The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Update!

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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by hazelnut »

Figured it was time I stuck my neck out here ^.^

I am looking for a couple of 1x1 RP partners

I prefer to roleplay pre-existing characters, but I can definitely create my own if we have an interesting plot idea. I will write a length to match my partners', but paragraphs are preferred as I suck at working with short responses. I'd be happy to do most genres. I can do explicit (off-site or PMs), but please don't ask me to if you're underage. I'll usually reply every day, frequency depending on how busy I am.
Note: If you get too busy or just decide you have to stop for any reason, I'm not going to nag you or get annoyed, I'll understand. I want things to be low-stress!

Fandoms I am in:
  • From the comics, I'm most into the Avengers/New Avengers, the Young Avengers, Ms Marvel, the Runaways, and the characters associated with those series. I particularly like the House of M universe and Civil War storyline, if we're looking for a setting.
    Anything from the MCU (including TV shows)
Star Wars
Bravely Default
Supernatural (although I'm not up to date on the current season and probably never will be)
Harry Potter
Pairings I'll do
RP doesn't need to be centred around romance, but if you want pairings I like doing MxM, MxF, FxF and any variation thereof. As for specific pairings from my listed fandons, I'll do pretty much anything, but here are some things I have a particular liking for :angel: if in doubt, I ship most things that are canon and a few that aren't

Billy Kaplan/Teddy Altman (Wiccan/Hulkling—Ultimate OTP tbh)
Kate Bishop/Tommy Shepherd
Karolina Dean/Xavin
Nico Minoru/Victor Mancha
Gertrude Yorkes/Chase Stein
Molly Hayes/punching things
Wanda Maximoff/Vision
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Steve Rogers/Peggy Carter
Peggy Carter/Angie Martinelli
Jemma Simmons/Leo Fitz
Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff/Bucky Barnes

Bravely Default
Ringabel/Edea Lee
Alternis Dim/Edea Lee
Tiz Arrior/Agnes Oblige
Yew Geneolgia/Magnolia Arch

Dean Winchester/Castiel
Dean Winchester/Benny Lafitte
Sam Winchester/Jessica Moore
Sam Winchester/Amelia Richardson

Harry Potter
Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley
Hermione Grander/Ron Weasley
James Potter/Lily Evans
Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Miscellaneous things I like to do
For pre-existing characters, I like both canon settings and AUs
Dragons. Just, dragons. I love dragons.
Magistream AUs! That would be fun as hell with a good enough plot. I'd need to create my own character for this one though
Pretend-married. Just, give me all of this.
Arranged marriages. (I'm absolute trash)
Superheroes (This includes characters that aren't normally superheroes)
Any kind of Romeo and Juliet-esque 'opposite sides of an age-old conflict' scenario
Hurt/comfort (emphasis on comfort)
Post-apocalyptic and dystopian AUs
Immortal/Mortal relationships and the associated angst
Vaguely-medieval fantasy AUs
Sci-fi-esque, space travel etc
Things I won't do
Animals (Human shape-shifting excepted. Dragons that shapeshift into humans are my ultimate weakness)
Student/teacher relationships
Anything with a really unhealthy power dynamic, like master/servant (this is okay if it's temporary and isn't treated as a good thing)
Aimless fluff/angst/etc. I need an overall plot so I don't get writer's block
I can roleplay over most media so I'm not limited to the forums if you'd prefer something else. We can discuss it all beforehand over PM :roll:
Last edited by hazelnut on March 13th, 2016, 1:33:29 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by wildflower »


( I N T E R E S T S )
boldedmeans that I
would like that role.
of course, i am open for

prince x princess
knight x princess
prince x peasant
princess x peasant
assassin x royalty

dragons/dragon riders
dragon & hunter
kings & queens
literally anything fantasy/
medieval based


    • ( A B O U T M E )
      obviously, i am wildflower, but feel free to call me wild. (: i am in the GMT +08:00, so keep that in mind when waiting for replies. i don't mind at all if you live in a different time zone, though! i am also a student, so my day will usually be busy. however, i still find time to make replies (especially on the weekends). i have been on chicken smoothie for only a few months but please do not underestimate me, i have also role-played on many other websites before, so i do count myself as an experienced role-player. i consider myself a semi-literate to literate role-player; depending on what i'm given and my muse for that day. i can write from three hundred to one thousand words per post; all depending on what you give me and/or my muse. however, i usually mirror replies. i can provide you with proper grammar and punctuation, though i usually type all lowercase (out of mere habit). i can post several times per day, so being inactive should not be a problem for me. if i can't post more than several times that day, i'll make sure to post at-least once. i will only role-play on the forums. i can play both male or female and i do only mxf romances. i tend to be very neat with both my forms and my replies, so i'm not, if not very rarely, unorganized. if i'll be inactive for more than three days, i'll pm you!

      ( E X P E C T A T I O N S )
      ⋆ i do expect you to be quite semi-lit in your replies. several sentences per
      post. something i can work with is fine.
      ⋆ please post every three to four days. i know life can get hectic, and i can respect that.
      if you are planning to be inactive, please notify me!
      ⋆ please be etiquette. help with the plot or any major plot twists.
      ⋆ i am quite talkative, and would love to chat with you in ooc. ^^ if you don't want to,
      i can respect that.
      ⋆ please do not abandon the role-play. i love role-plays that last long, and as long as
      you don't leave me hanging, i won't let you hanging. if you want to leave the role-play,
      just tell me!
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by PastelxMonster »

To anybody who'd want to do a 1x1 with me then feel free to drop me a PM, though before you do(as some may recall), I have a few short and simple rules you must follow in order to roleplay with me. P.S. Even if the rules may sound strict I won't be harsh! I'm a friendly human oωo :woo:
Just Some Basics
To all whom it may or may not concern, here are your basic rules when your roleplaying with me.
• No bullshitty OC(s) alright? Mary Sues are a problem and nobody has time for them. If your OC has a Mary Sue trait I WILL tell you to correct it.
• No one liners or text talk please. Have at least 4+ lines when roleplaying with me. I am very descriptive.
• I'm a grammar nazi. One word misspelled won't get on my nerves but if you just flat out trip over all your words then I will tell you to correct yourself.
• I double up.
• I roleplay smut and cursing and gore but please tell me that you don't want that or I will do it. Thank you.
• Try not to be an ass to me. People want to be treated how you treat them. I don't care if your about to lose your top but please to unleash the wrath of satan on me.

What I Roleplay
I have a BUNCH that aren't listed that you'll have to check out on my profile but I'm just gonna list the original roleplays, not the fandoms I'm in
• Romance/Smut
• Fantasy
• Punk Ages(Steampunk, Dieselpunk, Cyberpunk, etc..)
• Werewolf/Vampire/Monster
• Apocalypse
• High School/College(Must have a plot)
• Medieval
• Or anything you'll request to me. ^^
• If you have a fandom your gonna have to look at my profile for that.

PLEASE PM. I am very bored right now.. U_U'
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by ArrowAssasin »

Currently looking for a few 1x1 partner on here right now. I use to do them all the time a few years ago until things got pretty busy and I just didn't have time for them. Now I'm active again and would love to start doing a few again.

A few things I can offer...

1.) I normally play both genders, but I always play the character you want me to do.
2.) My spelling is pretty decent, I do make mistakes once in a while though. ( Pretty much when I'm tired or when I loose track)
3.) I like to do rp's with a few paragraphs, but I can always adjust to your style or what you want me to play.
4.) I can play 1st person, second person and third person, if that matter to anyone. lol.
5.) I'm pretty flexible with most things, unless I'm not in the mood to do that type of rp, but normally I am.
6.) I always have ideas for any rp from the start and basically to the finish.

What I will not do in rps!
I love any type of rp, so I don't have anything for this right now. ( Yeah I know I'm strange,but I learned the hard way not to be so picky about plots and stuff.)
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by umbreon241 »

My name is Umbry! I haven't posted here in a very long time, but I figured that I'd give it a go. :roll:

I have somewhere around 4+ years of RPing experience and I consider myself to be an adv/lit RPer. My post length tends to vary depending on the circumstances at hand.
At the moment, I'm looking to do around two paragraphs per post.

I tend to swear, but I adjust this depending on who I'm talking to. I also tend to gravitate towards a little gore, but I tend describe injuries very clinically so I don't think I end up being super graphic.

I do a bunch of stuff outside of the internet, so there may be periods of time where I'm busy. I'd like to think that I'm fairly good at warning people before I get super busy. >.<
I like to chat a lot with my RP partners, so feel free to PM me or add me on Skype.

I really like making stuff relatively realistic (as if in having things make sense, not making things mundane like real life). I also like building complex worlds and characters.

I'm running out of things to say, so I guess here's an infodump?
  • I use EST.
  • I am typically online from 3 PM EST to 9:30 PM EST and I pop online between classes.
  • I'm gay.
  • I like writing diverse characters.
  • I am able to write basically any gender.
looking for
  • At least a good-sized paragraph or two per post (I'm flexible on this)
  • Good spelling and grammar in RP posts
  • Writing in third person
  • General complexity
  • Willingness to plan and chat :)
  • Literate/advanced or semi-lit+ RPing
I'm open to basically anything. If you have any other ideas, shoot me a PM!
  • Fantasy
  • Medieval setting
  • Assassin/royal
  • Royal/?
  • Anything with powers
  • Any romance involving girls (FxF, MxF, etc)
won't do
  • R-18 (I'm only 17, oops)
  • Anthros or animals
  • "Surviving the apocalypse" or zombie stuff
  • High school
Last edited by umbreon241 on January 1st, 2016, 11:13:02 pm, edited 10 times in total.
Busy with school but you can find ways to contact me on my profile if you need to reach me. ^_^

Feel free to call me Umbry! :bounce:
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Iliad »

  • Image
    Looking for 1x1 roleplay partners!
Hello! I'm Sorey. I'm also (like everyone else) looking for some 1x1 roleplays! I'll be a bit busy
in the following week but over break I'll be free and unoccupied, mostly, and up for a good roleplay!


general info
I'm 15, so if you have an age range that you would prefer to keep to, there's that.
That said, I've been roleplaying on MS since I was 10, which makes 5 years of experience.
I can make posts ranging from semi-literate to adv/lit (my record I think is 2100+ words).
You may not think sophomores in high school are busy, but let me tell you that I am spectacularly
bad at using my time wisely, so I might spontaneously disappear at times.
I do not reply very fast.
I live in America, CST. I am usually lurking on MS throughout the day but am more active at night.
I like to talk with the people I'm roleplaying with! Feel free to send messages.
I usually play a male character. Of all the characters I have made over the past year,
only one has been female; I'm much more comfortable playing males.
I sameface a lot because I'm finicky. I'm sorry. It's probably a phase.
I'm not really good with MxF or FxF pairings, or romance as a whole.
I have more fandoms than I know what to do with, so if you want to see if I know a fandom,
just shoot me a PM; it's worth a try, especially if it's an anime fandom.

genres I prefer

genres I will not do
Solely romance
Solely drama
Regular high-school life

partner requirements
Must be able to write at a semi-literate+ level.
Good syntax when posting IC (Flocci non facio about
capitalization, so you can style that however you'd like!)
Posts in third person unless it's agreed on by both of us.
Please plot with me OOC! I have a Skype. Which is used
mostly just for roleplay planning purposes.

current interests
I'd love a MagiStream roleplay!
Anything medieval (I'd like to play a prince.)
Fantasy - think Tales of series
Anything Fullmetal Alchemist
I am the tactician.
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Post by IAmKuromiSparkachu »

      • hello, some of you may know me..
        i go by "zim" and they/them pronouns.

        i do not do rps by pm because messaging/IM isn't my thing..

        i will do it on the 'private stage' boards however.

        i will do;;

        ღinvader zim{preferred}
        ღalien stuff
        ღspace stuff
        ღsteven universe
        ღdeer roleplays {preferred}

        i will not do;;
        ღhuman roleplays, unless they are fandom-based{i have no human ocs because i cannot draw them}
        ღromance-centric rps
        ღanything sexual {i am sex-repulsed}
        ღrealistic wolf/cat/popular animals

        i like prettying up my forms and using generic tags.
        see my CS page and go through some posts to see what my writing style is.
        don't go too far back, i was a mess back in 2012-2014 eheh

        thanks for reading,,

        ~love zim
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Smallguy25 »

Hi, I'm Smalls.

General Information
I've been roleplaying for about nine years now, and I've done everything from fantasy to science fiction to modern. I've got both experience in SFW and NSFW type roleplays, with more recent experience in the latter. I am a college student aiming to go into medical school, and my schedule is accordingly annoying.
I've definitely developed a lot since I started roleplaying. I don't quite know what I seek, but, given that I've been doing R18 stuff a bit too often lately, I've been looking for something less oriented in that direction. I'm definitely looking for a roleplay with some sort of depth to it, take that to mean what you will. I'm not very good at modern, however, and do enjoy fantasy the most.

I am not a stickler for post length, though I am one for grammar.
I'm also not very good at setting up roleplay ads. Go figure, right?
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Solbrekt »

Last edited by Solbrekt on January 16th, 2016, 8:11:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Xanga »

Hello and Greetings, my name is Xanga and like many others I am searching for a few 1x1 roleplay partners. I have been roleplaying for around 6 years. That being said, why don't we get onto the content you actually want to be reading right now.

What to expect from me:
-I am Semi to full literate, depending on my roleplay partner.
-I write around two or three good sized paragraphs, that's the minimum. If I have the muse and love for the rp I can manage around 4 good sized paragraphs.
-I love to chat with my roleplay partners, so expect some OOC chat in the midst of the roleplay.
-I have decent grammar, and excellent spelling most days. I am human through so sometimes things happen with my words.
-Being on at least every other day, sometimes every two days, I will be on to actively roleplay.
-I can play either gender, however I do prefer the male. I do like to keep my skills to their utmost, so if I feel I can do it, I will attempt the female.

What I expect from you:
-At the very least semi literate.
-Be able to write at least a good sized paragraph, even with writers block.
-Be open to chatting in OOC.
-Able to play either gender, I don't mind which you prefer.

What I would like to roleplay:
-A medieval based roleplay, pm me for plot ideas I have, or with your own plot ideas.
-Some sort of large cat roleplay, I may have a plot for this.
-Any other animal roleplays, I am pretty open on this so any animal will suffice.
-AngelXDemon, in this case I would like to play the demon, however if necessary I can play the angel.
-I am also open to new ideas.

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