The Journey

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The Journey

Post by SarahPlainandTall »

WHY HELLO I am Sarah and in this " The Joureny " Is a way to tell people somethings you have done on journeys. AND it can be about your crearues back storys! If I can I will try and hatch anyones and everyone's eggs IF you share a journey :wave: or click on them XD Is what I meant
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Re: The Journey

Post by SarahPlainandTall »

One of my own journeys was, My first trip to SD. I loved every part of the plae! To the smallest bug to the biggest mountains! If you are from South Dakota 10/10 I LOVED it there! ~ Sarah
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Re: The Journey

Post by SarahPlainandTall »

Wow its been a while, Ill work on it. Welp time to scavange for coins and hunt for the halloween babys. the dog cant' stop yelling at my sistster and I'm not sure if its okay
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Re: The Journey

Post by SarahPlainandTall »

Ignore this if you saw that, my brother decided it would be funny to type on my keyboard... What can you do? NOOOO Stop touching my stuff brother, not kewl... not kewl!
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Re: The Journey

Post by SarahPlainandTall »

Trust me I am so used to this, tada! And now you have a door, good job me. Though might I saw these oak tress are beautician ... maybe this isn't what I meant.. uh I don't know
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Re: The Journey

Post by SarahPlainandTall »

I don't think anyone will mind, unless it belongs to the crazy land mine guy... OO and a chest, this is so nice! Wow thank you~ Is the village of patterns or pine... or fur. I'm not sure. Cant even... Can't ladder apparently. We need a good name... Omg thank you! IN case you are reading this its all from Serithepixelbiologist's zoocraft series. Uh I love YouTube lmao
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Re: The Journey

Post by SarahPlainandTall »

Paragraphs are the building blocks of papers. Many students define paragraphs in terms of length: a paragraph is a group of at least five sentences, a paragraph is half a page long, etc. In reality, though, the unity and coherence of ideas among sentences is what constitutes a paragraph. A paragraph is defined as “a group of sentences or a single sentence that forms a unit” (Lunsford and Connors 116). Length and appearance do not determine whether a section in a paper is a paragraph. For instance, in some styles of writing, particularly journalistic styles, a paragraph can be just one sentence long. Ultimately, a paragraph is a sentence or group of sentences that support one main idea. In this handout, we will refer to this as the “controlling idea,” because it controls what happens in the rest of the paragraph.
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Re: The Journey

Post by SarahPlainandTall »

“Doshe little critttersh arre what made me gett out of bed, knowing I had doshee little llivesh too care for,” de 25-year-old ggraphiic deshigner from ...hic... Mishhion, Kan., shaid. “Dey bond wid you like a dog doeesh. You migght not hhave de energy to wwaalkk a dog, but you can manage to fill a water bottle. ��

Chhronisshhter kept herr ...hic... ratsh ...hic... iin a cage tucked in de cornner of her dorm room. Dey were quiet. Dey were clean.. And her roommatte loved ...hic... dem.
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Re: The Journey

Post by SarahPlainandTall »

Zoo Crafting ish one of de mossht popular sheriesh of her channel. De ...hic... firsht ...hic... epishode ...hic... of Zoo craftinng, &quott;Our Zoo Building Dreamsh Begin!! Zoo ...hic... Crafting: Epishode #1" ish her ...hic... shecond mosht viewed video. Zoo Crafting ish a moddeed Minecraft sheriesh of her buillding a zoo, and her teaching ush, her 'clashroom', factsh about shnakesh, lionsh, giraffeesh, etc.
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Re: The Journey

Post by SarahPlainandTall »

Sheri shtarted making Youtuube videosh on Febbruary 11, 220013 ...hic... under de name Sheri Shimshh. Her very early video sheriesh ccoonshisht of Shimshh 2, Runne ...hic... Factory Frontier, and Zoo TTycoon 2. ...hic... Shhe shtarteed her faamoush Zoo Crafting sheriesh on December 222, 2013. Shiince den ...hic... sshhe''sh shtaarted many, manny ...hic... more sheriesh ...hic... all ...hic... revolving aaround nature and animalsh.

SShhe hash ammashed more dan 4400,000 shubshcribersh to her channel shince itsh creation. Onee of ...hic... her mosht popular viideoosh,, "Zoo CCrafting: Moo' Creaturessh, Dinoshaursh, Biomeshh and More!! - EEpishode ##1&qquot;, hash ...hic... earned moree ddan 250,000 viewsh shince itsh December 22, 2013 poshting.

SShhe callsh her community ...hic... Pixel Biologishtsh and shhowssh gratitude ffrequently. Shhe shaysh dat de community hash hellpedd her come ...hic... out of her shhelll and shhe wouldn't where shhe wash widouut dem.
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