The Servant of a Divine (ShadowxRosemilly)

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Re: The Servant of a Divine (ShadowxRosemilly)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

"Yeah scientists do and they experiemented on me two years ago," Danny said in reply to Azrael's question before hearing the rest of what the former said. He became even more surprised when he heard that the other could change his physical appearance as well and just his clothes. In reply to the other question he was asked he said, "Well maybe I came across it in a book but that always awhile ago and the experimentation did something to my memory so I don't really remember. I'm sorry. When I was experimented on, I stayed in a lab and in a cage so I wasn't in a place where I could learn more about demigods, godlings, and the gods. I was only out today for them to sell me in a slave market. When I saved you earlier, I was escaping from the cage I was put in."

((hooray! page 2! :t-dance: :woo:))
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Re: The Servant of a Divine (ShadowxRosemilly)

Post by rosemilly »

"Oh..." Azrael muttered under his breath, feeling bad that the human had been experimented on by his own kind. It wasn't natural, and it certainly wasn't right. It him awhile to convince himself, but he finally convinced himself that it was okay to tell Danny what he truly was. A god. "Danny, let me reintroduce myself," he told the mortal before giving Danny a bow which might have been a bit odd for a god to do towards a mortal, but Azzy wanted to be polite. "I am Azrael, the one and only god of love and beauty. Many people assume I'm a female since I'm the god of love and beauty, but that is certainly not the case." Azrael stood up straight before giving Danny an sweet, innocent smile. He had the perfect idea that he was sure Danny wouldn't pass up unless he was crazy. "What if you stay at my place for awhile? You were recently in the slave market, and now you have nowhere to go. You saved me, so the least I could offer you is to stay at my home."
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Re: The Servant of a Divine (ShadowxRosemilly)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

Danny watched Azrael carefully and was curious to know why he looked so sad all of a sudden. He then became curious when he saw him bow towards him while he reintroduced himself as the god of love and beauty. He was shocked again for a minute or two before he got over it some when he heard the rest of what was said. "Thank you for that offer and I think I'd like to take you up on it, though I'd like to ask you something; how long would be 'awhile'?" he said and asked in reply after the former was done offering him a place to stay after the earlier incident that had occurred.
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Re: The Servant of a Divine (ShadowxRosemilly)

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Azrael shrugged at Daniel's question. "As long as you'd like. My home is in my own realm, so there wouldn't be any rush," he tried to explain giving the human a kind smile. "Just tell me when you want to go, and I can teleport us out of here." He looked at his bags of clothing that had landed on the ground earlier, picking them up before holding the bags out to the mortal. "Here. Look through all this clothing and tell me if there is anything in there that you would like, or I could just use my powers to change your appearance though you may find it a bit odd."

(How would you want to add the servant aspect to this?)
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Re: The Servant of a Divine (ShadowxRosemilly)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

((maybe he can help get Azrael some clothes from the the human realm as well as helping out with doing chores for him around the house))

Danny thought about what Azrael said for a minute and said in reply after thinking about it a bit more, "I'd like to go today if that's possible." He then looked at the bags that the former gestured for him to look in for clothes that he could wear and nodded in reply to what was said before looking in them. He found a shirt and pants he liked a lot so he took them out of the bag and changed into them where they were currently standing. He then put both the shirt and pants he had been wearing earlier in the bag that he had taken the new shirt and pants out of.
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Re: The Servant of a Divine (ShadowxRosemilly)

Post by rosemilly »

(I meant more along the lines of how are we going to make Daniel Azrael's servant?)

Azrael nodded at Daniel's answer, watching with a smile when Daniel found something he wanted to wear. "You can keep all of those if you'd like. I already have a ton of clothing at home," he admitted with a guilty expression on his face which soon turned into a smile. When the human was done changing, Azzy skipped right over and took Daniel's hand in his own, giving it a squeeze of reassurance. "I'm going to teleport now if that's okay?" he said questionably. "You may feel nervous or even dizzy the first few times, but I'm sure that you'll get used to it in no time."
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Re: The Servant of a Divine (ShadowxRosemilly)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

((oh um maybe he can volunteer to help him out around the house and it turns into him being a servant for him))

"Thank you," Danny said in reply to Azrael's offer of him keeping the clothes that were in the bags that the former had bought earlier in the day before they met. When the other took his hand with the reason he gave he nodded in understanding before nodding to him to go ahead to teleport them where Azrael lived. He was a bit nervous but he wasn't going to let that get in the way of him not going with the god to his home.
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Re: The Servant of a Divine (ShadowxRosemilly)

Post by rosemilly »

(I guess that could work. Maybe Daniel tries to make an accuse to stay with Azzy... I don't know...)

"You'll be fine," Azrael said, trying to reassure Daniel when he saw him a little bit nervous. "I can always visit Mr. Grumpypants if something bad were to happen to you." The pair then teleported to the god of love's realm, leaving behind a rose red aura as they vanished into thin air. The realm was very spacious. In the center of the realm, was Azrael's Victorian style castle that had various beige, tan, and white colors here and there with gold accents that made the castle appealing to the eye. Around the castle was what seemed to be a giant garden, filled with more types of flowers that one person could even think of in many different colors. The garden had a few canopy swings suited for a god with plush cushions covered with the softest of velvets and ponds where koi fish swam. There was even a forest behind Azrael's castle with a path that lead to a babbling brook where the god loved to go and relax. For all that anyone knew, there could even be a village somewhere in this humongous realm. "I hope that this isn't too boring for you," the god said, letting go of the mortals hand before taking in a deep sigh. "Feel free to make yourself at home, Daniel."

(Azrael likes to call Arius, my god of death, Mr. Grumpypants if you're okay with him being mentioned in the roleplay. If not, I'll take that part out.)
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Re: The Servant of a Divine (ShadowxRosemilly)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

((I'm sure we'll figure something out for that as we go along and yes that's fine ^_^ but Danny's going to ask who that is XD))

Danny nodded before looking a little confused when he heard someone by the name of "Mr. Grumpy pants being mentioned but held in his question just as they teleported. When they arrived to their new destination of Azrael's realm, he felt a bit dizzy at first and off-balance before he got his bearings again and looked around at the wide, vast area. "Wow," he said with wide eyes and when he had his voice back after being a bit speechless at the sight. "I won't be. It looks like there's a lot to do here. Also who's 'Mr. Grumpypants'?' You mentioned him before you teleported us here," he said and asked in reply while looking back at the god from their new surroundings.
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Re: The Servant of a Divine (ShadowxRosemilly)

Post by rosemilly »

(I think I also strained both my wrists a few days ago, so that doesn't really help matters either. If I move either of them the wrong way, they hurt a lot, and I can't even pick up my dog... I don't think I'll be able to reply to all of them tonight. I'll try to get that done as soon as I can.)

Azrael giggled softly when Daniel asked who Mr. Grumpypants was. "That's Arius. He's the god of death, and boy, is he grumpy." He began walking towards the castle in front of them which he called his home, expecting the mortal to more or less follow him. "The best thing to do is to braid Arius's hair when he's in an important meeting, and he can't do anything about it because he has to focus on the meeting plus yelling at someone would make him look bad." The god of death had what could be called a grudge against him with people thinking he was this evil man who went around killing people, but that wasn't the truth at all. Arius just helps guide lost spirits into the underworld, into their respective homes in the new world, and stuff like that. Arius wasn't a bad guy even when he was grumpy. "Feel free to stop and look around if you see something that catches your eye," Azrael said with a smile as he walked, glancing behind him to check on Daniel every now and then.
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