“Pitch... he promised me he’d get you back.” Jack glanced around, suddenly afraid that Pitch was nearby.
“Jack... why are you scared of him?” Jack’s eyes widened a little when he realized the boy had picked up on his fear that Pitch was near and would... He calmed himself.
“It’s ... complicated.”
“He cares about you, Jack. How is that complicated? He wants to help.... but I don’t know why he’s not here. He’s been avoiding you since he brought you back... at least that I’ve seen.”
“Did he bring you here?” Jack asked, thinking of when he’d seen Jamie with Pitch. Jamie nodded.
“He’s pretty cool actually, now that he’s not possessed by shadows.” A smile tugged at the edge of his lips.
“I can see why you are friends with him.” Friends. Right, of course Pitch and the others wouldn’t tell the boy the depth of what was between him and Pitch. Jamie wasn’t old enough for that. Not yet, he wondered if he would ever tell Jamie; he shook the thoughts off.
“I can guess why. I think he’s mad at me.”
“Why? Because of the scarf?” Jamie seemed puzzled at this when Jack nodded.
“I hid my fears from him. I don’t think he is happy about that.” Especially not when I’d been so open to him before... Jack nearly winced at his own thoughts.
“So what do you think of the workshop?” Jamie’s eyes lit up at the change of topic.
“It’s great! Although I never would have thought that the yetis made the toys. It’s just sooo coool!” Jack smiled a little. The boy’s excitement was contagious. That is until he realized Pitch was standing at the door.
“Jamie, will you leave us please? Jack and I need to talk.” Jack’s heart plummeted. He knew what this was going to be about.
“Okay!” Jamie scampered off before Jack could think to call to the boy and he sighed, sitting up but not looking at Pitch. This was going to be difficult enough. Pitch closed the door, Jack flinched because he did not want to talk about this. About what he thought they would need to.

“Jack.” His tone was soft, there didn’t seem to be any anger there. At least not yet, and wasn’t that the key word?
“I... I’m sorry... for... everything.” He finished lamely when he realized he couldn’t figure out exactly what to apologize for. Pitch sat at the end of the bed, but he didn’t touch Jack. Made no move to make any sort of comforting gesture, which Jack was both grateful for and at the same time yearning for. Would he always feel this way? Torn between fear and longing? He sat there in silence.
“Why?” The note of betrayal he heard in the single word made Jack curl up, hooking his arms around his legs; he buried his head in his arms, trembling as he tried to force away the memories of what Cahal had done to him. It didn’t work and he had to choke back a sob. Fear and anger churned in him like a storm waiting to burst out.
“I... I didn’t want you to know.... I didn’t want to be used by him... to... become the tool to... hurt you.” Jack said meekly, his voice sounding weak even to him. It was true though, Cahal had meant to make him a terrible reminder of what he was capable of. Now though the Pond Spirit was gone, locked away where he couldn’t hurt either of them; knowing this brought no comfort though. He felt himself begin to shake with silent sobs. He hadn’t wanted this, he hadn’t wanted any of it; the tears streamed silently down his cheeks and fell on his arms, becoming frozen water droplets against his legs. He yearned for how things had been, even if that meant going all the way back to just the uneasy truce that he and Pitch had once had before, when Jack had tumbled into the lair unexpectedly. Things were never supposed to be like this, they were supposed to be able to be near each other, to enjoy each other’s company and be able to exchange even the most chaste gestures of love. Not him jumping at every gentle touch because it reminded him of what Cahal had stolen from him, from what he’d almost nearly had endured at the hands of the water fae all because he’d been so reckless and had flown straight at the enemy instead of heeding Pitch’s warning. Well, he knew better now didn’t he? The thought left a bitter taste in his mouth even as his tears stopped and the sobs subsided.
“Why?” Pitch asked after a moment. Jack lifted his head to stare at Pitch, he’d taken a seat in a chair and was now leaning towards Jack, but still not touching him.
“Why did you lie to me?” Jack found he had no answer for the accusation. He’d lied to so many over the past few days that it seemed almost second nature now. He wasn’t used to lying like this, it came so natural now, but he didn’t want to; he didn’t want to do this anymore. He felt like a hand was squeezing his heart.
“You weren’t there...” Jack said shakily.
“You just... I wanted someone... anyone to.... but no one was there... I was...” He found that no matter how much Pitch did know now, he couldn’t just spit the words out about what had happened. It still grated on him too much to. Anger rose in him, it wasn’t justifiable, but it was there and he couldn’t help it.
“Those shadows took ME Pitch. They didn’t want you.” The look of agony on Pitch’s face twisted his gut, but his anger was too hot to simply be snuffed out now that it had been awakened in him.
“They couldn’t have care less! They used me! Everything I knew was nearly striped from me and you brought Jamie into this! An innocent boy!”
“I had no choice. I-” Jack cut him off harshly.
“That’s a lie! There were hundreds of things you could have done to get their attention! I know it because I know you knew them! You knew! You put that kid in danger for your own ends! Did you expect me to just be okay with that?! Okay that you would willingly endanger one of my friends?” Pitch’s expression became blank as Jack ranted, he sat back, staring as if nothing affected him.
“I don’t know why I bother. You obviously don’t care.” This made Pitch flinch he opened his mouth.
“NO!” Jack forestalled him, rising from the bed in a single fluid motion.
“You don’t get to say that and expect me to believe it! After all this, everything is only to your own ends! Did you think that once I was free of them that everything would go back to the way it was? That I would be the same? Well I’m not, Pitch. I am not that Jack anymore and I never will be again!” Pitch’s expression was twisted with pain now. He stood slowly, even as he spoke quietly.
“I’m so, so sorry Jack... I....” He couldn’t go on. How could he express to Jack how much he had needed Jack? How he’d done all of this for him when the frost spirit was in such a mood that he wouldn’t listen? A feeling of helplessness surged through Pitch and he breathed in sharply. He had never expected the pain to be this bad. He wanted so badly to comfort Jack, to make amends, but he couldn’t touch him now. He knew Jack wouldn’t allow it even if he could gather the courage to try.

Pitch dropped his head. For the first time in a long while, he seemed so vulnerable to Jack. As if he were unable to simply maintain what Jack thought of as his mask to the world. His shoulders sagged, he didn’t look at Jack; staring at the floor.
“It should have been me.” His voice was hoarse, as if he’d been the one racked with sobs earlier. Jack was startled, to say the least, at the sudden change.
“I should have done something... It should have been me that the shadows took. Not you... never you...” His voice cracked. Jack looked uncertain, his anger fading at the sound. Like someone had turned a switch off inside of him.
“I... I should have protected you. I’m sorry Jack.... I’m sorry I couldn’t be there when you needed me. When... you deserved it... when you deserved a protector.... “ Pitch could scarcely get the words out and Jack, had Pitch bothered to look at him, looked like he’d been slapped. His eyes wide as he began to fully understand just how much this had hurt Pitch. He’d been so caught up in his own anger and hurt, he hadn’t noticed how it had affected Pitch, how the man had reacted to him being gone.... and then being possessed. He remembered the look of resignation on the man’s features when he’d sat in the middle of the pond, ready to sacrifice everything he was .... and why... why would he do that?
“A-at the pond.... why? Why did you....” Jack trailed off and Pitch looked up at him, it struck him then that the other seemed so terrible alone and torn between trying not to hold him and yearning. Just as Jack was.
“I did what I had to.... what I wanted to. That kid of yours... he made me realize something.”
Jack wasn’t sure he wanted to hear this, but he stayed silent.
“He made me realize that I couldn’t be without you. Even if it meant I was turned back into the Nightmare King, I needed you with me.... I don’t care how this sounds... it’s the truth.” The truth hit Jack like ice water. Pitch didn’t just say he loved him as a means to an end, as the doubts in his heart and later Fearlings, had whispered to him. The man had said it because it was true. The hand around his heart squeezed all the more and Jack felt all the breath in his body desert him. Things were never going to be the same for them, he knew this, but at the same time he yearned for the closeness. Jack touched back down to the ground and it was only when he did so that he realized he’d been floating, as if ready to flee. He couldn’t run from this though, and he found he really didn’t want to. As much as it hurt, there was something else that was much more powerful and it was keeping him here now. Pitch slowly closed the distance between them and Jack let him. He yearned for this, for things to be right between them agian. Pitch lightly settled a hand on Jack’s shoulder before gently cupping Jack’s cheek with his hand and for a moment it was so nice, so warm and - The ghost feeling of Cahal’s hands on his cheeks, gently stroking sent Jack stumbling back and he sat down on the floor, hard, curling into himself.
“I will murder him!” Pitch growled in a near shout. Jack realized that he needed to stop Pitch and, despite that it took all of what he was to do so, he reached out a hand.
“Pitch wait!”
Beware of dragons for you are small & tasty.I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb
Love maybe love, but there's no excuse for the ignorance.
RIP HiddenMystic 2024, you will be missed.

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Re: Black Ice

Post by Syth »

Chapter 14: Unraveled

Without thinking of the consequences, Jack lurched forward as Pitch was drawing the shadows around him. Jack tackled him to the ground, clutching at him like a child.
“No... don’t...” He knew that the Seelie Court wouldn’t be pleased if Pitch just showed up there and tried to murder their prisoner. Fear clutched at him as he clutched at Pitch’s robes, fear for Pitch. Pitch landed hard, but he didn’t notice it as he was staring at Jack with wide eyes.
“You can’t... you just.... He wanted this! To hurt you!”
“Hurt me?” Jack looked up at him, desperation in his eyes. Disbelief was etched into every line on Pitch’s face. He couldn’t lose Pitch, not now.
“He... he was planning on giving me to you as a gift... to hurt you... to...” He wasn’t sure he could go on.
“Whatever you want to do... that was his goal.... his aim... it’s what he wants you to do...” Pitch grasped for a breath, his chest shaking with the unevenness of his breathing. He had tried to reach out to Jack, to show his affection and Jack had wanted it, he’d seen the yearning in the boy’s eyes and then -
“I can’t just let this go.” Pitch said finally.
“What he did to you.... I...” He was uncertain how to put it to words, to tell him how much he wanted to rip the skin off the Pond Spirit just for the sheer joy of hearing the other’s pained cries for even just thinking of laying his hands on Jack in any manner.
“It was stupid.” Jack said, his tone flat, surprising Pitch.
“It was almost nothing at all. I wasn’t his captive that long.” Pitch paled.
“Almost nothing,” He breathed out. “Then tell me, if this was nothing it should be easy to talk about right?” Jack’s mind blanked with terror, dread at even consider recalling the event. He hadn’t been able to talk about it, to talk to anyone because it was his fault it had happened in the first place, if he’d just - The dismay on Pitch’s face cut into his thoughts.
“What?” Pitch just shook his head, speechless. A rare thing to see. Jack sighed.
“I’m not broken... he didn’t break me as he intended to do. He didn’t have the time.” Pitch seemed disturbed nonetheless. Jack was uneasy at the amount of distress that Pitch was showing and wondered if the lack of the scarf was somehow making his fears bigger than they actually were.
“Do you feel that way? Unhaunted by it? Unbroken?” Jack glanced away, unable to meet Pitch’s gaze. No, he knew better. It haunted him, chased him in waking with every touch and followed him into the darkness of dreams. Jack hadn’t sought the escape of dreams because of it. Pitch shook his head at Jack in despair, as if Jack had offered him a lie; he could see a spark of anger in the man’s eyes too thought he couldn’t look directly at him as he pulled back to settle on his heels in a crouch, allowing Pitch to sit up.
“You blame yourself for this and then sit there and say it was nothing... telling me that he didn’t break you. What are those flashbacks like?” Jack swallowed hard, he stood up abruptly, his anger returning.
“I can’t have this talk with you, you’re just lashing out because you don’t know how to deal with it either.” He backed up a few paces so that he could actually pace the room. Pitch just watched a moment, he’d never seen Jack pace before.
“You can’t just go after him in revenge. Those fae... they aren’t going to let you.” Pitch just sat there in silence.
“Just... listen to me okay? I ...” His voice cracked. I can’t lose you....
“I am listening Jack. I can’t stop listening to your fears. I used to think you were full of fear but apparently I had no idea of the depth of terror and fear you could actually contain. Forgive me, but I can’t actually think clearly at the moment. I’m.... I’m not perfect Jack and my mind is a garbage dump. I find that I need to take painkillers just to deal with the headaches your fears provide, a shame you can’t do the same; numb your fears with them.” Jack stared blankly at him, as if unable to comprehend it all before he looked away, guilt washing over him. Jack wanted to just disappear, Pitch was angry with him and nothing he could say or do would change it.
“I can’t think past your fears.” Jack felt even more guilty, flinching a little.
“I’m sorry.”
“I can’t think... I thought... before, maybe my ability to read fear had been damaged, taken away with the Shadows. It was just the scarf... and you expect me to stay here and not hunt down that creature? Not tear him limb from limb?”
“I don’t know what to expect, but I don’t want you putting yourself in danger. I just... I don’t want you to throw away what you’ve done by running blindly after him... if you think what Cahal did hurts - I mean... can’t I just have you for a little while before you disappear? Is that too much to ask? I just-” Jack laughed a bit bitterly, this was pathetic, he was pathetic. He sounded like everything he didn’t want to be at the moment, ever.
“Since this seems to be a night for arguments, why don’t you just tell me when you were going to remove that scarf; obviously no time soon if it hadn’t been for the Fearlings wanting to taunt me.” Jack jerked, the words jolting him more than he wanted them to.
“I...” Jack began, swallowing hard, it wasn’t really a question he had an answer for. Not even for himself.
“Well? I’m waiting.” Pitch’s voice was dangerously soft, that didn’t help matters.
“It’s off now.” Jack said, it was all he could say.
“Yes.... it is.”
“You shouldn’t have to deal with this, not on top of... everything else that’s happened.”
“What could have possibly happened to make this less significant?” Jack had no answer for that either. He was saved from having to provide one when North walked into the room.
“What is going on here? I want answer. I’m tired of conversations happening in workshop that I’m not a part of.” Pitch laughed a little, the sound so broken that it made Jack wince.
“You want answers? Well apparently Jack has been hiding the fact from everyone that he was sexually assaulted by Cahal and was so badly traumatized by it that he’s been having flashbacks among dealing with other things. That’s the only big secret I know of, did I miss anything Jack?” Jack was horrified how casually Pitch had spoken to North about what he’d discovered just recently. He glanced up at North then, pain lancing through him at the mention of it; when he saw the sad expression on North’s features he glanced away, unable to look at the other Guardian. It was bad enough dealing with Pitch’s reaction. This revelation, he knew, would change everything... He had been hiding it because he didn’t want things to change. Jack wanted to run, to escape this. He snatched up his staff from where it rested and floated up, ready to flee.
“Wait.. I know I have no right to ask that of you considering what I just said... what you said...” North gave him a puzzled sort of look and Pitch sighed.
“I pushed him too hard.” Jack looked to North then, an unreadable expression on the frost spirit’s face.
“Make sure he doesn’t go after Cahal.” It was all he said and then he was gone. The winds answering to his call and carrying him away.


Jack just needed to think, to clear his head. He had headed to Antarctica without thinking. Now he stood on the edge of the same cliff he had a year before when he’d wanted to hurl the teeth capsule that held his memories as far away from him as possible. He walked up to the ice sculpture that he and Pitch had created, he touched it gently, as if it might break. The words that had been spoken to him rang in his mind.
“What goes better together than cold and dark?” Pitch had been right then. Jack clenched his fist, but even in his anger, his hurt he couldn’t even muster the thought of harming the twisted beauty that stood before him. Instead he flew up to the top of it and carefully lowered himself onto the top spike of it. Testing it to see if it would hold his weight before settling down on it, he straddled the thing like it was a mount; he then hung his head. He felt drained from having talked to Pitch, but it wasn’t a physical drain. Not even a mental one if he thought about it, he just... he wished he could pour it all out and then things would be fixed again, but he knew that couldn’t happen. The world didn’t work that way. It never worked the way that any one person could wish it to. A snowflake formed in his hand and he looked at it before setting it adrift below him, for once he didn’t feel like playing, like having fun. He felt like something inside him had died. Like he wasn’t even himself anymore. He wondered if it was possible for a center to shift before dismissing the thought. One’s center was what they’d been born with, it wasn’t something that one could just change like one changed hairstyles or changed how they viewed something, but that didn’t mean they were the embodiment of that center all of the time. Jack stared up, the moon was only a sliver now, he remembered about how he’d ranted and raved, pleaded and begged with the moon a little over a year ago; desperately seeking answers every time there had been a full moon. Praying that the Man in the Moon would offer up some sort answer as to why he was here, why he couldn’t be seen. He’d never received an answer for those questions, well, not a direct one. He’d been snatched up and dumped at the North Pole, told he was a Guardian, that he’d been chosen. Jack’s gaze shifted back to the sculpture beneath him and suddenly bitter anger welled in him. Pitch had offered him comfort freely and Jack had been the one to reject it... to reject Pitch. He snarled at no one in particular; he wanted that comfort, badly. Like a person wanted a breath after being robbed of it. Even after everything Pitch had done for him, Jack had flinched back, like he was the enemy. Jack’s hands clenched his fists harder around his staff. Jack shivered, but not from cold, never from the cold, but from pain and hate. He knew the winds that howled around him now would drown out any cry he might make, but he didn’t yell, even as much as he wanted to he didn’t make a single sound.

What sort of world was this that allowed such pain? Such hate? That made him feel sick inside because of a power-hungry fae. He felt anything but innocent, not that he had been exactly when he’d discovered Pitch’s lair again, but he felt that something like it had been ripped from him. This world was cold.... not a physical cold... but one that gripped the heart and made him feel lost. He felt out of control. Like nothing he did mattered, like he was invisible to the world once more as he had been for 300 years. He closed his eyes, letting out a shuddering breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. His power hadn’t been taken from him, but a part of him had been stolen by the Shadows when they had possessed him; a part he feared he would never be able to get back. In this place, where not a soul ventured, he had the illusion of being utterly alone. He thought he wanted that, that he wanted to just be left alone, but now that he seemed to have it he realized it wasn’t what he wanted at all. He didn’t know what he wanted, he couldn’t turn back the clock, couldn’t undo the hate-filled words he’d spoken to Pitch. He shuddered as he realized he could not atone for them, that Pitch probably hated him now. His head hit the tip of the curve of the spike he sat on and he dissolved into hopeless tears. Not caring that they accumulated down the length of the spike only to freeze into an ever growing tear-drop icicle below. Time passed him by and eventually his tears stopped flowing. He felt as if he were drifting into the nothingness that had been laying beneath the ice of the pond he had called home for so long. He felt like an empty wind that promised only death and destruction. It didn’t really feel bad, it didn’t feel like anything really. He surrendered to it, wanting the blissful nothingness that it offered him. He sagged completely against the ice sculpture as it swirled around him, along with the cold wind, and lulled him into the bliss of unconsciousness without dreams to chase him.

He knew he would have to go back. He would have to face what he’d said. He wasn’t eager to do so and for now he found some measure of peace. Even if it was only fleeting. He hadn’t meant any of it... even if he had spoken truth of the turmoil inside his heart. He hadn’t meant to lash out like that... to hurt Pitch... He never wanted that, but what was done was done and soon enough he would need to return and face the consequences, for even an immortal could not escape the consequences of their own actions or words.
Beware of dragons for you are small & tasty.I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb
Love maybe love, but there's no excuse for the ignorance.
RIP HiddenMystic 2024, you will be missed.

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Re: Black Ice

Post by Syth »

Chapter 15: Time to Heal
Pitch stood up, not sure what North had made of the two of them when he’d walked in, but he didn’t care at the moment as he gazed longingly at the window that Jack had used to make his escape. Pitch sighed, he wouldn’t go after Cahal, for all the things that Jack had said to him, he knew that the frost spirit was right. He couldn’t simply go after the enemy, no matter how much he wanted the other to suffer for what they had done to Jack.
“What will you do now?” North asked and Pitch turned to him, his thoughts interrupted.
“Think. I won’t go after Cahal... Moon knows I want to though.” The Guardian just nodded, as if he understood and after a moment he realized that he did. There was the same spark of anger in North that he felt himself. He took some comfort in that, at least Jack was safe now; with Cahal defeated he was certain there was no reason to chased after Jack, at least not a reason that went beyond his own wants and needs. He had finally accepted what he’d told Jack, that he needed the young Guardian in his life. There had been such a long time of loneliness in his life, he had never believed that he could have found the joy and happiness he had found with Jack, and curse it all if he wasn’t scared of losing that, of losing Jack. Between Jack’s capture and then being consumed by the Nightmares, Pitch hadn’t had a chance to settle, to sort out all of his feelings and thoughts. He breathed, he had all the time in the world now, it seemed. He sat down on the bed that Jack had vacated recently, things were so messed up. He had reached out to Jack and the other had flinched, as if he’d been burned or something and Pitch had felt his fear, his disgust and it had struck him like a blow. He wanted to murder Cahal alright, but more than that he wanted the water fae to suffer, as he had made Jack suffer every time someone tried to comfort him or just simply touch him. Cahal was a true monster, to sink low enough to do this all to strike at Pitch, to hurt the former Nightmare King. Jack had run off, to think, at least that was what Pitch presumed he’d done. He cradled his head in his hands, he didn’t know how he was going to help Jack; how he was going to heal this “sickness” that had seemed to sink into the alabaster skin he loved so. None of the things he knew in his thousands of years of living seemed to help, none of them offered any answers because in spite of living so very long, nothing of what he’d done had set him in such a situation where he would actually try to heal someone, help someone; the Shadows had seen to that. He growled in frustration at that, at the helplessness he felt and how he hated it with a passion. There was only one solution that Pitch could think of that might help and that was to remedy his lack of knowledge on such things. Knowing North had a vast library, he was certain the Guardian had at least one or two books that could help. He stood up and strode out of the room in search of the library. He figured he had a lot to learn in a short time and he was more than eager to get started.


Jack found that the place was quiet when he returned. He was kind of glad for this as he drifted into the window that was where the room he’d claimed as his was; or rather, it was the room that North had made up for him, the walls were painted so that the blue shades became white as they got closer to the floor, it was a rather calming effect and Jack sighed in appreciation as he settled on the cool, blue sheets on the bed. The sheets had snowflakes etched into them as did the pillow, seeing it made him smile; he was grateful to North for this, he really was and he made a note to tell the Guardian of it later. For now, he simply lay down on the bed, looking up at the ceiling that had been painted to mirror the night sky. That, too was calming and Jack felt the peace he’d found in the nothingness was finding him here too. He was a little surprised when he heard a knock at the door. He was certain that no one knew he’d come in and then nearly smacked himself, of course Pitch would know. He looked at the door when he realized the other hadn’t simply come in; Pitch was standing at the door, he had it partly open.
“May I come in?” Jack nodded, knowing he would see even in the darkness in the room. Pitch closed the door behind him with one hand, the other seemed to be holding a plateful of various treats, mostly cookies, candy canes and small mints in the shape of a Christmas Tree with a variety of Christmas colors. Jack worried that Pitch was still angry, but the other didn’t seem that way as he moved to the chair that was sitting next to the bed. Pitch settled into the chair, but didn’t try to get closer or touch him; Jack wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. What little light flittered into the room made the silver embroidery on Pitch’s robes shine like they could produce their own light.
“I’m sorry about earlier,” Pitch began, setting the plate on the bed between the two of them as Jack sat up, eyeing the plate thoughtfully even as Pitch took a cinnamon cookie. “I should not have so flippantly revealed your secret to North like that.” Jack didn’t really feel hungry, but nonetheless he picked up one of the mints and stuck it on his tongue, savoring the flavor though he knew it wouldn’t melt. Still, he enjoyed it. He shrugged at what Pitch said.
“Yeah, well...” He left it unfinished, he didn’t really need to list all of the excuses he could come up with.
“Still, I am sorry.” Pitch sighed a little when Jack said nothing in response.
“Tell me that this doesn’t make you angry.” Jack said as he finished the mint, looking directly at Pitch now. Pitch shook his head.
“That would be lying.” Jack watched as Pitch finished off the cookie, drawn to watching the movement like a cat watched a fish. Jack blinked in pure surprise when he realized that he was less watching the actual action and focused more on the movement of Pitch’s lips, lips that he wanted to touch, to taste again. He couldn’t help but feel like there was an ever widening gap between the two of them now.
“I ... said some really embarrassing things earlier.” Jack began, trying to shift his focus away from that mouth that he yearned for.
“Did you?” Pitch didn’t seemed bothered and Jack met his gaze, he didn’t see any hint of anger there now or hurt.
“Seemed like complete honesty to me, the first true words you’ve spoken since you returned.” Jack blinked.
“You were right too.” Pitch added.
“What?” Pitch reached out and rested his hand over Jack’s calf, Jack closed his eyes at the warmth of the touch. This touch was safe from any flashbacks, it was warm and Jack couldn’t help but want more.
“I did lash out at you, I didn’t know how to deal with...” He trailed off, he didn’t need to finish. When Jack said nothing, Pitch continued on as if he hadn’t paused.
“When the Shadows took you, I thought that would be the last time I would ever see you. That I had lost the most precious thing in my life before I could make you understand... You saved me Jack. From the moment you entered my life again, you saved me from myself and the darkness.”
“Well... I couldn’t help but feel guilty about last year.” Jack said finally, swallowing the last of the mint he’d been chewing on.
“So you said.”
“But even so... it was you who saved me. You destroyed the Shadows, you didn’t give up on me even though I know you had to have had doubts.” He shivered in delight at the look Pitch was giving him, it filled his heart with warmth.
“I wasn’t going to give up on the best thing I’d ever had. I didn’t really save you like I should have thought, I didn’t save you from a great deal of things.”
“Please don’t make a big deal out of this.” Jack said softly, as if he were afraid that speaking louder would shatter this reality and he’d be back in Cahal’s cavern dungeon, that all of this was some twisted dream.
“I am not making it any more than it is.”
“Well, my fears have always been out of proportion considering-”
“No, they haven’t. Some maybe, but over all no. I didn’t come here tonight to argue over these issues, but to ask you something.” Jack tilted his head slightly in consideration as he plucked a candy cane from the plate and stuck the curved portion in his mouth.

“I know you can well take care of yourself, but if you would like someone along for the ride...” It wasn’t so much a question as a request. Jack straightened when he realized what it was Pitch was asking.
“I’m a mess.” He said, after pulling the candy from his mouth. A slight smile curved on Pitch’s face.
“You’ve always been a mess, we’re two of a kind remember?” Jack nodded a little.
“I’m kind of more of a mess than before though.”
“You’re preaching to the choir, so to speak.” Jack felt his heart began to beat a little quicker as hope surged through him. Perhaps he hadn’t messed this all up as bad as he’d been beating himself up for...
“How much do you know?” The question lingered in the air, as much as Jack dreaded the answer to it he needed to know.
“Enough, but I do not think we need to talk about this right now.”
“Why not?” Pitch sighed.
“Because it is a fine line sitting here talking to you about this and hunting down the creature responsible and using my abilities as a golden warrior to show him just how much of the Nightmare King is still inside me.” Jack felt the fear that was coiled deep within him spring up again, ready to take hold at a moment’s notice.
There, that is why.” Pitch sighed a little, rubbing one hand along his face.
“Although I’m sure you won’t believe me - this isn’t your fault Jack.” Jack shook his head with a bit of a forced laugh.
“You’re right, I don’t believe it.” He’d thought hearing it from someone would ease the burden of the event a little but instead it just made him want to argue. Jack stuck the candy cane back in his mouth again instead and as he did he realized that this was the first time Pitch had ever brought him something to eat. Not that he needed to eat, but still...
“You know I prefer to be blunt, so I’m just going to ask. Do you want us to be intimate again?” Jack blinked, caught off guard by the questions. He considered briefly that they were talking like they had been before, but no, there were some topics that were out of bounds. He could still feel the warmth of Pitch’s hand on his calf, now lightly stroking his ankle and other thoughts he hadn’t considered in so long began to slowly trickle into his mind. He’d assumed that Pitch would hate him for what he’d done when he had been possessed, that Pitch would just walk away from him for being too weak to fight. It had been a fear churning inside him, partly due to his fear of rejection from earlier on in their relationship and they did have a thing didn’t they? He just didn’t want to get Pitch’s hopes up only to have them dashed when his fears rose up and became too much for him. He shifted a little uncomfortably, but didn’t move the foot that Pitch’s hand lay on.
“I want things to be the way they were before.... so... yeah?”

“You didn’t even think that far ahead, did you? Considering that intimacy would mean I’d find the scarf.” Jack shook his head, though whether in denial of that or in agreement that he hadn’t thought that far, Pitch couldn’t be sure. He moved his hand to lightly brush Jack’s arm and Jack flinched before he could stop it. Pitch paused a moment before continuing it down to his wrists and then drawing back. Jack dropped his head a little and sighed, disappointed with himself.
“I’m not really cut out for this sort of thing. I’m not some trained warrior able to handle situations that rise with war.” He sighed, glancing only briefly at Pitch before he went on.
“I don’t know what I’m doing anymore, I used to love making snow days and helping kids have fun, even after what-” He paused a moment then swallowed around the lump in his throat to go on. “Even after what he did to me, I still knew what I was doing and what it meant to have fun. I’d sail on the winds like a boat or annoy people by sweeping past them on the streets. I was a mischief maker and I helped kids have fun. Even when I accidently stumbled into your lair and was tripped up by the guilt-” Pitch nodded.
“Yes, I felt that when you came in.”
“Yeah, well... you did a good job of distracting me from it.” Jack reminded him, a blush rising to his cheeks. Pleased when he saw Pitch’s lips curve a little. The pleasure faded though when he realized just how close Pitch was and he wasn’t able to reach out for him nor was Pitch reaching for him.
“Will you... take my hand?” Pitch asked after a moment. Jack thought about it for a long while, before slowly reaching out taking the offered hand into his. He felt a slight buzzing sensation when his fingers curled around the gray toned ones, but there wasn’t a hint of fear, not even when Pitch gently squeezed back. A soft, pained sound escaped Pitch and Jack’s eyes darted from their hands to Pitch’s face, but he was staring at their hands so Jack couldn’t properly see.
“You were already afraid of these things, and now....” He trailed off.
“He knew what he was doing.” Jack jolted, his hand shot away from Pitch’s.
“How much do you know?” His voice was shaky and a little higher than usual.
“How much?” He persisted, he wanted an answer this time.
“Some are your fears are vague, distant, but a select few are... specific. Flashbacks come back differently than normal fears. They were easy for me... for the Nightmare King to exploit because they reveal so much more.” Jack trembled, helpless against his fears. Pitch sighed.
“I don’t think we should be talking about this, you’re tired.”

Several moments passed before Pitch spoke again.
“Will you take my hand again? I won’t hurt you.” Jack knew this, but hearing it had a bit of a calming effect on him and so he reached out again to curl his fingers around the warmth that Pitch’s provided. Pitch seemed content to not do anything, he didn’t move nor did he return the pressure that Jack applied in a short squeeze. A minute passed slowly by, then another and they both sighed at the same time, as if they’d been holding their breath, waiting for something - anything - to happen.
“I’m sorry about all this.” Jack said finally, breaking the silence.
“It’s alright Jack, you’re doing well.”
“Don’t patronize me.” Pitch scoffed a little.
“Have you really met me? I’m the former Nightmare King, I couldn’t care less about being condescending. At least not now, but I do want to be close to you and if this is all I can get then this is all I will take. I know how hard you are trying.”
“Is it... giving you a headache?”
“Your fears? No, not presently.” Jack lightly stroked his fingers along Pitch’s palm, testing the ground. Pitch inhaled slowly, drinking in the sensation and Jack repeated the gesture. He wanted to give more, but he knew that it wasn’t that simple; wanting didn’t make it easy nor made it possible. Jack leaned forward before he knew what he was doing, he wanted to give Pitch this, just a gentle brush of lips, a reminder of what had once been, but he stopped half way. He met Pitch’s gaze, he found his fears curling in his stomach.
“I want to....” He said softly.
“You will.”
“Will I?”
“In time.”
“Are you sure?”
“If you still want to when the time comes, then yes.” He hesitated a moment before deciding to push forward.
“I made a mistake when I told you I wasn’t going anywhere, I made the mistake of assuming that my feelings were strong enough to withstand anything. I was, perhaps, stating more how I felt than a fact, but that doesn’t make it okay. Nothing stays the same, and there’s something in that. What you feel now, you won’t always feel. It may get better, it may get worse, but it will not simply stay as it is now. It is a simple constant in life and when change comes we will deal with it.” Jack was silent then, unsure of how to proceed. He sighed a little, shifting back to where he’d been, crunching on what was left of the candy cane now. The two sat in a companionable silence for a long time, each in their own thoughts now. Still, it was more than what Jack had hoped for days before; more than he had thought could be and if this was all he could do for now, well, he would have to be content with that. Wasn’t there an old human saying that said time healed all things? He hoped it was true, oh but he hoped.
Beware of dragons for you are small & tasty.I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb
Love maybe love, but there's no excuse for the ignorance.
RIP HiddenMystic 2024, you will be missed.

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Re: Black Ice

Post by Syth »

Chapter 16: Not Over Yet
Jack felt himself in a familiar place. He was in Burgess again, he smiled a little when he saw Jamie and his friends but realized it must be a dream, a nightmare, when Jamie walked right through him and none of the kids acknowledged him. It was an old fear, he only felt resignation though instead of a new wave of fear; he’d had this dream so many times. No one saw him, it hurt of course when he saw the Guardians and they didn’t pay him any more attention than anyone else. Of course he was invisible to them too, he’d had this in his dream as well but he felt a wave of relief when he spotted Pitch striding towards the group. He moved forward to speak only to shudder and gasp when Pitch also walked through him and struck up a conversation with North. Jack felt a surge of fear, it didn’t help when he realized he didn’t have his staff either and the wind whipped around and through him, ignoring his calls to lift him up as it usually did. Jack ran from the scene, cowering against a wall as he watched people walk by in the streets, going about their lives without ever being touched by Jack’s appearance because he simply wasn’t there. A ghost of sorts.
“There now, I can see you just fine.” Jack whipped around to see Cahal standing a few feet away. He brushed back a few stray locks damp with water dripping from them. Jack’s heart plummeted and his fear escalated as he scrambled to get away while Cahal followed a leisurely pace.
“So pathetic, you really are a liability to them you know.” Suddenly the entire world seemed to drop from view and he found himself back in the cavern with Cahal, the seaweed curled tightly around his wrists, binding him in one place no matter how hard he tugged. Cahal’s soft laughter only made him struggle harder and terror rose in him. He opened his mouth, at first nothing seemed to come out, but then he couldn’t help but scream the name of the one he needed the most. Whose protection and presence he had unwittingly come to rely so heavily on.

A warm hand on his shoulder shook him awake. Jack’s eyes flew open, his heart pounding in his throat. He couldn’t scream even if he wanted to though he felt a bit calmer when he realized it was Pitch who was in the room, worry shining in the golden orbs. Jack clutched one hand against his heart, willing his breathing to slow and for himself to calm as he realized it was just a dream, a nightmare, nothing more. He was safe in North’s Workshop. Cahal had been locked up and thawed out. He had no reason to fear the other, but as he sighed he knew that it would be a while before he’d sleep well on his own. Not that he really needed sleep, but sometimes it was good, but not when it was full of nightmares of what had been.
“How long have you been having these nightmares?” Jack shrugged a little. He wasn’t sure exactly when they had started, but they sure as heck were persistent. Even with the threat of of Cahal removed as well as that of the the Shadows. It was almost impossibly too good to be true. The Shadows, the despicable creatures that had plagued many for so long were now completely gone. No one would ever have to worry about them, not that bad dreams would stay away, but at least they would be so much less terrifying. He felt bruised, but then again he’d always felt that after someone had walked through him; he wasn’t sure if it was all in his mind or just a consequence of having someone actually move through him. He didn’t fell entirely visible, but that wasn’t a new feeling, though the feeling of Pitch’s hand on his shoulder was still so real even though he’d lost the sensation when he’d bolted up. Jack wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do about the nightmares, it wasn’t like he could just wish them away... and had Pitch heard him? Had he really cried out? He wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer to that.

“It’s nothing, honest.” He added when he saw the look that Pitch was giving him. He really didn’t want a big deal to be made out of something as simple as a dream, even if it was a nightmare.
“Is this part of what you’ve been going through, along with the flashbacks, nightmares?” Jack was silent for a moment.
“You know, you wanted me afraid of Cahal. Don’t deny it, it was in your tone when you warned me. Am I afraid enough now?” He all but snapped, he was sure that Pitch didn’t deserve his anger, he had no reason to be angry, but he was. Pitch flinched back.
“I didn’t want this.” He said quietly, Jack laughed; not because it was funny, but because he was afraid that if he didn’t he’d become hysterical again and break down into tears.
“But that was your aim, to make me afraid.”
“Jack, you’ve just had a nightmare.” Pitch said, too calmly for Jack.
“I don’t want your comfort!” He snapped.
“Then what do you want?” He hated this, Jack hated the way he was acting, but right now he couldn’t think straight through the fear and anger he was feeling. He couldn’t control all this anymore.
“For it to not have happened! That’s not going to happen though is it?” Pitch frowned at him then, his expression becoming darker all of the sudden.
“This is an awful lot of fuss for something that is nothing.” Jack wasn’t sure how to respond to that for a moment, he swore Tooth was going to chew him out later for grinding his teeth. He narrowed his eyes at Pitch.
“Get out.”
“You were calling for me.” He replied smoothly. It did nothing to soothe Jack’s anger.
“I’m not calling for you now am I? Get out. I do not want to talk about this.” Pitch’s eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn’t seem angry at him. More like he was thinking of something before he moved towards the door. Jack suddenly felt fear replace his anger all at once, he didn’t want Pitch to go. He didn’t want to need to be around anyone, but he knew he needed Pitch. Even if he didn’t say so to himself. Pitch paused near the door and turned to glance over his shoulder.
“This is only normal. If you need me you know where to find me. I’ll come back later to check on you.” Jack felt a surge of relief.
“You will?” Later, maybe later he would have more control over himself. Later could be good.
“Of course.” With that, Pitch stepped out and closed the door behind him. Jack sank back into the bed, Pitch was going to give him space; it wasn’t space he wanted, but he had to admit he sorely needed it. Well, a little space wouldn’t hurt.

It was while he was pilfering some candy canes from a tree that North found him a little before noon.
“Is good to see you about, Jack. Yeti are making more for you.” He said, nodding towards the candy canes that Jack held. Jack stuck one his mouth a moment, sticking the others in his pocket. He pulled the sweet out long enough to ask.
“Are we going to talk about it?” He knew that North would want to talk to him about what had happened, especially now that he knew. Jack knew that he would need to talk about it some time.
“Are you wanting to talk about it?” North asked, instead of answering. Well, the question was an answer in itself, sort of. Jack shook his head, he wasn’t ready to talk.
“I am so sorry Jack.” Jack raised an eyebrow.
“Isn’t this talking about it?”
“Not exactly, this is something I am talking. You can choose not to talk or to listen. I am having things I want to say. I make quick, I promise.” Jack stuck the candy cane back in his mouth again. North took it as a sign of acceptance and continued on.
“You be staying? Wonderful! What I have say is this: I cannot pretend to understand what you went through or has been like for you. Not even recent events. I am knowing only the sides you let me see and only understanding tiny bits. What I do understand gives me feeling that I have to explain: You did nothing wrong Jack. Not even little.” Jack snapped the candy cane he was enjoying, half of it was in his mouth, the other in his hand. He removed it after a moment of realizing what he’d done.
“I messed up. I should have taken Pitch’s warning more seriously.”
“Is hard to take Pitch seriously. Especially after what he did last year, it is still fresh in everyone’s minds.”
“This is an awful lot like talking about it.” Jack said after a moment before sticking the broken head of the candy cane into his mouth and crunching it. North just sighed a little, that seemed to be a common thing these days, either he was the one doing it or it was someone else. North left him on his own then, he had said it would be quick and the Guardian’s word was good but Jack hadn’t expected it to be that short. Days slowly ticked by and Jack fell into an easy routine, going out in the mornings to spread snow or touch up some areas before returning to either pester the elves or watch the yetis work. He’d glimpse Pitch at times, often with a book in hand; sometimes Bunnymund, Sandy or Tooth would drop in, but he still couldn’t talk to any of them about what had happened and they didn’t push. Some mornings Jack woke up on his own, others it was because Pitch had pulled him from a nightmare. It was always the same dream and no matter how many times he had it, he still felt fresh fear. As much as he wanted to be with Pitch he also found that just thinking about it for too long would cause fear to curl up inside his stomach. He hated it every time it happened. This should have been over with when Cahal was defeated, but it wasn’t; he still had nightmares and still could feel the unwanted touch if someone so much as accidentally brushed against him wrong. The longer this went on the worse he felt, the guilt for feeling this way when he knew, knew, that those whose touch he was shying away from would never hurt him in a million years... that they would die first before they hurt him. Knowing that didn’t help, nothing seemed to.

Jack angrily paced his room, his staff was against the wall out of his reach so he wouldn't be tempted to accidentally destroy the room with his frost in his frustration. He didn’t notice that the door opened and closed, he was so wrapped up in it that he was startled when he heard someone clearing their throat. He paused and looked up, it was Bunnymund; he stood with his paws crossed before him and an expression that seemed to say ‘well?’ Jack frowned at him.
“What do you want?” He wasn’t in the mood to put up with the Pooka’s incessant teasing.
“Mate you gonna wear a ditch in that floor pacin’ like that.” Jack crossed his arms.
“Is that so?”
“Right then. I know ya frustrated but ya need to lay off yourself. These things take time mate. Can’t make Easter in a single day, ya can’t expect to heal from that sort of thin’ so easy neither.”
“You make Easter in a week. It’s been longer than a week since this happened.” The Pooka shook his head.
“Ya missin’ the point. That bloke scarred you bad, an’ scars don’t fade over weeks or months. They take years.”
“I don’t want this to take years Bunny. I’m tired of seeing everyone’s reactions, of being thrust back to that time in flashbacks every time someone slips up. I am sick of not being able to let someone give me a hug when I need one! It’s not fair! To anyone!” Bunny simply listened to him without interruption. It wasn’t like the Pooka to be so patient and understanding with him, but seeing him trying to be cooled Jack’s anger because the Pooka really was trying so hard to be the friend to Jack he said he was. Jack sighed.
“I’m sorry, I know that this isn’t your fault or anything. I shouldn’t be taking this out on you.”
“It’s what I’m here for mate. Your center is changing.” Jack blinked in surprise.
“Is that even possible?” Bunny nodded.
“It don’t happen often, but yeah.” Jack considered it, was that maybe why he didn’t feel the same urge to play with the kids as before? He was just glad that Jamie didn’t have to see this side of him; it was summer in Burgess now and Jack was glad for the excuse to stay away from the place though he had visited it during the evening just to make sure his lake didn’t thaw out.
“I reckon you feel all outta sorts, considering ya didn’t have a center waitin’ to take the place of the other. Before I became the Easter Bunny I was into all sorts of things, including the magic of centers.”
“I thought we were born with them.”
“Ya are mate, everyone is but that don’t mean they can’t change if the need is great enough. Considerin’ all ya been through it’s not a wonder it is changin’. It’s not makin’ your healin’ any faster though.”
“So... what do I do then? Just wait for it to happen? For a new center?”
“Ya can, or ya can influence one by searchin’ out things related to it.” Jack thought about that a moment before nodding.
“Thanks for the advice.”
“Anytime, an’ one more thing mate.” Jack looked at him questioningly.
“Somethin’ that’s worth fightin’ for ain’t always easy. Sometimes it’s worth it ‘cause gettin’ it is hard.” As the Pooka left Jack with his thoughts, he wondered when the rabbit had gotten so wise, or had he always been and Jack just hadn’t noticed?

Later that evening Jack found himself perched on the armrest of the chair Pitch was sitting in. Jack was watching him read a book, the silence was companionable, but Jack wanted mored. He wanted things to be back they way they had been. Before he could stop himself, he’d gently brushed a finger along Pitch’s cheek, the motion made Pitch pause in his reading and glance over at Jack. He set the book on the small table nearby.
“Jack?” Jack didn’t say anything as he shifted, he gently wound his arms around Pitch’s neck and pressed his lips gently against Pitch’s. It was a chaste kiss and he found that the fears in the back of his mind stayed there and were quiet, or at least as quiet as they had always been; Pitch didn’t move, but he did return the kiss. Jack sighed softly as he dared to deepen the kiss, how he’d missed this. He tentatively darted his tongue in and out of Pitch’s mouth, a sound of delight coming from him at the familiar warmth, the taste of cinnamon and bitter sweetness that was Pitch. The water fae hadn’t had the time to ruin this for him, though he’d had no doubt at the time that he’d meant to; that he’d meant to destroy everything. Jack didn’t think about that though as Pitch’s hands lightly came to rest on his shoulders, he didn’t flinch; he needed this. He felt a tinge of fear begin when one of Pitch’s hands brushed the back of his neck, but he shook it off in his mind quickly. He felt dizzy for a moment with fear when he felt Pitch’s hands drag down his back, Pitch stilled and Jack recovered after a moment of fighting against it. He leaned back to look at Jack.
“No, you don’t have to stop. I.. we can do this...” Pitch didn’t seem as sure. Jack knew that doing this was like walking into a minefield, but he needed this. He wanted this.
“Will you let me see them?” He asked quietly.
“I... I don’t... I’m not ready for that.” Jack said after a moment. He didn’t want Pitch to see the scars, his wounds had healed, but the bite of a waterhorse was poison and it always left a scar on any survivor. Jack wasn’t ready for that because he feared what Pitch would think when he saw them.
“Because it will make it real? Because it is part of something you won’t talk to me about?” Jack shifted, feeling uneasy. He leaned back a bit, but Pitch held him in his grip, not about to let him go. He pressed his lips against the corner of Jack’s neck, lightly nipping at the sensitive skin, causing Jack to shiver. The sensation left Jack weak and wanting more, he slide a hand beneath Pitch’s robes, closing his eyes as he simply let himself feel. It seemed like it’d been an eternity since he had felt like this. Pitch pulled away slightly to look at him.

“Jack.” It was as much of a question as a whispered statement.
“I.. please...”
“You’re scared Jack, more than normal.”
“I know, I just... you want me to share my scars but they’re not just physical and- I don’t want to wait forever for this... I don’t know if I can do this but I have to- want to try. I can’t just not- I need to-” Pitch cut him off with a gentle kiss. Jack was certain that he might pull away again, but was pleasantly surprised when instead, Pitch picked him up and moved over to the bed, setting them both down. Jack clung to him dizzily, despite his fears he wanted to share this with Pitch.


Pitch tossed the towel aside to press a passionate kiss to Jack’s lips. They stayed locked like that for a moment before Pitch withdrew to settle next to him. Jack’s heart was pounding, he was still afraid, but it wasn’t like it had been the first few days. He nearly sighed when he realized they were both still fully clothed, he wanted to offer Pitch more, but he didn’t know how and wasn’t sure he could at this point. Pitch shifted to lazily drape one of his legs over Jack’s at least that hadn’t been ruined because it hadn’t happened before. Sad as he was that he couldn’t offer more, Jack felt more comfortable than he remembered since when he’d returned.
“Perhaps you should see Sandman.” Pitch said after a moment.
“What for?”
“Good dreams might help you. Just as bad ones can damage you, good dreams could help you deal with the scars you have on the inside.” Jack nodded, thoughtful. He didn’t like bothering the golden Guardian because Jack knew how hard he worked, but for something like this... well, it wouldn’t hurt to ask. He knew that he could tell Sandy anything and the other Guardian wouldn’t judge. Maybe that’s why he found it so easy to get along with the Guardian of Dreams; he didn’t want to talk about the incident, not even to Sandy, but he knew that there was a higher cost to keeping it to himself.
“When I had the scarf, I kept thinking... sometimes hoping that it wouldn’t work. That maybe you’d see past it anyway and see the fear and understand.” Pitch’s expression was one of pure surprise when Jack glanced at him.
“I didn’t know that.” Jack sighed a little.
“I also didn’t want you to know, I didn’t want it to hurt either of us really, but I just felt trapped. Caught between wanting to tell you and the fear of telling you.” Pitch drew him close, holding onto him suddenly like it was the last thing he’d ever do. Jack felt a twinge of discomfort at how tight he was being held, but he said nothing about it. When he thought to though shock went through him as he realized that Pitch was shaking.
“It terrifies me... the thought of losing you. I know that there are casualties of war, but I don’t want you to be that, I want you separate from all that.” Jack wasn’t sure what to say. He wrapped his arms around Pitch, lightly rubbing his back and Pitch’s grip loosened slightly then; easing the discomfort, but he didn’t let go. Jack let him hold him close, ignoring the images that tried to push their way into his mind. Pitch needed him and that was more important, he was surprised a little at how easy it was to forget the event even occurred when Pitch was like this, shaking from fear and needed Jack to comfort him, to protect him.
Beware of dragons for you are small & tasty.I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb
Love maybe love, but there's no excuse for the ignorance.
RIP HiddenMystic 2024, you will be missed.

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Re: Black Ice

Post by Syth »

Chapter 17: Place of Our Own
It was some time just before sunrise, Jack wondered if Sandy would even be present in the sand cloud that hung over the workshop; now that Jack stopped to think about it he’d seen Sandy’s cloud hanging over the workshop the last month or so. He shook off the thought as he alighted on the golden cloud that was almost as wide as the workshop itself. Jack glanced around, but it was just him and Sandy. Sandy lounged on a beanbag chair of sand, when he saw Jack he smiled and beckoned him forward. A snowflake and a smiley face appearing above his hand.
“I’m glad to see you too.” Jack said, returning the smile as the little Guardian bounced lightly from his seat and gestured to a cloud chair nearby but Jack shook his head and the chair disappeared.
“I actually have something I wanted to talk to you about.” A question mark appeared above Sandy’s head as he settled back into his seat and Jack settled down on the cloud nearby.
“Well... I’ve been having these nightmares...” Before the little Guardian could scold him, he hurried on.
“I know, I know I should have come to you before but I know you’re busy at night and I just kept forgetting during the day after things began to settle down from the war.” He winced slightly, but Sandy didn’t seem bothered.
“Pitch said you might be able to help me have better dreams, to help me heal.” At this the little Guardian looked pensive before smiling, a snowflake appeared above his head as well as the sign that humans used for medical, a caduceus, a staff with twin snakes twining it framed by wings.
“I’m... not sure how to really explain this.” Jack went on after a moment, he gathered himself because he hadn’t been able to say as much to Pitch.
“When I was with...” He paused, unable to speak the name and that caused him to clench his hands in frustration, but he went on, knowing that he needed to this out.
“With.. that Pond Spirit, he did switched his tactics... he compelled me to do... tell him what Pitch did to comfort me.... then he... pretended to comfort me.” For a long moment he couldn’t look at the other Guardian, curiosity got the best of him though and he glanced back to see that Sandy was regarding him with wide eyes; obviously he wasn’t too surprised at what Jack had said, he’d probably seen worse, but he still felt a little comfort that the other Guardian was as unhappy about that fact as much as Pitch was. Jack hurried to continue, before the other could say anything... well as much as Sandy spoke anyway.
“It’s just little things... like Pitch running his hand through my hair.... or holding my head... he can hold my hand and it not be a problem... but this affects others too... it’s why I have problems hugging.” Well, that was only partly true, it wasn’t something that had been in his nature to do often, but aside from that the incident with Cahal only gave him another reason not to. Sandy pursed his lips, obviously in deep thought or at least Jack presumed him was. After a moment, he put his hands together and Jack watched as Sandy’s dreamsand began to gather between his hands and as he moved his hands apart the ball between them grew and from their depths appeared a small snowflake on a long string. It fell to the ground and Sandy picked it up, offering it to Jack. He took the snowflake, brushing his fingers along it, it was solid despite that it still looked like it was made of Sandy’s dream sand. He looked at the little Guardian who pointed to it then made a pinching movement with his fingers before a snowflake and a bed formed above his head.
“So... you want me to squeeze this before I go to bed?” He asked, wondering if he had gotten the interpretation right. Sandy nodded with a smile. Then a bed and a smiley face appeared.
“For good dreams, right. Thank you Sandy.” The little Guardian beamed happily. Jack decided to stay with Sandy for a little while until the other Guardian started yawning and Jack had bid farewell to his friend as the first rays of the sun began to creep along the snowy land. After a moment’s consideration, Jack looped the snowflake over his head and headed off to spread some snow in the southern hemisphere.

Pitch was polishing his sword when Jack returned. The blade gleamed in the light and Jack realized there were strange symbols etched into the blade he’d thought he might have seen before but couldn’t place. Pitch glanced up, pausing in his work a moment.
“What is that? On the blade.”
“It’s the lunar alphabet.”
“Does it say anything specific?”
“May this blade strike true.” Jack was silent as he considered the words. It was a good saying for a sword.
“Nightmares aside, were there any ill effects from last night?”
“No, it was...” He paused, trying to find the right words and failing.
“I don’t regret it.” Pitch smiled slightly, obviously pleased, and Jack couldn’t help returning the smile.
“I talked to Sandy last night, about... better dreams. He gave me this.” Jack picked up the snowflake that had fallen beneath his hoodie. Pitch leaned closer to get a better look, it was only as big as a half dollar. After a moment of scrutinizing the snowflake he returned to polishing the blade. Jack was silent a moment before something occurred to him.
“It’s funny, in a way, I spent so much time looking for someone... and now I that I have someone we can’t do all the things I sort of want to be doing.” Pitch was silent as he inspected his blade a moment, but when Jack was sure he wouldn’t say anything, he spoke.
“For now, that is true. It won’t always be.” Jack nodded, smiling a little as he watched Pitch finish inspecting the sword before sheathing it.
“Where did you get that sword?”
“It was given to me when I was a golden warrior. We all had one. Its metal was made to repel the shadows.”
“That’s why I never saw you with it before then.” Pitch nodded.
“When I was possessed I couldn’t touch it for that reason.” Jack only nodded.
“Do you have any plans today?” Jack asked, hoping that maybe they could spend some time together at the workshop.
“I do actually.”
“Can I come?”
“I think I’d prefer to do this on my own. For now, but I appreciate that you want to come.” Pitch said, a slight smile still tugged at his lips.
“Yeah, okay. I guess I’ll see you later then.” Pitch nodded and stepped into the shadows in his room and was gone. Jack shook his head, not sure what he was going to do for the rest of the day to amuse himself until Pitch returned. Maybe he’d freeze a few elves or something.


Pitch stood before the two story victorian home, he hadn’t been to this place in a good long while. He had several places around the world, but he’d decided here was the best. Kostroma, it would be cool enough without being unbearably so and it was, like his other homes, secluded away from human eyes. No human could approach it or go inside without permission. He’d never given it. He wondered if that would change as he moved towards the house. He could almost smell all of the dust as soon as he began up the steps of the wide porch. It would take some work. Still, it would be worth it; he wanted it to be at its best when he brought Jack here. This was the home he intended to share with the frost spirit... If he could get Jack to stay that was. Brushing aside those thoughts he opened the door and stepped inside, he coughed a little at the dust that rose just from his footsteps. Yep, this place was going to need a lot of work. With a sigh, he decided to start with the main room and work his way up. It wasn’t an unhappy sigh, he had good reason for being here and the thought of that reason caused a smile to tug at the corners of his lips. This would be so worth it, to see the look on Jack’s face...

It was almost completely dark when Pitch returned, Jack could tell that he looked exhausted, but he didn’t ask what the former Nightmare King had been up to. He reasoned that if Pitch wanted him to know then he would tell him. When this began to become a regular thing after a few days, however, Jack became a little concerned. One night he waited for Pitch in his room, arms crossed as he sat on the bed, his staff leaning up against the wall nearby.
“Okay, spill it.” Jack said as soon as Pitch walked in. Pitch raised an eyebrow at Jack.
“What are you doing that is so exhausting? You’ve been at it for nearly a week now and it shows.”
“Don’t concern yourself on my part.” Jack jolted slightly and Pitch immediately regretted his words. He sighed.
“That wasn’t what I meant Jack. It’s just that it’s a little thing and it’s nearly done. Another day or two at the most.”
“What’s with all the secrecy?”
“You’ll see soon enough.” Jack frowned a little as Pitch joined him on the bed, covering one of Jack’s hands with his.
“I promise you it will be worth it.” Jack looked down at their hands, as if considering his words.
“Alright. I trust you.” Jack said, looking up at him again.
“Good.” Pitch leaned forward for a chaste kiss. Jack smiled a little into the kiss as he returned it. He wanted to find out where Pitch was going every day, what he was doing, but he managed to clamp down on his impatience. Apparently whatever “it” was he intended to share with Jack, but only once it was done. Jack wasn’t ever very good at patience, but he supposed that he could wait another couple days. That was Pitch’s plan after all, but sometimes even the most well intended plans didn’t go well... Pitch was considering redecorating the final room, he wanted Jack to feel welcome there, which meant changing some of the decor. It was in the middle of the final day, he figured that he might make adjustments later and the place was pretty much ready now all he had to do was take Jack there tomorrow. He set down the quill he’d been using to etch out mental exercises that were second nature to him; no sooner did he when he felt like he’d been punched in the gut. He didn’t hesitate to shove back the chair and leapt into the shadows to where he felt Jack was. There was no telling how far from the Workshop they were, but the winter spirit was huddled beneath a jagged ice glacier. He looked so forlorn that Pitch’s heart twisted.
“Jack?” Jack didn’t respond or even look at him, it was then that he realized something was different.... Jack’s skin was iced over in frost and his icy blue eyes were much brighter than normal. He was shaking too, as if from head to toe. Pitch moved towards him, kneeling at his side.
“Jack... what happened?” He wasn’t sure that something had happened, but he felt that this was important.
“Don’t... don’t tell the others.” Jack said in a shaky voice. Pitch had to wonder what it was the boy was talking about until he followed Jack’s gaze. Closer to the edge of the ice glacier was a small form huddled as if sleeping in the snow. Obviously a child, he reached out to read the child’s fears only to be met with nothing. He tried other emotions, but there was nothing but a dark cold feeling and Pitch was no stranger to this feeling; the child was dead. He looked down at Jack, the winter spirit seemed so afraid of anyone finding out what he’d done. So afraid of being rejected by the Guardians, by even Pitch.
“No Jack, I would never do that.” He said softly, hugging Jack to him. Jack closed his eyes, leaning against the warmth that Pitch offered, he was always warm. Unlike any other beings he’d ever met, even among spirits, Pitch never seemed to cool at his touch, the opposite wasn’t true though and thinking on this Jack flushed slightly. He hoped that the other spirit hadn’t picked up on where his thoughts were likely going.
“I was going to wait until tomorrow, but I think you should come with me now.” Jack blinked, his eyes had become normal and the frost was starting to fall off of him, although it didn’t so much melt as just fall off like discarded skin.
“I think we will need to talk, but it can wait.” Jack nodded a little, he would have had to tell Pitch eventually.... Before he could think to finish the thought, Pitch had whisked them into the shadows, Jack found traveling through the shadows disorienting. When the world stopped spinning when they came out, Jack still swayed slightly, but Pitch kept a firm grip on him to keep him from falling. Jack blinked when he saw the victorian home before him, he had no idea where they were. A swing on the porch swayed gently with the breeze, it wasn’t as cold as the North Pole, but it was cool enough that Jack didn’t feel uncomfortable. On the second story was a wide balcony, two chairs were set off to one side that he could see and beyond that was a pair of glass doors that led to the room beyond.
“Where are we?” Jack asked, the home was painted a deep navy blue on the outside, the windows were bordered with white. Soft white curtains beyond them kept him from fully peeking into the house and he found that he was rather charmed by the place.
“Kostroma, over the years the Nightmare King had several homes on the surface for various purposes. This one I made my own some time ago. Come.” He started up the steps and went inside, holding the door open for Jack who floated into the door, child-like wonder on his features as he entered to see a fireplace in the main room, currently unlit but ready for use. On the mantle was a soft white cloth, on it were some antiques; a clock that looked like it shouldn’t be running in this day and age was surrounded by delicate painted horses of varying colors. Before the fireplace was a love seat, there was also a rug that had rich blues etched into patterns along with gold, silver and red on a black background. There were two chairs off to one side, framed by oak bookcases that held a variety of titles, some ancient and some more recent. To his left was a staircase next to a doorway, Jack could see that the doorway led to a small kitchen and had no interest in it, but he did wonder what was up stairs. Curiously, he began floating in that direction, unaware that Pitch was watching him closely, though he was aware that Pitch followed him on the stairs to the second floor. The banister for the staircase, Jack realized, had been carved with curling and swirling patterns; he found it quite enchanting. He also noticed that the doors had various carvings as well. Mostly just patterns, two of the rooms on his right were just guest rooms, only one of which actually contained a bed that was draped in blue and white sheets. The other had been made into a study, an oak desk dominated the middle of the room bookcases all along the walls were crammed with books. On the desk itself a bottle of ink and a quill lay ready for use. Jack could already imagine coming in to this room to watch Pitch work or perhaps tease him into leaving work behind for a little bit of fun. Jack floated out of the study to find himself faced with the largest room yet; the only room he had yet to go into. The patterns on the wood of this door caught his eye because they were unlike any of the others. It looked a lot like swirls of Sandy’s dreamsand curling about snowflakes. The snowflakes had been delicately painted a soft blue white, but that was the only thing painted on the door itself though the “sand” swirls seemed to have been coated with polish, giving them a darker and shinier appearance that made it stand out. Jack hesitated, tracing the design in pure wonder. Why would this be on the door? He glanced back questioningly at Pitch, but the other didn’t reply, simply watching. Jack sighed a little when he realized Pitch wasn’t going to give him an answer yet, if at all, and turned to open the door. The room was simple, but elegant. The doors to the balcony he’d seen outside were to the far right, a couple of bookcases filled with books were sitting a few feet from the balcony doors. Though it struck Jack as odd that none of the books seemed to have any sort of title on their binding and he just chalked it up to the books being so old that they didn’t have titles on the side.

On the far left hung a beautiful tapestry of a winter scene. Jack floated over to it immediately, he didn’t touch it, but he closely inspected the scene that depicted a town in winter, cheerful adults waving to each other as they went about their lives while children happily built snowmen, threw snowballs or were skating on a nearby lake. Jack had no idea how old this tapestry had to be, but it was beautiful and he couldn’t help the wonder that shone in his eyes as he looked at it a long time before turning from it to see that there was a wooden wardrobe nestled in the corner of the room. A large persian rug, which Jack instantly recognized, was laid out in the middle of the room just before a massive oak bed. The bed itself was a work of art, patterns etched in great detail along the canopy columns, some of the etchings were random patterns, but here and there he saw butterflies and snowflakes etched between the patterns. The silk sheets on the bed were a deep green and blue. The pillows themselves were black. After a moment of staring, Jack landed lightly on the wooden floor, a little surprised at first to find that the floor wasn’t as cold as it likely should have been, of course like all the other rooms there was a fireplace in this one too as a means of heating the room during the coldest of weather. After a moment of studying the bed for a long moment, he moved to the side to touch the silk, as if curious about it before slowly turning to Pitch.
“This is... incredible... but... why bring me here?”
“Because I want this place to be ours.” Jack would have fell to the floor if he hadn’t landed earlier, shock rushing through him replaced by a sudden surge of hope.
“Ours?” He barely dared whisper the word. Pitch laced his fingers with one of Jack’s hands.
“Yes. I know you don’t normally stay in one place a lot of the time, but I wanted this to be a place you could call home. A place where we can be together.” Jack didn’t know what to say. He had only dared hoped to one day find a place, but Pitch had done all this.... A smile split his features, though he was hardly aware of it; Pitch smiled back, his heart warming at the sight. It was such a rare thing nowadays to see Jack smile and to see the pure pleasure in the winter spirit’s eyes made his heart warm.
“I... don’t know what to say.” Jack finally admitted.
“Just say you’ll stay here with me, if only sometimes.” Pitch replied after a moment.
“Of course I will.” Jack replied as he moved forward, he wrapped his arms around Pitch, hugging him tightly. He was so happy that he didn’t feel any inkling of a ghost of fear as Pitch returned the embrace.
Beware of dragons for you are small & tasty.I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb
Love maybe love, but there's no excuse for the ignorance.
RIP HiddenMystic 2024, you will be missed.

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Re: Black Ice

Post by Syth »

Chapter 18: For the Want of More
Pitch said nothing, but he felt content, even a little happy because he knew that this was a small sign that Jack was getting better. Perhaps soon the nightmares that plagued the young boy would be no more and of course none of the nightmares were due to Pitch’s Nightmares. Though he still sent them out every evening to spread a little fear, it was no where near what he had commanded of them the year that Jack had become a Guardian. That it never would be again was something he would never admit to. As Jack lay his head against Pitch, he couldn’t help be reminded of what Pitch had said about this place once being a home to the Nightmare King. That led to remembering what had happened to him, fear spiked through him suddenly, remembering that moment would likely always do so; Pitch’s arms tightened slightly.
“Are they really gone? The Shadows?”
“Yes. No more of them exist.”
“How can you be sure?” Pitch nearly sighed at the uncertainty he heard in the question.
“The Shadows that overtook me were the last of their kind. You and the other Guardians destroyed a good deal of them, those that were torn from me were the very last. I didn’t have the strength to make more of them until recently, but by then I had no intention of doing so and shortly after that they were taken from me.” Pitch buried his head against Jack’s shoulder, Jack held him all the closer; knowing that Pitch still blamed himself for what had happened. At one point, Jack had as well, but he knew better.
“Hey, it’s okay.” He gently threaded one of his hands into Pitch’s hair in a soothing gesture, not unlike the one he wished Pitch could do; the one that monster had ruined.
“It’s not your fault. I know it as much as you.” Pitch said nothing, but he seemed to relax after a moment. After a moment, Jack pulled back to look at Pitch.
“I want... more.” Pitch took a deep breath, but Jack continued before he could speak.
“I can’t be around you and not remember what once was or not want it. I want more, and I don’t care if it’s too soon. I don’t care if I’m not ready. I still want it, I still miss it; I miss everything that we’d had.” Jack had no idea what he was asking for, but at the same time he couldn’t care less, his heart racing like a rabbit at the look that Pitch was giving him at that moment.
“What do you want?” He asked softly, Jack felt his breath hitch.
“Everything... which I obviously can’t do.” He said, a little shakily.
“Not everything,” Pitch agreed. “but maybe something.” His lips curling a knowing smirk that sent tiny chills of pleasure racing through Jack.
“Um...” It was all Jack said when he felt Pitch’s hands slide around his waist at the hem of his sweatshirt. Pitch seemed amused as he met Jack’s gaze.
“Flustered? You don’t seem terrified.” Jack could only nod in agreement before saying suddenly.
“I... don’t want you to see them.” Pitch frowned a little at this, but only for a moment before his eyes lit up as an idea seemed to occur to him.
“This calls for some innovation then.” He pulled away from Jack who shifted a little, wondering what it was Pitch was thinking as he saw him rummaging in a drawer in the wardrobe. When Pitch turned back he had a long strip of black cloth in his hands. He seemed to look at it for a moment, as if coming to some sort of a decision before he moved back over to Jack and knelt before him, the cloth in hand.
“Um... what are you doing?” Pitch wrapped the cloth around his eyes, securing it.
“I cannot see them, but perhaps you would let me touch.” Jack’s eyes grew wide as he realized what Pitch meant. After a moment he nodded a little, sliding one hand through Pitch’s hair, feeling a bit more confident when he leaned into Jack’s hand.
“Okay, yeah... this could be good.” Jack murmured after a moment. Pitch slid his hands along Jack’s legs back to his hips, he didn’t slip his hands beneath the sweatshirt, pausing.
“Would you take it off?” Jack hesitated a moment before pulling the material over his head and dropping it next to the bed. He didn’t want Pitch to touch his scars, he even refused to look at them himself, but he realized that he needed this. Even if it could go very badly, he needed to take this step if he wanted to be close to Pitch again; how could they ever regain that if he didn’t take risks? It was such a small one anyway, just another step, he told himself.

“Your fears are steel and royal blue, did you know?” Pitch said softly, Jack wondered for a moment if all fears came in colors, he hadn’t really asked Pitch about that.
“They’re deepening, it’s like watching the night sky before a storm. I can see that this is difficult for you.” Jack swallowed, Pitch’s hands lightly slid along the top of his hipbones, stroking his skin and igniting tiny flames; Jack nearly jumped, but he settled at the sound of Pitch’s gentle murmurings of assurance. He closed his eyes as he let out a nervous breath, but he didn’t move as Pitch’s fingers slowly slid along his skin. Pitch seemed to freeze for a moment when his fingers met the scar tissue where Cahal had taken a bite out of him. It was the worst scar, it hadn’t healed well thanks to the natural poisons that had been in the water spirit’s bite. Even with care, it hadn’t healed as well as it could have. Jack let out a shuddered breath as Pitch’s hands continued upward, delicately tracing the scar. As much as Jack didn’t want Pitch to know, he couldn’t pull himself away either.
“Let me take the blindfold off.”
Don’t.” Jack’s fear spiked and Pitch said nothing for a moment as he traced the scar.
“This is bad. It’s worse than I-”
“Don’t.” Jack said again, his voice shaking and Pitch said nothing more though his brow creased in concern. A little pressure from Pitch’s hands encouraged him to turn and Pitch slid his hands along his back, the touch still as light and gentle as before as he traced the scar around to his back.
“This did not heal well. None of this did.”
“No, there was poison in it.” He couldn’t bring himself to say the word “bite” but he knew he didn’t need to.
“This is... huge.” Pitch murmured as he finished tracing the scar. He shifted to slide his hands along the rest of Jack’s torso, the skin unmarked and smooth. Jack jolted away though when Pitch’s right hand skimmed near the scar that Cahal had left from biting him while in human form. His body reminding him of the pain and the verbal taunts.
“It’s okay Jack, it’s okay.” Pitch murmured gently.
“Guess I don’t really like that one.” Jack said, shaking a little as if from the cold, but how could a winter spirit still feel cold?
“I can tell.” It was all Pitch said, his hands resting at his side where he knelt. He hadn’t moved, hadn’t tried to follow Jack when he’d taken a step back.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“We don’t have to.” Jack felt a little better, he moved back over to Pitch and reached down to take one of Pitch’s hands in his; Pitch slid his fingers between Jack’s. He swallowed, still nervous, he guided the hand to rest below the bite on his shoulder. Pitch took a deep breath before touching the scar, as if knowing where it was. Jack gritted teeth despite how delicate and light the touch was, Pitch traced it, learning its shape; never once putting any real pressure to it. When a sound of protest rose in Jack’s throat Pitch’s hand slid from the scar to his shoulder and down his arm gently. Jack closed his eyes, the feel of Pitch’s hands was so familiar; his fears forgotten as small shivers of pleasure followed the touch. Jack felt his breath catch in his throat when Pitch leaned forward, his breadth teasing Jack’s skin before he pressed his lips to the base of Jack’s spine. Jack sighed with the pleasure of it that slid over him like a blanket. It felt so warm, so good. He traced every inch of Jack’s back with his lips, skirting the smaller scar, that he knew made Jack uncomfortable, before trailing back down the other side. When he came to the larger side he traced it with his tongue, causing Jack to groan, though whether he actually liked it or not he wasn’t entirely sure.
“You and scars, I swear...” Jack murmured, electing a small chuckle from Pitch.
“You wearing them, having survived.” The words made Jack smile slightly; Pitch’s way of looking at the world was, he realized, more grounded than his own. Then again Pitch had lived far longer.
“I want more too.” The admission sent a shaft of pleasure from Jack’s toes all the way to his stomach where it settled nicely.


“Are you... okay?” He asked after a moment, recalling what Pitch had said about his fear giving him headaches.
“It’s considerably more fear than I’m used to, but yes.” His voice was husky from the pleasure still.
“Are you okay?” He shifted to meet Jack’s eyes as he waited for an answer. Jack thought about that a moment, weighing what he felt and what he’d thought he’d felt, the two were more different than he’d expected. He shifted so that he was on the bed properly and Pitch could crawl onto it with him, he kicked his pants off his ankles to get more comfortable as he lay next to Pitch, hardly feeling self-conscious.
“I want to get better. I want things to be easier, I want you to be able to put your hand through my hair.” He said after a long moment of silence.
“It’s getting easier and you are getting better.” Pitch replied as he lay one arm across Jack, pulling him close possessively.
“It was never easy though, was it? Right from the beginning I was afraid.” Pitch nodded.
“Yes, you were afraid even then.” Jack sighed inwardly, it bothered him that even if he continued to corde the grip Cahal’s actions had on him, there was an older more ancient fear within that would hamper their relationship.
“I want things to be easier, I know it might sound stupid, but I just don’t want to feel like this all the time. To have this fear. I guess you find that odd, considering that is your center.”
“Not at all. I want it as well.” Jack didn’t find the answer unusual only because he began to wonder if that really was true. Bunny had said that centers could change, was it possible that Pitch’s had changed, like his? If that were true, then what would his new center be? Jack still didn’t know what his own was changing to.

“You said no humans can come here, but what about the other Guardians?”
“I imagine that they could, but I doubt they would know of this place, or if they do they don’t concern themselves with it. That reminds me, I have something of yours.” Jack raised an eyebrow at him until Pitch withdrew the ornament communicator from his robes.
“Ah... I’d forgotten about that.”
“It fell with the scarf. I almost didn’t notice it.”
“Ah... well North wanted me to be able to contact them in case of an emergency or if something was up but wasn’t a call for the emergency lights.” Jack said, taking the ornament and turning it over in his hands a moment before setting it beneath the pillow he lay on. Jack was content to just lay there forever, the scent of Pitch and what they’d done was still saturating the nearby air and it grounded him; made him feel like he was a part of something important. It was a nice reminder of what they had. What Jack had never thought he would find, ever. He was no innocent, he’d seen what adults did in the dark of their bedroom, though he hadn’t done it more than once. It was when he’d still been naive and hadn’t know what sex was. Afterwards doing that made him feel like he was disturbing their privacy and so he’d refrained from peeking into bedrooms of adults after that. Jack knew that eventually he would have to go back to the workshop, but for now he didn’t care; he just wanted to stay here with Pitch, in the house that held his lover’s heart and where he would stay himself. This house would be their home, something he didn’t need or intend to share with anyone else. Jack had drifted to sleep for a while, for once forgetting to squeeze the snowflake but no nightmares came to haunt him. When he awoke he found that Pitch was watching him.
“Hrmmm?” Came the sleepy response.
“You do realize you took off my blindfold, don’t you?” Jack stiffened, his eyes going wide as he realized Pitch was right.
“I... forgot.” He murmured, but he didn’t feel like he thought he’d might. In fact, he felt the tension slowly fade and he relaxed again.
“I suppose you were ready for more than you thought.”
“Huh... guess I am getting better.” He said, the instant fear fading with the tension. It was pointless to cover up the scars now.
“I forgot myself honestly. I had other things to pay attention to at the time.” Jack couldn’t stop the smile that tugged at his lips as he flushed.
“Yeah... there was that.” Pitch slipped his fingers between Jack’s, he looked down at their entwined hands as Pitch gently squeezed. He squeezed back, hope fluttering inside his heart, maybe they could have what they’d once had, again.
“We should probably go back.” Jack said, though he was reluctant to move. Pitch only nodded.
Beware of dragons for you are small & tasty.I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb
Love maybe love, but there's no excuse for the ignorance.
RIP HiddenMystic 2024, you will be missed.

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