411's artwork

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411's artwork

Post by 411 »

heyo! i've been snooping around the hall of the arts for a bit, everyone's so talented! anyways, i figured i would show off some of the artwork i've done this year. unfortunately, i can't show much because i've been particularly focused on comics i'd like to publish in the future... regardless, i hope you enjoy these!

ordered from oldest to newest.
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Re: 411's artwork

Post by Negativ »

I really like your style! Very nice use of colors and especially in the first picture really great gradients <3 What kind of pencils do you use?
The inclusion of the night/day sky in the dog is a great detail and I really like the character designs!
The third picture is of the creature in your avatar, isn't it? It is cute! did you pixel your avatar as well?

So you are working on a comic? Cool! Do you plan to publish in print or online? :)

► ʎɐs ʇsnɯ ı 'ʇsıʇuǝıɔs ɐ sʎɐʍ1ɐ 'ʇsıʇuǝıɔs ɐ ǝɔuo ◄___

wish for: [long gen/named/CW/spiders/bugs]___
►Thank you so much <3___
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Re: 411's artwork

Post by 411 »

oh gosh, thank you! that first piece is one i really like too!

for the pencils i use, i generally use any that are available to me... sorry if that's not much help! the ones i used for the pieces i've shown so far were very cheap. if you want to talk about it, feel free to pm me- i'm a hoarder of art supplies so i've tried a bunch of different pencils.

and yes! the creature in my avatar and the third pic is my fursona (who is a sea bunny, and therefore has no fur). i did my icon too. i really like pixel art, even though i'm a bit rusty from lack of practice lol.

as for the comic, i'm aiming for it to be printed. i've had some of my comics published before (nothing too out-there, just short stories in magazines and such), so if everything goes well it will be my first solo published work!

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