Let's Pretend We're Gods

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Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Post by Jade07 »

Yihig, god of animals he like to take on the appearance of animals and help them finding them food or building homes for them believed to be the reason that some bunnies change their fur color during the winter and why chameleons can change ther coloroften depicted as either a human like elk standing down to a natural fawn,a wild mustang scaring a pocher away from his herd or a human helping a skunk out of a trap he is often seen on murles on a side of barns and stalls of horses he is loved by every religion
i think i overdid it with the green
yasettiea goddess of
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Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Post by bellabean05 »

Yasettiea, Goddess of Sea Creatures. She is a beautiful young woman who loves the water. Long ago, she was a human born into a wealthy family. People warned her that a sea monster would kidnap any maiden who wandered by the ocean, but she didn't listen. She went to the water, only to find that the sea monster was a handsome, young God. He was the God of tides, and he had the ability to live underwater and swim faster than fish. Yasettiea fell in love, and eventually married him. They wanted to live together, so he made Yasettiea a Goddess. She gained the ability to transform into a mermaid. They lived in a titanium cave deep in the ocean. The cave was built so she could breathe there. Yasettiea, who is said to have had a happy life, was never seen again. They say that if you look deep enough underwater, you can find the a cave made of titanium, where the two lived.

Pryphia (pronounced pry-fee-uh), Goddess Of
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Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Post by TheEmbodimentOfKarma »


No one has ever seen what Pryphia looks like, as they are a shapeshifting god whose favorite hobby is stealing. However, they are benevolent, and tend to only steal things from those who are misusing the object in question. In addition, Pryphia can steal things like hatred and sadness. She only uses her powers for good, unlike her brother, Tormion, god of...

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Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Post by AHorseNamedPalette »

Tormion, god of the reptilians. It is said that Tormion is the one that sent the venomous snakes to earth in order to rid the world of those with evil in their hearts. It is said that he took five turtles from the sea and made them into tortoises as a joke to the humans to make them confused. He is legendary for taking the long extinct dragon from the sky and turning it into a small lizard so that it would never harm anyone ever again. He is said to be a large man with snakes entwined over both his arms and dressed in the skin of a crocodile. He has the eyes of an alligator and instead of legs he has the tail of a snake. Although he uses his powers mostly for the benefit of humanity, he is also a prankster and enjoys to confuse people, such as creating a Kingsnake that looks like the famous Coral snake.

Alliah, the goddess of...


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Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Post by madusa »

Alliah, goddess of dreams and fantasy. She is a patron of the arts. Any artist, whether it be a writer, playwright, actor or painter has to seek her blessings for their endeavours. She has the power to blur the line between reality and imagination. When displeased, she will give you nightmares, when pleased she will give inspiration. She has an everchanging personality, but each has a touch of charisma to it.

Marial, the god of..
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Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Post by Cufflink »

Marial, the goddess of aroma. She is believed to be the creator of of attractive scents, and of the sense of smell. Anyone who creates something possessing an attractive smell must credit her for the creation of the smells that mingle together amongst their product. She has the power to turn a beautiful scent into something horrendous if she is displeased with someone or someone. Marial is laid-back and patient, but she also will not hesitate to smite someone once they have displeased her greatly enough. She is often depicted as a tiny snow leopard with pale, silver wings, and wearing a crown of pink roses. In this depiction a gentle breeze sways around her feet. Her symbols are any colorful flowers, along with the ocean and all manner of fruit. She is important mainly to animals and is worshipped by the ones within the animal kingdom which have the greatest senses of smell, such as Wolf, Elephant, Cat, and Rodent.

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Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Post by silverarrow820 »

Eamon, God of...

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Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Post by Catersail »

Eamon, the god of vengeance and justice. These two things are often used interchangeably with Eamon. He is often portrayed standing behind vigilantes as they take the law into their hands and looming over cruel and abusive individuals, usually as their victims, soldiers or subjects seek vengeance upon them. The descriptions of this god are varied and contradictory, though most texts describe him as either an entity "who's body has caught aflame" or a being with "hundreds of watching eyes and sharp reaching claws".

Maloria Goddess of...
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Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Post by nyghtshadow »

Maloria Goddess of the Moon. This goddess rides in a star-bound chariot, pulling the moon to it's place in the sky. She is said to watch over those whom roam in the moonlight and those rejected in the day may frolic in her moon lit embrace. There are few texts about this goddess, all of them change very little. She is called the "Goddess of the Moon, Protector of the Dark" in almost every text.

Solance, Goddess of...
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Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Post by Lanhua »

Solance goddess of taste, salt and spices, she well known for controlling the rise and fall of a Nation by giving abudance of flavor or rendering every food in the land tasteless. She is born when a auspicious cloud carrying drops sAltwater explodes in a hundred year old celestial herb garden. She is also called as "herbal scented fairy" in the legends...

Chouhiko God of
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