The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Update!

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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by DrBeansMD »

Good day all, I suppose you know the purpose of this post, so I will cut to the chase.

I am Currently: Searching for one or more 1x1 or small group RP partners

The Nitty Gritty

What I am looking for:
1.Anyone wishing to join an RP with me must be able to write. This means nothing less than two paragraphs of 3+ sentences each. While I can carry a story by myself, if I wanted to do that I would just write a story on my own.

2. You must be willing to talk to me. Please don't disappear without a trace and leave me out in the cold.

3. Profanities may be used when appropriate, but have some taste. You should not be dropping the f-bomb every other sentence.

4. I'd prefer not to RP with anyone younger than seventeen. Sixteen is iffy, but if you can make a good argument I may take this request with a grain of salt. It is mainly personal preference on my part regarding maturity. I understand there are some very mature people out there that are younger than seventeen, I was one of them, but I have come to find that most are not.
My Style:
I usually write 3-4 paragraphs at a time, most of it is not dialogue. When I start an RP I try to just start with characters and a setting/theme, before coming up with a plot line. I am ok with using prompts, but find if they are too specific then I get bored easily and no longer have a desire to continue. I can write for a variety of different character styles and types, as well as many different genres. I am open to using email, pm, or a Magistream private stage thread for the actual RP. I usually log onto this site at least once a day if not more.

Genres and Fandoms I enjoy (with explanations):
1. High Fantasy (Things like dragons, elves, dwarves, etc.)
Fandoms: Tolkien( :t-swoon: ), Magistream, Narnia, Eragon, possibly open to others
2. Science Fiction (Space 'n' Stuff, or future-y stuff)
Fandoms: Star Trek (TNG or TOS), Fringe
3. Historical Fiction (Self explanatory?)
Examples: Cold War, Stone Age, Industrial Revolution, WWII, etc.
Things you COULD persuade me to do (better have a good argument, though):
1. Animal based (Normal or in some way altered)
2. Superhumans/Mutants
3. Romance: Will only be considered if the other player plays the lead role in the relationship. I don't have a lot of experience writing romance, and find it hard to get into, mostly because it is a very abstract concept that is difficult for my analytical mind to grasp. This same warning applies to romance added as a side plot to any other story.
Things I won't touch with a ten-foot pole:
1. Vampires and/or Werewolves. Sorry, they're overdone.
2. Warrior Cats. I quit reading those books years ago.
3. High School, in any form whatsoever. I left high school for a reason, don't make me go back.
4. Steampunk. Meh.
5. Anime fandoms. I'm sorry, I just don't understand their appeal.
These are characters I have used in other RP's or my own writing that I am particularly fond of. If you see one that inspires you, or you think your character would interact well with, perhaps we can use them in our story. The sort of genre they belong to is in parenthesis next to their name.

Ballindir Arastor, Lord of the Golden Tree (High Fantasy)
Species: Elf
Gender: Male
Age: 3,612
Appearance: The Elf Himself and his armor
It is not difficult for one to find themselves lost in the gaze of the storm-grey eyes of Ballindir Arastor. There is a wisdom found there that comes only with age and experience, and Ballindir has had plenty of both. Like most Elves, his lithe body is muscular and strong without being bulky. His long, dark hair is usually tied back in some sort of braid, though the patterns and knots can differ daily. His robes are usually various shades of blue or violet, often with gold trim. He may not always wear his crown, but you will never see him without his wedding band. Even though his wife passed many centuries ago, Ballindir refuses to ever remove the gold band set with a bright sapphire, a tribute to his everlasting love for his wife, even in her death.

Personality: Ballindir is devoted to say the least. He sees himself as the protector of his people, and it pained him greatly when he failed in the case of his late wife. He still blames himself for her death, and always will. Consequently, he carries sorrow in his soul, and is no longer as carefree and joyful as he once was. Now somber and heavy-hearted, it is rare for him to laugh or even smile. But with that being said, it would not be accurate to describe him as a mean or heartless person. In fact many who have met him would describe him as kindhearted and gentle. Since his wife's passing, he has been ever more protective of his only son, much to said son's irritation.

History: Ballindir was still quite young (~800) when he met his wife to be. It was on an expedition to a far off town, sent as a messenger for his father who was then the King, when he first laid eyes on the beautiful golden-haired elleth. Her eyes were like pools of the clearest ocean waters, and her skin was fairer than a summer's day. She was of semi-noble birth, and so Ballindir's father approved of the pairing. They were happily wed within a century of their first encounter, and five hundred years later, Ballindir's father perished in battle and left the crown to his son.
The centuries passed peacefully enough, in which time a son was born to the royal family. All was well, until a fateful journey took Ballindir's beloved wife from him forever. She had gone to visit her sister in her native town, but had to cross a good stretch of wilderness in order to get there. He had done all he could to ensure her safety, sending over a score of guards to escort her there. But in the end the traveling party was ambushed in the night, and no number of armed guards could have saved her from the dark, shadowed beings that attacked them.
Ballindir was inconsolable, he had loved his wife more than even himself, and would have gladly given his life for her to live. But he was not with them that day, or perhaps things would have been different. There were days his advisors thought he would follow suit, perishing from his own grief, but still he survived. As a result, he has become cautious and overprotective, especially of his son, whose sea-blue eyes and golden hair remind him daily of the wife he failed to protect.

Likes: Riding his horse, Findulas; Strong tea with blackberry pastries for breakfast; Quiet moments of peace in his busy life; Spending time with his son, who has grown increasingly distant through the years since his mother's death.
Dislikes: Disorder, especially within his household; Flirtatious ellith, specifically when their attentions are trained on him; Stifling heat, though he doesn't mind the cold so much.

Husband/Wife/Mate: Gilraen Arastor (Deceased)
Siblings/Children: Younger brother, Bregolon Arastor; Son, Corunir Arastor.
Thrain Silverthorne (High Fantasy)
Age: 37
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Appearance: Link
Talents: Thrain is an expert blacksmith, capable of doing everything from shoeing horses, to forging swords and armor, to creating fine and magnificent works of art from metal. He is also a skilled horseman.
Personality: Thrain is the gentle giant of the village, though he still holds a deep-seated distrust of Elves. He is very kindhearted and loves children, although he is stern with them and never allows them near his forge. He never hesitates to face a threat openly. When he feels his friends or family are threatened, he will fight like mad to protect them. He isn't much for flirting or romance, but views his closest friends as his brothers and sisters. For a time, his mother encouraged him to find a wife and have a family, but she has since given up hope that her son will ever do so.
History: He was born the youngest of three brothers and raised in a village deep in the mountains. There, he learned his father's trade of smithing. Brigands and robbers were not uncommon around the mountain roads in the area, so Thrain learned how to fight when he was very young. When the time came for him to leave the mountains, he took his horse, Afia, and rode south for many days. Eventually, he settled in the town he is in today, and has become renown since for his excellent work as a smith.
Weapons: Spear and heavy shield, with a long knife for close range. Occasionally uses a sword, though not often.
Mírden Whiteoak (High Fantasy, this is my Magistream-specific character)
Species: Elf Magi
Gender: Female
Age: Not particularly old for an Elf
Appearance: Mírden, Mírden2

Personality: One would not be wrong in describing her as arrogant or headstrong, though she prefers 'confident'. She knows her limits, but is not overly cautious. Mírden is a bit of a loner, but works well with others as long as she isn't taking orders from people who do not know what they are doing. She can come across as cold and calculating, and has trouble showing emotion. She puts the needs of others before her own, which can sometimes end up being dangerous for her.

History: Mírden came to the Keep seeking sanctuary from the wars that plagued her homeland. Her mother brought her across the sea to Rone, and eventually to the Keep itself. But her mother had taken ill on the journey, and died not long after their arrival there. At the time, she was still an Elfling, and ended up being raised collectively by some of the older magi in the keep. As soon as she was old enough she began to learn to use a sword, as well as a bow and arrow. Like the other young ones at the Keep, she studied magic, and became an adept healer. When she had proven her worth in both healing and combat, she was allowed to join the Wardens, a sort of Search-and-Rescue team that the Keep has for dire situations.

Likes: Control, being useful, solitude, music, literature, riding through Silva Forest and the Alasre Mountains
Dislikes: Spoiled young magi, social gatherings, having nothing to do, children

Husband/Wife/Mate: None
Siblings/Children: None
Dr. Nikolai Rubashov (Science Fiction/Horror)
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 43
Appearance: Link
About 6'5"; dark brown hair; strong, rough hands; seldom seen without a tie on; swaps his suit jacket for a lab coat when he arrives to see patients; wears an old style fedora when he is outside; dark, analytical eyes; occasionally wears small, rectangular reading glasses

Personality: Although his job is grotesque, Dr. Rubashov does his best to be a gentleman, even to his patients and test subjects. He detests rudeness, and is known for his piano playing abilities and love of music. He isn't exactly arrogant, but he is very confident in his skills as a research scientist and physician. He has a hard time trusting others, and therefore has few friends. He always keeps a full syringe of propofol in his pocket, and a folding knife on his belt (concealed, no one knows he has it).

History: Lead scientist of a ’Not-exactly-legal’ research facility, Dr. Rubashov has his hands full, and has ever since his predecessor was killed by one of the subjects. Since then, he’s been the lead researcher and head honcho of this mostly illegal research facility.
So yeah, that's it. If you're interested or you have a question or request, please message me and we can work something out.

Last edited by DrBeansMD on June 9th, 2016, 1:32:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Kali2 »

This is my first time looking for a 1x1 partner, so if I do this application wrong forgive me.

What I'm looking for~
  • Someone who knows how to write, I may be a bit rusty but I'm trying to avoid being the only one to move the story along. Take it upon yourself to push the arc forward.
    Someone who writes a lot, 1 paragraph with 3 lines minimum.
    Someone who is on often. I am here quite a lot and enjoy a role play that has more then 1 post a day from each person, obviously this can have exceptions because people do have lives.
    Don't drop off the face of the planet.
What type of role play I am willing to do
Fantasy is a big one, the possibilities of character development aren't as limited this way.
Realistic fiction is ok.
Historical fiction I am very much open to.
Myself as a role player
I try my best to write as much as possible but I do generally type from my phone so sometimes my posts are smaller then intended.
I rarely have male characters. I am uncomfortable trying to put my mindset into that of a man and it is forced and awkward to write so I don't do that. This means I am looking for a role player who is comfortable writing with male characters. Romance is something I enjoy writing, but not immediate romance.
I am sorry if any of these specifications don't make sense I had a hard time trying to word some of these requests. Message me if you are interested.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by SleepySpaceDad »

Let me keep this short:

I'm advanced/lit. I can write a lot and well. I can handle several characters.

I'm fine with any genre (except maybe a couple. We'll figure that out when we get there.) and I tend to RP queer characters.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Isamalthea »

Howdy! :wave:
I have returned from hiatus and am ready to get back into the roleplay world!

A bit about me and how I write...

I'm a 22 year old female with 14 years of roleplay experience. I deeply enjoy plot development and writing a good story. I enjoy a good chemistry between characters(partners, rivals, associates, whatever) but I don't need a focus on romance to be happy. I enjoy action and adventure and love love love long posts. I can handle multiple characters and any gender. While I myself am heterosexual, I do not have an issue roleplaying or roleplaying with LGBT characters.

I can write at least a paragraph no matter what. My literary skills on on point.I am active at least once a day. I am disabled and take college on online, so I have a lot of free time. I am in the Central Time Zone within the USA. I'm a mature writer and put a lot of thought and creativity into my writing. It's something I deeply enjoy.

What am I interested in?
I am seeking a roleplayer that similarly mirrors my skill set and interest. Preferably someone with a more mature mindset. And, of course, a friend.

- Supernatural (Major obsession)
- GoT
- Full Metal Alchemist (Also an obsession, but I go by the manga & Brotherhood)
- Reality with a fantasy twist(Can be applied to just about everything.)

What will I not do?
- Plots that focus on romance or adult themes(Having them incorporated is lovely, but I want the focus to be on something else.)
- Gary Stu's/Mary Sue's
- Roleplays for me to play the male/female of your dreams so you can hook up with them
- Canon characters (Can be referenced to or very, very minor characters.)
- Solely animal/furry/etc based
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Kaidakuma »

Hi there! I used to roleplay here very frequently a few years back and now I'm back! For at least a good long while and I've just been dying to roleplay again.

What I want to rp:
I'm a pretty big fan of playing around with canon/main characters. So I'd love to rp with some characters from these shows/movies
Hannibal - I love this show to death. It's beautiful. This is probably the one I want to rp with the most.
Avengers - I've taken a strange liking to the pairing of Tony and Loki so I'd really like to make an rp around that.
I'm also a fan of:
Master/Pet scenarios
Mythical Creatures
Human Experiment type things
Anything you can come up with! I'm pretty open to new ideas!
As for myself I try to post around 3-4 paragraphs but maybe more or less depending on the situation. I'm very comfortable with all kinds of romance, M/F, M/M, F/F it's all good. And I'm pretty comfortable with explicit content, whether that be romance related or any other adult rated topics. I'm comfortably with gore and graphic details of trauma, depression or other mental illness.

I'm open to suggestions for plots or ideas so... PM me if you're interested! :D
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by mulan »

Looking for two 1x1 partners!

I'm searching for a 1x1 fantasy roleplay partner with moderate literacy (at least three lines per post). I don't have any real plot ideas, but I'm up for anything that has to do with dragons, wolves, faeries, or Magistream creatures. I usually like to play female characters.
I will not do:
- Anything horror-themed

I'm also looking for a semi-literate (at least three lines per post)sci-fi/romance roleplay partner. Again, I want to play the female character. My plot idea is something like this: A girl and a boy wake up in a mysterious room with four other people, and don't know how they got there. They go through a door that appears in the room, and end up in a strange utopia where everything is plentiful and nothing goes wrong, except that no one can see any of them.

I don't have anything else yet, but I thought the story could develop as we go -- but I don't want it to end up too dark! I'm fine with either of us playing several characters. I don't want there to be much fantasy (magic, wizards, ect.) in it, though, and again, no horror!

please pm. me & i'll tell you what i can do..

i wanna practice rp, pleasee
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread

Post by alyssawillome »

Post length;Just below semi-lit~Literate
Grammar;Decent, I'm good about not making grammar mistakes. However if I do it will most likely be a coma splice, which are again, rare.
Spelling; Pretty good, normally I can manage a long post with no spelling mistakes, if there are any it's normally somthing little like missing a letter(like I intentionally did to something here). If I am up late like most people the later the hour, the worse my spelling normally becomes, if I say something like "It's around ten here so I'm a bit tired." Then you can expect a spelling mistake like the little ones every once in awhile. If my spelliing isreally bad tell me to go to bed (XD).
I prefer post being at least three sentences or longer with proper grammar you may be a grammar perfectionist I don't mind, but my grammar might not be as good cause I am on an iPod with buttons smaller then my pinky nail, so go easy on me. I am fairly active and will reply in a speed based on literacy and what I have to work with, so it goes to say if you post 4-7 large in depth paragraphs it will take me at my fastest response about 1-2 hours, and at slowest two days, in something with 3 sentences to 2 paragraphs it'll take me at my fastest response time about 5-20 minutes, while in my slowest about a day. My posting time however also depends on what I have to work with, if you give me three sentences like "He exited the building and began walking to school. The school was about thirty minutes from his house so he walked at a normal pace to get there. It was so early in the morning it was still dark." Then I may take a little longer to reply to this then to reply to a four paragraph reply in another 1x1, this is because of the monster we all know as 'wb' and if I'm not given enough detail to respond to then I find it a little hard to both make a decent sized reply, or find the motivation to respond right away.

I like to rp romance into the plot, normally not keeping it the plot, there has to be a real plot. I am not afraid to fade-to-pm and am guilty of doing so. If we have some action I like a little blood but not guts everywhere okay? Good.

Characters-I perfer to play female, if I have more then one character I'll take males as well.
Romance has to be m/f I'm just not good at f/f or m/m.

Humans<Mine are normally blind to keep it interesting>++++
Dragon riders((not eragon just riders.))+++++
Slave x master
Human x vampire, werewolf, hybrid, shifter etc.
Werewolf x vampire, werewolf
Females x male/female
Only for private groups rps (1x2 1x3))
Warrior cats,
I will not do:
Horses, I just can't rp them
Wanting to do
Sword art online based rp

Pm me If you're interested or have an rp idea.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread

Post by LunatheDragoness »

LunatheDragoness wrote:S L O T S
1) Kali2 [ 35-private-stage/200601-post-apocalypti ... #p19900492 ]
2) Open

L I K E S:
~Fantasy (mainly RPs with dragons,Elves, fairies ect)
~Packs (wolfs, dragons, ect)
~Furry (if you dont know what that is just PM me :P)
~Up to suggestions if you dont like any of these.
~Romance (+18 OOC please..)
~Dragons <3
~Pretty much any RP with animals..
~ M/F or F/F RPs
~Love RP's (can involve more than 1 person for this. Max 2. M or F characters. )
~Master/Pet (Nothing like Master/Slave!)

D I S L I K E S:
~School RPs
~Anything human..I dont like to RP humans..
~The Hunger Games/Twilight/Harry Potter
~ Master & Slave
~ Yaoi/Yuri
~ Military rps
~Any wizards like Harry Potter
R U L E S:
1. No text talk (txt, thnks, np, lol ect)
2. Post about 5-10 lines per post please.
3. I dont care what genders you play but I do better with male characters.
4. Can have up to 3 characters for the RP. Just make sure to use different text color per characters
5. Proper spelling and grammar.
6. Please respond as soon as possible..I'm patient but not THAT patient..

R O L E . P L A Y . P R E F E R E N C E S
Desired post length: Paragraph: 5-10 sentences.
Desired RP method: Forums
Grammar Competence: Advanced
Grammar Competence Required: Fluent
Language preference: English
Post Perspective: Third Person
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by lavellan »

Hello! I'm Lavellan and I'm new to this site, but not to role-playing. I've been doing that for around eight years now, and I'd love to get into it in this community!

About Me:
Like I said, I've been role-playing around eight years. I respond pretty often, however nowadays I'm working part time and am about to start school, so sometimes I may be delayed somewhat, especially if I have a lot on my plate. I role-play characters of all genders, so I'm not picky there, and I prefer fantasy and sci-fi as far as genres go. C:
I'm not going to talk about how much I write, just because this isn't something that matters to me all that much. You're welcome to PM me to question me about it, but I far prefer the content and that we're having fun over needing a certain amount of writing.
What I'm looking for:
Right now I'd love to find something fairly casual and that we can both enjoy, no pressure. I just want to be able to write and wish the same of you.
What I'm Craving:
Nothing at the moment!
Everything I role-play:
Demon x Angel
Angel x Fallen Angel
Angel x Human
Fallen Angel x Demon
Fallen Angel x Mortal
Demon x Human
Vampire x Human
Vampire x Demon
Fairy x Anything basically
Elf x Anything basically
Hunter x Basically any mythological creature
Naga x Anything
Elf x Mortal
Elf x Drow
Elf x Anything
Drow x Mortal
Fairy x Elf
Fairy x Mortal
Fairy x Anything
Prince x Princess
Prince x Thief
Princess x Assassin
Assassin x Thief
Assassin x Assassin
Assassin x Target
Thief x Guard Captain
Mermaid x Mortal
God x Goddess
God/Goddess x Mortal
Priestess x God
Dragon Riders
Arranged Marriage

Dragon Age
Mass Effect
Game of Thrones
Others I'm forgetting (feel free to ask!)
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by BlueBandit »

Hi there~ I'm Blue (or Bandit, whatever you prefer) and I'm quite intrigued with roleplaying. I've had a few uncounted years of experience (around 3-4) and am a Semi-Literate (or below) roleplayer. I post at the very least 2-4 lines on a bad day. I live in the Eastern time zone. If you are to do multiple roleplays with me, I warn you beforehand that I name a lot of my characters the same thing (name block?) and very, very rarely I get comfused with the characters. This almost never happens but it's a possibility.
I typically will respond within 2-4 days. I am not a fan of intense horror/gore. Anything romance-related has to be PG-13 with me.
I do not like playing pre-made characters.
Warrior Cats (I didn't read anything after the Dawn Trail)
Danganronpa (Anime)
Fantasy (I prefer the kingdom-mage-ish type but I'm open to ideas)
Pokémon Gijinka
Cartoon Network cartoons (Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, ORIGINAL Teen Titans)
Hunger Games
Harry Potter
Maximum Ride
Percy Jackson (it's been a very long time since I've read the series)
Last edited by BlueBandit on February 10th, 2016, 8:02:56 am, edited 6 times in total.

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