Free art!

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Free art!

Post by MissMurderPaws »

Well, sorta, anyhow~! You certainly won't have to pay for it, not with gold, nor money, nor creatures.

I'm trying to get my name a little more widely recognized, and I figure I could probably have a great deal of success in offering free art to all you lovely Magi! Please just be sure to read my rules~!

  • In exchange for doing a fully rendered piece for you, I'm only asking that you use the tiny signature badge I'm going to give you with it, that links to my Facebook page. Of course, you are under no true obligation, but I won't be considering you for any free art opportunities in the future ;^;
  • I will be doing these in between commissions and projects. Do NOT rush me. Please. I promise you, I will PM you as soon as I've started, and keep you very updated on my progress, but please don't ask me every day if I've started yet. I'll remove you from my to-do list.
  • I will do any species, any gender, and I can do more suggestive stuff, but nothing Facebook inappropriate.
  • Use the form, or your request will be ignored!
  • Put the word "Fluffy" in your post somewhere if you've read the rules!
  • Please don't remove my watermark from the piece. I make them non-invasive, like in my example, so please just let it be!

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[b][color=#008040]Gimme Art![/color][/b]
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Re: Free art!

Post by Doggyears »

:well: I'd like one please! Could you do my OC who doesn't actually have any art yet? XD
Gimme Art!
Subject: OC
Refs/Detailed Description:She's pale, like she spends all her time in the library. 5'3" If that even matters, since there'll be no background :lol: Slender build. Her eyes are hazel green. This hair, in golden brown (like a cookie!) :
Pose/Outfit: Knee-high brown leather boots.
This dress:
These earrings :
Anything else:She has a kind demeanor (she's a healer). I'm super not picky about pose or anything else.

I'm more than happy to carry your fluffy icon around in my sig ^_^
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Re: Free art!

Post by Goldenwings »

You're real talented! :aah:

Gimme Art!
Username: Goldenwings
Subject: Cat... with wings!
Refs/Detailed Description: A black and white cat with golden wings. The paws, muzzle, and chest are white. The left eye is blue while the right eye is green. Tweenage me was real creative.
Image(Yes, like the magistream pet).
Pose/Outfit: Surprise me! Or if you don't want to surprise me, just sitting like this is fine:
Anything else: It doesn't have to be as fluffy as the one in the image.

Again, thank you so much for doing this! I'm super pumped to see the end result.
Big thanks to everyone that gifted! :D
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Re: Free art!

Post by MissMurderPaws »

Both added to my list!
I try to return clicks! Thank you so much for any clicks!
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Re: Free art!

Post by Nexosa »

I would like one drawig too o3o
Gimme Art!
Subject:Fox OC
Refs/Detailed Description:She has a sock hat and a flower on her ear
Pose/Outfit:A simple pose like sitting or any c:
Anything else:She is fluffy owo
Wish list:Hummingbirds,Any grpyhon hatchling,Any jackalope hatchling,,Pygmy wolpertinger

My Wishlist

Fox by Munin,Joey doggo by Seabra
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Re: Free art!

Post by Pumpkin676 »

Gimme Art!
Username: Pumpkin676
Subject: OC
Refs/Detailed Description: She is a all white wolf with ocean blue eyes.
This is the long description:
She is a wonderful wolf. She is all white with ocean blue eyes, and the eyes feel like they can see who you truly are. The eyes also show wisdom beyond her years. She is alpha female in her pack and she is partnered with an all black wolf with yellow eyes. (You don't have to draw the mate if you don't want to.) They are a very soft yellow, with a wise and kind look to them. The rest of the pack comes in a HUGE variety of colors. Any logical wolf color combination you can think of is probably in their pack. She always helps any wolf in the pack if they need it. She is a great leader and usually leads the hunts. She can be playful at times, but always serious when necessary. They tend to travel, so they have experienced all sorts of climates. From the hot summers in California to the freezing winters in Canada.
Pose/Outfit: No clothing, and any pose you think fits the character
Anything else: If it is winter in the drawing, make sure she is fluffy! (please)
Thank you so much! Please tell me if I missed anything!
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Re: Free art!

Post by MaybeOneDay167 »

Subject: OC
Refs/Detailed Description: I dont have a pic but she has really long dark brown hair (almost black), big green eyes, long eyelashes, and on the taller side.(p.s she is not gifted in the chest department :P )

Pose/Outfit: Standing I dont really care maybe doing something with her hand? Also as for the outfit something similar to this ... 7Mxy3FwVMM:

Ignore the hair and makeup please!

Anything else: Nope take your time love your style!

Have you ever seen a Canadian lynx? they are so fluffy!

P.s I hope I did this right I wasn't sure how to use the code hopefully I didn't mess it up!
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Re: Free art!

Post by LightningDragon »

Gimme Art!
Username: LD
Subject: (fluffy) Humanoid OC
Refs/Detailed Description: I know this isn't super descriptive so please let me know if you need more detail, but I'm sure I'll be okay with anything you come up with.
-female elf
-tall, slim
-dark brown skin, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes
-she has long dreads, and usually keeps her hair pulled out of her face
-she has several notable scars on her arms (if you feel comfortable with doing scars)
Pose/Outfit: I'm not picky about this but I think I'd like to see her mostly covered up in a green and brown outfit if that's possible~
Anything else: Thank you for making this thread! I will be back, probably many times...
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Re: Free art!

Post by DeathsJackal »

Gimme Art!
Username: DeathsJackal
Subject: OC, sorta
Refs/Detailed Description: Basically a melanistic (black) jackal with silver tipped ears wearing a skull mask. His back left paw is also silver, and he has a fluffy black tail.
Pose/Outfit: He's wearing some sort of canine-like skull as a mask, and as for pose, anything is good
Anything else: I was wondering if you could make it as an avatar? So, small enough to fit as a magistream avatar (which I think is 140 x 160 pixels max?)

Thanks in advance! I've been looking around everywhere for a place to get an avatar, but since I'm pretty new, I don't have much gold or creatures to trade for one, so I'm really happy to have found your forum!
Currently looking to possibly commision an avatar, PM me if you could possibly make me one?
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Re: Free art!

Post by LuckyBonsaiTree »

Gimme Art!
Username: LuckyBonsaiTree
Subject: animal
Refs/Detailed Description: Image
Pose/Outfit: none
Anything else: Thank you. Fluffy

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