(that was a pun)
anyway basically league of legends guild for league of legends talk!!!
its totally free to play and you can sign up here
league is a multiplayer online battle arena video game with pretty dank graphics and a wide selection of characters/champions that you can play. level 30 is required to start playing ranked, which are the elite version of everyone else, basically.
ALSO. the champions have pretty sweet voice acting and probably the worst jokes in the world so you have that to ctrl+1/2/3/4 through whenever you're waiting for the minions to spawn and get into it. (thanks Slip)
sign up????
Code: Select all
[b]summoner name:[/b]
[b]champ mains:[/b]
[b]role mains:[/b]
[b]anything else?:[/b]
salt ---> Ruzio/Ruri ---> NA/OCE
xmands ---> xmands ---> NA
banuri ---> JustaDandelion ---> NA
Firepaw ---> Azarkiel/Tameil ---> NA
Slipstream ---> Tenvaes ---> SG/MY
Aetheline ---> Aerocine ---> NA
moondragon ---> moondragon130 ---> NA
AverraLikesRamen ---> Aflame ---> NA
AshallaynTallyn ---> Ashallayn Tallyn ---> OCE
snowflakeseal1234 ---> LSSica/YandereCapybara ---> NA
Aufheben ---> Ljosmyndir ---> NA
Rengar ---> Bhuuih ---> SG/MY
PeelTheMango ---> TfwPeepo ---> NA
Hotade ---> Virgintits ---> NA
Isaya ---> Hyujin ---> NA[/center]