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Re: Advisor News

Post by Ruffian75 »

Tinni had cancer for how long? Most of her life? I had NO IDEA that Tinni had been so ill for so long! Or that she was ill at all; her posts did not reveal anything, at least not the ones I have seen. She had to be one brave lady to be the nice and active person she was right up until the end.

My only regret is that I never met her in RL and now I never can. So sad...

She will be missed.

R.I.P., Tinni.
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Re: Advisor News

Post by Fin »

“In one of those stars I shall be living. In one of them I shall be laughing. And so it will be as if all the stars were laughing, when you look at the sky at night....”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

Rest in Peace Tinni ...
Tonight i will light a candle for you and will look into the sky. And thank you for your kindness and helpfulness over all the years. We always will remember you ...

My thoughts and compassion are with her family.
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Re: Advisor News

Post by Serianna »

May her family have my prayers. Yes, she had been battling it for a long time. I remember her telling me when I use to play often here. We use to talk a lot about life. She will be sorely missed.

A big hug to her family and to Crooks <3

-- Seri
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Re: Advisor News

Post by MaighdeanDubh »

That's a shame. R.I.P Tinni
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Re: Advisor News

Post by ShadowVixen »

I had no idea Tinni had cancer. While I didn't really talk to her the site isn't going to feel the same without her.
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Re: Advisor News

Post by Khricket »

R I P tinni I've named one of the Less in her name and the lineage will continue in her memory. Sadly we are now tinni Less
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Re: Advisor News

Post by Mysfytt »

I just took Tinni of my gifting list so I don't accidentally send her something...and it has just hit home that she isn't there any more - sad *cries*.
I am so excited...- ImageWheeeeeeee!
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Re: Advisor News

Post by Leorobin »

Tinni will be missed. R.I.P v.v
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Re: Advisor News

Post by mulan »

R.I.P. Tinni, my condolences to her family
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Re: Advisor News

Post by xmands »

I had absolutely no idea. My interactions with her were few and limited, but she was always exceptionally kind towards me and was always thinking of others. Such a tragic loss, may she find peace <3
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