A Poetry Chain

Share any written short stories, novels, or poetry

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Posts: 154
Joined: December 14th, 2017, 9:23:30 pm
Gender: Literally just six cats of varying gender identities sharing a suit of human skin

Re: A Poetry Chain

Post by Nyra »

Across the room,
A kindred spirit.
Seen, but not

If only I had met you then,
Drawn together as we were
And yet somehow pushed apart.

I yearn,
Day after day,
Night after sleepless night.
I wonder,
Could you have saved me
From this pit that I call life,
Or I you,
From the darkness of the world?

Together, maybe we could have
Braved this endless journey,
But no.

I am you, and you are me,
Yet neither of us can ever be ourselves
Because the two halves never met.

Alone I stand with outstretched hand,
Waving into nothingness,
Unseen by my last chance.

Gazing back through frosted glass
At what might have been,
Could have been,
Should have been.

Yes, my friend.
Together we stand.

Write about a kitten befriending the grumpy dog next door.
Image Chouchou will eat everyone's left shoe

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