The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Update!

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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread

Post by yogibear102 »

yogibear102 wrote:

Hello, all!
I have recently taken a hiatus from MS, and am hoping to start anew. The only problem being that I can't seem to find an interesting RP that doesn't already have a million posts. So, I am turning back to 1x1s and hoping to find an interesting partner.

Here's the specs:

1. Must be an active RPer. I know I am guilty of avoiding posts because I simply have no idea how to reply and keep within the plot line. But I understand if it is fluff. I don't give a crap. All I want is for the person to respond so we can keep the ball rolling.
2. Must be semi-literate to literate level. I like big vocabulary, complex writing style, and for the love of all that is good, posts that are more than three lines. I like long posts, as I find that it helps improve my writing. I will go crazy at one lines, and may just shun you all together. All it is three lines. Describe the scenery for all I care. I do not care for first person writing, but I will tolerate it.
3. Character development. I don't like I HATE static characters, especially in romances. It is not love at first sight, because that makes the rest of the RP boring. Also, Plot development. I want so many twists in the the plot that it will end up looking with a candy cane. It keeps things interesting.
4. On the subject of romances; I always have and always will love them. I do not mind having other types of RPs, as long as there is a side dish of romance, like a big bowl of mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving dinner. I do not mind going into PMs if needed, and do not mind fading to black either.

Will do:
Just about anything.
Bad boy|girl/innocent
Paranormal, just, keep vampires the way they were meant to be, like Dracula.
Basically anything romance. :)
PM me, as I am up for negotiations

Will NOT do:
Yaoi/Yuri. I do not have anything against gays/bisexuals, it's just that I suck at RPing it. Maybe Yuri, but I've never done it before.
Music types
Schools/Monster Schools

Yep. That's basically it. PM if you are interested/have comments and or questions.


Looking for a 1x1?

Kinda glad to be back. It's been three years. Ready to dive back in. If I look familiar, shoot me a PM and let's reconnect!
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by pureshadowdragon »

♦Infromaton ♦

Hello, my name is Pure. I've just came back from an long hiatus and I've decided to come back recently. It's been a year since I've last roleplayed, but I kind of miss it. Since it's been awhile since I've last roleplayed, I don't have a very high standard of rules. I just expect you at least write more than one sentence or two sentences, but you can do it once in a while because I know writers block happens to the best of us. I go to college and I work so I can understand that you may have a busy scheduled like myself so I don't expect you and I to be on every day. I, however, would like if you can post one post a day or once a week. I would also consider myself a semi literature roleplayer and I know I'm not the greatest at grammar, but I would prefer that I can understand what you are saying and no text talk. Anyways, I really want to roleplay this fantasy/supernatural idea, will share idea through pm, that will contain romance and I will only roleplay romance, because I love my romance. Also, I would prefer to roleplay yaoi, but I will roleplay hetro, as long as I'm the female, and I'm willing to give yuri a shot. If you are not interested in the idea that I have talked about above then bellow there will be a list of what genres I like and dislike.

(Remember I only do romance.)
Dark Fantasy
Supernatural/Myths (Vampires, werewolves...ect.)
Anime (Hetalia is the main one I do.)

Harry Potter (Love the books, but not good at roleplaying it yet.)

Fantasy Wolf

Thank you all that look through the information and I have thought about it. I wish you all a good luck on your searches. :t-hugs:
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Saria »

Yo. I guess you guys can call me Saria. As is probably obvious, I'm a roleplayer. I don't have any active threads as of writing this though, so I guess I'm looking.

As previously stated, you can call me Saria. My schedule tends to be very unpredictable so posting can be somewhat erratic. If I know something is coming up that'll impact my rate of replies I'll definitely try my best to let you know ahead of time.

I've been roleplaying for a few years, so I'd like to think I'd be considered to be literate level. As such you can expect decent length replies from me (though they'll vary depending on what I'm given to work with) as well as decent grammar.

I personally don't have a problem with swearing and harsh language, but I understand not everyone is the same. If you plan to roleplay with me but can't stand that sort of language, just give me a heads up and I'll do my best to avoid anything like that.

I like well fleshed out characters and settings - for me, 3D characters are a must. I can't stand characters that are 2D, unoriginal cookie-cutter types, Mary Sues or simply badly researched. There are a number of things I frequently see just thrown on to characters without due thought that I feel pretty passionate about, so please don't do that. I'm not asking for you to publish research papers on the subjects just...make the character believable. Because I like a certain amount of realism. Not literal real life realism, more like logic realism. Basically I just really like it when things make sense. If they don't, I get too caught up in trying to figure out how they're meant to work.

Speaking of characters, I can play any gender but I find myself most often playing male characters. I'm open to LGBTA+ characters. If that's not your cup of tea, that's completely fine as long as you're respectful about it. I'm also open to a variety of age ranges for characters, and even players - if you're worried about being a young roleplayer, I don't mind. Age is irrelevant compared to writing ability, unless you're trying to do something illegal. If that's the case, please don't. And the same goes for any players who think they're too old. As long as you're decent at writing, it's cool.

I'm generally kind of lax about things, but I do have certain standards.

I'm looking for roleplayers who are literate level. Maybe semi-literate. The divide between those can be pretty subjective. Basically, I'm looking for someone who can write decent amounts and has fairly good spelling and grammar - the odd typo is fine, but unfortunately after a certain amount of mistakes I genuinely have trouble reading the post.

Writing in third person is prefered. It's what I write in, so keeping it consistent helps prevent confusion. I've also noticed that some players find it harder to separate their own feelings from their character's feelings if they write in, say, first person. If you really can't do third person, we can discuss it.

Paragraph style. Basically, since I plan for roleplaying to be kept on this site, I'd like it if my partner wrote in paragraph format. So speech marks and such, not script/chat style. As such I don't want to see actions between asterisks in posts. OOC chatter is much more lax and chill in my book.

I'd like basic roleplay etiquette. No godmodding/powerplaying/metagaming/unlimited dodges or what have you. If you're unsure of an action, either write it and leave it open ("Y lunged forward to grab X in an attempt to restrain them" rather than "Y lunged forward and grabbed X, instantly restraining them") or just ask.

I'd like it if my partner was mature. I don't care about literal age as long as you're okay with darker/more serious tones and themes. Not saying I'm allergic to the happy stuff, but life isn't a fairytale so there's a good chance that plots with me won't be either. Of course I won't shove this sort of stuff down your throat if you don't like it, just asking for someone who is capable of approaching things maturely and seriously.

No characters that are Mary Sues/perfect/comparatively overpowered (depends on setting etc.)/flat/super clichéd/poorly researched/badly written etc. For example, angst has a time and a place and when used correctly, it works really well. But if a character is a wet noodle who sits in a corner doing nothing but angsting I will not be impressed.

Someone who will talk. Seriously. It's pretty useful for planning things, and at the end of the day, isn't roleplaying all about having fun and making friends? Also it helps to give me a heads up if you're busy. Or a poke if you're worried I've forgotten to reply. Things happen.

Be able to give and take constructive criticism. Everyone still has room to improve, right? As such if you have any wisdom to share that you think would be useful for me, go right ahead! And likewise, be willing to accept feedback. Particularly on characters. I used to help out a bunch of friends by critiquing stuff for them, so I have some experience. Add that to my intense dislike of Sues and such...if I say anything about your character, please don't flip out and get aggressive. I'm not meaning to offend anyone, just trying to be helpful.

Here's a brief list of genres I like. I there's something not mentioned in this post, you can ask me - I can't recall every single genre off the top of my head, though I'm pretty open to most.

Psychological things

Romance - I can't stand it as a pure plot, mainly because in my experience the characters usually end up with no chemistry and everything is horribly forced and clichéd. I don't mind it as a side thing, as long as it makes sense. Again, I just really dislike forced relationships. It just leads to breaking character. If characters have good chemistry and you want a splash of romance, then I'm sure we can discuss something. I'm open to all types of pairings (M/M, M/F, F/F), though I will admit I have the least experience with F/F, solely because of how I more often play male characters.

Fandoms - It really depends on the fandom. If I know of it and we have a good plot idea, I might say yes. Depending on the fandom I might be more open for canon characters or original characters, or even open for either.

Smut - I don't really enjoy writing it and I can't verify that partners are truly the age they say they are. I don't want to go to jail.

Anime - you could maybe tempt me with a good plot idea and plenty of patience and many explanations, but I don't really watch anime so I just...don't have enough knowledge for this

Pure Animals - I don't mind shifters, just most people I see writing this don't seem to understand/follow actual animal behaviours. Which can be very jarring. As such, no Warriors or what have you.

Domestic/high school/day-to-day life - I don't mind incorporating these things into roleplays, just not one solely focused on this. I need a plot and some excitement.

Real life people - I mean this like, please do not ask me to do a roleplay for a romance between celebrity A and celebrity B. That sort of thing usually gets really creepy, really fast.

So yeah. If you're interested or want to ask questions, just drop me a message. Thanks for reading!
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by AssassinsCreed »

EDIT: Found one! :`D

AC here. Im insane, Im often on MS, I love to RP and play games. :wave:

Searching for a 1x1 partner to rp with trough pm.
Pm for safety; I love unnecessary amount of gore and blood being spilled,not safe for younger audience to read.

I RP a lot of stuff. Dont mind RPs based on anime,games or tv shows but I am more picky when it comes to plot when it comes to those; a simple "SAm and Cas fell in love and had a baby" - so called "plot" will make me set entire RP on fire until nothing is left.

I am a adult . Adult themes do not bother me. I love horror and gore. So I would prefer if my RP partner was 18+ due to all that horror stuff. :smirk:

What I RP about:

Fanbased ones:
(original plot is a must. Dont mind if you play a character from the anime,but ONLY if you manage to get that character behave like the one in the show or at least close to that. Smaller personality changes - as far they make sense - are fine.)
* Anime - for now I keep spot open for Fairy Tail open. Im clogged with Inuyasha Rps O.o
* Tv shows -Super Natural,
* Games - Heartland, Skyrim, Dragon Age Inquisition, Assassins Creed, Silent Hill, I may have forgotten some..

*Fantasy - this is a must :3

I dont count romance as genre itself. Its something that can be added as extra into the RP,but not used alone itself.

(only if fantasy elements are added tough.)

And a lot of other stuff I forgot to mention. :lol:

I do NOT RP:
*HArry Potter(As much as I love the books and movies, I prefer to not RP about this
* Hellsing
*Vampires, werewolves,
I dont expect wall of texts. I dont expect your grammar to be 100% correct at all time however, do NOT write in chat style. And please do NOT write entire post without using any commas, dots, question marks mm as one line. Its a pain to read and understand :sweat:

Otherwise...I dont mind chatting with can be done in different PM if needed.

The rest ou will find out if you pm me; plot is something we both could figure out:3
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by cloudstar »

Alrighty, time for me to give this a try again.

I used to be a very active roleplayer in the good old days, but I got busy and all of the roleplays I was in, well, they died. But I have missed writing and roleplaying on this site, it is something I remember enjoying a lot. And now that my style of writing, talking, and well, basically everything, has changed I decided to try again.

What I'm looking for
Somebody that will be active, (by active I mean at least once a week, if busy, I understand) literate to an extent, (We all make mistakes and don't know everything) will understand that I have a very busy life style and that this is just something I do in my downtime, is creative, and open to all kinds of Ideas.

Things I like
I am pretty much open to everything, I prefer a romance of some sort put into the mix to help make things interesting.
High school
Boarding school
Sad stories
Basically anything dark, dramatic, sad, or creative.

Things I don't like
Animals (well I absolutely adore animals, just not roleplaying them)

Thank you for reading! Hope to hear from you soon :)
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by xxvelvelaxx »

Looking for a 1x1 rp

What Im looking for
~someone who will play the male role
~someone who at least can give me some writtig to work with
~also I love a little bit or romance but I also like plots
~will be on a lot since I'm on 24/7 now with summer starting
What I will do
sexual scenes or violent scenes they really don't bother me they just add onto the story and plot
I really am open to any theme really I love everything so just shoot me a PM on ideas
What I won't do
play a male character (unless certain reasons which I'll explain later)
Do anything beyond a MxF rp I'm not bi I'm straight and generally don't like to do anything then MxF for they make my uncomfortable
I won't do any other form of rp only through pm that's it
Pm me with concerns questions or rp offers!
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by midnightem »

Looking to do a 1x1 RP

What I'm Looking for
*Anything at this point. I'm really just looking for an active RP to do right now. If you are active, feel free to message me any plot you want to do.
What I don't do:
*I'm currently not doing animal Rp's right now. If it involves shape shifting, than yes I will do that.
What I can do:
*Type two sold paragraphs, not sure if anyone likes detailed Rp's or not. I have a hard time typing short rp's.
*Play any gender you want me to, I'm use to both genders by now.
*Usually my spelling is pretty descent.
*Grammar is pretty good, been writing Poetry again.
Message me if interested.

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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by TwoThousand »

Hi everyone, I'm looking for 1-2 partners (as of 1/3/18)

I'll be very active until 1/21/18 when I go back to school and work.

I'm open to pretty much any genre although I'm most familiar with Horror. However, if you have an idea I'd love to try and flesh it out.

I prefer longer posts (2-3 paragraph min?)

I'm looking for a M x F Roleplay (with me as M), I'm just not very good at writing anything else, primarily because I can't relate. Maybe that makes me a bad writer, meh.

My timezone's EST, and I'd prefer my partners to be 17+

I'd like to avoid NSFW writing (via timeskip or whatever), although romance is fine, so long as it's not the prime subject.

I should be able to do at least 1 post a day, sometimes more, although I doubt any less unless something comes up.

I wish I knew what else to put here :derp:
Last edited by TwoThousand on January 3rd, 2018, 11:14:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Snapfog »

Snapfog wrote:Im Still Looking....

Hello there nice to see you stumbled apon my 1x1 roleplay page
My names Snapfog, but you can call me snap for short. I absolutely love roleplaying and have been really bored lately so I need some new partners. I am semi-literate/ advanced role player and I ask that you only post more than two lines

About me!
The names Snap!
- I will always try my hardest to come up with story lines and ideas for our plots, and I always tend to develop my characters throughout the roleplay as well as when I first create my character.
- Unless stated otherwise, I will always try to reply within three days.
- A literate roleplayer.
-I am active a lot and if you didn't notice I rarely log out so I will do my best to post.

what I am looking for in a partner
- At least one post every week. I understand if you have emergancies and can't get on, but if you're going to be away for a while, Ijust shoot me a PM letting me know.
- I'd like at least three or four lines per post. I normally can match up to your posts, and I tend to write between three-five lines. But that depends on how much you have wrote. I understand the occasional one-liners if you're having a bad day, we all get them.
- A literate roleplayer. I hate to admit it, but I'm fussy over this.
- Someone who likes my craziness!
- yes I understand sometimes I will be random...but please go along with it! I love mixing things up and making it fun.
What I will do
oh yeah there is something I have been really wanting to do !!!!!!
Strange obsession number one

I will do pretty much anything!! Though I am sort of out if my animal phase but I will still do them!!!!
still looking, June 28, 2016
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by FrozenSoul »

No longer currently looking
So I haven't really been active on this site but I would like to change that. So anyways I am looking for two good 1x1 RP's I would also be open to a small private RP so long as people are active.
I am hoping for semi-literate individuals willing to write at least a solid paragraph, more if possible. I type everything on my phone then edit it before I post it but occasionally a spelling error may get by. If you have huge problems with spelling errors I will be super careful but I'm not perfect. However, I am putting in effort to edit my posts and hope my partners will do the same. I understand writers block but I'm hoping to find a good partner and develop a deep plot with complex characters that will prevent one line responses. As well I'm hoping my partners will be fairly active, posting once every 4 days or so at the least. I get that it's summer though and vacations are happening and what not which is totally fine as long as you have the courtesy to let me know instead of suddenly disappearing. I also would like someone who wants to collaborate to build unique settings and plots along with interesting characters. You don't need to be a professional writer (I am most definitely not) but just be a little creative. Overall I swear I'm not that picky and am pretty easy to get along with.

I am open to most things, however I haven't watched like any anime so that's off the table, so is animal RP's unless it's shape shifter stuff (I just don't like it) along with role playing everyday human life- sorry but I live everyday and writing is an adventure for me. As well I won't cannon characters from anything. I am totally down for original characters in a fandom world setting though! (So long as I'm familiar with the fandom- feel free to ask!) As far as romance goes it needs to be built up. Immediate feelings and attractions are hard for me to RP because I don't have a lot of experience with it in real life. As well I will not do smut and sexual scenes because I'm underage and would hate for anyone to go to jail.

I'm going into grade eleven and so when school starts up I will be busier but still want to continue these RPs! Especially if they are going well.

Feel free to hit me up with any ideas no matter what they are! I look forward to getting into this!!!

Update: I would still be down for some good RP partners- here are some plots I would like to try doing:
Throne of Glass (the book series) spin off centered around ironteeth witches. You don't need to have read the books but basically there are three types of witches- Yellow legs, blue blood, and black beak. Witches are deadly and immortal beings that can fly on brooms as well as ride wyverns.

Euthanasia- Due to the earth being over populated strict laws have been passed only allowing for one child per pair of married adults- all others will be terminated. As well you only get to live until you are 25, at which point unless you can pay the extremely high costs for more time you are euthanized in a gas chamber. If you refuse this ending then you had better run like hell. Most people will turn you in for a few dollars in return and that's only if the guard force doesn't catch you first.

Geek Demi God RP- I really, really, really, want a good RP partner to lay down a sturdy plot and strong characters for this one. I think it would be fun to have a strong Camp Half Blood RP running.
Last edited by FrozenSoul on July 24th, 2016, 11:49:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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