A War of the Two Nations (Shadow x Leo x Storm)

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Re: A War of the Two Nations (Shadow x Leo x Storm)

Post by StormCry »

Leorobin wrote:Reg's face changed into an amused smirk as he heard Juniper's "last" wishes. -We could drop you in a cave and say you fought against a bear and lost,- he mused as he took a step back to give her space to stand up. -At least no one saw, only Veronica, me and whoever was on lookout duty around here.- He was actually serious, he was very aware that there were eyes around them on the perimeter of the camp, he had been on such post a few times as well. -I usually go into the woods and run around 30 minutes every day. Today is my free day, I have had long shifts, so a rest was well deserved.- He trusted others had filled up the shift. He nodded as Veronica headed off and looked where she headed to for a few seconds and then looked back at Juniper. -Are you ready to head back? I can stay with you in case you pass out again.-

Laurent's grin dropped for an instant when he felt Grove's hand on his shoulder. The contact was unexpected, still he didn't shy away nor shifted. He made an exaggerated horrified expression when he mentioned the scent of herbs and he sniffed his own hand. -Ugh, I thought I had washed well, that thing will not come off. I mean it is only chamomile, but I hate the thing.- He turned to Riley and waved as a greeting. -Seems you did a good job, he looks awake enough.- Reflexively he rubbed his hands together hoping to burn the smell off if he rubbed them hard and fast enough.
(Ugh. Sorry for the long wait!)

Juniper mentally rolled her eyes as Veronica talking about how she was better on look-out than she was on patrol "Uh, yeah, cuz we wouldn't want our princess to sprain an ankle or do anything that might put her in danger." She mentally chided herself as soon as she had the thought. She knew Veronica probably had no control over what she did and did not get to do... maybe... probably... sort of.
Juniper shook her head and stood straight, rolling her shoulders as the other girl walked off. She squinted at Reg as he made his sarcastic comment.
"Thanks. I think my lungs have caught up with the rest of me." She took a deep breath, "But, if it's all the same to you, let's just WALK back. I need to cool off."

Grove wiggled his eyebrows at Riley with that million dollar smile he liked to paste onto his face.
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Re: A War of the Two Nations (Shadow x Leo x Storm)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

((it’s okay ^_^. we all get busy irl :t-hugs:))

Veronica sighed a bit once she was back at her post in the tree she had been in earlier before she had gone over to where both Reg and Juniper had been, hearing without being able to stop it, what the other girl had thought to herself. She chose to be on this duty only because she didn’t enjoy being out on patrol. She did go if the usual people that went on it weren’t able to go due to family emergencies or if they weren’t feeling well. She was primarily on lookout duty, though. She had both her mind and attention go back to being on the surrounding woods after she had gotten her wandering thoughts under control. After a little while longer of not seeing any of of the other pack's members but a deer instead, she reached out with her mind to the patrol that was closest to let them know about it so that the cooks could prepare it for dinner.

"It's okay. There's a few things that are hard to get the scent off of your hands and I guess chamomile's one of those things. Thanks," Riley said in reply to everything Laurent said with a small smile before it slipped a bit when she turned to look back over at Grove. She now had a semi-annoyed expression on her face when she saw what he called his "million dollar smile" that he sometimes wore on his face currently on there and playfully pushed him away, kind of like what siblings did with each other.
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Re: A War of the Two Nations (Shadow x Leo x Storm)

Post by Leorobin »

Reg nodded and looked down towards the path he usually took on the way back. -Sure, I can slow down to your pace. No need to hurry.- There was a small jab at her in his words, nothing insidious intended, just friendly nagging. He fastened his bottle to his waist and made sure it wouldn't move too much before looking intently at Juniper. He would start walking as soon as she did, trying to keep pace.

Laurent sniffed his hand again, it seemed most of the scent was out, but he probably still had it on himself. -It's not really that hard, I just haven't had the time to wash it thoroughly and I worked with the concentrated stuff for a while while bottling it up...- He mused while absentmindedly wiping his hands on his thighs, just in case. -So...I don't really have anything I'm supposed to be doing...I think. Just planned to take a look at the gardens and around town to see if I could make myself useful. Plan B was taking a nap under some tree.-
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Re: A War of the Two Nations (Shadow x Leo x Storm)

Post by StormCry »

Juniper nodded to Reg, then after just a second on hesitation, reminded herself "Oh, right. I need to take the lead. derp" and marched toward the trail that led to the village. She tried to keep her pace reasonable, so she didn't drive Reg crazy with a lazy pace. Not that she really knew what a lazy pace was.
After a moment, she stiffened, a voice entering her head saying something about... a deer? Dinner? What?
"Oh." She mentally chuckled as she realized what was going on, "We're sorry, Roni, you've dialed the wrong number. Please hang up and try again, or dial 0 for an operator to help you." (couldn't resist :lol: )
She had no idea what it was like trying to reach people with her mind, especially like Veronica. She could only mentally communicate with those standing near her, and only when she was in animal form. Just one more thing that made Veronica OH. SO. SPECIAL.

Grove closed his eyes and sighed wistfully, "Ah, a nap. That sounds nice." He frowned and opened his eyes, "Unfortunately, I'm sure I have no shortage of very important duties to attend to. Speaking of which, I better find out what's going on today and appropriately delegate jobs like a good leader." He looked between Laurent and Riley, rubbing his hands together "Want to come with and be the first lucky two for me to delegate stuff to?"
Just to be clear, time is not a flat circle... That is way too simplistic. It's a little more wibbly-wobbly than that. ~ Chromie
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Re: A War of the Two Nations (Shadow x Leo x Storm)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

Oh sorry. I meant to send that to a hunting patrol nearby, Ronnie said a bit sheepishly in reply to Juniper’s joking statement while rubbing her head shyly. It seems that I still need a bit more practice with that. Then she sighed a bit while continuing to have her attention be on the woods around them.

Riley nodded a bit in understanding when she heard everything that Laurent said in reply before heading everything Grove said. She looked a bit thoughtful for a few seconds before saying in reply afterward, “Sure. I can help with a few things and then I think I’ll help the hunting patrol a bit later.”
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Re: A War of the Two Nations (Shadow x Leo x Storm)

Post by Leorobin »

Regulus could enjoy a leisure stroll now and then, taking things slow would not drive him crazy or impatient. As long as it wasn't too slow. He let her set the pace, although it did take him a few meters to get in sync with her. A couple of times he got too close by going faster or had to speed up since he was getting left behind. After a few minutes he got used to the pace and then Juniper stiffened. -Something wrong?- He asked, turning looking around and over his shoulders as he did his best to keep a steady pace.

Laurent nodded and moved aside to give Grover a clear path out of his door, making a mock salute in the process. -As you command.- He chuckled and waited for them to get going. -The sooner we get to your duties, the better. If I get whatever you throw my way done, then I can go ahead and take that nap.- He had a sheepish grin as he spoke, moving his gaze from one to the other.
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Re: A War of the Two Nations (Shadow x Leo x Storm)

Post by StormCry »

Juniper turned to look at Regulus, her expression quizzical. "Did... did you not hear that inside your head?" She asked. Oh lawd, PLEASE don't tell me I am somehow mentally syncing with Roni. She thought to herself.

Grove smirked at his comrades, then marched toward the center of the village where he would undoubtedly be given his list of duties for the day. He kept his gait peppy, and he gave everyone he passed a smile and "good morning!", even though he just desperately wanted to go back to bed OR, better yet, gallop away into the forest to go have fun. But, adulting was a thing, and it was a thing he was expected to do. So, no galloping away. He just desperately hoped that there were no disputes he would be asked to settle... again. He HATED disputes. They were always petty, and everyone was always angry, and he was unfortunately very good at resolving them. Why couldn't everyone just get along? Or, better yet, why couldn't the ALPHAS, idk, SOLVE THE DISPUTES THEMSELVES?
His thought were running so hot and fast through his mind, that he almost walked right by the Alpha's hut where he would get his orders... (anyone have any ideas for "orders" that would be suitable for the three of them to do together?)
Just to be clear, time is not a flat circle... That is way too simplistic. It's a little more wibbly-wobbly than that. ~ Chromie
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Re: A War of the Two Nations (Shadow x Leo x Storm)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

((maybe they could go on a small patrol together to make sure their borders are still securre and that's where Grove first sees Ronnie in a tree? other than that, I don't really have any other ideas for what they can do))

After a little while of zoning out, Ronnie shook herself back to reality and had her attention go back to being around them. She heard soft footsteps approaching the tree she was in and looked down to see a packmate with two water canteens in hand. She took one of them with a thankful nod and a small smile before drinking from it and then having her attention go back to being on the woods beyond them.

"Same with me and getting the small hunting patrol over with so that I can be lazy in my house the rest of the day," Riley said with a small smile of her own before following after Grove towards the village center. She was secretly wanting to go someplace else so that she didn't have to deal with the continuing war that no one remembered got started in the first place and was hoping her friends felt the same way but also at the same time, didn't want them to think she was crazy so she kept her thoughts to herself while letting out a small sigh. She stopped walking when they got to the center and looked at Grove, waiting to see what he'd have them do.
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Re: A War of the Two Nations (Shadow x Leo x Storm)

Post by Leorobin »

Regulus chuckled, it came more as a grunt than a laugh as he stiffled it, but he glanced in the general direction he knew Ronnie was before looking again at Juniper. "I heard something about a deer and ignored the rest, it was clearly not for us." He offered a sideways smile and closed the distance between them in a couple of strides. "Hope it is a big one though." He was off duty and unless it sounded like an alarm he didn't pay much attention to the voices in his head. He already had enough with his own ramblings and trying to stay focused on the task at hand.

Laurent kept pace with the other two, mostly in silently as he offered a nod or a wave to those that passed by. If he got an assignment earlier he could get it done with and maybe take the rest of the day to come back, if there was only one assignment for him. So far things were calm and everyone looked cheerful, but it was clear both of his friends had something on their minds as Riley sighed and Grover walked past their destination. He stopped before he did though, just taking a step to the side of the path before waiting for Grover to return and lead the way in the hut.
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Re: A War of the Two Nations (Shadow x Leo x Storm)

Post by StormCry »

Juniper nodded in reply to Reg, lost in wondering if she should help track the deer down. She finally decided to leave it to the hunters. There was a reason everyone was scheduled for different duties, and it was safest to leave the hunting to the designated hunters, rather than throw a wild card into the bunch.
A sharp THUNK made Juniper squint in pain as something sharp hit her head. Some chattering from a tree above, and an acorn rolled across the ground, told her that a territorial squirrel had just chucked an acorn at her and hit a bullseye.
She held her tiny injury and shook her fist at the tree "Drat you, squirrels! Don't make me chomp you!"

Grove turned on his heel and marched into the hut with a flourish. "I have arrived!" He said dramatically.
"Oh good, we can finally put you to some use." A tall woman stood straight from leaning over a table, looking at a map. She put her hand on her hip and squinted critically at Grove, then glanced at the other two as they came in. "Oh, perfect. People to help you." She looked back at Grove "We need you on hunting duty this morning."
Grove's shoulders slumped and he wrinkled his nose. He was slightly relieved that it was a mundane task, but he was also offended that it was such a mundane task.
The tall woman rolled her eyes and looked back at the map, pointing to it... (make her whoever you'd like her to be!)
Just to be clear, time is not a flat circle... That is way too simplistic. It's a little more wibbly-wobbly than that. ~ Chromie

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