A War of the Two Nations (Shadow x Leo x Storm)

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A War of the Two Nations (Shadow x Leo x Storm)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

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A War of the Two Nations OOC


Deep in the woods and mountains of Colorado live two were nations: the Eclipse Pack and the Silver Bow Pack. One, a nation of dingoes and wolves, and the other a nation of jaguars and cougars. None of the elders remember what started the war. Both nations were at each other's throats when they were born and the fights are still ongoing. Every were is born to fight for a mysterious conflict dating more than 500 years ago. The records don't go as far, but it's clear that one day it was peaceful and the next, everyone was fighting. Also around this time, it was decided that the humans shouldn't know about them or their war so a cloaking device of sorts was planted to hide their territory that covered all of the woods and mountains, in order to keep their existence invisible only to the humans while blocking sound and view of the weres and their settlements or they would have gotten a few humans investigating the area to see what was going on. They used to be one nation, but once the fighting became a bit more serious it was decided that they should split up into two different nations to reduce the contact between both nations and the loss of life. One headed more into the woods and the other high up in the mountains. Over time the fights have become smaller in scale, although the tensions and the sate of conflict is once again rising. They're still there to this day and they're the only ones that know each of them exists. Everyone's on edge, as something bad may happen, turning the simmering conflict to a full blown war once more.


we'll be making this up as we go as it's a bit more fun that way.


Colorado woods and mountains, far from humans.


• all MS rules apply
• all romance (if we end up doing romance later) and violence are to be PG-13. if romance looks like it's starting to go past the PG-13 level, continue in pm's, ts (time skip) or ftb (fade to black; which we'll do).
• have fun! :D

Character Form:

name/nickname (if they have a nickname):
appearance -
human (can be a description, pic, or both):
shifted form (can be a description, pic, or both):
history (optional):
other (shifting status [shift at will or only with the moon] can also go here):

Code: Select all

[b]name/nickname (if they have a nickname):[/b] 
[b]appearance[/b] -
[u]human (can be a description, pic, or both):[/u] 
[u]shifted form (can be a description, pic, or both):[/u] 
[b]history (optional):[/b] 
[b]other (shifting status [shift at will or only with the moon] can also go here):[/b]

Shadow -

username: sf278
name/nickname (if they have a nickname): Veronica O'Connor/Ronnie
age: 23
appearance -
human (can be a description, pic, or both): Image - her eyes are hazel/amber in color, though instead of red and she has some orange highlights.
shifted form (can be a description, pic, or both): Image
nation: Silver Bow Pack
history (optional): she's the only daughter and kid of the pack leaders, but no one, except only a few of her packmates, know as it's kept secret; if the Eclipse Pack knew, it would be bad and they might want to kidnap her to hold her as ransom and make the war continue for drama. she lives in her own hut as she's old enough for that now, but also to not be around the pack leaders much and only to keep them up-to-date on her patrol reports so as to keep up the secret of them being her parents.
personality: can be kind at times but also a bit mysterious, quiet unless she's spoken to or when she needs to speak, and keeps mainly to herself but will enjoy others' company if they approach her.
other (shifting status [shift at will or only with the moon] can also go here): she spends most of her time in trees on lookout for any intruders that might want to get into her pack's camp and is secretly one of the few that's a bit tired of the war; she can shift at will.

username: sf278
name/nickname (if they have a nickname): Riley Creed/Riles
age: 23
appearance -
human (can be a description, pic, or both): Image - has light brown hair, though instead of white
shifted form (can be a description, pic, or both): Image
nation: Eclipse Pack
history (optional): doesn't really talk about it much but will, if asked.
personality: quiet most of the time unless she's spoken to, somewhat of a loner as she keeps to herself at times but if she's approached she welcomes the company, and a bit mysterious.
other (shifting status [shift at will or only with the moon] can also go here): is mostly seen on patrols and is secretly one of the few in her camp that has grown tired of the war; can shift at will.

Leo -

name/nickname (if they have a nickname): Regulus Dry / Reg, Reggie
age: 25
appearance -
human (can be a description, pic, or both):
shifted form (can be a description, pic, or both):
nation: Silver Bow Pack
history (optional): Regulus was raised to fight on the war and protect his nation. His firsts memories were being taught how to fight and survive on his own.
personality: Strict and formal with most, he does soften up when off duty or with close friends. He likes to sit down and relax to enjoy the sounds of nature to wind down from the hostility and tense environment of the war. He was raised to protect his nation and family, so he enjoys a good fight and training and exercising as part of his daily routine. Outside of survival and fighting skills, he's not much skilled in anything else, but he's eager to lend a hand of those in need and applies to any tasks he sees as pursuing the common good.
other (shifting status [shift at will or only with the moon] can also go here): Still learning to shift at will, he does not shift unwillingly with the moon anymore, but strong emotions like anger, fear and pain will trigger his transformation.

username: Leorobin
name/nickname (if they have a nickname): Laurent Luyten / Lu
age: 27
appearance -
human (can be a description, pic, or both):
shifted form (can be a description, pic, or both):
nation:The Eclipse Pack
history (optional): Luarent's parents tried to stay away from the war, they initially tried to live away from the nations on their own. They taught him to sneak around and avoid conflict, as it was easier than teaching him to fight. From his parents he learned how to use herbs and trees in the forest as home made medicines, what was poisonous and how to farm and feed himself if unable to hunt. They tried to raise him without notion of the war, but were killed by a fire started by his own nation when trying to drive the Silver Bow's away from a strategic position. He joined back into the pack and became a valuable assed by using his skills to track down enemies and care for his comrades. He has never told anyone the details of how his parent's died, he just says it was a forest fire.
personality: He behaves friendly and aloof when approached or in social situations, but usually keeps to himself. He tries to stay out of the spotlight and won't usually engage in group activities unless he's directly invited to. He is reliable and strong-minded, sticking to his word and giving his all in everything he does.
other (shifting status [shift at will or only with the moon] can also go here): Can shift at willl.

Storm -

username: StormCry
name/nickname (if they have a nickname): Juniper Canyon (aka Juni to her parents)
age: 22
appearance -
human (can be a description, pic, or both):
shifted form (can be a description, pic, or both):
nation: Silver Bow (cat)
history (optional): Juniper was raised to be a leader out in the open, to draw attention off Veronica. She was taught how to make snap decisions and to be strategic. Her parents are respected elders of the clan and seemingly fearless. She tries to be the same, but feels like she fails at this adulting/leading thing more often than not. She secretly resents Veronica for not "owning" her position as the daughter of the pack leaders as a result of all of this. She likes to go for a walk and try to sort things out in her head, and she goes for a run every morning or evening to keep herself in shape.
personality: She tries to be stoic, but has a quirky sense of humor underneath. She also tries to be graceful and commanding, but is a clutz. She likes to hang out with friends, but she also feels like she is constantly under a microscope and under pressure when she is with others. She hates making decisions and would rather someone else do it, but also has difficulty in accepting the decisions that someone else makes. >.< She has never really questioned this war and has kind of accepted it as a way of life.
other (shifting status [shift at will or only with the moon] can also go here): Can shift at will

username: StormCry
name/nickname (if they have a nickname): Grove Wren (also called Groovey by select peers)
age: 26
appearance -
human (can be a description, pic, or both):
shifted form (can be a description, pic, or both):
nation: Eclipse (wolf)
history (optional): Raised to be an influencer by his parents, the pack betas, Grove is very popular. Many think he will be the next alpha. He's fast and organized, good at delegating tasks to others and getting things done.
personality: When he's not working, he's playing and partying hard. Sometimes too hard. He's very flirty, charismatic, and has a bold tongue. Inwardly, he is a coward and hates fighting. He will try to talk himself out of a situation every time, and if he can't, he tries to keep himself surrounded by loyal friends who will do the fighting for him. :facepalm: He constantly questions why this war is still a thing, and why peace has not been negotiated. He also secretly thinks the werecats are very cool and really wants to meet one. At a party. In safety. No fighting.
other (shifting status [shift at will or only with the moon] can also go here): Currently, only shifts with the full moon. Others, especially his parents, suspect that he can shift at will, but the problem is that he has no will to shift on his own. He has also snuck away from the territories in the past and gone into human populations for a night of revelry. He used to do that more often, but now keeps it to just a couple of times a year, such as St Patricks day, New Years, or Halloween when the clubs are open and full of people wanting to have a good time.


Eclipse Pack -

Riley Creed
Laurent Luyton
Grove Wren

Silver Bow Pack -

Veronica O'Connor
Regulus Dry
Juniper Canyon


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Last edited by Shadowfax278 on April 18th, 2022, 10:02:40 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: A War of the Two Nations (Shadow x Leo x Storm)

Post by Leorobin »

Regulus Dry liked to start his morning with some exercise and jog. It helped with getting the blood pumping and revving up for the rest of the day. Specially when he woke up early after a long night making rounds. This time he had strayed off his usual path, but he was familiar with most of the areas surrounding his home, there was no way he would get lost. He pushed his back against a tree to drink some water from a canteen and closed his eyes while listening to the forest around him. His ears picked up the gentle trickle of a stream nearby and some birds chirping on the canopy above him. It was nice to be able to get away from the noise and bustle for a few minutes and just focus on his own thoughts...or letting his mind run idle, like today.

Laurent Luyten walked silently focused on the task at hand. He tried to stay out of other people's path and walk slowly, it would be a pain to have to brew a new batch of the chamomile infusion.It's not that he had troubles with the weight, it really wasn't that many bottles, but every time he heard the glass clinked against each other it made him stop and check if nothing had cracked. He hated the smell and it would already take a while to get it off his workshop, it would be impossible to get it off the wooden crate if any of it spilled. And this was the good crate, no holes, broken boards or dents so far. Even if he disliked it, the plant was a great remedy for teething pains and it helped with getting young ones to sleep. He had promised to brew a few jugs of a concentrated concoction, it was easy to let it steep over night and simmer in the morning in the large vat, but he'd rather get the thing out of his house ASAP than wait for someone to come over to pick it up.
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Re: A War of the Two Nations (Shadow x Leo x Storm)

Post by StormCry »

Juniper Canyon jogged along a mountain path. She could see everything from here. She was also very exposed. But, right now, she didn't care.
"If someone or something kills me while I'm jogging, it'll be a kind fate..." she thought to herself as she huffed and puffed for air. She hated jogging. She hated running. It was against her very nature as a cat. But, she had to keep herself in shape.
As soon as the path dropped below the treeline and she was under cover, Juniper shifted into her cat form and continued her jog. At first, her cat belly jiggled and flopped around, but she tightened her core and back, assuming that sleek, graceful form of a well balanced cat in motion.

Grove Wren rolled over in bed and peeked at the time. He groaned and shoved his head under his pillow.
"I don't want to be adulty today." He quickly shoved those thoughts aside. With a few sighs, he crawled out of bed and shuffled to the bathroom. His morning routine included making his hair look awesome, and being sure his teeth were as white as possible. As he looked in the mirror, he carefully rubbed his face, then made a note on his calendar, over the weekend:
"Exfoliate Skin"
He thought a moment, then added:
He stared at his calendar for a moment, then marked both of those items out and wrote in large letters.
Just to be clear, time is not a flat circle... That is way too simplistic. It's a little more wibbly-wobbly than that. ~ Chromie
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Re: A War of the Two Nations (Shadow x Leo x Storm)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

Veronica O'Connor was in the trees surrounding her camp, eyes constantly scanning the woods and outlying areas beyond the camp as usual. She didn't really sleep much and if she did, it was for only a short time and what people called a cat nap. She noticed Reg not very far off, to her eyes anyway, drinking water from a canteen and was slightly glad that he was able to relax. She sighed a bit before having her attention be on the woods everywhere else like it had been earlier before she had noticed Reg. A movement caught her eye and she looked over briefly towards the opposite side of camp or so to see Juniper running along a path there, wishing she could join her but maybe she would later.

Riley Creed was out on patrol as usual with a few extra members from her pack following somewhat behind her. She wanted to go alone, but they insisted on going with her just in case. She had sighed and let them, but just acted like they weren't there at all. When they got back without any incident, they went to report to the leaders before heading their own separate ways back to their homes. As she headed towards her hut, she noticed Lu carrying a crate with jugs full of some kind of liquid but she couldn't tell what it was from where she was standing. She wanted to go over to him and see if he needed any help, but also didn't want to bother him so she sighed and headed towards her hut. On the way there, she decided to see if Grove was up so she knocked and asked through the closed door, "Oye Grove. You up yet sleeping beauty?"
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Re: A War of the Two Nations (Shadow x Leo x Storm)

Post by StormCry »

Juniper turned off the wide jogging trail and onto a "deer path" - as the humans called them. She knew, however, that it led further into the Silver Bow Pack territory. She'd gone a half mile or so before slowing down for a breather. That's when she noticed a familiar figure resting under a tree with a canteen of...
"OMG WATER." the words escaped her cat throat in the form of a yowling growl. She shifted back to her human form, promptly tripping over her feet, her shaky muscles refusing to hold her up. She ungracefully tumbled to the ground. Taking a deep breath, she forced herself onto her back, splaying her arms and legs, then she groaned loudly.
"Just let me diiiiiiiieeeee..." she moaned through a parched throat.
Okay, so, that was a bit dramatic, but she hadn't planned to fall, so she might as well roll with it and just be... well... dramatic.

"23... 24... 2-" Grove was counting the comb strokes through his oiled hair before a knock and familiar voice interrupted him.
He sighed, winked at himself in the mirror, then put his comb away. He marched to the door and flung it open, giving Riley a big, toothy grin, and leaning his shoulder against the doorsill.
"Good morning, Miss Creed! My sleep was extra beautiful last night, thank you. What can my fabulous self do for you today?"
Just to be clear, time is not a flat circle... That is way too simplistic. It's a little more wibbly-wobbly than that. ~ Chromie
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Re: A War of the Two Nations (Shadow x Leo x Storm)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

Veronica heard someone approaching the tree across from her which caused her attention to switch from being on the woods surrounding where she currently was to being on the person approaching. She nodded in acknowledgment to her friend (NPC) after he climbed up into the tree across from her and told him telepathically that she was going on break at which he nodded before she climbed down to the ground and made her way back into the main area of camp. She then got a couple of canteens, one for her and the other for Juniper, filled them up at a river nearby, and then headed to where Reg and the latter currently were. "Here you go," she said to the other girl.

Riley sighed and rolled her eyes when she heard what he said upon opening the door. "Good morning and I've told you countless times to call me by my first name. I don't know why you insist on calling me by my last name," she said in reply to his greeting statement with a slightly annoyed tone in her voice. "Great. Nothing right now really as I've already gone on patrol. Just making sure you were awake since you tend to stay in bed a bit too long at times (can edit that if that's not true)."
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Re: A War of the Two Nations (Shadow x Leo x Storm)

Post by Leorobin »

Reg could hear someone nearby and opened his eyes, shifting his weight back on his feet in case it was not someone from the pack. He heard Juniper before he could actually pinpoint her and made a small frown as he showed her his canteen was empty. There was some water nearby, he could go and bring some quickly, but he doubted she really was in such a bad shape. And then she tumbled. He stiffled a lagh and crouched to make sure she was ok. -I think you will survive, I'm out of water but I could go and get some for you...- He offered with a smile before looking up at a new set of footsteps. He raised a hand lazily as a greeting towards Veronica. -Perfect timing, although we could just go ahead and bury her here. Not sure if she will recover from such a fall.- His tone was flat, even if it was clearly a jab at the woman on the ground.

Laurent checked the crate once, getting his head in to sniff the bottom before being satisfied as he walked back to his workshop. It was a bit away from the center of the camp, minimize damage in case of a fire, the fumes can be dangerous, yada, yada, yada. He knew what he was doing, if the camp caught fire it would not have started at his workshop. He sighted and hurried to leave the crate where it was needed and get ready for his day. Maybe he could take a nap in the afternoon... Or perhaps something more productive. He looked at himself once on the mirror before getting his backpack and heading out. A few doors down he noticed RIley at Grove's door, so he walked closer. -Good day, anything interesting for today?-
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Re: A War of the Two Nations (Shadow x Leo x Storm)

Post by StormCry »

Juniper slowly sat up, taking the water from Veronica with a nod of thanks, but without making eye contact. She sighed after taking a drink, "Just make sure my headstone says I died of some epic adventure or battle. Not exhaustion from running. How humiliating." a grin turned up the corner of her mouth as she got to her feet, handing the water back to Veronica before stretching her legs.
"So, I assume no news is good news from the two of you?" She was referring to patrol, but suddenly remembered that she had not seen their names on the patrol roster. "Wait... you guys weren't on patrol today, were you?" She glanced at Veronica, then Reg, "Or am I loosing my mind?"

Grove smirked as Riley prattled on about him using her last name. Of course, that's why he used her last name - It was adorable when she got annoyed. Everyone was always annoyed at him anyway, he might as well get the open annoyance from someone who made it cute.
He was about to remark something about her being out on patrol and being sooooo responsible, but paused when Laurent approached.
"Nothing interesting yet... but I haven't stepped out my door yet either!" He gently pushed Riley aside and clapped Laurent on the shoulder "How are you this morning? Smelling like stinky tea and healthy stuff already?" He sniffed his hand, catching the faintest scent of brewed herbs and plants. He wrinkled his nose. "Yep, getting there."
Just to be clear, time is not a flat circle... That is way too simplistic. It's a little more wibbly-wobbly than that. ~ Chromie
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Re: A War of the Two Nations (Shadow x Leo x Storm)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

Veronica giggled a bit when she heard what both Reg and Juniper said in regards to the latter being buried there before hearing the questions she asked afterward. "Well I think Reg was just relaxing here and I'm taking a break from lookout duty. I'm better with that anyway and climbing trees than going on patrols. I didn't see anything before my break so it's all good for now, but I'm about to go back. I just saw you guys and thought I'd say hi before I did but now I have to be getting back so I'll see you guys later," she said in reply before starting to head back towards the tree she had been in earlier. When she got back to it, she climbed back up into it, and then commenced with watching for any sign of trouble.

Riley glared a bit at Grove when she saw his smirk and let out a, "Hey" with the glare still on her face when she was pushed out of the way by him so that he could approach Laurent. "Everything seems quiet for now. I had just gotten back from patrol when I thought I'd stop by here and see if he was awake," she said in reply to Laurent's question from her side after the former was done with his response.
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Re: A War of the Two Nations (Shadow x Leo x Storm)

Post by Leorobin »

Reg's face changed into an amused smirk as he heard Juniper's "last" wishes. -We could drop you in a cave and say you fought against a bear and lost,- he mused as he took a step back to give her space to stand up. -At least no one saw, only Veronica, me and whoever was on lookout duty around here.- He was actually serious, he was very aware that there were eyes around them on the perimeter of the camp, he had been on such post a few times as well. -I usually go into the woods and run around 30 minutes every day. Today is my free day, I have had long shifts, so a rest was well deserved.- He trusted others had filled up the shift. He nodded as Veronica headed off and looked where she headed to for a few seconds and then looked back at Juniper. -Are you ready to head back? I can stay with you in case you pass out again.-

Laurent's grin dropped for an instant when he felt Grove's hand on his shoulder. The contact was unexpected, still he didn't shy away nor shifted. He made an exaggerated horrified expression when he mentioned the scent of herbs and he sniffed his own hand. -Ugh, I thought I had washed well, that thing will not come off. I mean it is only chamomile, but I hate the thing.- He turned to Riley and waved as a greeting. -Seems you did a good job, he looks awake enough.- Reflexively he rubbed his hands together hoping to burn the smell off if he rubbed them hard and fast enough.

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