Forgotten And Missing - Pokemon Gijinka - OOC

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Forgotten And Missing - Pokemon Gijinka - OOC

Post by Greirat »

Hello everybody!

This is for the Forgotten And Missing Rp that I have created.
You may find that link here.

This is the OOC Thread for the Rp.
Please post your characters here.
You may also talk amoungst yourselves here as well as ask questions about the Rp and plot and characters.
There is also where Q&A will go.

Have Fun Guys!
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[ Updated: 3/09/17 ]
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Forgotten And Missing - Q&A

Post by Greirat »

How Many Years have passsed between the Leak and Present Day?

35 years have passed since the Leak occurred and the doors have opened to the other empires.

Are Shinies and Mega Evolution Allowed?

Shinies are not allowed due to their rarity.
Mega Evolution is allowed. However your character has to hold the mega-stone in order for your character to get Mega Evolution.
Last edited by Greirat on December 20th, 2016, 2:41:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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[ Updated: 3/09/17 ]
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Re: Forgotten And Missing - Pokemon Gijinka - OOC

Post by Greirat »

Appearance: Karasu Furatio
Name: Karasu Furaito
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Honchkrow
Personality: Karasu shows his eccentric personality through the way he dresses but despite his dark attire, Karasu is actually polite and caring. He is bold and casual in the way he acts and talks. But even in the face of hostility his outward demeanor is calm, collective, and civil. If someone is able to crack his outward demeanor though, one may find Karasu cold, vicious, and twisted. But he is able to hide this very easily through his outward attitude. Karasu can have an insincerity to the tone of his voice sometimes, although this tends to express his very dry sarcastic side to him.

Karasu can be distant to people he doesn’t know, but this doesn’t stop his eccentric and caring personality from slipping through. Becoming a friend to Karasu takes time and trust. But once a friend, Karasu becomes fiercely loyal and trusting. He would go above and beyond his own calling to save what few friends he has.

Breaking a trusted friendship results in his true character coming forth. His vicious and cold attitude leaves his now new enemies in the dark. He’ll often give them the cold shoulder and be unreliable with information if they ask him for any. Karasu becomes extremely distant with those whom he calls enemies and often uses his exceptional word choice to belittle and truly insult his once trusted friends.
History: Karasu grew up bouncing from city to village to city. His family never stayed in a place for over a year and they certainly were never able to properly take care of any of the Pokemon pets they ended up having. Karasu never grew close with any kids he met from school and as Karasu grew older he pieced together why his family moved around so much. But he never told anyone and never spoke about it to his parents. As Karasu grew to his teenage years, he began to pick up odd habits, often leaving home for extended amounts of time. But he always returned home...sooner or later. His parents hardly noticed though, as they took care of two other children. And when they did ask why their eldest son was out so late or gone for days at a time, Karasu always had an answer; which his parents believed.

As his high school years droned on, Karasu began to sell more drugs as a way to make extra money. Although he never touched any himself, he found more profit in selling illegal drugs then he did at his real job as a janitor. During this time he found he had a knack for keeping secrets, telling lies, and concealing his identity. When he got noticed as a drug dealer, many came after him in an attempt to shut him down. And despite going by several code names, some of the other dealers eventually found him. Here be learned to defend himself. He became well versed in self defense and soon left the business of selling drugs due to his severe grades in school and multiple attempts on his life.

Going into college, Karasu was uncertain of his major or minor. He floated between many different degrees, finally settling on a business major and an engineering minor. After completing the years of college, he found himself with an internship and soon a job as an engineer designer. But he was never quite satisfied with job he had and soon found himself back in the world of illegal selling. Here he adopted a new name, “Black Crow.” It was also at this time he found a Murkrow following him. At first he was annoyed with it, shooing it away whenever possible. But the Pokemon came to grow on Karasu and he ended up taking it under his care. The crow soon became his iconic symbol and his alarm if someone from another deal came to rat him out. But the joy in that came to end when he found his newly evolved Honchcrow dead at his feet, a note attached to its foot telling Karasu that he should leave the business of dealing or find himself in the same position. Karasu withdrew from his engagement and vowed never to let the earnings of a deal draw him back in.

But when he woke the next morning, he found himself physically changed. Scared he turned on the tv, in hopes that there was an explanation. And to his surprise there was, a radiation leak from a nearby laboratory was the cause of this. And apparently he wasn't the only one who had been affected either. But coming to grips with his new change was harder then he would have expected. He was thrown out of his office and fired for being a freak, for something he had no control over. Many people stared at him and feared him, moving around him and avoiding him even though just yesterday they waved at him and said hello. Infuriated and hurt, Karasu left the city to try and build a new life for himself. But he found very little work elsewhere in the empire.

As the years passed, he heard whispers that the gates to the other empires were opening. Upon this new opportunity, Karasu traveled to the gates to indeed find them open. But the world he found outside the walls was even less welcoming than the world he had previously been in. It was here he also learned the state of the empires around it and the ordeal through which the world was going through. Intrigued by the mysterious organization and the disappearance of powerful Pokemon, Karasu set out on his own quest to find out what was truly going on.
Other: Change
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[ Updated: 3/09/17 ]
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Re: Forgotten And Missing - Pokemon Gijinka - OOC

Post by MSolara »

Well... first of all, I apologise for my English! It's not my first language, it's really late here, and I'm sure I made a lot of typos. I'll re-read later and fix them.

Then... I hope it's okay if that I played with the idea that my OC's father was one of the scientists of the lab? If it's not, I'll edit their backstory, of course!


Name: Alistair Willow Halloway
Appearance: A tall man, standing at 1.92mts, with a bulky contexture, sun tanned skin and calloused hands. His Charizard traits usually resemble those of the regular Pokémon, but whenever he experiences strong emotions or is under a situation of stress, they change to match those of an X Mega evolution. He does not know how to fully control it yet, or how to change at will. His eyes, naturally sky-coloured, turn into crimson when he “evolves”.

The man always carries a Charizardite X and a Key Stone hanging from a chain as a necklace, and has a collection of scratches, bite marks and burns covering his skin.
(Like this, but with a Charizard’s horns, wings and tail, of course.)
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Charizard (Mega Charizard X)
Personality: Perhaps too much of a workaholic for his own good, and age, Alistair is a disciplined, hardworking man. He began working at his grandparent’s Day-Care as soon as he turned nine years old, just for the sake of helping them and his mother to maintain the place and a steady income. In a way, he always felt he had the duty of becoming the man of the house, just to cover the space his father’s long absences left in the family. He is not the most eloquent human on earth, especially when he is focused at work. Even as a child, and despite his family’s concern, he spent most of the time helping with the Pokémon, instead of socializing with children his age.

Despite being polite and amiable with people, he does not have deep ties with anyone besides his family, and prefers the company of Pokémon before that of people, finding the creatures much truer and loyal than humanity. His creatures and family are the world to him, and he can be overprotective to the point of becoming annoying. He is an outdoors man who enjoys being surrounded by nature, and does not cope well with cities or crowded places.

The blonde has endless patience and a steady but gentle hand when it comes to Pokémon, and can often be found speaking to them in a rather amusing baby voice. With humans that patience does end, however, and he is known for having gotten into fights with anyone who either insulted his family or harmed a Pokémon when he was around. His steady hands turn into not-so-friendly fists when that occurs.

Those quarrels aside, the man is even tempered above all, and does not speak about or share his emotions freely. It’s not that he does not feel anything – in fact, he does, and deeply, but rather that he has learned not to show it or act on impulses. His Charizard traits give him away under extreme situations, though, because even though he keeps his exterior stoicism, the horns, wings, tail and eyes change colour and shape to that of a Mega evolution.

History:About five years after the disaster occurred, a woman decided to finally move to the countryside. Her husband had insisted on that for years, however, she had not yielded, no matter how much harassment came her way. Because despite the fact that years had passed since the leak, that pretty much everyone had acquired Pokémon traits by then and that her husband worked tirelessly alongside others in search of a solution, many people still despised her for the simple fact of being married to a man who had been working on the lab the night it all began.

Her love for him had been greater than the fear for her own life, however, that changed when their firstborn came into the picture. None of them wanted their children to grow in a hostile environment, so for their sake and once she learned about her pregnancy, she decided to leave to a quieter place.

Alistair was thus born in a village, away from the place her mother and father had built their lives, and was raised by both the woman and his maternal grandparents. The little community was far more welcoming than the hectic people residing in the city, so he had a fairly calm childhood, and grew up besides Pokémon from various species. The elderly couple ran a local Pokémon Day-Care and breeding center, you see, so little Ali soon became accustomed to them. Despite his fascination, the mother prevented the child from coming into direct contact with any of the creatures for as long as she could… she knew the kid would eventually transform, as every resident from Kokimono, but wanted him to at least be able to choose the Pokémon he wanted to turn into.

Things don’t usually go as planned, however, especially when they are related with rambunctious children.

Alistair and his mother were not the only ones to move to the countryside: with them came a Charizard that belonged to Ali’s father. The Pokémon had been with the older man since he was a Charmander, had an undying loyalty characteristic to his kind, and had felt deeply betrayed when he was left behind by his master. The flying lizard had even escaped his pokeball and tried to shield the scientist when the leak occurred (and caused the man to acquire draconian features), geez, so he could simply not understand why he was acting in such a way. Silent resentment to that man, that father, that former master, was something both Ali and the Charizard shared. Both of them missed him dearly, and none could understand that they had been pushed apart for their own happiness.

On one of the father’s scarce visits to the farm, and with the older man by his side, Alistair tried to approach the now feral and untrusting Pokémon… what happened next is blurry to him to the present day. He remembers a flash of light, a roar, and the sound of rushing water… he then woke up cradled in the Charizard’s arms, who had in some moment Mega evolved, and the kid’s life was never the same again. Two black and teal horns sprouted from his head, as did a pair of wings from his back and a flaming tail. His once sky-blue eyes had mutated to an unnatural crimson. He was five years old at that moment, and as soon as the Pokémon left him on the ground, his new appendages turned into the orange shade of a regular Charizard.

After that incident, the father’s visits became even rarer, but besides that and the fact that no one ever explained him what happened on the day he turned, life continued normally. Alistair grew up and went to school like almost every other kid, but never truly excelled in that field – not because he lacked capacity, but rather because he consumed most of the time working at the Day-Care, instead of studying. Once he graduated, he never continued to college and decided to stay behind instead to continue helping his family and raising Pokémon of his own.

He especially enjoys adopting abandoned Pokémon, nursing them back to health and helping them to regain their confidence. Besides that he breeds his own, and specializes in fire and dragon types – though he never refuses the chance of working with a new species. Through the years, the man raised a very fine line of Charizards, who were mostly sired by his father’s one. And while the creature never truly accepted Alistair as his new master, he became calmer as year passed, and adopted the role of helper and guardian for the man.

In all honesty, outside affairs do not really matter to Alistair. He is content with his life and has no intentions on adding more responsibilities to it… and, secretly, he fears the reactions the outsiders will have upon meeting Kokimono’s unique inhabitants.
Other: Change

Name: Lucina Nova Halloway.
Appearance: Standing at 1.8mts, she is a tall, slender woman. Coquettish and vain, she spends a lot of time combing her hair and grooming her nine tails until they are silky and have every hair on place. She often favours trendy outfits before comfortable or useful ones, and adores to wear matching lipstick and nail polish. The woman has never had one problem in looking half human, half ninetales: in fact, she thinks the change made her unique.

(Like this but with green eyes.)
Age: 24
Personality: At first sight, the woman is very much a lady: polite, delicate and a little bit of a flirt, she enjoys meeting new people, listening to their stories and learning about their lives. However, those who know her better know that deep inside Nova is pretty much a brat. She was raised as the baby princess of the family, and demands such treatment. Despite being an adult, she tends to go on tantrums when she does not get what she wants, and is known for scheming and applying complex vendettas on those that annoy her. If the quarrel that awoken her anger was something not too serious, she is quick to forgive, though, especially if gifts or words of appraisal are involved… but if her trust or the integrity of those she loves was involved, she can hold the grudge for a long, long time.

She enjoys being outdoors and the company of Pokémon almost as much as Ali, but needs to take a long bath and a beauty sleep after a day in the field. Her vanity and perfectionism are almost obsessive, and she falls in distress when things fall out of her control. She does not take criticism well, not even if it’s constructive. She is a strong, resourceful young woman, who is not afraid to voice her thoughts or feelings.

Despite being obnoxious and short-tempered, the woman has a couple of good traits, too: she can find beauty, be it inner or outter, on everyone, and is not shy to voice it. She is sensitive to the suffering of others, especially when it comes to elderly people, children and Pokémon, to the point of crying hysterically if she sees someone in pain. While she enjoys talking, the blonde is a good listener too, and will not care to share a shoulder to cry over to anyone in need. And even though she knows that information is a good tool to manipulate people, she values privacy and the confidence that was given to her, so she guards every secret she has been told fiercely.

History: Nova was born well after her mother had settled in the countryside, so she was spared the first few years of chaos and adaptation. While she always hoped to see her father more often, she never developed the grudge her older brother has against him… probably because Alistair himself always filled some sort of fatherly role for her. She never took great responsibilities in the Day-Care, besides helping raise baby Pokémon, or petting and grooming those she considered cute. Life for her was easy, since she had her mother, grandparents and brother watching over her.

At school she excelled in the academic field, but often got in trouble with teachers for either discussing with them, or because she tended to chatter out loud with friends once she had finished her assignments. At university, she took a law and letters major, and a minor in art. She has been told her fierce temper will probably make her a fearsome lawyer, but to the present day, she has never worked in the field… never had a job, really. She does enjoy art, however, especially painting and drawing, and has made many sketches and pictures of her family and the Pokémon at the Day-Care. While at college, she moved back to the city and occupied her father’s apartment, but rarely saw the man nevertheless. She came to like the city, the fashion and the people there, even though she feels the need to go to the quieter countryside now and then.

Now that the gates of the Sun Empire opened, the blonde is eager to go outside and discover more about the rest, vast and beautiful world. She knows that her kind –and herself- are probably not going to be welcomed amongst regular people, but she is confident enough to absolutely not care at all about what the rest say or think about her… or so she says. The woman heard word about the disappearance of the Legendary Pokémon, and even though she tried to dismiss the gossip, there is something about those tales that managed to disturb her deeply.

As for how she got her Ninetales traits? The story is much simpler than Alistair’s, though probably cuter. The Halloways had an old Ninetales that had been in the family for generations, and acted as a nanny for many of their children. After Alistair was born, the Pokémon was instructed to watch over the kid, but not to touch them, and the same orders were applied for the second born. But even as a baby, Nova had been infatuated by the creature’s beauty… and as soon as she was able to take some steps in a row, she stumbled over the nine-tailed one and burrowed her hands in the silky fur. The rest was history: girl and Pokémon became inseparable friends, and when Lucina was old enough, her family allowed her to become the Ninetales master. They have been together since then.
Other: Change

* I did not make the images!
Last edited by MSolara on December 24th, 2016, 5:49:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Forgotten And Missing - Pokemon Gijinka - OOC

Post by xSinder12x »

I'll be making two characters tonight when I get home!

EDIT : Just making one for now, an Eevee (Eventually Umbreon) gijinka

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Re: Forgotten And Missing - Pokemon Gijinka - OOC

Post by Greirat »

MSolara - You are accepted. Love your characters.

xSinder12x - Take your time!

Thanks for joining you guys!! :D
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[ Updated: 3/09/17 ]
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Re: Forgotten And Missing - Pokemon Gijinka - OOC

Post by Iliad »

Haha it's super late here, and I'm sure my form is really disjointed, so I may need to edit this if I can. :lol: Nevertheless, here it is.

Appearance: Lilith is an elegantly built young man, standing at around five foot eleven. His legs take up much of his height, but he holds himself with enough grace that he wouldn't be called lanky. His frame is rather slender, with narrow shoulders and hips only slightly wider; his waist, however, is thinner, giving his shape a gentle curve. His skin is pale, bordering on the white of the underbelly of a Serperior; his features are delicate and precisely formed, with long lashes bordering bright red eyes, and a slightly upturned nose. His hair is a pale, muted green, and falls halfway down his back in delicate curls. In a place where horns might be grow two delicately spun spines, gold and green. From his tailbone grows a green tail, with leaf-like patterns encircling it.

Clothing-wise, he prefers formal wear; usually he wears, in addition to this, shoes with some kind of platform or heel to boost his height another few inches, as well as a pair of white gloves, which have become almost like a second skin. Natural to Lilith is a tendency to decorate himself in some way; he wears bracelets or earrings on a daily basis, and occasionally he also wears decorations in his hair. On his most casual days, he still tends to at least wear some accessory. He's extra like that.

Name: Lilith Olivier
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Serperior

Personality: Lilith is beautiful, and the fact is that he acts like he absolutely knows it. Physically, he has confidence in how he appears, and he has no problems getting extremely close to people so that they can know that too (though he does have a sense for people's boundaries). However, in regards to his personality, it is a bit hard to pin down exactly what Lilith is. At first glance, he seems to be a bit out of touch with reality, as he tends to spend his time looking forward and slightly up, as though able to see something hovering a few feet above in the distance, and he speaks like someone who's been brought up as nobility: all titles and pleasant words, and empty flattery. Upon further examination, though, he is rather sarcastic and brash, giving more fake answers than real ones and telling untruths as though they are the most natural thing to him. Sometimes, his sarcasm is barely detectable, words said through a warm and serene smile.

For all his physical closeness to others, Lilith is loath to disclose anything about himself except for his name. Not where he's from, or his age, or his family: this has nothing to do with the number of secrets that might be hidden in these things, but he does this merely because he prefers not to get too close to others mentally — and the more they know about him, the closer he gets to them. Solution: never tell them anything about yourself. He does not go as far as to fabricate information about himself, but he is rather good at misdirection: he distracts by getting a bit too close physically, or by staring a bit too long, right in someone's eyes, or by mentioning something that will conveniently distract whoever he is talking to.

His sincerity is always suspect. If Lilith compliments someone, does he mean it, or is it just a set of honeyed words in a venus flytrap of a brain? He doesn't know, either. Much of the time, he operates on autopilot, saying what is expected of him without a moment for his brain to catch up.

That said, Lilith is not unintelligent. With a set of well-oiled street smarts and practiced academic smarts, he is a detailed thinker and prepared for many scenarios that come his way. His weakness, though, comes with any type of physical activity. Not one who is used to running or jumping around or fighting, he is quite bad in those aspects and tends to lag behind. He does much, much better in non-aggressive situations or those that can be diffused by a set of silver-tongued compliments. He has no problem thinking of them, but how true they are is... questionable, at best.

Having grown to seek others' approval and affection, Lilith quite likes socializing, and tends to have a variable opinion on certain topics depending on the opinions of those around him. He is not impressionable so much as unyielding, and he does not have much of a personality on his own. Instead, he changes his in order for his company to think that he likes what they do. He's receptive to any compliments, and while they do not necessarily fuel his ego, so to speak, he finds himself greatly valuing any that he receives. Along the same line, though, he is sensitive to rejection, and should he find himself feeling dismissed by one he sees as a friend, he will likely act more reserved toward that person, figuring that if they have talked to him like that, they must value him less as a friend than he values them.

History: Lilith's parents both hailed from the country of Unova, a technological region unlike the Sun Empire. With them when they had immigrated was his mother's old starter Pokemon, a wise Serperior; now, with the nuclear meltdown's effects in place, both had mutated to possess some of the Pokemon's characteristics. Though it was misled, they began to blame Serperior itself for their changes, resenting it for getting them fired from their jobs, for getting them shunned in the streets, for their red, slitted eyes where before there had been brown. They spent more and more time out, not at home; they looked for new jobs so that they could provide for their family, and this was the household that Lilith was born into, fifteen years into the disaster. As the only pure human in the family, Lilith was forbidden from touching any Pokemon, and told to cover as much of his skin as he could when going out to a place where there was a risk he might.

Growing up, Lilith was one of the quiet ones. In the relatively peaceful metropolis of Shijima City, it was all too easy to be one of those: all he had to do was distance himself from anything going on around him, to the point that people called him the wrong name or didn't remember him in their classes. He didn't mind too much, though; it was easier to be a nobody than someone who attracted attention. Then, he was free from both positive and negative criticism, if no one knew him. He was content to keep floating through life this way, free from attachments to humans and Pokemon alike.

Naturally, Lilith's "pure human" state lasted but a small time. His parents were constantly out, and when Lilith was by himself, he was attended by a neighbor for the first few years. After that, he was merely walked home, and then allowed to dwell by himself. As children are wont to do, Lilith wanted to accomplish that which he was told not to, and at a very young age he did end up touching the family's Serperior when he was alone. The contact changed him, as it had his parents, into something of a hybrid. Over time, he grew Serperior traits: spines poking through his hair, a tail coming from his lower back. As soon as his parents had arrived home that day, their hopes of their child being treated well vanished, and they sunk into despondency regarding his whereabouts.

... Though Lilith never really noticed until he got a bit older that discrimination was anything to be afraid of in the first place. As more and more of the population of Shijima had begun to gain Pokemon traits, people became less and less discriminate — at least within the city itself. Lilith therefore never faced much discrimination from within his own community, and as a result began to blossom during his high school years. More outgoing than before, he began to make friends of his own, who knew who he was and would remember what to call him when they saw him rather than just passing him by. However, as time passed, those friends became closer friends with each other than with Lilith, and eventually, he began to withdraw from them. (Thirdwheeling was never much fun to him.) Instead, he looked to his teachers for attention, striving to be a good student in order to receive positive affirmation from them. Having felt companionship once he found friends, he was unwilling to let it go now.

Lilith's personality continued to develop, though perhaps this time in a poorer manner. Seeking affection once he graduated, he began to actively look for the company of those older than himself in order to gain the approval of those he saw as authorities. A few unfortunate incidents with these people later, he began to grow tired of staying in Shijima. Having heard of regions outside of the Sun Empire in which he dwelled, Lilith set his sights past the borders of his own region, and aimed to head toward the others.

Other: Change.
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Re: Forgotten And Missing - Pokemon Gijinka - OOC

Post by Greirat »

Love your character, Alto. I have a feeling he's going to be one annoying, but pleasantly awesome character all at the same time. XD

There is no reason to edit your form. And I see no errors in it either.
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[ Updated: 3/09/17 ]
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Re: Forgotten And Missing - Pokemon Gijinka - OOC

Post by xSinder12x »

Appearance: Image Alina stands at approximately 5' 5" with long light brown hair to resemble that of her pre-evolved companion. Even at the age of 21 it is hard to tell, often mistaken for a child from afar until she blatantly reminds the other that no she is in fact a young woman. 'Course it doesn't help when she gets frustrated and puts on an expression resembling a pouting child, mumbling and growling under her breathe promises of payback.
Spoiler is after evolution
Image With Umbreon ears, and tail of course.
Name: Alina (Eve)
Age: (19 and older) 21
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Eevee --> Umbreon
Personality: Alina is very much the orange that somehow got put in a group of apples, seven apples that is. With seven other siblings, it can be understandable how one might over look her, even if she had a very hot wired personality growing up. Some say the only thing she had going for her was the fact that she was the baby of the family, with the second youngest sibling being much older than her. Needless to say she didn’t get much of the nurturing like she had really needed from her parents, since all of her older brothers and sisters filled that role.

She relied on her friends and siblings most of her life to fight her battles and protect her from her parent’s ever growing interest in her. Instead of training her Eevee companion for battle like her brothers and sisters had done, testing their weaknesses and strengths along passing visitors, she spent days alone in the breeder’s field wrestling with the Pokemon. She had a strong curiosity for the other types, not only of the Eevee’s, but of the other Pokemon as well.

The girl is adventurous, gentle, kind, and very soft spoken. Traits that are a little harder to catch a glimpse of since the Change happened. Let’s just say she took it the hardest of the group, all of her siblings taking the forms of their evolved Eevee’s while she sat back holding her own companion who she had never force evolved. It was a subject that was quickly talked about shortly after the radiation, for her parents were very interested now in her fitting into their little parade now.
After just one night, Alina- according to her favorite sibling who had taken form as Glaceon, Alina underwent another change. She was finding it harder to sleep at night, restlessness clouding her mind. She became more distant from her family, especially her parents who she refused to even talk to. Glimpses of her becoming more “rebellious” started to make the others guess more and more about the evolution she might undergo.

While it’s true that she finds peace in being alone, but Alina really enjoys long conversations. Stories are her favorite, especially ones about Pokemon. Since she grew up with an Eevee-fan family, she had very little time to hear about the other Pokemon of the world other than the ones that were put in front of her for training. She had to know how to counter and block attacks rather than enjoy the Pokemon for itself.

Alina likes to think of herself as a strategist. Rumors bore her, she is all about the facts and cold hard evidence. She is a fast thinker, often coming up with an answer for someone way quicker than the norm- often giving her a naive impression and leads people to try and take advantage of that. She might not be as strong as her siblings, and might have been in their shadow most of her life, but she can typically get herself out of a sticky situation without too much trouble.

No one has ever seen her really mad but she is very mischievous, and will hold grudges if the reason behind her frustration is good enough. Not to say she isn’t reliable, but she’ll definitely make you wonder. She likes to keep people guessing what he next move might be.
History: Born into a family of not only Eevee breeders, but trainers, it was just about always constant work. Her parents could have had time for her, but a majority of the time it was her siblings who were a good few years older than her- the second youngest being ten. However, like all of her siblings she was given her choice of an Eevee to care for when she got older, as the Pokemon would care for her then.

As she got older and responsibility set in, the young girl started to try and push her brothers and sisters to the point of running away with her somedays for fun. Very few times did that happen, for her siblings were rather worried of the wrath they’d have to deal with when they got home. Not only that, but guilt would eventually set in from not doing their duties.

When the Change happened things weren’t really different at their home. Other than the radiation hitting everyone in the family and turning them into Pokemon or course- or to resemble the Pokemon for that matter. Alina’s story however has a little bit more to it than finding out the next week or so that the radiation hit. For her it was much more along the lines of walking along the lines of life and death, only to live again, and wake up only to find out that no only her whole family had been altered but herself as well. If that wasn’t enough, her Eevee companion had finally evolved into an Umbreon by that point as well.

If going into complete shock was bad enough without her parents, now for the first time taking some real interest in her, attempting to see if humans could evolve just as their Pokemon did. Seeing as all of her siblings already had evolved forms, they weren’t too sure if it could happen. Would their youngest daughter evolve too into an Umbreon like the rest of her family evolved into their Pokemon’s rightful evolution?
Despite her siblings pleads, her parents forced her into daily training that would hopefully see her evolved but night by night nothing happened other than a more stressed and aversive towards the whole aspect of fighting. Though she won’t admit it, she did learn a lot from what she was taught and thinks of herself as sort of a strategist.

Alina started to lose hope at a real life outside of her family’s shadow. Most of the siblings that were strong enough to leave did, the few that really wanted to take on what her parents had started stayed behind with her. It wasn’t until she heard of the Sun Empire did hope start to shine through, and in desperation after denying a day of training, her and her companion slipped off into the night without so much of a whisper of where they were headed. Without any knowledge as to what she might find, Alina journeyed alongside some road wandering friends who mentioned tales of the Legendary Pokemon. With a burning hunger to learn what she missed out on, that is one of her main goals now once she is able to sit back and enjoy some time in the Sun Empire and find who she really is supposed to be, not what someone tried to make her.

Other: Change

Here she is~ I wasn't sure if they were really allowed to evolve if they weren't already... so if I missed that somewhere I apologize. If that's not acceptable I will gladly change it. As much as I hate to say it this isn't my best OC sheet, but with holidays here and company I find it very hard to focus on making a whole lot of sense (My ideas change way too much and I forget a lot of things when I go to write) so if there is something I need to change I will gladly do it~

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Re: Forgotten And Missing - Pokemon Gijinka - OOC

Post by Greirat »

I will add your now, since I'm on the computer.

Since I think we have enough players, I will write a post in a little bit.

EDIT: Post Made!!
Image|Image|Image|Image|Image|Image| Image All Artwork Is Made By Me

LTB Creatures
[ Updated: 3/09/17 ]
"We don't just walk around all stabby, stabby you know."Image

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