Will You Make A Contract? OOC

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Will You Make A Contract? OOC

Post by Zeki904 »


!!Please post your character forms here, NOT the roleplay thread!!
As a side note: Everything was originally written for this to be just females, but there can be males too! The same rules apply for Magical Boys as they do Magical Girls.

You sit in your bedroom, all alone and crying. Something horrible has happened to you and you’re not sure how to handle it. Everything as of late has been going horribly, in fact. You want things to get better, and to go back to a simpler time. You hear your window open and you turn to look; sitting there on the windowsill is a small, white cat. It blinks at you, and seems to smile at you as well. “I can sense that you are sad, I’m here to help.” it says. Your eyes widen in shock. Since when could animals talk?! The cat approaches you, and you can’t help but be wary of it. “Things have been awful for you, right? I can make them better! I can grant you a wish, any wish you want!” Your eyebrows furrow together in thought at this cat’s offer. You have this feeling down in the pit of your stomach, and you can’t shake it off.

“What’s the catch?”

The cat stares at you, unblinking, for a few moments. It’s smile seems to grow a bit bigger, but you’re not sure if you’re just imagining things now or not. “You have to form a contract with me and become a magical girl if you want your wish to be granted.” You ponder this for a few moments. You’re not exactly sure what a magical girl is.. but you can get a wish granted if you become one. How bad could that be? You look up to face the cat once more and you watch as it’s fluffy tail flicks slowly.

“I’ll make a contract with you.”

Thus the first magical girl was born, and along with her, the demons of the world. She had her wish granted, but her life didn’t really get any better. She worked tirelessly to defend the world from the demons that awoke along with her powers. Her home life was better, but she was still stressed out and depressed due to the fighting. After a few months, the cat contracted a few more girls to help her in her efforts. It made things easier, but she was still worried; she didn’t trust the cat...

One day, her and her team of magical girls were locked in a fierce battle against a really strong demon and a few of its subordinates. Most of the subordinates were taken out, and there were only 3 left. She grew a bit more confident, fighting off the lesser demons, and was about to kill another one when she felt something pierce through her. The greater demon had used a spear to stop her. She would have been fine had the spear not gone through her soul gem. The gem cracked before shattering into a million tiny pieces, and the lifeless corpse of the first magical girl collapsed to the ground to be forgotten by the world as if she had never existed.

ImageAвσυт тнє Mαgιcαℓ Ɠιяℓѕ
You can only become a magical girl if you make a contract with a magical animal. In exchange for making a contract, you get one wish granted. It can be any wish you want, though you have to take into consideration whether or not your wish is worth fighting/dying for, so think carefully. Once a contract is forged, her soul is ripped out of her body and put into a Soul Gem. If you are too far away from your gem, or if it is destroyed, you will then die. If your body takes any damage, it will heal/regenerate with magic. In a sense, you are immortal unless something happens to your gem. Each Soul Gem has the same basic shape, but it’s color will differ between each magical girl. (It’s color is generally the main color of their Magical Girl form.) On top of the Soul Gem is a symbol or shape that is different for every Magical Girl. When a magical girl is in her human form, she can hold her Soul Gem, but usually it will be in the form of a ring with runes on it. There will also be a simple design on her fingernail that she keeps her ring on, and is usually a simplified version of the symbol/shape on top of her Soul Gem. When she transforms, the gem will turn into a piece of jewelry, like a hairpin, a necklace, a broach, etc. and it will also take on a form similar to the shape on top of the Soul Gem.

As a Magical Girl fights demons, her Soul Gem slowly begins to corrupt due to the use of her powers and the accumulation of her despair. In order to combat this, whenever a demon is killed it will sometimes drop a Grief Seed, which she can then use to extract the despair from her gem. She can also choose to kill another Magical Girl. Her gem will be more corrupt, but a Soul Gem can be used more than a Grief Seed. If a Magical Girl cannot cleanse her Soul Gem of corruption and it becomes full of despair, she will then turn into a demon. It takes a long time for a Soul Gem to become corrupt though, unless she is killing other Magical Girls. In that case, the corruption is quicker, as it causes more despair. As long as she can get a Grief Seed (or another Magical Girl’s Soul Gem) then she won’t have to worry too much about corruption of her gem until the seed/gem being used is full. Then, she will have to acquire another one.
Ƥσωєяѕ αη∂ ƜєαρσηѕImage
She has very limited elemental magic. Their main method for fighting is their weapons; magic is mostly used as backup. She can only have power over one element. Let’s say a Magical Girl can use fire magic, she can make fireballs and streams of fire, but it’s nothing huge or for extended periods of time. A stream of fire will only last for a few minutes and she can only shoot a limited amount of fireballs before needing to recharge. A Magical Girl’s weapon can be anything from spears to guns. She can summon one, or summon multiples and there’s really no limit to how many she can summon at a time.
ImageAвσυт тнє Ƈσηтяαcтσяѕ
They can be any kind of pet animal, like a ferret, a rat, a cat, a dog, a fox, etc. The contractors can speak either out loud or telepathically and will typically not be seen by anyone other than Magical Girls and potential Magical Girls. They can’t really do any fighting, but when a Grief Seed/Soul Gem is full (after being used to take away the despair from a Magical Girl’s Soul Gem) they will consume it and transform the collected despair into energy. The contractors use this energy to find potential Magical Girls and grant them a wish, turning their despair into hope.
Aвσυт тнє ƊємσηѕImage
The demons are the enemy, in this world. Demons are created when a Magical Girl succumbs to the corruption of her Soul Gem. When a Magical Girl goes to fight a demon, she will enter in a labyrinth. These labyrinths consist of elements from their locations in reality and allusions to the demon that create them. A labyrinth is a space resembling the Magical Girl's mental landscape before she became a demon; the lesser demons, just like the labyrinth, are projections of the Magical Girl’s heart. The deeper a Magical Girl goes into the labyrinth, the more elements she will see regarding to who the demon once was, and there will be less visions from reality shown. For example, say a demon is found in a hospital. When a magical girl enters, she will find elements of the hospital in the labyrinth (like syringes and other things like that) as well as small signs to show who this demon used to be. As a Magical Girl goes further in, there will be less hospital related things, and more things related to who the demon is, until she finally reaches the end and meets the demon face to face and is able to destroy it.

Lesser demons are not to be taken lightly, even though they are not a full blown demon, they can become one if they were to consume a Magical Girl. They pose as much of a threat as a full blown demon does. The main demon of the labyrinth will continue to create lesser demons to try and stop the Magical Girls, the best way to deal with lesser demons is to kill them as you move forward; you must kill the main demon to put an end to everything else.
ImageAвσυт Ɯιѕнєѕ
When you make a contract to become a Magical Girl, you get a wish granted in return. Your wish can be literally anything you want, but all magic comes with a price. There will always be some sort of consequence for the wish you make. An example being if you wished for someone to be healthy and not sick anymore, then you could become sickly/weak, or you could have quick healing abilities, but it’s only temporary and the wounds will come back. You must think about your wish carefully; selfless wishes usually have a selfish reason behind it. Is your wish worth dying for?
Ƭнє MιѕѕισηImage
Defend the world from demons
Don’t die
Last edited by Zeki904 on November 19th, 2015, 1:45:43 pm, edited 4 times in total.

I just wanna dance the night away
Close my eyes and dance in the moonlight
It’s hot it’s heating up
I can’t even stop myself
No way

I just wanna, dance the night away
dance the night away
I just wanna, dance the night away
dance the night away
I just wanna

LF 1x1 Tem Shop
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Will You Make A Contract? || Rules

Post by Zeki904 »


All MS rules apply for public thread roleplaying
This roleplay is semi-lit; this means that posts must include good grammar and at least four – six (4-6) sentences of content
Cursing is allowed to a certain extent; anything serious must be starred out with asterisks (i.e.: f**k, sh*t, etc.) Cursing should also not be a constant thing. It’s alright to do it a few times, but not always. Not everyone is comfortable with cursing, so please keep this in mind.
Keep romance and any gore-related instances to a minimum. Fights and coupling are expected; however they do not need to be explicit and incredibly detailed. Take it to PM if you wish to continue and fade to black on the forum.
God modding will not be tolerated; this includes playing someone else’s character without permission, controlling another character, and otherwise acting invincible and untouchable.
Death is to be expected in this roleplay, but please do not kill off someone’s character without permission. This would also include letting me know that this is an agreed plot.
I would prefer if people who joined this rp could post at least once a week, unless stated otherwise in the OOC thread. I understand work and school can get in the way of things, but if you’re going to be away for a while, please say something and don’t leave us hanging.
All players are limited to a max of two (2) characters; this can be null and voided for some players, but only at my say.
Please be kind and respectful to one another. I don’t want to have to kick anyone out for being rude/unruly.
Last edited by Zeki904 on November 14th, 2015, 8:22:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

I just wanna dance the night away
Close my eyes and dance in the moonlight
It’s hot it’s heating up
I can’t even stop myself
No way

I just wanna, dance the night away
dance the night away
I just wanna, dance the night away
dance the night away
I just wanna

LF 1x1 Tem Shop
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Will You Make A Contract? || Characters & Forms

Post by Zeki904 »

Image ImageƇнαяcαтєя Ƒσям

Code: Select all

[color=#00BFFF]☆[/color][color=#000080]Uѕєяηαмє: [/color]
[color=#00BFFF]☆[/color][color=#000080]Ƈнαяαcтєя Ɲαмє: [/color]
[color=#00BFFF]☆[/color][color=#000080]Ɲιcкηαмє: [/color]
[color=#00BFFF]☆[/color][color=#000080]Agє: [/color]
[color=#00BFFF]☆[/color][color=#000080]Ɠєη∂єя: [/color]
[color=#00BFFF]☆[/color][color=#000080]Ƥєяѕσηαℓιту: [/color]
[color=#00BFFF]☆[/color][color=#000080]Aρρєαяαηcє: [/color]
[color=#00BFFF]☆[/color][color=#000080]Hιѕтσяу: [/color]
[color=#00BFFF]☆[/color][color=#000080]Ƈσηтяαcтσя: [/color]
[color=#00BFFF]☆[/color][color=#000080]Sσυℓ Ɠєм: [/color]
[color=#00BFFF]☆[/color][color=#000080]Ƥσωєяѕ & Ɯєαρση: [/color]
[color=#00BFFF]☆[/color][color=#000080]Oтнєя: [/color]
ImageƇнαяcαтєя Ƒσям Ɛχρℓαιηє∂
The color palate and symbols can be changed, and are expected to be changed. Please use whatever best fits your character and would match the colors/symbols of their Soul Gem.
Uѕєяηαмє: Your username
Ƈнαяαcтєя Ɲαмє: Character’s first and last name (they can have a middle name if you wish)
Ɲιcкηαмє: Character’s nickname (if they have one)
Agє: Character's age
Ɠєη∂єя: Character's gender
Ƥєяѕσηαℓιту: Please be as detailed and as precise as you can
Aρρєαяαηcє: Please be as detailed and as precise as you can. Pictures will be accepted, but please try to write a description and not rely solely on pictures, and please provide the pictures in the form of a link. You will also be explaining their magical form here as well. (if they have one) Again, if you are using pictures as a reference, please put them in link form.
Hιѕтσяу: Their back story should be detailed and precise, but not overly complicated. It’s okay to have a tragic back story, but don’t go over the top and make it over traumatic and devastating. They can have terrible lives, but they need to have more depth than that.
Ƈσηтяαcтσя: If they have been contracted to be a magical girl, describe what their contractor looks like and what type of animal it is, along with a brief personality.
Sσυℓ Ɠєм: A short description of what her Soul Gem’s color and symbol is. (they all have this basic shape)
Ƥσωєяѕ & Ɯєαρση: What elemental power she has and what her weapon is.
Oтнєя: Any other details not covered in any of the above parts of the form.
Ƈσ∂є: For easier posting for me ^u^ ImageƇнαяcαтєяѕ Ƶєкι
  • Ɛνєяη
    Uѕєяηαмє: Zeki904
    Ƈнαяαcтєя Ɲαмє: Evern Harley
    Ɲιcкηαмє: Eve, Ever, Eevee, Ev
    Agє: 16
    Ɠєη∂єя: Female
    Ƥєяѕσηαℓιту: Evern is a kind and caring young girl; she’s sweet and somewhat motherly in a way. If you hurt someone she care about though, be prepared to fight an angry mama bear. She will protect those she cares about to the death. She can be a little quiet, and at times will want to stay by herself for a little while, but usually she’s fairly outgoing and a joy to be around. She has a tendency to hide any personal problems she may have, and when she’s alone she is considerably less cheery, slightly drained from being so happy all day long so she doesn’t risk having her friends worry over her.
    Aρρєαяαηcє: She stands at about 4’11” and weighs roughly 95lbs. She has a slim, hourglass figure and pale skin that is littered with freckles. Her eyes are downturned and a lovely bright green. She has long, curly black hair and side swept bangs that go to her left. As far as piercings go, she has spider bites, and usually keeps them as little star-shaped studs. She also has the standard, 1 hole piercing in her ears and usually has dangly earrings; her favorite pair is silver and has little stars and moons dangling down at varying lengths. She regularly wears makeup, but it’s not a lot. She puts on some black eyeliner and red lipstick, and that’s it; she’ll put on eye shadow and blush for special occasions. You can usually find her wearing dark colored clothes in the winter and brighter clothes in the summer. She has a love for stockings and thigh highs and has a bit of a “collection” going on.
    When she transforms, she is dressed in a navy blue dress decorated in graphics of the constellations. The skirt of the dress stops at her knees and is super poofy and has a white, ruffly petticoat underneath. The top of the dress is fitted and almost corset like. The sleeves are loose and hang off the shoulder and are slightly transparent. She wears black tights and black arm warmers that also depict graphics of constellations on them. She wears knee high Victorian boots, and her Soul Gem converts into a star-shaped necklace.
    Hιѕтσяу: She’s had a fairly nice, and decent life. Everything was going fine until several years ago her mother became deathly ill. She was afraid of losing her mother, and would do anything to keep her safe. As her mother’s condition worsened, she began to lose hope. She had locked herself up in her room one night, crying her eyes out when she felt something move along her bed. She lifted her head up, and there was a black and white marble fox sitting in front of her. She let out a gasp and began to move away from it when it spoke. “Your mother is sick, right? I can make her better! Form a contract with me and I can heal her!” Evern sat there in shock for a few moments before hastily agreeing to make a contract. She has been a Magical Girl for 2 years now, and she doesn’t regret the decision she made simply because her mother is alive and well and her family is back to normal again. She has grown a little wary of Vixen over the years, but she knows that she must trust her contractor, especially since there’s nothing that can be done about her being a Magical Girl now.
    Ƈσηтяαcтσя: She is a small, black and white marble fox and her name is Vixen. She can be very stubborn and she’s extremely neat.
    Sσυℓ Ɠєм: Her Soul Gem is dark blue and has a star symbol on top.
    Ƥσωєяѕ & Ɯєαρση: She can use water magic and has a navy blue parasol that has a rapier-like sword hidden in the handle. The parasol depicts graphics of constellations on it.
    Oтнєя: N/A
  • Aυяιc
    Usᴇʀɴᴀᴍᴇ: Marth
    Cʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ Nᴀᴍᴇ: Auric Xian
    Nɪᴄᴋɴᴀᴍᴇ: N/A
    Aɢᴇ: 17
    Gᴇɴᴅᴇʀ: Male
    Pᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ: Auric is quiet, that's for sure. It's not like he doesn't talk, because he does just as much as the average person, but even when he makes everyday conversation his words are said with his head lowered and his volume low. He's quite soft spoken - but in voice only. His attitude and personality are... well, something else.
    Auric's general attitude toward everyone is rather flat. He doesn't have much to say to people, and tends to be rather grumpy at many times. He mutters everything that he says and sometimes will not respond at all when he's feeling bad, and most of the time his moods are not just the whims of a teenage boy. He has a tendency to get bad migraines and various other pains in the face of stress, and if the pain weren't enough, he feels bad about it because what the hell, it's just a headache, is it really bad enough to stop him from being a civil person? Apparently the answer is yes and he hates it.
    Generally, though, if he can get past his problems, Auric is quite obedient; his level of willingness to follow orders when he's in an average mood is basically subservient, and he will happily do anything anyone asks him to do as long as he's not hurting anyone. Having lived most of his life as a liability, he's glad if he can do something to help anyone, no matter if he likes the person or not. If he can do it, he'll be happy to help.
    He's secretive and guarded in a childish way; often his ways of hiding things don't work out, but even when confronted he has no problem lying. He's found he isn't bad at it at all, so when he's shown an uncomfortable topic or asked about himself he either makes something up or deflects and avoids the question, redirecting the topic onto something else. He could be called crafty, but mostly he just has a knack for misdirection.
    Auric's a fast thinker, and very smart; though one of those doesn't guarantee the other, he seems to possess both qualities, and as such is quite good at thinking on his feet; he can make split second decisions on an instinctual plane, without having to stop and have a moral dilemma over it, though to be fair his sense of morality is not incredibly strong. He's well-read, and his love of knowledge, leads him to spend a lot of his time reading.
    As previously mentioned, Auric's morality system isn't too great, and he really only cares about people on a deep level if he's gotten to know them very well and considers them a friend. Generalized selflessness isn't really a thing for him, hence why he only does things for people at no risk to himself. He wouldn't go out of his way to feel bad for people who he doesn't know; he wouldn't bat an eye at a tragedy that happened outside of his inner circle of friends.
    He can't bear the thought of himself being the thing that's holding someone back and as a result is almost fiercely independent, even though he can't afford to be. It's not as though he doesn't like others' company or orders; he just doesn't like being helped by others or taking up their time when they have better things to be doing. He's almost definitely the type of person who wouldn't spill if he had an injury and didn't want to take up resources, though he does suppose that would be more selfless than selfish. The latter label still does apply, he thinks.
    Aᴘᴘᴇᴀʀᴀɴᴄᴇ: Auric's most striking characteristic is his hair. Due to some recessive gene in the distant past or something, his hair is a bright, vibrant gold, so that it gleams in sunlight and, according to Auric himself, is almost ridiculous. It is relatively long, going to his shoulders, and he usually bunches it up casually in a ponytail at the base of his head. He has a long fringe that hangs in his eyes, but which is usually trimmed so that it does not actually impede his sight. He has pale skin and light brown eyes, which actually border on amber and technically could be called such. His eyes are slightly slanted, long and elegant in shape. His features are delicate and androgynous for the most part; he has a softly curving jawline and heart-shaped face, along with a slender, femininely turned-up nose. His brows are mostly flat without much curvature, darker than his hair in more of a brown color.
    Auric's body shape is also rather androgynous-looking. With a slender build but slightly-wider hips for being biologically male, he is willowy in shape, and visibly lacking in muscle. What little he has is wiry and built for speed. He stands around 5'6", weighing around 120-130 pounds, though he doesn't make a point of knowing. On normal days, he wears dark-colored clothing to counteract the homing tendencies of his hair and attract less attention, usually going with a collared shirt and sweater combination, dark jeans, and boots.
    Upon transforming, Auric's entire demeanor changes. His hair is either kept loose or put up into a bun on the back of his head, and on his head are two ornaments. On either side, nestling over his ears and arcing up, are delicately curving metal clips, forming small branches and leaves, small flowers as well. On his left side is his pearly soulgem. He wears a sharp white outfit; a stiff collared white shirt is layered over with a jacket, going to his waist. This is slender and form-fitting, patterns etched on in the same rose gold as his hair ornaments.
    Over his shoulders lie a string of white gems, cloudy in color and strung in a neat pattern to drape over his collar and fasten to his shoulders. He wears a pair of white slacks, with a pair of boots as well with gold eyelets. A line of fabric drapes over at his belt to end at his ankles, and as the fabric goes further down, the more populated with delicate gold patterns it is, leaves and flowers, olive branches.
    Hɪsᴛᴏʀʏ: Auric was born in to a busy household: his parents were business people, and really he didn't care too much that they weren't home too often. They loved him, and cared for him, and shipped things back for him when they were traveling, so he knew that they still cared, and he didn't need the physical contact: he had his friends for that.
    Part of a close-knit group, Auric had several great friends. However, as with many things, the halcyon days that came with youth came to an end. They noticed that one of their friends was often pale, not well. Ill-looking. He eventually got to a point where he would be absent from school more than he would show up, and though they asked him about it, they never got an answer. They kept pressing and kept getting shut out, and in their discontent, they decided to drop the subject eventually. They found out too late what was actually wrong with their friend.
    The illness which had been plaguing him for such a long time dropped him in bed one night; Auric never saw him again, too off-balance to even attend the funeral. He seemed to be stuck in the "anger" stage of grieving, even though it would do no one any good. What if he had told their group what was wrong with him? They would bt have been able to help anyway, so it would have been worthless. One day, when he was nursing bruised knuckles in his room on his own, he heard a voice. Saw a small cat: felt the hope at being able to fix things. It was impossible for him to bring his friend back from the dead, but he wished that the rest of them could not die unless on their own terms.
    Cᴏɴᴛʀᴀᴄᴛᴏʀ: Auric's contractor is a small white cat, with piercing heterochromatic eyes: one gold and one black. With the name of Ell, the contractor appears not to have a gender and is usually quite the prankster, almost sinister.
    Sᴏᴜʟ Gᴇᴍ: His soul gem is a pearlescent white, with a simple earth symbol on the top.
    Pᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴀɴᴅ Wᴇᴀᴘᴏɴ: Auric can use fire magic, mostly in the form of thin streams blasted from his fingertips. His weapon is primarily a set of knives, sheathed at his belt. The knives have golden blades and further are etched with the same rose gold patterns along their white hilts.
    Oᴛʜᴇʀ: Likes coffee with cream and sugar.
  • Ɛℓαιηє
    Uѕєяηαмє: allanawillome
    Ƈнαяαcтєя Ɲαмє: Elaine
    Ɲιcкηαмє: Ellie or Ella
    Agє: 17
    Ɠєη∂єя: female
    Ƥєяѕσηαℓιту: Elaine is a caretaker more than anything else, she enjoys nothing more than caring for others and trying to make others happy. She is soft spoken but she isn't shy about voicing her opinions. She is rather emotional which can cause her to rush to conclusions or act out irrationally but given the chance to calm down she can make much more reasonable decisions. Elaine is the definition of selfless, she is willing to fight and die for almost complete strangers. This can be an issue because people earn her trust so quickly she gets her feelings hurt by trusting the wrong people. Elaine is not always the smartest decision maker driven more by her feelings than by her thoughts she rarely thinks things through and usually reacts on impulse.
    Aρρєαяαηcє: Elaine stands at about 5"2 she has soft features to her. She has super light almost cream colored hair with grey gentle eyes. She has a small petite frame nothing about her is big in anyway except her long hair which hangs almost down to the small of her back, she has bangs as well as layers that frame her small face. Elaine is also quite pale and in her normal life is usually seen wearing some preppy clothes usually a plaid skirt with a button up and long socks. Her soul gem is on a small silver bracelet. Her transformation looks much more decorative than her normal clothing, she wears a head piece that wraps all the way around her head that resembles a vine with flowers her head decoration has her soul gem dangling in the middle of her forehead. She has a light green cloak that has a golden tree design on the back. She wears a light pink mini dress with ruffles of the bottom and long knee high boots. Her arms are decorated with many gold bracelets on both arms and she wear large golden earrings.
    Hιѕтσяу: Elaine was often abused as a child by her stepfather and often felt alone and unloved in the world. After suffering his cruelty which included not only beatings but also being forced to do hard labor rather than pursue and education she began to feel as though no one loved her. After wishing to be more loved she instantly became more popular and many people soon became fond of her. However because of her wish, her step father died in a car accident also killing her loving mother and putting her younger brother ethan into a coma. She still awaits his awakening and failed to see her mother and brothers love for her because of her new found popularity, she had forgotten all about real love and instead only on being popular, a mistake she still hopes to fix.
    Ƈσηтяαcтσя: A white barn owl who she had found injured and healed. His name is Lin they made the contract after he had fully recovered and she hasn't seen much of him since except in times of desperate need of guidance.
    Sσυℓ Ɠєм: light green
    Ƥσωєяѕ & Ɯєαρση: Elaine is able to control plants and the growth of living things. She doesn't have mind control, however she can heal others wounds or grow hair or nails, however she can't use her powers on herself. Her weapon of choice is a short sword, she can attack swiftly however her attacks are not very powerful.
    Oтнєя: Elaine LOVES reading with a passion.
  • Aкι
    Uѕєяηαмє: Moon487
    Ƈнαяαcтєя Ɲαмє: Aki Laptis
    Ɲιcкηαмє: N/A
    Agє: 16
    Ɠєη∂єя: Female
    Ƥєяѕσηαℓιту: Aki is very shy, often speaking in short, quiet sentences, and is bad at socializing due to not having any humans to talk to. This changes when she is around any animals, as she suddenly becomes very talkative. She is always worried about the well-being of others, helping whenever she can.
    Aki's attitude towards things depends on two things; what it is, and who is involved. If someone is being mean to an animal at all, she becomes very angry, often yelling at them, something she rarely does and comes surprising to anyone who knows her at all. On the other hand, if someone is being mean to her, she usually ends up taking it, too shy to defend herself. One of her animal friends usually end up defending her instead, scaring the bully/bullies off. When someone is injured, human or animal, she rushes to help, tending to over react and wrapping a small paper-cut in ten layers of bandages.
    Aki thinks very fast, excelling at fighting. Even though she might think fast, she usually just uses it while fighting. When in social situations, she just can't seem to put her thoughts to use.
    Aρρєαяαηcє: Aki has mint green, waist length hair, neatly brushed to the sides of her face. She has emerald green eyes with lighter green flecks, paired with long eyelashes. She has pale skin, and stands 5'5. Her features are very soft, and she doesn't have much muscles. She normally wears a white dress shirt, paired with a light green, plaid skirt and black dress shoes, as well as white, knee high socks.
    When transformed, Aki wears a light green dress that is snug at the top, and loose at the bottom (after waist). Under the outer layer of the dress is a ruffled, pale green material that can be seen if the material below the waist is lifted. The bottom, middle, and top of the dress has a very thin line of brown. The dress ends just above her knees. Her white, knee high socks become the same color as her dress (outer layer), with two very thin brown lines at the top. Her black dress shoes become light green flats. Her soul gem becomes a light green choker with a thin line of brown on the top and bottom, and the actual soul gem placed on the center shaped like a paw. Aki's hair is kept down.
    (Dress + choker without soul gem: http://images5.fanpop.com/image/answers ... 58_367.jpg )
    Hιѕтσяу: Aki grew up in a elite family, the Laptis', attending a private school. Even in a wealthy private school, she was not allowed to make friends, as her parents thought she was out of their league. Because of her lack of friends, she became very shy, not speaking out much. Her only friends had been some animals that she would find hanging around the forest by her house when she snuck out to play. One day during the summer, when her parents had left her with the servants to go on a business trip, she was attacked in the forest by some men hired by enemies of her family. Their job to kidnap her and demand money from her family to get her back. At the time, they didn't know that her parent's weren't at the house, and the letter they had written, as well as the DVD they made of her pleading for help, was not seen by her parents. The servants, who were not supposed to read any mail what-so-ever, had no clue of what was happening. Her captors grew impatient, and decided that they weren't going to pay, so she was useless. They were going to kill her. When the leader loaded his gun, a wolf and a bear barged in and killed her captors. She had felt even closer to animals after this, and would do anything to be able to understand them. So, when Kit said that she could wish for anything in exchange of being a magical girl, she immediately asked to be able to understand animals, and have them understand them. When Aki's parents came back the next week, they pulled her out of private school, and put her in a public school with a different last name, so that she would be safer. During the week, she stays at a house in town with a carefree servant named Veronica, and on the weekends she stays with her parents in their manor.
    Ƈσηтяαcтσя: A fox named Kit. Kit is a very gently fox, always bringing up Aki's hopes when she's down. She always cuddles with Aki, especially at night. Although sweet, Kit is not afraid to state her thoughts, or Aki's, as they can hear each other's thoughts and Aki is too sky to say her own.
    Sσυℓ Ɠєм: Aki's soul gem is an emerald green, with a paw on the top
    Ƥσωєяѕ & Ɯєαρση: Aki has control over earth, and can speak to animals (she speaks outloud, their voice is in her head). She uses twin katanas to fight.
    Oтнєя: N/A
Last edited by Zeki904 on March 30th, 2016, 10:57:42 am, edited 6 times in total.

I just wanna dance the night away
Close my eyes and dance in the moonlight
It’s hot it’s heating up
I can’t even stop myself
No way

I just wanna, dance the night away
dance the night away
I just wanna, dance the night away
dance the night away
I just wanna

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Will You Make A Contract? || Summary

Post by Zeki904 »


Significant Happenings:
  • N/A
Ƈυяяєηт ƇσηтяαcтѕImage
  • Evern || Vixen
    Auric || Ell
    Elaine || Lin
    Aki || Kit
Last edited by Zeki904 on March 30th, 2016, 9:11:54 pm, edited 4 times in total.

I just wanna dance the night away
Close my eyes and dance in the moonlight
It’s hot it’s heating up
I can’t even stop myself
No way

I just wanna, dance the night away
dance the night away
I just wanna, dance the night away
dance the night away
I just wanna

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Post by Zeki904 »

Reserved just in case

I just wanna dance the night away
Close my eyes and dance in the moonlight
It’s hot it’s heating up
I can’t even stop myself
No way

I just wanna, dance the night away
dance the night away
I just wanna, dance the night away
dance the night away
I just wanna

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Re: Will You Make A Contract? OOC

Post by GlitterEnthusiast »

/rushes in to save the day

I'll reserve a post~ c: <3
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Re: Will You Make A Contract? OOC

Post by Zeki904 »

thank you ;-; you're the actual best :t-hugs:

I just wanna dance the night away
Close my eyes and dance in the moonlight
It’s hot it’s heating up
I can’t even stop myself
No way

I just wanna, dance the night away
dance the night away
I just wanna, dance the night away
dance the night away
I just wanna

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Re: Will You Make A Contract? OOC

Post by Iliad »

OOOOOOOH MY GOD :well: Will almost definitely be joining. I also really like your graphics.
I am the tactician.
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Re: Will You Make A Contract? OOC

Post by Zeki904 »

Ahhhhhh thank you so much!! :wee: Glitter helped me make them. I just sent her my babies and she did the rest xD

I just wanna dance the night away
Close my eyes and dance in the moonlight
It’s hot it’s heating up
I can’t even stop myself
No way

I just wanna, dance the night away
dance the night away
I just wanna, dance the night away
dance the night away
I just wanna

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Re: Will You Make A Contract? OOC

Post by GlitterEnthusiast »

HI hello~ :bounce:
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