Attempts at Writing

This section is for writing that is completely your own, including the world it is set in

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Attempts at Writing

Post by Omira »

To cry is to let all sorrows out
Let them drift away
In the arms of the one you
They will never return again
And if they do…
Darker than before
You have someone at your side to take down that
Fear and foe
A word
A phrase
And action
Any of which can
Irreparably break a bond
Already hesitant in its
Put up a shield
Guard yourself
No matter if good or bad
Keep all at a distance
So that you remain
Deep, dark hair
Ernest eyes
Caring, sweet and kind
Hurt before and never again
Started out as an unlikely…
What has become of us now…
A constant state of
Lust and need
Sadness and despair
Crazy, strange
No sense at all
Rampant thoughts
Without control
Never show what you
Nobody will care
But if you take off your
Do it only for someone close to the
A dagger and the arrows of words
Can break a soul
Protect it
Don't ever let it show
I don't really write poems so these might be a bit rough...
Last edited by Omira on May 10th, 2020, 7:06:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Poems by Me (just looking for feedback...)

Post by Omira »

These are a few fun settings or small stories that I’ve thought of randomly. Idk...I just found them really cool. I'll just introduce them as dreams. Kind of turned into one story... Would really love it if people could read and react to it.
For as long as she could remember she'd been having these dreams. Detailed and intense. In every single one she was stopped from speaking by some invisible force and in some cases...stopped from screaming. Originally all the dreams were nightmares but she soon realized she had control over what happens. Not real control...but over how she viewed it. When she was young she had a recurring dream of opening her eyes to thousands of spiders spinning silver silk and pinning her body. Slowly suffocating her, each breath becoming more and more difficult until blessed darkness returned her to her familiar starting place of darkness in the middle of a galaxy. Then she found a delicate silver chain in the waking world. The very next time the dream occured, the necklace was around her neck and as she looked down at it she began to imagine the silver silk as threads weaving a beautiful glistening gown around her. Finally she was able to sense how the spiders had been trying to spin a gown worthy of a queen but had been unable to on their own. As it completes she looks up at the moon, glowing full and making the silver glitter, each thread having a shine of its own. This time, staring up at the moon, she closed her eyes and appeared back in her galaxy place, with a hand over her necklace. Since then, the dream has not appeared again but occasionally, in her darkness and darkest time, she could see a silvery glint out of the corner of her eye which guided her to her necklace and gave her a sense of calm.

In the waking world, she was shattered. Her heart tore into pieces that seemed scattered. A new nightmare was created. She began appearing in her galaxy with her dark perch slowly being torn apart. Then the nightmare began. She was in a suffocatingly dark box and stumbled, falling to the ground through an opening. Around her was a picture perfect landscape but menacing at the same time. She could see the faint glow of her galaxy haven and took a step forward. Immediately a sharp pain pierces her body and a pool of red spreads from her step. Everything around her was made of broken glass. Razor sharp and jagged. With no other option she takes another step forward, unable to cry out from the pain. On and on she walks, seemingly unable to get closer to her safe space until finally, from the tears and exhaustion she falls to the ground, appearing in her comfortingly dark perch before hitting the ground. This went on for weeks before she was gifted with marble like pebbles for her fish aquarium. Entranced by their opaque appearance she asked what they were made of and shuddered as the answer was glass. Once she had added them to her tank she watched how they glittered and glowed with color. Reaching she took one into her palm and brushed her fingers over its smooth surface, doing this everyday when a sudden pain pierced her broken heart. felt as if her sharp edges smoothed out. Her heart was no longer whole but each piece was now smooth like that pebble. The glass dream returned but this time she had her pebble in her hand and though the first step hurt she didn't look down, not focusing on the glass which pierced her feet. Instead she looked up and gripping her stone tightly she looked around her. The willow trees, the stream nearby, and the ground around it. At first the colors had seemed sharp and pained her eyes but now she could see that they were actually facets. Each gleam coming from a gem or jewel. The stream her sapphires lining its bottom, the leaves on the trees had miniscule emeralds embedded in them, and the ground on the banks of the stream was glinting with quartz and diamonds. The glass still hurt but this time it seemed lessened as she walked along, amazed by the shimmering surroundings. And instead of aiming for her galaxy nook, she veers closer to the creek, sitting down to watch the sparkle of the gems under the water. Finally, she realized that the ache in her heart had faded. Still present, as it would always be, but no longer consuming. Smiling, she gently touches the water, silently saying goodbye and as the water fades away, seh is left in her comforting darkness, looking out at the galaxy surrounding her and turning around, places the pebble next to her delicate silver chain. In the waking world she takes time in the morning to watch the glitter of the stones under the water in her aquarium before going out bravely, to face the world.

Over time her collection grew. The darkness of her galaxy slowly becomes filled with an assortment of treasures. A key. A knitting needle. A small bow. A clip. Each began to gain power. Instead of just appearing in her nightmares turned dreams they began to change. In the waking world they remained ordinary objects but in the small alcove of darkness the clip changed, melting into her hair when she put it on, turning into a small streak of glittering silver. The small bow changed into various hats. She spent many sleepless nights in her galaxy space changing the different crowns and tiaras that it could become. The needle grew into a staff that became more and more detailed with every nightmare that she overcame. And the key allowed her to revisit any previous dreams that she has had in the past. Her power grew but she was also lonely. She now had power over her sleep world and the in between but no one to share it with. So, she decided to not take advantage of her power anymore. Her last acting being to summon a powerful dragon to protect her treasures. Using all her powers she finally manages this feat. Completely drained of any magic she had acquired she sadly walks past every portal she had to her dream worlds. Before closing them each gave a gift. The spiders gifted her the gown which seemed infused with moonlight. The stream swirled to reveal a woman's form which seemed to smile sadly as it gifted a teardrop sapphire, seeming to swirl with different colors, never being only one. Each closing cause the ache in her heart to increase until finally she returns to the dragon which she had summoned, bowing her head. “Please...please protect this place. I will no longer be able to…” The dragon gazed down at her expressionlessly before looking past her. Suddenly the darkness surrounding them shifts as the galaxy seems to seep in, enveloping them and her treasures and magical objects surround them, glittering as brilliantly as the stars around them. The dragon watched her intently and a crown materialized round her head. Suddenly her magic comes rushing back, more pure and stronger than before. His voice echoes in her mind. You are unlike any human I've ever met… You will now be able to return here again whenever you wish. But unlike will no longer be lonely. I will remain here to guard the treasure while you are in the waking world… A laugh rumbles through the air. Maybe even in the waking world as well… With that he fades but the comforting presence remains. Back in the waking world they do meet again.
Title ideas???
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Re: Attempts at Writing

Post by Omira »

(I really hope making a post every time i add is alright... >.< )
I wrote this short...thing, a while ago and thought "why not post it on magistream?". Hoping to get some feedback or just comments. Lots of my "writing" is emotion based and this is a great example.
No real event behind the reason for writing it.

Anyways~ thank you to everyone and anyone who reads this!

Sometimes Stairs
There are two people on the staircase. The stairs stretched as far as the eye could see in each direction and the stairs themselves were wide, enough to lay down on. The man and woman, the boy and girl, the boy and woman, or girl and man, were separated by 3 steps. She, for as long as she could remember, was always looking up at him and he in turn, glazed back at her. And so, they walked. Progressing, at a set pace, always separated by the distance.

Sometimes, she would make a desperate leap, trying to make the jump to him, to catch up, but would teeter, and fall to her knees, bleeding, on her step. He would then turn, and in an action against his nature, try to step back, only to fall as well, a step closer to her but unable to reach her. The stairs were made to only go up, never to go back on.

Sometimes, there would be rare moments of stillness. He would turn and look back at her, smiling, and she would look up at him in hope and excitement. Moving slowly he sits down and places his feet on the step below him and she, eagerly, steps up to meet him, and in those moments, barely a step was between them. Reaching out, they would be able to lace their fingers together, and spend that time in fun before having to return to what the stairs urged them to do. He would be the first to stand, separating their fingers and looking down at her, slowly continuing his pace up the staircase and she, with all her might, strived to catch up with him.

Sometimes, she would see him stumble and fall, curled up ahead of her. Running, she would join him, and even though the sudden progress made her head spin, she helps him up, bolstering him, and stands back as he, with renewed energy, moves on ahead yet again while she, recovering, sits down, always looking up at him and knowing she'll never be able to reach him and be equal.

Sometimes, they dream. That maybe eventually, they'd be walking side by side. Moving together and no longer separate. But knowing that'll never happen. In the distance, they observe other figures, on their own paths. And the higher they go, they are always separated as one, then the other, slows, stops, and slowly sinks down to lay on their step, and fading out of sight.

The staircase is time and maturity. And the difference between those can never be changed between two people. They will always be separated by something they cannot change.
<3 <3 <3
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