Bits n' Pieces of Peterip's Writing

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Re: Bits n' Pieces of Peterip's Writing

Post by Peterip »

Finn meets Kit and Dante in Lost in a World of Madness

Glowing yellow eyes flash in the darkness. Those aren't human eyes. They are a cats. A girl wearing a dark, slick, tight full body suit walks out. Her teeth are bared, with large sabertooth fangs. Sharp, long, shiny claws extend from where her nails should be. Fluffy, soft, brown cat ears shoot out from her flowing, extremely wavy black hair. She glares at me with her big yellow eyes, sizing me up. I look back at her blankly.
"I'm scarred too." I say, not even needing to ask if she was scarred. It was obvious.


The boy says he is scarred? Scarred my ass. If he was scarred, he would have turned into what ever he is already. He is probably deranged. I retract my sabertooth fangs to allow myself to talk.
"Really?" I snarl. "Show me."
He turns his wrist, showing me his scar. A black wave rolls on his wrist. I raise my eyes. He wasn't lying.
"I know it isn't an animal, for some reason I'm dif-" He begins, but I cut him off.
"You are no different." I snap. "Dante!" I call.
Dante takes a step into the light. His bleach blonde hair tumbles over his forehead. His sharp green intelligent eyes take this blue eyed boy in. He flexes his large biceps threateningly.
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Re: Bits n' Pieces of Peterip's Writing

Post by Peterip »

Kit and Harper have their first heart to heart in Lost in a World of Madness after Finn makes a move... ;)

"Hey," He whispers, placing himself uncomfortable close to me.
"Be safe out there." and then he does the most unbelievable action he could have taken. He kisses me. I whip backwards and backhand him hard across the face. We stand there in an awkward silence.
"Don't do that again." I say and storm after Kit. I don't look back once.
"What an exit!" Kit laughs as I walk up to her.
"I thought you two were a thing?" she says on a more serious note.
I had never had a 'heart to heart' with Kit, and I didn't think it was possible, but here we are.
"No. I met him like last week. He's already tried it once and I told him not to, and back at your place I made it very clear that I was not and will never be interested. How dare he? Who the hell does he think he is?" I rant. Kit just laughs a little bit.
"At least he didn't drug you."
"With what? Where would he find drugs in this god forsaken place. We are in a living hell." The anger inside me begins to subside.
"You never know. Guys will find a way. Always do." She responds.
"You sound like you have experience?" I joke.
"Actually, yeah. All of my exes have tried it. That's why they aren't with me anymore." She tried to laugh, but there was no lightening the mood she had just set.
"Buzzkill." I mumble. She punches my arm playfully. As we trudge on I decide to try one more joke.
"Did I just have a civil conversation with... Kit?" I say over dramatically.
"I'm not as bitchy as I seem." She says and rolls her eyes.
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Re: Bits n' Pieces of Peterip's Writing

Post by Peterip »

Kit and Harper meet Will and Luke in Lost in a World of Madness

The boy looks at me. Our eyes hold glances for longer than necessary. He looks me up and down then turns back to Kit.
"We were about to hit the hospital," She begins.
"So were we. You got any injured?" He interrupts.
"One, you?" She shoots back.
"One. How many of you are there? You got anymore watching us?"
Kit hesitates before she responds.
"We got two others, none of which are here. What about you?"
"One other. I mean, if you don't count my friends." the wolves bark in response to this.
"Why don't we talk privately and see what we can do." I say wearily. The boy looks at me again.
"Will." He says and sticks out his hand.
"Harper." I stick out my own and shake his. Kit offers her name,
"Kit." but not her hand.
"That's Luke." Will nods his head toward the bear.
Luke shakes out his fur but remains in bear form. Never once do Will's eyes leave mine.
"I'd like my bag back now?" Kit's frustration beams through her voice. The wolf growls but drops the bag.
Kit snatches it away. "C'mon Harper, lets go."
I take one last glance at Will before walking away.
"No." Kit snaps. "I don't trust them."
"Well, I do. Besides, Dante needs that medicine. If we don't get it to him the wound will get worse. Infected even. They are strong, they can help us." I try to be reasonable.
"We are strong too, we can handle ourselves." She rolls her eyes.
"Yeah, you and I are. But we can't drag Dante around while protecting ourselves. If we get into another battle like that, then we are screwed. No one was guarding Dante. He could've died. He still can die. Finn is alone there with him and he is wounded. Lets at least meet their third person." I know deep down that we needed this.
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Re: Bits n' Pieces of Peterip's Writing

Post by Peterip »

Kit and Harper make their demands in Lost in a World of Madness

"We want to meet your third guy first." Kit snaps.
"Girl." Luke corrects quietly.Will gives Kit an uneasy look.
"I don't think that is necessary."
"It is." Kit says firmly.
"Then I'll need your weapons."
"Hell no!" Kit snaps back. The pack of wolves advances.I slip off my weapon belt, filled with an assortment of knives. I slide it across the floor to Will. Kit shoots me a deadly look. Will lifts up the belt and inspects in thoroughly. Then he turns to Kit and glances at her expectantly.
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Re: Bits n' Pieces of Peterip's Writing

Post by Peterip »

My weird song/poem/thing When

when you fake a smile and puff out your chest
when your whole life feels like a mess
when you listen to sad music
when you tell them you're fine
when you have to lie to yourself
when your walls begin to rebuild
when you hate yourself
when you want everything she has
when you cry yourself to sleep
when they tell you you're overreacting
when you go to school with an empty heart
when you pretend not to care
when you can't eat
when you think your ugly
when you feel like throwing up
when no one cares
when you're alone
when you're in the dark
when you think you're wrong
Think of me, and think of how you put me in the same situation.
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Re: Bits n' Pieces of Peterip's Writing

Post by Peterip »

Harper and Dante bond before they go to bed in Lost in a World of Madness

Dante gestures down the hallway to Finn. Finn hesitates to leave us alone, but then continues down the path to his room. Dante leads me up yet another flight of stairs.
"This one is yours." He says quietly. I enter the room, and he doesn't follow. I look back at him.
"Dante," I whisper. He nods in acknowledgment.
"Will you... Will you tuck me in?" I ask, my cheeks reddening. Dante hesitates, but then enters.
"Your friend would not appreciate this." He says softly as I slip under the covers. He sits at the foot of my bed.
"Finn? No, he wouldn't care." I reassure him.
"We just met anyways." Dante nods thoughtfully. His brow is furrowed and his eyes are deep in thought.
"What are you thinking about Dante?" I ask him.
"Nothing to your concern, Little Bird." He says quietly. He shakes his head, as if clearing his thoughts.
"Do you remember when I was talking about my friend? The one they took away?" A sharp pain pricks in my heart. I'd been holding the thought of Mason away. Dante nods, and goes to move forward to comfort me, but thinks against it and stays were he is.
"I miss him." I say. "I remember when we were young we used to play tag in my backyard. And I remember his family was never... Good to him, so at night he would sneak out and climb up the wall to my window, which I always left unlocked for him. One time he even came in the pouring rain, so I got him a blanket and we stayed up all night talking, until I fell asleep that is. When I woke up he was gone and he must've moved me onto my bed before he left." A sigh escapes my lips. A strong longing to see Mason seizes my heart. Dante stays motionless in his spot, his eyes closed, as if he is imagining the story I had just told him.
"Don't worry, Little Bird, we will find him."
I fake a small smile, but I know Dante can see through it. He gets up to leave. Almost before he turns off the lights my head has hit the pillow and I'm asleep.
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Re: Bits n' Pieces of Peterip's Writing

Post by Peterip »

Kit gives the first indication Dante is gay in Lost in a World of Madness

I hold my head in my hands, desperately trying to remove the dreaded memory I've been thinking of since I came home from the arena. My father. My mother. My home. My family. My life. The plague. I stifle a sob. I'm not a little girl anymore. I don't cry anymore. I won't cry anymore. Dante breaks my thoughts. He sits next to me, placing his hand delicately on my shoulder. Typically, if it was anyone else, I would brush him off. But its Dante. I stay frozen. Dante's presence comforts me. A take a staggering breath, regaining my emotions.
"Let's do a raid tomorrow." I say.
"They are not nearly ready." Dante replies with a puzzled frown. I furrow my brow. "
Then Harper and I will go. You can stay with Blue Eyes."
"Don't drag them into this Catherine." Dante says sharply. Dante was the only one who dared use my real name. A twitch of annoyance flickers.
"Oh, your just trying to protect your lover!" I snap, standing up. Anger flares in my eyes like burning embers. A shocked expression flashes across his face before it is replaced with extreme hurt. Dante opens his mouth to reply, but nothing comes out.
"Dante, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it..." I sit back down and take his hand in mine.
"You know it wasn't intentional."
Dante slowly removes his hand from my own.
"Actually, Catherine," he spits my name out like poison, "I'm not too sure." He leaves the room.
"Dante, I-" It's too late. He's left.
"Gah, I'm so stupid!" I collapse on the bed.
"He trusted you Kit! He trusted you with his secret! He wanted you to respect it!" I think to myself. I hold my pillow tight to my chest and stare at the ceiling.
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Re: Bits n' Pieces of Peterip's Writing

Post by Raneth »

As this is a collection of original fiction, it belongs in the Parlor.

Pretty ponies...
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Re: Bits n' Pieces of Peterip's Writing

Post by Peterip »

Lost and Naomi escape the fire in Lost Beauty

A very distinct feel of uneasiness passes over the tame horses around me. Unbearable silence breaks over us. Worried cries and shouts rapidly erupt from the human homes. They flood in, grabbing there own horses, leaving most behind. What is going on? Horses whinny angrily and kick at their stalls, as do I. I'm nervous and exited at the same time. Soon enough I am the last horse locked away, and that is when I feel it. Scorching hot flames lick the edges of the rickety wooden barn. I scream in fear, and kick forcefully against my stall. The fire dances in my wild eyes as I kick harder. My lungs tighten as the smoke thickens and I gasp desperately for air. I throw my self at the stall with all of my might. I'm scared. Suddenly the stall door opens, and I am being dragged away from the glowing hot flame. I scream again and kick out, fright controlling my every move. Once far from the barn, I bolt. When I look back, I see my savior. A small, native girl. She bleeds, and her eyes are sunken. She has been lashed along her back. Something in my head clicks. That is one of the native people's children. I remember her walking past my stall as they took her to the cells. As I run back to her with my feet thundering against the floor, I ask myself, why? Why am I saving this human?
Last edited by Peterip on April 17th, 2016, 12:49:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bits n' Pieces of Peterip's Writing

Post by Peterip »

Song/poem/thing I wrote called You

You are the one
You think its all just fun
but i have to make you see how I see
I have to make you understand
where I stand
you need to know how I feel
I tried so hard to conceal
its burning up, its engulfing me
swallowing me alive

When I'm with you I get this feeling
I'm done concealing
Something burns up inside
it won't go no matter how much i cried
and now I know
how much I love you so

you hold my heart in your hand
you have to understand
you don't get it, you never will
your lies continue to fill
I can't stand it anymore
what do you take me for

This feeling I can't control
my love is taking toll
my vision gets blurry
my head gets light
I'm on a never ending flight
don't know where it goes
Only god knows

My chests bubbles
heat rises to my skin
but I know I can never win
I want to scream and shout
I want to get it all out
out of my mind
how can you be so blind

When I'm with you I get this feeling
I'm done concealing
Something burns up inside
it won't go no matter how much i cried
and now I know
how much I love you so

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