Three hundred and fifty-fifth Nursery event

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Three hundred and fifty-fifth Nursery event

Post by Master Belmos »

Greetings, dear magi! I'm well aware our prize this time isn't close to as popular as the one last week. But at least it brings a lot more mass onto the scales, and that's something too, isn't it?

1st prize:
A pair of unnamed SB Kuras Tigers

2nd prize:
You will be allowed to pick your own prize from the following tabs, up to the amount of your bid.
50k per shard
80k per shard
100k per shard
Every creature in these tabs is valued at the indicated amount per shard it cost in the shop, regardless of when it was released.

3rd prize:
You can spend the amount of gold you bid on Belmos' regular sales tabs, and you will get a discount of 25% on that purchase.
  • No one can receive more than one prize, so if two of the top three bids are made by the same person, the lower of the bids will be ignored and the prize goes to the next in line.
  • 2nd and 3rd prize in this auction do not have to be spent right away or all at once. You can save any or all of it for the future, with no deadline. They are also cumulative; for example, if you bid 150k this time and 100k in another auction, you'll have credit of 250k for the respective tabs. There will be a list in Belmos' profile that will tell you how much credit you still have.
  • The price reduction from 3rd prize is not applicable to the 2nd prize tabs, only to regular sales tabs (i. e. you can't combine your 2nd and 3rd place wins).

Starting bid: 10000 gold
Minimum increase: 5000 gold
Maximum increase: 5000 gold
No autobuy

Since minimum and maximum bid are equal, every bid after the starting bid will be worth exactly 5k more than the previous bid. Therefore, you do not need to post any numbers when bidding. Instead, every post will be considered a bid adding 5k to the previous bid, no matter what was posted. It is strongly recommended to post something along the lines of "bid" so as not to confuse anyone, however.
If you want to know roughly what amount the auction is at when posting, remember that every page of a thread has ten posts and therefore every full page in the thread equals 50k. So if the thread is at, for example, 4 pages the auction will be somewhere between 155k and 200k.
Posts by moderators in their official capacity as mod do not count as bids and will be subtracted from the total at the end. Likewise, if some accidentally double- (or triple-, quadruple-, etc.) posts, only the first post will be counted.

Ending time for this auction is Saturday, June 9, at 8:30 pm EDT link to clock).

Since it has come up in previous auctions, here are the rules for having someone bid on your behalf:
If you have someone bidding for you, please contact Morgaln and tell him who will be bidding for you.
If you are bidding for someone, please also contact Morgaln and confirm you are bidding for that person.

Any questions please be directed at Morgaln because Belmos' time is limited.
Have fun bidding!
Master Belmos has a new place in the Merchant District:
All things Master Belmos

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Re: Three hundred and fifty-fifth Nursery event

Post by Marta »

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Re: Three hundred and fifty-fifth Nursery event

Post by Ayakashi »


My wishlist

DS Friend Code: 2664-2235-0361 PM me yours so I can add you too! :D
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Re: Three hundred and fifty-fifth Nursery event

Post by zee113 »

Happy Magiversay and thank you for all my gifts!
Thak yous to nverland, Shadowlugia, gusztika, DarkRider, Silv, Zanthor, Rhia, Silverdove, BeeNme, Ryves, the anonymous gift givers, and the Magistream Staff for all creatures great and small.
<3 <3 <3
LTS old and new achievement pets and elementals here.
Please DO NOT mine my keep, thank you.
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Re: Three hundred and fifty-fifth Nursery event

Post by Marta »

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Re: Three hundred and fifty-fifth Nursery event

Post by NelwNoll »


Re: Three hundred and fifty-fifth Nursery event

Post by Shiranui »

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Re: Three hundred and fifty-fifth Nursery event

Post by Twister4eva »


Clicks please?
Will do art for your random critters!

Old event critters FOR SALE
Elk, coal wyrm, halloween born
decessus, penguin, aculeus, SB event eggs

Keep clearout random critters FOR SALE

⋆ LTB frozen event critters

Thank you everyone for my gifts. <3

Re: Three hundred and fifty-fifth Nursery event

Post by Shiranui »

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Re: Three hundred and fifty-fifth Nursery event

Post by blockEdragon »


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