The Servant of a Divine (ShadowxRosemilly)

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The Servant of a Divine (ShadowxRosemilly)

Post by rosemilly »

This is a roleplay between Shadowfax278 and myself that is based on one of my original group roleplays. Please don't post here unless you are either of us.

The Plot
In a modern world where gods reign supreme, there are still beings that live under their rule, trying to please the gods through as many ways as possible. But when some of the gods need some help in their everyday lives, get lonely, or just want some entertainment, they look towards other services for help. These services, while they might not be practical, hold the servants that they are looking to suit these needs. The services may include: experiment labs where they may get a being engineered specifically for them, slave markets where they just take a being into their realm, or just people they find on the streets that suit their interests. No matter, most of these people handpicked by the gods will live in a realm of what would be considered paradise by the ones who still live an ordinary life, but not always are they so lucky, especially in times of war between certain gods.

As a god, you will pick someone to live with you in your realm for whatever purposes you desire. Your realm can look like whatever you want to, or you can just live in a realm with other gods. You also have the creativity to choose what you are the god of as long as it has not already been chosen, you don't pick too many things, and keep those things you are god of closely related, and your powers are limited to the things you are the god of. There are also powers that all gods have in common including auras and teleporting to areas within their realms. Auras are the essence of a god's power that can be manipulated to create shields and attacks, but not all auras are the same. Major gods will most likely have much stronger auras than the minor gods will. Gods are considered minor gods if they are the god of something small that does not have much influence on the world. If a god gets exhausted from using their power, then their aura won't be as strong, leaving the god more vulnerable than usual.

As a servant or experiment, you will be picked by a god. While you may or may not like the idea of living with a god, you will be taken to a realm in which the god lives. Some gods may cherish and protect you while others may have you work around the house. It really just depends on which god picks you.
Username: rosemilly
Name: Azrael
Gender: Male
God of: Love and Beauty
Appearance: Azrael, while he can change appearance, typically takes the appearance of an attractive, ruby red-haired male though some days he likes to mix his hair color up a bit. In terms of hair, his hair is layered and delicately frames his face. He has a slim, dainty figure, standing at about 5'6" on most days with soft curves that don't look too feminine or take away too much from his few masculine features. Azrael has a pale, almost porcelain colored, complexion, favoring big, light baby blue or light green eyes to go with his appearance. He has a very androgynous face with overall soft features and thin, defined eyebrows. Azrael has what seems to be a perfect, pure white smile that gives his features an overall cute charm.
When Azrael is at home or in the company of other gods and goddesses, he tends to dress in silk and other expensive materials adorned with small, intricate patterns and gems, and sometimes he even wears a little bit of makeup here and there. If able to, he prefers to walk around barefooted or in lightweight sandals. In public around humans, he wears more causal clothing like jeans and t-shirts, depending on the location in which his is going because he doesn't want to attract unnecessary attention.
Personality: Azrael is what most people would call a social butterfly, having this bright, bubbly personality, especially around his friends. While he is serious when need be, he can't help but wanting to get to know more people, seeing as he has been around for quite a long time, so he's already seen most of the world anyway and people are just so unique and interesting to him. Azrael, unlike some gods, with his heart of gold feels pity for unfortunate beings down on earth like the homeless, abandoned, and the starving, so he tries to do what he can to help them out as much as possible without upsetting the other gods too much. Just because he's usually as sweet as can be, doesn't mean he doesn't have his bad days where he mopes around or gets angry real easily.
Powers: While Azrael has many powers, one of his favorite powers is the ability to change his appearance and gender at will, but after many years, he has determined his preferences in appearance and gender. Another power he has is to create objects out of thin air which he usually just uses for romantic gestures, but seeing as he doesn't have a partner at the moment, he doesn't use it all that much. Some powers that he tries to not use is to help speed up two people falling in love, break them apart, or to mend a broken heart, but he believes that love will happen if it's going to happen and the same with heart break. Azrael also has an amazing and alluring singing voice, kind of like a siren, that could also be counted as a power. On top of that, he has the basic god powers like using his aura to create a shield or to attack with and teleporting (which has its limits), but many of his powers have yet to be explored to their full potential.
Servant/Experiment: Daniel
Sexuality: Pansexual though he prefers the company of men
Crush: That's a secret
Other:Azrael currently has no known children even if he is the god of love.
Last edited by rosemilly on August 15th, 2017, 11:50:15 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Servant of a Divine (ShadowxRosemilly)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

Username: Shadowfax278 (sf, shadow, sf278)
Name: Daniel (Danny for short)
Gender: male
Age: 18
Appearance: Danny but without the cross on his chest.
Personality: to be developed in the rp.
Powers/Abilities: can fly and manipulate the wind from an experiment done to him two years ago.
God: Azrael
Sexuality: gay
Crush: Azrael
Other: ever since he’s met Azrael, his life has gotten infinitely more interesting.

Code: Select all

Username: Shadowfax278 (sf, shadow, sf278)
Name: Daniel (Danny for short)
[spoiler]Gender: male
Age: 18
Appearance: [URL=]Danny[/URL] but without the cross on his chest.
Personality: to be developed in the rp
Powers/Abilities: can fly and manipulate the wind from an experiment done to him two years ago.
God: Azrael
Sexuality: gay
Crush: Azrael
Other: ever since he’s met Azrael, his life has gotten infinitely more interesting.[/spoiler]
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Re: The Servant of a Divine (ShadowxRosemilly)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

starting this party off ^_^

Daniel was currently at the slave market in Denver, Colorado currently in a cage and being looked at by potential buyers. So far, no one seemed to want to buy him which was fine by him. He hated being looked at like he was an animal and wanted to be free again. When no one was looking at him, he picked up a piece of metal that he had been playing with for the last couple days or so, managed to get it through the bars, and then wiggled it a bit in the lock to see if he could pick it in order for it to unlock. After a few more minutes or so, it worked and he was able to get out while manipulating the wind around him in order to run faster and smoothly through the crowd of people. When he got to an alleyway, he ducked in it and then took off flying towards the mountains.
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Re: The Servant of a Divine (ShadowxRosemilly)

Post by rosemilly »

Azrael, the god of love, was walking around Denver with bags of clothing in his arms from his recent shopping trip and sunglasses shielding his baby clue eyes. It had been awhile since he had last been to the human world, so he wanted to treat himself even though he could use his powers to change the clothes he was wearing. He was about ready to teleport to the realm of the gods when he noticed an object flying out from the corner of one of his eyes. Upon closer inspection, Azzy realized that this object wasn't an object at all. It was a person. Since when could mortals fly, or was this one of the many creatures that escaped the realm of the gods? Azrael then decided out of pure curiosity that he would use his teleportation abilities to follow this strange mortal and perhaps confront him. He teleported from tree to tree, watching the human fly with a look of awe on his face, but soon he got distracted and teleported himself into thin air. With his godly powers worn out, he was falling towards the ground fast with nothing below him to cushion his fall.
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Re: The Servant of a Divine (ShadowxRosemilly)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

Danny was closer to the mountains than earlier when he noticed someone teleporting (Azrael) and had to do a double-take because he's never seen that done before with all the other experiments and thought he was hallucinating. Then when the person started to fall after having teleported into thin air, he started to dive down after him before using his power over the wind to create some kind of cushion underneath the former so that he would fall onto that instead of hitting the ground and getting injured.
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Re: The Servant of a Divine (ShadowxRosemilly)

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Azrael, even though he was immortal, was flailing around as he fell, hoping that his powers would come back soon to prevent him from being injured. It was when he stopped skyrocketing towards the ground and hit something soft that he was confused yet surprised. Azrael looked underneath him, seeing what appeared to be a pillow under him. Was it made out of clouds? Was this being a child of the god of air? That could very well explain the wings. "Hello there!" he exclaimed, waving his hand to get the winged being's attention. "You wouldn't happen to be a demigod or godling, would you?" he asked with a childish smile, and he didn't feel uncomfortable asking since the humans new of the major gods even though they didn't know the gods in the flesh. If humans did know what the gods looked like, that could cause a huge havoc among the mortals. It wouldn't be surprising for Azrael if the winged being was a demigod or godling, seeing as many of the other gods had kids.
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Re: The Servant of a Divine (ShadowxRosemilly)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

“Hi and no. I’m just a human that was experimented on,” Danny said in reply with a curious and confused expression in his face as he went a bit closer to the other being. He had heard of demigods and godlings, of course but only in rumors and had also read about them in books but had never seen them. He had also read and heard about gods but had also never seen them either so he had no idea that this guy might be one. The way he had teleported, though told him that he definitely wasn’t human. “What about you? Are you a demigod or godling?” he asked after he landed and then made the puff of air that he had made to cushion the former lower slowly so that he (Azrael) could stand as well.
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Re: The Servant of a Divine (ShadowxRosemilly)

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"You sure? I have never seen a human manipulate air before." When the cushion of air was low enough, Azrael stepped onto the ground, straightening out his clothing and air before looking back at the mortal. At the question, the god giggled cutely with glee in his baby blue eyes, wanting to play with the human a bit. "Tell me. Do you know the difference between the three? For all you know, I could be a sorcerer." Azrael used only a little power to change his modern jeans, t-shirt, and converse into a long, dark purple, silk toga like that from ancient Rome with his feet bare. This type of clothing always made him feel much more comfortable and at home. "Oh! I forgot my manners. I am Azrael, and you are?"
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Re: The Servant of a Divine (ShadowxRosemilly)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

“Yes I’m sure and that's one of the abilities I was given with the experimentation along with the wings. You mean two? What’s the third option if you meant three? I only listed godling and demigod and I guess you can be,” Danny said in reply to the first question that he was asked along with the other question and small statement before he watched the man he had helped change his appearance. His eyes widened slightly as he saw that bit didn’t say anything until he was told the former’s name and asked what his was in return. “It’s nice to meet you Azrael and I’m Daniel or just Danny for short,” he said after he had gotten over his shock.
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Re: The Servant of a Divine (ShadowxRosemilly)

Post by rosemilly »

"Humans give other humans abilities now? That's quite a shock." Azrael giggled giddily when he saw the shocked look on Daniel's face, moving closer to the mortal and tilting his head just a bit. "That's not all, honey. I change my physical characteristics as well not just my clothing," he said with a wink. Azzy could really make himself look however he wanted whether it be male, female, short, or tall the god was certainly not limited in appearance. He was honestly very surprised when the mortal didn't even seem to recognize his name. "Does my name not ring a bell at all?" He was dumbfounded to say the least. Weren't humans taught about the gods? Perhaps the mortal thought Azrael was named after a god and not actually one himself which would make sense with how much some people worship the gods. Humans were weird creatures.
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