❤ ✿ ƸӜƷ A Home For Hope {Reopening Soon} ƸӜƷ ✿ ❤

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Re: ƸӜƷ ✿ ♥ A Home For Hope {Requests Are: OPEN} ♥ ✿ ƸӜƷ

Post by Aneira »

Your Username: CoriaKeeper
Name your Hope: If its a male, Brett(What my dad's brothers and sisters nicknamed him) If a female, Ciara.
Gender Preference?: Nope
Other: Rawr <3
Do you have a Hope story?:
All this happened only last year.
My dad had throat cancer, and my parents were divorced. I lived in Florida with my mom, while my dad lived up in Alaska with my dad.
One day my dad called my mom and said the doctor told him that he only had 2 weeks to live, since the cancer spread. Me and my mom flew up to Alaska to visit him, but we soon became suspicious. My brother hadn't seen my mom for over 2 years so he stayed with us for a bit. My dad wouldn't see us. He called and asked my mom to meet him alone. But she refused to, because...well...she was scared. I don't blame her either, and I'm not going into extreme details of why.
My dad went missing on a Wednesday and we continued to try to call him. But he wouldn't answer. It moved onto Thursday, and soon Friday. My brother and my mom decided to drive to my dad's apartment so my brother could get some clothes. At the time I was with my aunt, and wasn't aware of what they were doing.
My brother went into the apartment and into the bedroom that my dad and him shared, and he saw my dad laying on the bed. The lights were off and he looked asleep, so my brother quickly ran out sorta scared because my dad had taken both of the guns they had.
My mom called the police and they went into the apartment. When they came back out, they reported he had shot himself. To depressed to drive the 2 hour drive back to my aunts, they decided to stay at my other aunts house for the night.
It was Valentines day when they came to the door and I saw them crying. I knew right then and there that he was gone. I never even got to see him before he died. I never got to feel his arms around me again, holding me when I was upset. I saw him once more for the last time before they cremated him.
To make matters worse, the dog I got him for his birthday got hit by a truck about 5 days after I found out about my dads death. But thats a different story.
As for Ciara, She was a really good friend of mine. I was in 6th grade and she was just about to graduate to high school. But one Sunday (Or was it Saturday? I can't remember) she and her sister, along with 3 other kids, decided to go on a boat ride. The sky was perfect and there weren't any storms coming. But a storm literally suddenly came out of no where. The kids went into the cabin, all but Ciara were wearing a life jacket. Life jackets are supposed to save your life, not kill you!
The boat flipped over and began sinking. The cabin filled up with water and the kids floated to the top of the cabin, unable to swim down. Ciara could have saved herself. But no. She wanted to save the younger kids.
She pulled out her younger sister first, then her sisters friend. She then pulled out one of the younger boys (Who I can't remember the name of, but I think he was 5), then last was the youngest and her favorite little boy. But she couldn't make it. Before she reached the top, she drowned along with the little boy. My mom said that she had the little boy in her arms when they found her.
Her father was actually the one who found her, since he was a firefighter. It must've been hard for him.
The youngest boy also drowned, and the 5 year old boy was put on life preserve but soon joined Ciara. Her sister and her sister's friend made it, though.
It happened about 8 days after my birthday. God I miss her. She acted so much like a mother, and my brother and her were planning on going to the beach after he came back from Alaska (He was staying with his friend's parents, since he didn't want to move back to Florida after my dad died. But he eventually did.). They would've made such a cute couple; they loved to talk to each other. Its probably more hard on him then it is on me.
My school planted a beautiful tree that will grown pink flowers in her memory. They put a pink bow on it and there making something that will tell her name. They also put a pink rose on it the day they planted it; which is why I REALLY want the Rose Imp to hatch female.
Her birthday was even on Valentines day. She was really something special, I tell you. ;)
By requesting, I am promising to uphold the rules of the lineage to the best of my ability.
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Re: ƸӜƷ ✿ ♥ A Home For Hope ♥ ✿ ƸӜƷ

Post by MishaBaby »

Thank you guys so much for sharing.
I am sorry for your loss, I cannot begin to
imagine how that must have felt. *huggles*
You have both been added to the waiting list.
Thank you so much, and welcome to Hope. <3

Dear Faeryl...
Faeryl wrote:No, thank YOU for creating something like this, dear. Something that brings us all together.

It really helps to... write everything down. Especially things about my father. I already thought about writing a diary of some sorts (Not about how he feels, because I cannot tell sometimes - my father either says nothing or whines constantly, which makes it difficult to get to his true feelings - but about how I deal with it, and my mother and brother) but I do not know. I am worried. Today is the worst day since a while, and he basically didn't leave the bed. I know that it gets better - it was like this three times already, and he ALWAYS got better - but it is still hard.

I have to go back to munich next week (which is about 600 km apart from here); I really want to, but I also do not want to. I don't want to go while he is still this sick. I want to leave him moderately healthy, for I know I cannot stop worrying if I go NOW, but I would need to go soon for university reasons, and... oh man. I just don't know what to do right now.

*massive bear huggles!!!* A lot can happen in a week. He may still improve, you never know =) And at least you still have that week with him, right? It's never easy leaving the ones we love, no matter if they be seriously ill or healthy, but it's always just that much harder when we know they are suffering; all we can do is cherish every moment we can share with them and never forget to let them know that we love them. I marvel at your strength, no matter how you say you are lost or don't know what to do; your heart leads you well. I think a diary/journal is an amazing idea. Sometimes, it's just so dang hard to make sense of how to process everything we experience and feel; in the moment, things can seem so overwhelming and can make you want to shut down for the emotional overload it inspires... but to do that would be bad for everyone, so we try to take it one day at a time and just keep going. At some point, that just stops being enough, and you have to look hard in the face of everything you have been trying to get by just glancing at only when you had to - and that is probably the most terrifying thing of all, when you have to face everything you want so desperately to not be. I completely agree: It somehow helps to put it all into words, to get it out, to name the beast so to speak and gain power over it. There are some hurts that will never heal. For everything else, there is time, love, support, patience, and action. We do what we can, because we can, and the people around us who care will help to lift us up when we seem to be sinking into darkness of despair. I may not understand everything you are going through, but I do understand loosing people you love, standing by and watching them fight, feeling so utterly helpless. I understand that each day is a battle that never gets easier to fight when it comes to something like this, and I also understand that you are strong. *huggles* Being strong isn't denying the pain, turning away from that which hurts us, ignoring the obvious and setting our face in stone. Being strong is being real, not afraid to feel even when it hurts so dang bad you cry till you shake and scream and can't even breath. Being strong is admitting that yeah, we may not be able to waive a magik wand and make everything better, but we can and do make a difference, and at the end of the day that's what counts. Being strong is daring to Hope and keep believing in everything your heart wants so desperately to be true. Being strong is having the strength to face it alone but the wisdom to seek out those who care, supporting each other, getting back up no matter how low we get... just reach for us and we'll be here to help. None of us here is alone. I am so very glad and so very honored to have you here, sweetheart, as I am for all of those with stories of Hope. I meant what I said about making this a kind of family here, and family takes care of family.
:t-hugs: <3

♥ [Thank You!] ♥
♥ • ♥

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Re: ƸӜƷ ✿ ♥ A Home For Hope {Requests Are: OPEN} ♥ ✿ ƸӜƷ

Post by LunatheDragoness »

Your Username: BlindMag
Name your Hope: Romine after my great grandma.
Gender Preference?: Female please
Other: thank you..
Do you have a Hope story?:
About maybe 4-5 years ago I lost my great grandma due to illness (pneumonia). It was a big hit on everyone in my family. Me especially. I cry everyday about her. I cry in my english class because of our writting promt.."As a child the most biggest lose to me was...." and I was literatly crying in class..no one saw due to my glasses and no one likes me much anyways to bother to see if I was ok. I regret not giving her a hug when she was on her death bed. I was to sad and stunned by the fact that she was really dieing..She was very very healthy then bam..she is very ill..it tore my family apart. im no long close to my mom, im depressed, and i see the world in a most darker view than how i used to see it.
By requesting, I am promising to uphold the rules of the lineage to the best of my ability.
Currently busy with college. Send PM if I haven't sent you an order from Donec Cove.
Donec CoveLTT Riparian Forest Creatures
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Re: ƸӜƷ ✿ ♥ A Home For Hope ♥ ✿ ƸӜƷ

Post by MishaBaby »

It's so good to see you here, Magz *huggles*
I am so sorry to hear about your loss, sweetheart.
I will be honored to add you to the list.
Thank you so much, and welcome to Hope. <3

Just one slot left for now.

♥ [Thank You!] ♥
♥ • ♥

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Re: ƸӜƷ ✿ ♥ A Home For Hope {Requests Are: OPEN} ♥ ✿ ƸӜƷ

Post by aethelwhyne »

Your Username: Aethelwhyne
Name your Hope: Christel if girl or Chris if boy (I just shortened her name to fit male gender)
Gender Preference?: none
Other: rawr
Do you have a Hope story?: my father died of bone marrow cancer, I am a survivor of cervical cancer, and my friend died of breast cancer
By requesting, I am promising to uphold the rules of the lineage to the best of my ability.
I absolutely love Mohrior, Vernox Dragons, Bread Creatures, Laetolis Beast and Cascara Amagnae frozen hatchlings just PM me if you have any for sale.
Wishlist: I love purple torveus dragons, frozen Cascara amagnae hatchlings,mohrior, vernox dragons, bread creatures, laetolis beasts, prism fox,confera pegasus, pennant pegasus, rabbitsune, me’chuan bengolo/rewana, skulk, alicantos and penguins.
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Re: ƸӜƷ ✿ ♥ A Home For Hope ♥ ✿ ƸӜƷ

Post by MishaBaby »

I am glad to see you here, Aethelwhyne *huggles*
My condolences for your losses, hun, but I
rejoice in your triumph over such a terrifying disease.
It is my honor to add you to the list.
Thank you so much for being here, and welcome to Hope. <3

Requests closed for now until I can get at
least half of the existing ones filled. Please, no new
requests until that that time; I shall announce when
requests open up again. Thank you. <3

♥ [Thank You!] ♥
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Re: ƸӜƷ ✿ ♥ A Home For Hope ♥ ✿ ƸӜƷ

Post by MishaBaby »

Yay, they finally produced an egg! ^.^ lol <3
Say hello to the newest addition to the Hope family:

Code just in case anyone wants to help it hatch ^.^

Code: Select all

Cross97, this little one will be sent to you when it hatches has been sent to you!
Congratulations! ^.^ <3


♥ [Thank You!] ♥
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ƸӜƷ ✿ ♥ A Home For Hope ♥ ✿ ƸӜƷ

Post by MishaBaby »

Yay, they produced another egg! ^.^ lol <3
Say hello to the newest addition to the Hope family:

Code just in case anyone wants to help it hatch ^.^

Code: Select all


darknight, this little one will be sent to you when it hatches has been sent to you!
Congratulations! ^.^ <3


♥ [Thank You!] ♥
♥ • ♥

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Re: ƸӜƷ ✿ ♥ A Home For Hope {Requests Are: CLOSED} ♥ ✿ ƸӜƷ

Post by DragonflyFae »

What a wonderful project and a very touching narration.
I will definitely be back to request a White Imp in honour of my soldier husband.
I also would be happy to help hatch egglettes for you ... I will check back for codes.


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Re: ƸӜƷ ✿ ♥ A Home For Hope ♥ ✿ ƸӜƷ

Post by MishaBaby »

Thank you so much, Fae, I really appreciate it.
I finally managed to get a male 1st gen pink rose
imp, so I am working on a second gen. I hope (hehe)
to have 3rd gens available soon. <3
The proginators gave us a nice little gift yesterday.
Say hello to the newest addition to the Hope family:

Code just in case anyone wants to help it hatch ^.^

Code: Select all

This little will go to Drachenschwinge since it hatched female.
Congratulations! ^.^

There have been some really nice offers given to me for imps if I place people on the waiting list.
The reason I insist on waiting is because I want to get the current requests filled, and there are
others who have expressed interest in being placed on the waiting list previously, so it would be
unfair. I also really want to get a 1st gen male for myself to make it easier to breed 2nd and then
3rd gens for people. I don't have the heart to ask for the first, as there is someone who has
specifically asked for a male for a very special reason, but I hope that is is ok if I keep the second.
Please message me if you are on list and would prefer a male but have not announced a gender
preference, ok? Otherwise, I shall keep the second male to aid me in my efforts of breeding
3rd gens for those whose causes require a different color of rose.
Thanks, yall.



♥ [Thank You!] ♥
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