Poem's Clover Shop (open)

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Re: Poem's Clover Shop (Cascara Amagnae added!)

Post by BeautifulPoem »

bigeagle wrote:Am I getting lucky or not? We will see^^

I´d like to buy all your 19 Cascara Amagnaes in your 4k tab, so opening the trade with 133k for them (buying them for 7k each^^)
As you request the 19 creature order the hooded figure's eyes widen. Excitedly they move over to the bowl labeled 4k and starts grabbing some of the jeweled orbs, tossing them onto the floor in front of your feet where they shatter. Out of the orbs pops out light blue birds, who flutter over towards you. More and more creatures are released, till soon the whole tent is filled with fluttering wings and the sound of cooing. Feathers float through the air, and soon you are buried beneath a mound of feather, wings, and beaks, all vying to get your attention and some head scratches. The shopkeeper, happy to see all the creatures who get to go to a new home, holds out a cloaked hand towards you. When they gesture towards your coin pouch you realize they are asking for payment. You place 133k of coins in their hands, shooing away the amagnaes who try to grab one, drawn in by their shininess. Upon seeing the amount of money given to them, the shop keeper's eyes light up and you are able to see a second feature of their face, a huge smile filled with rows of sharp, conical teeth. You take a step back, startled by the ferocity of what you had just witnessed. If the figure noticed or even cared about your reaction, they didn't show it. Instead they whisked over to a large black cauldron and tossed in the payment. Suddenly a green smoke popped out from the pot, and you could see the grin on the shopkeeper's face grow wider. "Congratulation! luck is on your side it seems" the figure exclaims towards you. They then rush back to the table where the bowls rested and from beneath it they drew out a solid bronze card. "This is for the extra payment" they explain. And for being lucky you may choose either 1 creature from the 3k bowl or lower, or a silver card". You choose the one you want. Putting the card(s) in your pocket you walk out the tent, just as the shopkeeper grabs a broom and starts sweeping up the feathers from the floor. You walk down the same clover path you took to get to the tent, and make your way back to where you were before the journey began. The clover path has since disappeared, but feeling the card(s) in your pocket, you know that you will be able to find it again if you need it.
Congratulations for being the first winner! Please respond to this post about what you would like for your prize. You may either get a silver card (10% off next purchase and if not used, a guarantee of two of the new event creatures during gifting holidays) or a creature from the 3k bowl or less.
English may be my first language, but grammar isn't :derp:
Take a look at my store: Poem's Clover Shop
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Re: Poem's Clover Shop (Cascara Amagnae added!)

Post by bigeagle »

Thank you. Your idea is a lot of fun. I´ll take that upgrade to Silver Card, please. THANKS AGAIN!
MY Wishlist! Currently released Creatures prefered!

2/25 gifts The new Realese creatures would be awesome, THANK YOU ALL!
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Re: Poem's Clover Shop (Cascara Amagnae added!)

Post by BeautifulPoem »

Fabian wrote:May this home be blessed with good luck!

I would like to purchase all your 5 Ethereal Amagnaes in your 3k tab for 5k each.
Upon your request the the shopkeeper heads over to the bowl marked with a 3k. Teal yarn hands reach out from under the sleeves of the cloaked figure as they grab 5 jeweled orbs. The balls are then thrown down onto the floor in front of you, breaking apart into tiny shards that evaporate into the air. In their place appears 5 small fluffy birds, ruffling their feathers as they waddle over to you. You bend down to pick one up and it buries itself into your arms, closing its eyes comfortably. The shopkeeper then points towards your coin pouch on your hip, signaling for a payment. After a bit of struggling with the bird in your arms you are able to grab 25k in coins and hand them over. The figure's eyes widen at the extra payment and their eyes glint excitedly. They then move over to a black cauldron in the corner of the tent and toss the coins in. A red smoke appears from the pot and vanishes just as suddenly as it appeared. A brief flash of displeasure showed in the shopkeeper's eyes before disappearing. "Unfortunately luck doesn't seem to be on your side, however for your extra payment I must give you a reward" they state. Walking over to the table the figure grabs a solid bronze card and hands it over to you. "use this card to get 5% off your next purchase or keep it as a souvenir" they advise. You thank the shopkeeper before making your way out of the tent with your Amagnaes following closely behind you. Following the clover path you arrive back to where you were originally before this adventure. While the green path has disappeared, the bronze card in your pocket and a feeling in your gut tells you that if you need, you will be able to find the shop again.
English may be my first language, but grammar isn't :derp:
Take a look at my store: Poem's Clover Shop
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Re: Poem's Clover Shop (Cascara Amagnae added!)

Post by aethelwhyne »

May my Silver Alicanto’s bring you good luck to you and yours.

I would like to purchase your cascara babies for 7k each thank you.
I absolutely love Mohrior, Vernox Dragons, Bread Creatures, Laetolis Beast and Cascara Amagnae frozen hatchlings just PM me if you have any for sale.
Wishlist: I love purple torveus dragons, frozen Cascara amagnae hatchlings,mohrior, vernox dragons, bread creatures, laetolis beasts, prism fox,confera pegasus, pennant pegasus, rabbitsune, me’chuan bengolo/rewana, skulk, alicantos and penguins.
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Re: Poem's Clover Shop (Cascara Amagnae added!)

Post by LokiWolfbane »

With a bit of luck

May I get the two reaper, the flecked sceap, the nomura, male demon fish, nightshade Hearthhound, and a pair of plushie Crystalwings

Please and thank you

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Re: Poem's Clover Shop (Cascara Amagnae added!)

Post by BeautifulPoem »

aethelwhyne wrote:May my Silver Alicanto’s bring you good luck to you and yours.

I would like to purchase your cascara babies for 7k each thank you.

Pointing towards the bowl with a 7k etched into it, you request for 2 creatures that had caught your eyes. Walking over towards the crystal receptacle the shopkeeper reaches inside and pulls out 2 small glass balls. They then throw them onto the floor in front of you, causing a crash of small glittery pieces to strew across the floor before disappearing into thin air. Where the two balls had shattered, stand 2 small blue birds, cooing and preening themselves. They slowly flutter over to you, one jumping into your arms to be cradled while the other seems content to just sit down on top of your shoe like they were warming a nest. You notice the shopkeeper swing their hand up, pointing towards the coin pouch on your waist, motioning for payment. Retrieving 14k of coins from the bag you give the shiny
gold pieces to the figure. The shopkeeper then turns around and heads over to a black cauldron in the corner of the room, throwing the pay into it. A red smoke pops up suddenly from the black rim and the figure clicks their tongue at it. Turning around they speak to you, "unfortunately luck does not seem to be on your side". As you thank the shopkeeper and leave the tent both birds start getting restless, excided to be going to a new home. They flitter about you happily as you walk away from the tent and down the clover path until you somehow end up where you had been before this journey had begun. Looking at the two birds still hopping along beside you helps reinforce the thought that you know that you will be able to find your way back to that peculiar shop if you needed to.
English may be my first language, but grammar isn't :derp:
Take a look at my store: Poem's Clover Shop
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Re: Poem's Clover Shop (Cascara Amagnae added!)

Post by BeautifulPoem »

LokiWolfbane wrote:With a bit of luck

May I get the two reaper, the flecked sceap, the nomura, male demon fish, nightshade Hearthhound, and a pair of plushie Crystalwings

Please and thank you
2 reaper = 2 * 3K = 6K
2 plushie Crystalwings = 2 * 2K = 4K
Nightshade Hearthhound = 500g
flecked sceap = 500g
demon fish = 250g
nomura = 250g
Total = 11,500g

As you request several creatures the figure reaches into their bowls and pulls out the orbs one by one. Lifting the crystal balls up they smash them at your feet, scattering fragments that soon dissolve into dust. Gathered in the same place as the disappearing mess is a large group of creatures. 2 birds flutter towards you, 2 plush dragons crawl to your feet, a large purple flamed wolf trots over to sit by your side, a small sheep lays down in front of you, and a small fish and ribbon eel flop on the ground for a second before being scooped up into a huge bowl full of water by the shopkeeper which floats over till it hovers by your head. After peeling your eyes away from the magically floating aquatic receptacle you notice the shopkeeper holding out their hand to you, gesturing for payment. You give them 11.5k worth of coins and watch as they take your payment towards a black cauldron sitting in the corner of the tent. Upon throwing in the gold, green smoke puffs out from the rim before disappearing into the air. The figure turns around with a large grin, a frightening sight to see since their mouth was filled with needle like teeth. Suddenly they speak to you, "Congratulations! Luck seems to be on your side today! As a reward you may choose either a silver card or a free creature from my 3k bowl or lower". Choosing the prize you want, you thank the shopkeeper for their time and leave the tent. The creatures all follow you, even ones in the glass bowl which floats behind you at a reasonable pace. You follow the clover path back through the woods before reaching a where you had been before starting this journey. Seeing the still floating fish bowl and a feeling you have makes you confident that if you need to find the shop again, you will be able to.

Congratulations for being the second winner! Please respond to this post about what you would like for your prize. You may either get a silver card (10% off next purchase and if not used, a guarantee of two of the new event creatures during gifting holidays) or a creature from the 3k bowl or less.
English may be my first language, but grammar isn't :derp:
Take a look at my store: Poem's Clover Shop
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Re: Poem's Clover Shop

Post by BeautifulPoem »

Sorry for the late replies, I am now done with finals and all caught up for all the purchases!
English may be my first language, but grammar isn't :derp:
Take a look at my store: Poem's Clover Shop
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Re: Poem's Clover Shop

Post by LokiWolfbane »

A silver card please. Thank you.

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Re: Poem's Clover Shop

Post by SourSam »

Id like to buy a few more with a dash of luck!

Could I grab the dark pegasus for 500g, a pair of wreath and a pair of sleighbell pegasus from 1k please~
(4.5k total)

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