OOC - Dragons of Adrulgati

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OOC - Dragons of Adrulgati

Post by Namyre »

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7/11 We are overdue for something exciting. Refer to this post for more information.
5/16 stuff is changing


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Please, by all means, let me know if there is something you think I should include in the front post. This is a game, it should be fun! If something is a little hard to understand, or you have an idea to make this better for everyone, drop a comment and I'll be happy to take it into consideration.[/center]
Last edited by Namyre on July 14th, 2016, 5:39:10 pm, edited 26 times in total.
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OOC - DoA - Player Applications

Post by Namyre »

• Active •

Username: Namyre
Dragon's Name: Azura
Affinity: Astrapi
Background: I am the queenly figure of the territory of Adrulgati; regard me to handle the presence of a rogue, band thereof, territorial business, et cetera. I was clutched here, hatched here, raised here, and I will remain here for the duration of my life; nothing will drive me out as long as my loyal friends fight by my side.
My parents were killed in a war for the mountain. Adrulgadi was overrun with a hostile dragon clan who aimed not just to scare off the residents, but aimed to kill. My father was struck down, crashing to the island in the middle of the mountain lake, wings burned to char and cut to ribbons, the most brutal and dishonorable way to kill a dragon. He was killed by none other than the rival queen, defending my mother, the queen of Adrulgati at the time. Watching in horror from the royal cave, I saw my father's neck snap on the cold stone at impact. My mother killed the rival queen with a grief-strengthened lightning bolt straight to the heart, and the beast's body crashed down somewhere outside the mountain, to be carried back to their territory by the enemy dragons as they all fled. My mother was mortally wounded, and died with her head laying on her mate's unmoving shoulder. I was appointed queen one decade after the war, once I was old enough.
Picture/Description: https://img0.etsystatic.com/000/0/58558 ... 698696.jpg
Username: LightningDragon
Dragon's Name: Kilstia
Affinity: Astrapi-Aera
Background: Kilstia was born and raised in the mountains. Though she is still young, she has become very wise due to contact with visiting dragons and considering the opinions of others. She does have a vain streak, although it doesn't run quite as deeply in her as it does in pure Aera dragons. For the most part, she attempts to elude the others and enjoys her time alone. She is quiet, and more likely to listen than to speak.
Picture/Description: http://pre03.deviantart.net/447f/th/pre ... 69k1ng.jpg
Username: DrBeansMD
Dragon's Name: Ancalagon
Affinity: Pyro
Background: Ancalagon had been a wanderer for most of his life. He travelled the world, living alone, hunting, and making things. At a young age he learned that, if he made a stone hot enough, that he could make it pliable, and reshape it. Over time he honed his skills to the point where he could create intricate sculptures and useful tools from plain old stone, so he made a living out of it. He would seek out other dragons, most of the time rogues, who would have need of some tool or weapon he could make. Usually, these things were made in exchange for food or shelter for a time. One day, however, he found his way to the Mountain, where Ancalagon met more dragons than he had ever seen before in his life. He was asked to join them, after demonstrating the usefulness of his skills, and he accepted, in hopes of someday wooing a female dragon who caught his eye. As of now, he is still adjusting to community living and is a bit shy and timid around other dragons.
Picture/Description: Ancalagon is slightly large for a fire dragon, but not overly so. He is nearly all black, but the skin between his scales glows orange with the heat of his fire. http://img05.deviantart.net/c736/i/2013 ... 6bdogh.jpg
Username: SpectrumWings
Dragon's Name: Lorne
Affinity: Gaia
Background: Lorne's childhood was a simple and extremely quiet one. His family of 3 shared their very heartbeats with the nature around them, and did not rely on pure speech to communicate. He was no stranger to using his senses to simply detect signals whatever he was in contact with, and was content with settling with his family quietly in any given place and just melding in with his surroundings, vibing things to others in small talk. When this happened, he and his parents often resembled massive, mossy boulders with the occasional rumble come thing from within. Oddly, he possessed wings, while his parents had none. The size of his wings appeared to be capable of carrying his imposing bulk in brief flight, but he preferred to used them as shelters for the wildlife he shared his living space with. As a result, he developed green and brown scales as well as a thick layer of diverse life forms on his body, which allowed him to blend completely with his surroundings. However, he was forced to leave the forest he had become a part of when a fight between two groups of fire and lightning-allied Dragons broke out over it. Not willing to interfere, he and his parents had carried as much of the wildlife as they could and begun their silent lumber towards the edge of the forest, when a misplaced fireball caused the three to be trapped in a deadly circle of magic-endorsed fire. His parents had gone into their forest-fire combat stance and had told him to carry the wildlife out of the circle with his wings, and that was the last time he would see them again.
Picture/Description: http://www.forwallpaper.com/wallpaper/t ... 80518.html
Username: BucketORandomness
Dragon's Name: Hihaxi Vindein
Affinity: Aera-Astrapi
Background: Hihaxi was raised by her father, an Astrapi dragon who had wandered away from his seclusion and found her Aera mother. Since her mother was a daring type, the two fell in love. Unfortunately, her mother's family was so distraught and appalled that they demanded the two lovers separate. Hihaxi's mother never got over that fact and quite pettily sent her father the egg that would become Hihaxi in order to spite her family. Because of this, Hihaxi never really received the preening and overbearing nature of her mother's side of the family, instead only caring about the way others view her. After a time secluded with her father, Hihaxi was sent to live with her mother's family so she could interact with other dragons her age. Thus, Hihaxi arrived at an extinct volcano inhabited by more dragons in one cave than she had seen all her previous life. She is a bit overwhelmed at her relations' narcissism and the large crowds of dragons that seem to be everywhere.
Picture/Description: http://www.chickensmoothie.com/Forum/vi ... &t=3068387# Hihaxi is a scrawny dragon with long limbs and an immense wingspan to body weight ratio. Overall, she favors her mother more, and is mainly a white dragon. Her eyes are a stunning cerulean blue, and she has a startlingly bright diamond on her forehead of the same color. The underside of her wings gently fades through various shades of dark purples and navy blues, and her tail also fades to a clouded mix of the two. Hihaxi also has a double set of shell-shaped ears, one smaller and the other larger, with white outsides and dark interiors.
May I use your character's information and events in a book/story that may or may not become public?: Feel free :) Just please make a note or something about her being my oc somewhere. ((If you don't like "Hihaxi" I also call her more innocent/younger side "Khodon"))
Username: HsuperT
Dragon's Name: Faenari
Affinity: Gaia-Nero
Background: Faenari is mostly a hermit, preferring to stay deep in the forest. She will offer help to lost adventurers, but sometimes complain about 'dragonets these days.' She is still quite young, and has an unpredictable personality. She used to be a famed dragon for woodcraft and water sculpting, and was young with bland colors at the time, but she was pronounced lost and possibly dead after she stumbled into the forest. Deciding to stay in the solitary location, Faenari enjoyed the peace and quiet. She lived near a pond and would swim plenty, and yet, she would still sing to the plants and nurturing them more than swimming, giving her affinity, Gaia-Nero. She would occasionally visit the rainforest, to get ideas for sculptures, as she has never seen such variety of colors and creatures.
Picture/Description: http://orig08.deviantart.net/2658/f/201 ... a64rxo.png
She is a feathered dragon, main color being green. Her wings are like soft fins, and the primary color is a ocean blue and the secondary is a crystalline green. her eyes are like sapphire, and her tail has a plume of the same colored feathers. Her body is decorated with brown and a bit of gold.
May I use your character's information and events in a book/story that may or may not become public?: Sure!
Username: Potsy01
Dragon's Name: Papillon
Affinity: Anima-Aera
Background: Was born and raised on a mountain by a group of Aera dragons, including her parents. An outbreak of a deadly disease occurred when she was little, and she was the only one who survived. She came down the mountain and wandered to a thick forest, where she lived with a flock of parrots. The parrots eventually left the rain forest in a flock in search of another mud bank, leading her here.
Picture/Description: Has a long, thin body like most Aera, and is light green with a few swirls of red. Is slightly shy compared to other Anima, but is still social and friendly. Loves the sky and forest, and cares about her scales and feathers on her wings like most Aera.
May I use your character's information and events in a book/story that may or may not become public?: Sure, why not?
Username: SingingSkies
Dragon's Name: Coventina
Affinity: Nero-Aera
Background: Coventina has always had a love for water. Her parents didn't like the fact that she did, and had almost been completely disappointed in her if she wasn't also connected to the air like they were. Her whole life she had been trying to prove to them that she could love both and she didn't have to be like them. They finally tolerated her love for water, even if they still didn't like it much. Not to long afterwards she left them and soon came across the Dragons of Adrulgati.
Picture/Description: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/56 ... f74dfd.jpg
May I use your character's information and events in a book/story that may or may not become public?:
Of course! ^.^ (I love story writing myself)
Username: fuzzynose202
Dragon's Name: Felipa (fell-ee-pa)
Affinity: Nero
Background: Felipa was had been born and raised in a large and long amazonian-like river that many kept away from because it was said to be dangerous. Felipa's parents were tough dragons who stood by what they believed in and never let anyone tell them what to do, but they were also clever and were always trying to trick Felipa. Because of this Felipa learned to be quick-witted and suspicious, but also became like her parents in their other ways. Felipa looked up to her parents and never gave up on anything. There was a great drought and the whole river dried up, leaving Felipa and her parents clueless what to do. They decided to wait for it to fill again, but time went on and it didn't. Everyone was dehydrated, and finally Felipa's parents died of it on the day the rain started again. Felipa, devastated, left to find a new home because she couldn't bare to stay there after that, and ended up staying with the dragons of Adrulgati.
Picture/Description: Felipa is a slightly dark mint colour with tough scales that resemble a crocodiles. She has webbed feet and wings, and the end of her tail is like fishes. http://pre13.deviantart.net/4f69/th/pre ... 4l7f6a.jpg
May I use your character's information and events in a book/story that may or may not become public?: Yes. :)
• Inactive •

Username: StormCry
Dragon's Name: Tyrath
Affinity: Gaia-Nero hybrid
Background: Tyrath's father was a resident of the mountain for countless years - a very old Gaia dragon called Rath. Tyrath's mother was a rogue Nero dragon, named Typha, who came to the mountain for asylum. Tyrath was born in the mountain, alongside a sister. In a strange and tragic set of circumstances, Tyrath's mother was killed in a landslide. Many blamed Rath, so he took young dragonets away and raised them in the jungle, near the ocean. When they were old enough to be on their own, Rath left them to search for the real culprit to his mate's death. Tyrath and his sister stayed together for a while, but strong differences of opinion sent them both in different directions, something which has left Tyrath bitter. After splitting up with his sister, Tyrath went in search of his father with intentions of aiding him in his search. However, when he finally found his father near the desert, Rath was wounded and under the influence of a strong hallucinogenic drug. Rath died in his son's embrace, but not before confirming that there was a deeper reasoning to his and Typha's death. He hinted to something much bigger than mere murder. Since then, Tyrath has taken up his father's search, crossing the length and breadth of the land in search of any clue that would lead to justice and finally put his parents souls at rest. At present, however, he has found little to aid him in his quest.
Picture/Description: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/73 ... 830854.jpg
Username: Tropicalfish12
Dragon's Name: Lotus
Affinity: Nero
Background: Lotus is a dragon of elegant and refined heritage. He hatched from one of three eggs under the tender care of his parents in a deep-sea cave off the coast. His mother was a refined Nero from the islands largest lake. His father a young male Nero of refined lineage from the ocean. As a boy his home in the deep sea resulted in almost black scales and fins lined with shining blue streaks of bioluminescent scales. When he was old enough he set off to visit the island to make his own life. He settled in a cave near the coast of the island. One day while going to visit his family he arrived to find his family gone for new lands under mysterious circumstances. After their departure he used his connections in an attempt to discern the location his parents where headed, to no avail. They were gone, possibly forever. Since then he has been searching for any indication of a new land where his family may have disappeared to.
Picture/Description: Lotus is a slender sea dragon with large frontal fins. His scales are mainly black with bioluminescent blue scales glowing along the edges. https://scontent-mia1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hp ... 5393_o.jpg
Username: ParadiseSeeker
Dragon's Name: Alter, "A"
Affinity: Aera
Background: Alter was blessed with the ability of Aera, both her sire and her dam were of the same Affinity and taught her well in her powers. When Alter was a young adult her mother passed of old age but her father still lives, finding it rather uneventful on the island Alter left trusting her sire would live for many years to come.
Alter learned and taught many things through her travels, she learned things that helped her in life. And gained and lost other things that ruined her life. Alter had fallen in love with a dragon and soon the two had a hatchling. An Aera hatchling who Alter adored completely.
One day Alter returned from hunting for food only to return to find both her love and her child murdered in cold blood. After that Alter went on in a daze, she saw nothing good in life anymore and one night took things far enough that she was about to take her life, and she did try but a healer dragon found her with claw marks across her throat and helped her. Fearing Alter would one day, she returned to her homeland hoping to bury her past.
Picture: http://orig03.deviantart.net/e6aa/f/200 ... ddibub.jpg
Alter also has three long claw mark scars across her throat where she threatened and tried to take her life.
Username: AlphaWolf
Dragon's Name: Alaiha (Uh-lay-uh)
Affinity: Aera
Background: Born in the mountains to the north, Alaiha was raised by her mother, father, and two sisters for the first couple years of her life. Despite being raised in such a high altitude, Alaiha and her family traversed more like the mountain goats they hunted. Jumping from rock to rock and climbing with great speed and ease, using their wings only to glide short distances. This was considered quite odd by the few other dragons that resided near them, and by extension, Alaiha and her family were ignored for the most part. Living in the mountains posed many dangers. Their nest was made in a small hollowed out indentation in the rock, mid-way up the mountain. A day came where Alaiha was out with her father, being taught how to effectively hunt different kinds of prey when a sudden rock slide crushed the nest, killing Alaiha's two sisters and injuring her mother. Alaiha and her father returned to the scene, devastated at the sight. After her mother healed, Alaiha and her parents relocated to the opposite side of the mountain where rock slides were less common. They lived there for awhile, their lives continuing as normal. It was a couple years later that her mother and father finally laid another batch of eggs. Alaiha knew she was old enough to leave their care, and did so with a grateful smile as she began her own journey. Alaiha quickly learned that her family's unique hunting style meant she never truly learned how to fly, only glide short distances. This was only a slight hindrance as her climbing ability and speed allowed her to get out of some sticky situations. Still, she hopes to learn how to truly fly wherever she ends up.
A tad smaller than most dragons, but still a force to be reckoned with when she becomes angry. Her smaller stature allows her to move quickly. Her tail is long and oddly cat like, allowing her to keep her balance in precarious places. As per usual with Aera's, during her downtime she can often be found preening herself, keeping feathers nice and neat, in order to stay aerodynamic (and look nice, of course!). http://pgwebdesign.net/wp-content/uploa ... dragon.jpg
Last edited by Namyre on July 14th, 2016, 5:37:22 pm, edited 20 times in total.
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Re: OOC - Dragons of Adrulgati (Join here!)

Post by LightningDragon »

Username: LightningDragon
Dragon's Name: Kilstia
Affinity: Astrapi-Aera
Background: Kilstia was born and raised in the mountains. Though she is still young, she has become very wise due to contact with visiting dragons and considering the opinions of others. She does have a vain streak, although it doesn't run quite as deeply in her as it does in pure Aera dragons. For the most part, she attempts to elude the others and enjoys her time alone. She is quiet, and more likely to listen than to speak.

I can definitely change her if you'd like. ^.^
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Re: OOC - Dragons of Adrulgati (Join here!)

Post by Namyre »

Looks good to me. Let me know when you have a picture so I can edit it in. Also, at least in here and the RP, could you please refrain from posting in small text? It gives some people headaches to read large amounts of text like that.

And remember that we're waiting for at least two more people to join before we start the RP.
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Re: OOC - Dragons of Adrulgati (Join here!)

Post by LightningDragon »

Sure thing. I was wondering, do the dragons have a specific coloration for each affinity, or are we free to just choose whatever we want?
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Re: OOC - Dragons of Adrulgati (Join here!)

Post by Namyre »

Keep the affinity in mind, but you may diverge for the sake of definitive features, such as gills.
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Re: OOC - Dragons of Adrulgati (Join here!)

Post by LightningDragon »

Would something like this be okay?
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Re: OOC - Dragons of Adrulgati (Join here!)

Post by Namyre »

Sorry, I just took that one ^^' I do have an original picture in the works, though.
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Re: OOC - Dragons of Adrulgati (Join here!)

Post by LightningDragon »

Oh, goodness. :lol:
How about this, then?
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Re: OOC - Dragons of Adrulgati (Join here!)

Post by Namyre »

That is beautiful. I'll put it in.

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