Le Tipsy Bartender - Closed to orders until Finn catches up!

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Re: Le Tipsy Bartender - On hold until after the hybrid comp

Post by Que »

Oooooh this looks cool


POUR ME A: Dark Bone Dragon Rum 'n Coke; Molten Bone Dragon Shooter
Total Cost: 10k


I'll send the trade on over :)
Because I've heard it said that every mushroom cloud has a silver lining...

(But I'm always undermining too deep to know...)
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Re: Le Tipsy Bartender - On hold until after the hybrid comp

Post by DarkRider »


POUR ME A: cinnamon hellhound fire whiskey, Hellfire whiskey
Total Cost: 10k



POUR ME A: Lemon Lime Pygmy Phoenix Margarita; Sweet and Sour Margarita
Total Cost: 10k


This is so much fun! I'll send the trade over! :D
Last edited by DarkRider on March 15th, 2017, 10:08:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Don't take artwork thanks!Avatar by Munin thank you!Tulcadhiel made Fox! Thank you!
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Re: Le Tipsy Bartender - On hold until after the hybrid comp

Post by crystalwings »

Thanks for adding me in :wave:

1st Drink; Could you think of a name for me? If you can't I'll keep thinking! I'd like one similar to this, I think the watermelon cup is cute <3
2nd Drink; Could you do something sciency as a drink? It may be odd, but I think the idea is cool :lol: I found this, so maybe this, but have it pouring the 'drink' into a test tube?
3rd Drink; Cinnamon Stinger

For after Que and Dark Rider...


POUR ME A: A grapefruit drink (include a half grapefruit somewhere, I think it looks fancy)... plz name this one if you can think of one-No worries if not)

Then these in any order you would like to complete them (if you even want to do them at all. Feel free to deny any if your overwhelmed/have no ideas)
Illusions, Pear Parity, Plum Passion, Spring Murder, Crimson Gin, Autumn Cappuccino,

Total Cost: 35k + I'll send a tip too


Sorry I couldn't decide which ones to pass on... so I'm ordering all my top few :lol:

Thanks, sending gold soon!
25/25 gifts, thank you a bunch everyone!

Crystal Café ~ Free Raffles

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Re: Le Tipsy Bartender - Closed to orders until Finn catches

Post by Syndicate »

Despite the ever growing queue at the counter, Finn appears to be very calm. After what seems like ages finally more drinks appear on the counter.

"Here we have a Kukri Rum and Flaming Volcano for Ruzio. Please don't explode the Inn into splinters with this one" he says with a half-serious chuckle. The bystanders look across to a completely harmless looking Ruzio wondering what ever in the world Finn could be on about.

"Be sure to have those firefighters handy"


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Ahh, welcome back my friend! Your alcohol tolerance level is outstanding, I must say. Here are some more drinks for you. One Demonic Kiss, A Kiwi Craze, A Crystalwing Craving, and a Crystal Cove. Your others have been added to your inventory!

As Finn finishes unloading all the drinks in front of you, you notice a plain brown envelope titled To My Loyalest Customer - Crystalwings

"Make sure you hold on to that" He says with a wink.



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Crystalwings Envelope

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"My, my, my, do my friend and I have a few surprises up our sleeves or what!"
You wonder what all this could possibly mean, and who is this friend? You can see some girls in the corner already calling dibs on this mystery man.[/center]

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