Bits n' Pieces of Peterip's Writing

This section is for writing that is completely your own, including the world it is set in

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Re: Bits n' Pieces of Peterip's Writing

Post by Peterip »


In the last shine of the afternoon light the wind whistles, skipping into the night.
The leaves dance in the evening air, scattering, playing everywhere.
Winter, spring, and summer have all passed, now comes the season where nightfall lasts.
As the gleam of the daylights warmth falls away, the hours of darkness have come along to stay.
The moon twists and turns in the star filled sky, the colorful leaves soar and fly.
Reeds hiss at the endless wind, and the African daisy's petals have thinned.
The first sundown of Autumn and houses are hushed, and the sunlight has faded away in a rush.
The daylight creeps up over the horizon, and the landscape begins to yet again brighten.
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Re: Bits n' Pieces of Peterip's Writing

Post by Peterip »

Another piece, similar to Lost Beauty. Both are about fires and tribes. (Must've been some sort of phase I went through :lol: ) Anywho, this is a piece of Adsila

I ride a very handsome bay stallion named Oukonunaka, meaning 'White Owl'. We named him that because of his large, pale, white/blue eyes. He is very well built, and his coat is a rich velvety orange/red/brown. Like most stallions he has a great long mane and tail. As a bay, his mane and tail are black. As I walk towards the area the horses are kept the wind dies down, and more people awaken. When I get to Oukonunaka he lifts his head up and noses me. I smile and pet his head. All is going well, and he seems fine, until a distinct feeling of uneasiness passes through all of the horses. Their eyes go wide, and they let out nickers of discomfort. Some begin to pull at the ropes that have hobbled them down. The temperature begins to rise, and cries of fright come from outside. I take my bow from over my back and notch an arrow. As I peer around Oukonunaka big body at the village, I see it. Fire. Panic seizes my heart. I place my arrow back in its place and string my bow around my back. The horses have begun to screech and cry. The lightning from last night and the dryness of the air must have contributed to this. The prairie is on fire for the first time in hundreds of years. I go to the chief's horse first. I take out my knife and struggle to untie him. He rears, his wild eyes are looking directly at me. I call at him to stop. Smoke has begun to wrap around me, causing me to have a coughing fit. As soon as I am done cutting the chief's horse free, the appaloosa goes running. The smoke has became so thick I can barley see. I fall to the floor and claw at my neck desperately for air. I weakly crawl towards the next horse. Through the smoke I can't tell whose horse it is, but I'm almost positive it is a mare. I hack through the rope. For a moment I don't hear her hooves galloping away. I get to my feet, and slap her on the rump. Her hooves thunder down the path and away from the fire. I can see it getting closer. Then I hear it. Barking. I left my dog, Galilani, in the teepee! There are two horses left. One of them is Oukonunaka. I can't stay with him. Galilani is in more danger. I stumble towards the teepee. I trip over a dead fish and scrape a long deep gash down my leg. A screech of pain escapes my lips and I try to apply pressure, but the gash is almost as long as my arm. Galilani lets out a whimper from inside the teepee. I close my eyes tightly and dig my fingernails into my palms to distract myself from the pain of the cut. I let out another coughing fit and stumble towards the teepee. I have to get him out before the fire gets to our teepee. I fumble with the flap. The thick animal hide teepee must have been to heavy for Galilani to push open. I never thought about it, since we always keep it open. Did my family purposefully lock him away in there? Where is my family now? Finally I get it open and limp inside. Galilani stands growling at the thick smoke. The poor thing must be sweating to death from his thick coat. There is a dim light coming from the fire outside, and when I look down at my arm and leg, they are completely soaked in blood. My head spins, and the world around me turns fuzzy. A queazy feeling settles in my stomach. I grab Galilani by his scruff, but as I turn to leave, the entrance of the teepee is on fire. Galilani howls and growls at the fire. The blaze of its light glows in his eyes and he wraps himself around me protectively, but it only makes me sweat more. The fire dries my tears before they even come out. I fall to the floor, gasping for breath. My throat feels ten times smaller than it should be. I can almost feel my heartbeat slowing. Galilani Takes action. He grabs me by the front of my moccasin, and with all of his might he flings me over his back. Another breath escapes my body. I struggle to regain the air I lost. Galilani leaps at the burning animal skin door. I scream in agony as the excruciating painful blisters form. I begin to convulse on the floor, choking on smoke, and screaming. Screaming over and over again. It doesn't help at all, but I cannot bear the pain. I slam my fist into the floor, desperately trying to get the pain to go away. Galilani drags me away from the fire, ignoring his wounds.
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Re: Bits n' Pieces of Peterip's Writing

Post by Peterip »

That Girl in the Dark
I used to walk with my head held high
No one ever bothered to ask me why
They all knew my pain deep down inside
They had all watched me while I cried
Then you came along, lit up the dark
you left me with the deepest mark


When I put my heart out on the line
you turned around and declined (it)
They all made fun of me, for who I used to be
And I said, Don't judge my choices, without understanding my reasons
Don't judge my actions, without understanding my intentions
I'll never be
how you wanted me
I'll always be
that girl in the dark

Middle 8:

I was so young I didn't know how strong love was
And now even I can't help but to cry because
I miss us, I miss trust, I miss being in your arms
I miss love, I miss life, I don't know whats worth living for
And though I try I know that I will never be that girl anymore


I still sit here and wait for my feelings to subside
But what I've learned from this awful long ride
Is that feelings don't walk away. But people do.
And now its up to me to forget you.
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Re: Bits n' Pieces of Peterip's Writing

Post by Peterip »

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Re: Bits n' Pieces of Peterip's Writing

Post by Peterip »

After Harper and Finn escape in Lost in a World of Madness

We hit the floor, and Finn brakes out in a run, dragging me behind him. I look back up at the window and see Mason looking, searching for us. Suddenly the butt of a gun hits him upside the head and his limp body is dragged away by the soldiers. I slam my foot down. Finn looks back at me, and tugs on my arm again. I glare back at him and rub my bloodshot tear filled eyes. I didn't know I was crying. He lets out a sigh.
"I only did what I was asked to do." He says sadly. I glare on. Then I turn around and walk the other way down the alley.
"Harper! Harper wait," He begins, but I'm more than half way down the alley. I hear him walking silently behind me, but I don't care. A large feeling of disgust rises up in me. I whirl around with such fury Finn stops dead in his tracks. His eyes are wide and shell shocked. He takes a step backwards, raising his hands in defeat.
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Re: Bits n' Pieces of Peterip's Writing

Post by Peterip »

WIP name for this song

Each day I wonder what'll become of me
I'm just a good for nothing singer wanna be
So many things going on in my mind
They fog up my eyes and make me blind
I feel alone when I'm surrounded by people
This feeling in my mind, it's getting lethal

I just need you here
I'm comforted when your near
So Please don't leave me all alone
Without you I'm just skin and bone

I want to wake beside you
I wish you felt the same way too
Best friends are supposed to stick together
Promise me you'll stay here forever
I know I'm needy I won't deny it
Sometimes I just need peace and quiet
It's always chaos when your not around
But it's you who brings me back to ground

You are my mind and soul
My life's very goal.
I can't imagine life without you so please just stay true

I just need you here
I'm comforted when your near
So Please don't leave me all alone
Without you I'm just skin and bone
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Re: Bits n' Pieces of Peterip's Writing

Post by Peterip »

Another WIP name for this song. It also isn't finished so this is just a part of it.

Nowadays the only things that make me happy
are old memories that are just so sappy
I don't know where I went wrong
I guess that is why I wrote this song
Your the one I need to comfort me while I sleep
the one to comfort me while I weep

I need you. (x4)

I live everyday just for you
without you I'm an animal in the zoo
locked away in that tiny cage
I live my life page by page
My life is an open book
Just give it a moment, go and look
Soon you will be able to see
just how much you mean to me

I need you (x4)

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