Continue the dream

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Continue the dream

Post by gazaereal »

So this is what I dreamed last time I remember and I wanted to share it with you. And, since it is unfinished, what a better way to do it than to do a finish me story!
Planet Dragon
The first thing I remember was being at pitch black field or a hilltop, in middle of a cloudless night. Beside me was a woman I never saw or heard before, and only her faint black outline and voice indicated her presence. She talked about how I was supposed to go on an expedition on a seemingly life supporting planet in a solar system next to our own. While doing so, I was getting what can only be described as flashbacks of it's look. It was a big, reddish planet with a lot of swirl like clouds. Moments after she finished her talk, I refused out of the blue. Even I wasn't sure why. "No" I said, "We should go there!" and showed the simple, 5 star constellation that seemed to point towards east and west with it's end stars. We liked to call it compass. Woman sat silent and I blacked out.

Next I know, I was exiting our landed spaceship with a group of men I never saw nor remember, but one of them had ginger hair. Our ship was landed on a shore with a sandy grassland on one, and the forest on the other side. Around the ship floated at least a 100 creatures I refer to as trilobite sharks, with thin, fin like membranes that allowed flight. Most of the crew, including myself, grabbed and mounted on these creatures, who didn't seem to mind us at all. We agreed to stay at the grassland area, so we can see the ship, but me being me, I flew mine right above forest.

Some time flying, when a red dragon with blue horns, wings and details arose out of nowhere, towering above the forest trees. I barely managed to avoid his bite, and we crash landed in nearby bushes, just beside the sea. On the opposing side were cliffs I though were empty. I was proven wrong when I discovered a network of caves, and an colossal crack in it, wide enough to house a village. Inside was full of dragons, that I observed as the night fell. Just before sun vanished "Queen of Dragons" as she called herself, emerged form the far end of the crack. She was a broad wing, pink dragon, who stood on hind legs. "Rest now, my subjects, as tomorrow we will finally be the rulers of this world..." she continued after that, but I fell asleep.

I didn't even wake up properly when one of the dragons spotted me, and the chase begun. Even the queen was there. I had luck to run across 2 streams, which made up a small waterfall, just enough to hide me. So I held my breath and waited. Instead of dogs, they seemed to have tracker toads, and one was hesitating before it finally left too. I continued following the stream that made a small 'canyon' of sorts. When at the source of the stream, I notices a well decorated entrance and entered it.

I wasn't expecting it to be something welcoming, having in mind the dragons, but I wasn't expecting it to be the secret entrance to dragon queen's home. Soon enough, I heard her strong voice from the same entrance as one I came from. She was talking something about winged sapphire that grants any wish. Not wasting time, I grabbed the stone that matched the description and ran up the stairs. She most likely herd me, since she ran after. I ended up on the top of the cliff, with queen charging at me.

Without anywhere else to go, I jumped into the water. Just before I hit the water, something in me snapped and I said, half loud: "To be a dragon!" After hitting the water, I felt different. My hands were finlike, my legs replaced with a strong tail. I was a dragon, a sea dragon! Winged sapphire was around my neck in a form of a necklace.

My sight started to fade away as I saw queen yelling "I have killed the alien who wished to stop us!". It was completely black when a deep voice narrated the final words: " The sea is dead. No more creatures exist. Water dragons are long gone." Then I blacked out once again. (Continue from here)
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Re: Continue the dream

Post by TheEmbodimentOfKarma »

I "woke up" in an office.
Then, I heard a deep voice.
(yes it's a reference that I'm making.)
"This is the tale of a woman named Gazaereal.
Gazaereal worked in office 224, where her job was to press buttons.
Gazaereal would receive orders from a monitor by her desk, telling her which buttons to push.
Then, she would push them.
This is what Gazaereal did every day of every month of every year.
Some considered it boring, but Gazaereal was THRILLED by it!
And Gazaereal was ha
The voice suddenly stopped. Then, the office faded into black, and someone stood before me.

"I am Karma."

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Re: Continue the dream

Post by Jade07 »

i had just stepped out of the office when a big,red,fox with nine tails appeared before me and started singing the pokemon theme song "come with me the time is right" and then it danced "there's no better team r and r we're in the fight its always been my dream" and i ran and a guy with red hair started running after some blond kid with spiky hair and stopped and yelled at the big fox "sing some more" and the fox sung it again "I will travel across the land searching far and wide each pokemon to understand the power inside" i suddenly sang with it "you teach and i'll teach you pokemon gotta catch em all gotta catch em all pokemon"
[sorry i kinda mixed up naruto and pokemon with a dream i had where these two guys from a video game started dancing and i started singing and there was the goat the fox is kurama from naruto the red haired guy gaara and the blond dude naruto i just chose the pokemon theme song because come on eevee is basically that fox except brown and small and can only say eevee e]
please help them hatch or grow
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Re: Continue the dream

Post by TerryDuckLOL »

You sit up in bed. The atmosphere much deepened. You furrow your eyebrows trying to make out what was in the room.. All you could remember were these... False memories.
You start to panic, but you stand up anywayse. You ignore the dizzyness and wipe away the blurr in your eyesight. You stand up straight and take in your surroundings. You look up at a camera. "take it easy------, you just woke up from a long sleep" you look at your hands in dis-beleif. It wasn't a false memory. It was all real. You thought the world ended. But a new generation started, and you were there to see the thousands of years difference. You look out the window and see what you never thought you would see. Humans and dragons. Working together. You sit back down and wait for the people to come in and ask away all the questions you could handle. You were this worlds last hope, and you didnt even know how. Of course that was centuries ago, and were setting back in time. The dragons are dead along with the last 19th century that no one knows about.

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