The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Update!

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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by SwnyTddObsd »

Hello! :wave: I'm looking for any private RPs that anyone would be interested in having me in, really.

  • called Swny, usually.
  • a bit out of practice - I used to RP quite a bit on MS, but I haven't RP'd nearly as much in years.
  • at the least semi-lit and would be comfortable with lit RPs.
  • really interested in hearing the ideas of other roleplayers! I don't have any specific RPs in mind - I'm actually very interested in having the chance to hear pitches from people with those ideas nagging at them, itching to at least get a chance to be tried.
  • tentatively listing myself as willing to play any characters requested of me - I'd like to look at any pre-made characters before agreeing, and I'd be more than happy to make up a character as well. I'm okay with all topics and content, and would technically prefer non-straight romances if there is one, but that's not a serious criterion for me.
I'm looking for...
  • Nothing in particular - I'd be happy to give anything a shot. I'm in a few fandoms (not many, sorry) - nothing cohesive enough to list. You can ask, and since I may not get (m)any PMs, I'd be willing to start reading/watching something to get familiar with it if your pitch makes it tantalizing! o:
  • semi-lit to lit RPs - grammatically pretty solid and would prefer at least a paragraph of four or five sentences on average - I'm not picky about wildly varying or incredibly long posts. (I'd be pretty excited for the latter, honestly. :yey: )
  • someone who can wait a bit in between replies. I'm in China doing internships, so during the day, I may or may not have time to reply. Please keep in mind that if you're in the US, my day is your night, and vice versa.
  • I'd like to RP in a format that doesn't have many limits, so preferably not in PM's (inbox space). Skype is fine, if that's a thing.
  • I lied a teeensy bit, because I've always wanted to do an extended MagiStream RP. Any plot, any rules, but I'd be lying if I said it hasn't been like this little dying dream in the corner of my mind for the past few years. I'm most interested in anything fantasy-based. Truly, the best of friends make your dreams come true in less than a day! :') But I'm up for anything at all! I would love to experiment with ideas. If you want someone who'll go along with anything or who'll try to tighten up loose ends in a premise at your request... I think that's me. :9
!! - If I'm not confident that I can RP a premise, I'll let you know. I'm sorry ahead of time! ;;;; I just don't want to be a poor RP partner. - !!

If your post is above mine in the thread and I happened to get your interest (first, bless your soul, or void where there was one), forum spoilers load so slowly on the computer I'm using to type this post up on - so I can't really look at any ideas that were posted or edited into your posts.
Please feel free to PM me with anything!
If it's any incentive: in the past, I've often enjoyed doodling my own characters in MMOs interacting with friends' - I'm definitely not particularly skilled, but if you'd be interested in my cheerfully butchering your precious characters in the name of bad humor and unironically bad drawings, you've glanced over the right post. :yarly: This is not a promise or guarantee of free art - I just may choose to. n _n
Thanks for reading! :bounce:
Last edited by SwnyTddObsd on January 12th, 2016, 10:29:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread

Post by Brina »

I'm looking for either a 1x1 or 1x1x1.
So hello there, my name is Brina. ^_^
I've been roleplaying on Magistream for over 4 years, and I've loved every minute of it. Right now I'm only participating in a few, so I'm hoping for some more to keep me busy.

I'm looking for someone:

  • who is literate
    who won't write one liners (I prefer at least a couple paragraphs)
    with at least a little experience in roleplaying
    who will be willing to try plot-twists to make the story continuous

I tend to write at least three paragraphs. I can roleplay both males and females. I'd say I'm fairly literate, but we all make mistakes. I'll try to be online every day, but due to my sports and school schedules I may not be able to respond as frequently as I'd like. I'll try my best to keep up with every roleplay I get into.
It'd be good if you already have ideas for plots, because even though I'm alright with helping set them up, most of the ones I make myself are lame.

I will do:
(With a plot)
Werewolves and/or Vampires
Zombie Apocalypse (or an end of the world type thing)
Angel X Demon
Assassin X Royal
Royal X Peasant

Book series I'll roleplay:
Vampire Academy
The White Rabbit Chronicles

Send me any other ideas you may have! ^_^ I'm always open to suggestions.

****Just to warn you, no matter what kind of roleplay we do I'm going to add romance into the plot. I love romance roleplays.

I won't do:
Yaoi (Unless you have a good plot)
Animals (unless you have a good plot)
Twilight (but I will do vampires)
Anything based off of video games

If you have something in mind that isn't on the list, just explain it in your PM! I'll tell you what I think.
If you're interested, PM me any ideas. Please try and provide plots or have a brief outline of one in mind. :wave:
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by artemisrose »

I think I found all the partners I'm gonna get thank you! C:
OKAY. hi.

Okay that was lame :U

As everyone else here is, I'm actually looking to RP again. I am probably looking for maybe three 1x1's right now. I do end up being a bit of a ...anyway, three right. now.

JUST THREE 1x1's [3/3]

Here's the tales of myself:
  • ::: I'm usually called Rose. I've been arty at times but most people who I used to roll around with here called me Rose.
    ::: I may have the tendency to leave unexpectedly, what that means is I'm a Junior in my fifth year of college and I'm super busy. (JUST TO FOREWARN, BUT I AM QUICK) I want to RP again because I need something to actually do other than school and DOM on FR. I tried to start RP again in a new forum and it's just not doing it, I miss people here.
    ::: I think I did this before...IDK.
    ::: I usually only do ORIGINAL ideas. But I can be convinced to do canon. Ask me in a PM /shurgs
    ::: I've been RPing for about...(I actually have to count hold on) ten...TEN YEARS?? holy cow. Sorry. Yeah, it's ten. I'm old and I usually RP at Lit/Adv level, but I also am not deterred from RPing with people who just wanna, starting off is scary so let's do this /haaaaaaaahhhh
    ::: If you DID RP WITH ME BEFORE AND OUR THREAD GOT DELETED BECAUSE IM A BUTT WHO LETS IT SIT THERE AND IT GETS REMOVED PLEASE PM ME IF YOU WANT TO RESTART. I was having a bad RP hole and I just was having a terrible moment the last couple of years I wasn't here. I finally think I can juggle this back into my life.
Will's and Will Not's:
What I will do:
::: Basically anything. As long as it follows the rules here on MS. Please read them I know I have to refresh myself. Do it. It'll keep you from getting flustered over seeing a PM from the mods.
::: However I prefer original concepts. I will however be open to canon plots, you just have to ask if I'm in that fandom since typing the list here would take up at least half a screen.
::: I also like character relationships (platonic or not). Bonds just get to me y'know?
::: LGBT+ friendly also fyi.

What I will not do:
::: Anything against MS rules. Please for the love of God read them.
::: I...don't do space. I don't know I just never really got the knack for it. It's not that I don't like sci-fi it's that it doesn't like the way I write it >>;;;
I can't think of much else, PM me if you want :U I'm open to a lot but if I don't like the idea I'll tell you. I'm pretty nice, people at least have said I am. I've also hosted quite a bit on here and people tended to love them when I was actively running them.
Last edited by artemisrose on January 20th, 2016, 5:23:43 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Hahi!: 1x1 RP with me C: do it.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by reptilliandreams »

I am no longer looking for RP partners, thank you to those who responded.
I just want to RP more and work on increasing my post lengths to a couple of paragraphs.

I am...
-Used to the nickname Rep
-Semi-literate and used to posting about a paragraph (I think I can do more? At least starting out?)
-Used to female characters but I can do with whatever you want
-Alright with playing a character of any sexuality
-Fine with RPing in a small group
-I may disappear for a week if I have a calc test coming up but I'll tell you

I would like...
-Fantasy RP
-Especially fine with a Fantasy or Sci-Fi exploration sort of RP (Camping out, finding ruins, always being able to encounter something new, stressful situations, ...)
-Magistream RP
-Superhero type thing!

I am alright with...
-Anime/TV/Video Game universes
-Probably whatever you wanna do
-Low literacy/ short posts. Honestly you have to start somewhere and as long as you try I'm fine with it.
-The monster hunting/anime school RPs

I am not alright with...
-Anything too explicit
-RPing canon characters in a series
-Zombie Apocalypse (Fine with other types of apocalypse)
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Kyris »


Hello! My name is dragonlover910. You can call me Dragon, Dragonlover, or anything else you can come up with (as long as it isn't rude or weird).

~My Background~

You may look at the day I joined and say, "Gosh, they really don't have much experience with RPing." Well, I'm here to tell you differently. You see, I don't just do roleplaying here, I RP on other sites, and in RL. I think I've been RP for about 4-5 years, actually.
I usually post a minimum of 4-5 lines. Although, sometimes I will post really short, almost one-liners. Sometimes, I will leave unbeknownst to anyone. I'm asking for a partner who will put up with my rare, sudden bursts of writers block and sudden disappearances. Now, I'm not saying this happens often. Recently, I have had family visit me that I haven't seen in years. This keeps me from posting as much as I want to. Plus, I have school. I would just like to inform my partner(s) to this before it happens.

~What I Will Do~

-Romance (I'm okay with any type of pairing, whether it be heterosexual, or yaoi/yuri)
-Seriously, ANY type of fantasy
-Magic (People or animals)
-...and pretty much anything else you can come up with. I'm usually open to ideas.

~What I Won't Do~

-Overly romantic roleplays. They just get incredibly boring after a while.
-Completely normal RPs. I don't want to sit there and read, "Bob met his friend Joe at the store. They bought ice cream." Seriously?
-Twilight. This one is different from the rest. It's not like I don't like Twilight, I just don't like the overly romantic stuff that comes with it. (I can RP this one, although I would like to stay away from the movie version)

~My Expectations~

Please have good grammar. I mean, I can accept the occasional slip up, or even a few tired mistakes, but not something like, "O thei met each otr n he was all liek wao n I was all liek cul bro." NO.
I also want a post with at least 3 lines. I can't stand one-liners, even on my end. Please, if you want to RP with me, take the time to put a few extra sentences in there somewhere.
Please be patient. I know that my sudden blips cause a lot of angry thoughts, but it's not like I'm openly trying to avoid you.

Thanks~! :wave:
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by 2dvstheworld »

Hello, my name is Mars but you can call me whatever you like, I've got a lot of nicknames so it doesn't really matter. I'm looking for some RP partners so I'll post some info here.

What I Love
-Fantasy (Anything from Harry Potter to Skyrim, I love it)
-Original Plots (I've got a few ideas of my own, but I'm open to almost anything)
-Romace (I don't care if its straight gay or whatever, I love love)
-Sci-fi (Star Wars kinda things)

What I Don't Love
-Heavy Angst (I don't like being very sad)
-Mary Sue characters (Don't even get me started, I don't care design wise, but characters need flaws)
-Domestic plots (They're too boring for me)

What I Expect
-The ability to write at least three sentences
-I really don't expect much, just be nice and lets have fun together!

Please send me a PM if you're interested!
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by TheGirlNamedMel »

Well, hey there.~Image

As of right now I'm looking for multiple RP partners! I few of my old ones have died off and I want to start a bunch.

I enjoy a good RP and am a sucker for a good plot. So if you feel like your plot idea is pretty dang good, feel free to chuck it lovingly in the direction of my head and I'll see if I like it. If I don't please don't get offended if I say so. I don't do well with RP's when it's a plot i'm not having fun with and eventually I'll just get bored with it that i'll abandon it. But just because I don't like a certain Idea doesn't mean I wont try to work with you to come up with a fantastic one!

What you'll get from me:
-- I tend to write pretty lengthy posts in the beginning and can maintain a good length. Obviously when characters start to interact they get a bit shorter.
-- I write in a novel sort of style, meaning I tend to include descriptions of scenery or atmosphere. I very much like to capture the mood.
-- I am fairly literate but due to my bilingual nature in English as well as French, some of my diction and wording might seem a bit strange or confusing. Most of the time it's just a minor thing and it's pretty easy to figure out what I mean. But if you some across a sentence that looks like English but makes absolutely no sense, please, please, PLEASE do not hesitate to ask me what I meant. I will not be offended. I promise.

What I expect from a partner:
-- I expect you to be at least fairly literate. A few grammar mistakes here and there are okay, but I don't want to have to spend twenty minutes sitting there trying to decipher what you wrote because there's so much misspelling and grammar flaws. I also expect your post to be 10 - 15 lines long. I understand if you hit a writer's block, just let me know and we can discuss further plot ideas to keep the plot line going in a forward motion.
-- Please keep your writing in the third person. I really am not fond of the first person writing as it confuses me.

Things I want to do:
(PM if your interested and you want more details about the plots listed below)
-Sherlock and a Original Character
-Star Child
-Wild west ranch
-Prestigious academy of snooty rich kids

Things I will do:
-College (But not the crazy party everyone gets drunk and has the sex college)
-Steam punk
-Academy for the mentally advanced

Things I will not do:
-Anime based
-Warriors (The cat one)
-Pure romance (some romance is play, but I don't like it when it's the driving force behind the plot.)
-Hunger Games

If you have any other ideas that don't involve things on my 'won't do' list, then feel free to pitch them my way!
Always looking for RP partners.
Message me if you're interested!
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Exterminate »

S T A T U S -- L O O K I N G

Hey, I'm Exterminate (also known as FizzGryphon or Exterminate. elsewhere). You can call me whatever you want, but most go with Fizz. I'm currently looking for an RP partner or two.

How I Roleplay
-- I always, always roleplay in third person and in paragraph form
-- I am a semi-lit to advanced roleplayer, depending on the genre, plot, and characters
-- New characters I create can be rather choppy at first, but I tend to get the hang of them as I go
-- I can post from a page long response to five sentences, depending on the amount of action, scenery, and overall atmosphere is involved. I especially post longer descriptions in the beginning, but it tends to become more consistent as I go.
-- I do not have much time, and therefore may only get one or two posts in a day at best, a post or two every few days or so at worst.
-- Please note that I also have a habit of playing more than one character, especially if it makes the plot stronger.
My Expectations
-- I don't expect extremely long posts, just so long as they have some depth to them. I'd also prefer more seasoned roleplayers - semi-lit to advanced, who have a good understanding of grammar and spelling. A few misspelled words and odd grammar is fine - especially if it is dialogue.
-- Please write in third person. First person thoughts are alright, but I feel like third person posts in general give more natural responses.
-- Again, as a rule just be respectful.

What I Want to Roleplay
--Doctor Who, Star Trek, or Star Wars (or a combination)
-- Sci-fi/fantasy
-- Semi-realistic or fantasy animal roleplays with limited magic ability
-- Darker MLP roleplays
-- Robot, android, or cybernetic races
-- Anything slightly darker in nature (Please see what I will not do, however)
What I Will Do
-- Adventure
-- Fluffy roleplays
-- Mysteries
-- Pirates (Please see what I will not do)
-- Completely realistic roleplays
-- Multifandom roleplays

What I Will NOT Do
-- Anything too explicit
-- Overly romantic scenes/characters
-- Daily life (no regular high school, no regular shopping, ect)
-- All fandoms unless stated above (with a few exceptions - PM me)
-- Purely human roleplays and characters (humans bred and born are alright, but I don't want a roleplay governed and controlled with regular humans being the main focus. Aliens, animals, or hybrids are welcome, however)
-- Homosexual relationships; this is not to offend anyone, or to say I dislike it - I'm okay with it, but it's just uncomfortable for me. Having a homosexual character in the roleplay is fine, however.
-- Magic based roleplays. I do enjoy unexplained powers or magic in the world, but not without any explaination. For example, I need an explanation for, say, a human gaining a superpower besides 'they were born this way' or 'they were just randomly experimented on'. Or, for better example, having objects just randomly appear when they need them.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Navigation »

Currently Looking

About Me
I am Semi-Lit to Advance person when I roleplay depending on the topic of interest. I am on at least every other day, so you should expect a reply by then. I will let you know if I won't be on for a certain number of days and can't reply. Expect a bit of OOC in the form of PMs or in the actually RP itself. I do like to chat with my partner and cross ideas around for plot twists and such.

I do also love plot twists. So if you choose to Rp with me -- Expect them.

I tend to roleplay near exclusively male characters. I don't know why, they just come very easy and very natural to me. I typically play characters in the age group of 25 to 37. I can do age groups lower then that, but it is difficult for me. If romance is involved...I prefer it to not be MxF. I like doing MxM. I play characters who aren't straight and who might stray from the path of the "normal" personalities and sexualities.

I do not do roleplays through PM. However you are free to contact me through PM if you would like to do a 1x1 Rp with me.

What I Expect From You
Semi-Lit and Advanced roleplayers only. Two - Three paragraph sized posts. Good grammar. Post at least every other day. Third Person POV.

Plot Ideas

The Big Move
MxM Rp
As an exchange student, you must make new friends and adapt to the new surroundings and customs to your new school. But there's more then just adjusting to your school that you have to deal with.
What I'm Also Looking For:
Science Fiction
Pacific Rim
LOTR based
Pre/Post Apoclyptic
Mechs and Robots
Futuristic War
Humans with Powers
James Cameron's AVATAR (or the idea of it)
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by ThatDrownedOne »

Will do;;
•MCR (my chemical romance romance RP(Frank x Gerard)
• Male x Male (not comfortable with heterosexual rp's.)
• Mlp (OC x OC, cannon x cannon, OC x cannon.)
• Black Butler
• Free!
• SnK (Shingeki no Kyojin.)
• Homestuck
• Rock Bands.(Depends)

Won't do;;
• Female x Female
• Female x Male
• Realistic animal rp's
• Wolf rp's
• Vampire x Werewolf rp's
• Over-powered rp's
• Vampire/Werevolves rp's (except Diabolik Lovers)

About me;;
• Can write up to 5 paragraphs
• Always online
• Fast replies
• Perfect punctuation
• Great grammar
• Good at many stuff

I except;;
• Minimum 10 lines
• Good grammar
• Perfect punctuation
• PM roleplays
• At least a good plot/ideas for rp
• Or no plot at all.
  • • Hello there x~x. My name is BEN but people keep calling me BENNY. Just call me whatever you want.

    Always up for any roleplays, male x male and MCR are most wanted.

    Can do pretty good threads with my coding experience, PM for details! (I-I suppose?)

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