Poem's Clover Shop (open)

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Poem's Clover Shop (open)

Post by BeautifulPoem »

NEW From now on edits to this post will have a NEW mark next to them. They will stay for a bit before being removed.
A short setting story for those interested. Not required to read to purchase.
You find yourself in the middle of the woods somehow. Lost, you follow the only thing that sticks out in the forest, a small path of clovers. Soon you reach a clearing, a small hill coated in the lucky green plants. Sitting atop the hill is a large red and yellow striped tent, a stark difference to the viridescent surroundings. upon further inspection, you can clearly see an opening in the tent that you cautiously open. Behind a table sits a cloaked figure. All you can make out from the hooded figure is bright green eyes with slitted pupils and the mass under the cloak, too big to be a person, and shaped to be in-between a biped and quadruped being. A delicately feminine voice calls out to you beneath the hood though you can't tell what exactly was said, and a sleeve-covered hand gestures to the wares on the table. You look to see 10 glass bowls hover just slightly off the golden cloth-covered surface filled with jeweled spheres. The figure picks up a ball from the bowl marked with a 500 on it and hands it to you. As you inspect the round object closely you can see a small creature inside, slumbering peacefully. You return the ball back to its bowl before inspecting the others. Suddenly the voice speaks up, and this time you can understand them. First, she speaks about what you have stumbled across, then of a game you can participate in, and lastly the rules. (If you would like the response to your creature request to be in line with the story, write the word "luck" in your comment)

What is this?
This is a shop with a bit of a twist. You may order creatures like normal, but for those who participate with the story above, you have a chance to win free creatures or future discounts in this store.

What is the twist?
1 out of every 5 purchases will win a prize (# for winner is randomly generated).
This prize is either a Silver card (10% off next purchase coupon) or a free creature 3k and under.

What are the rules?
1. You must use the correct word indicating to continue the story in order to enter
2. A minimum of 1k in creatures must be purchased to enter
3. Due to the shop being slow, you may Participate in the shop event even if you were the last person to order as long as there is at least a week in between the purchases
3. You may not order with the shop event consecutively (after ordering you must wait for another person to purchase before participating again)
4. If you have ordered and want to order again but there hasn't been another participant, you can purchase them without the code word
5. You will have 2 weeks from the time I finish my side of the trade to accept the trade or it will be canceled and the pets will go back to the store, and any prizes won will be canceled. If you had something very important going on for those two weeks you may send me a private message and I may allow you to receive your prizes, but I cannot guarantee the pets you wanted will still be available.

Is there anything else?
1. If the price of a creature seems too low, you can purchase it at the price you believe is more fair, and as a reward you will be given a Bronze card (5% off next purchase). Any like creature in the tab will move to the suggested price though so be careful to only do this to creatures priced too low.
2. Old rule (may come back if my schedule improves and the MagiStream server becomes less troublesome)
Every month on the first day (or second if I'm busy), any creature whose species has not been purchased will be half priced if 2k and below, go down 1k at 3k-5k, down 2k at 7k, and down 3k at 10k. This will only happen once per creature. This is a good time to buy creatures at higher prices to gain bronze cards.
New rule: Prices will still lower, but it will do so based more on a whim than a set schedule. If creatures that haven't had a price reduction aren't being bought then I may reduce their price. Price reductions will be mentioned under the Creatures to be moved
3. you can choose not to use cards and keep them instead, and if you have 2 they will be upgraded to a higher tier. You can only use one card at a time though.
4. Why keep cards? During holidays card holders will receive gifts of the newly released creature, for no charge. The amount of creatures gifted will depend on the highest level of the card you own(1,2,3). There may also be future use to the cards if enough people gain them.
Search for the gift message:
Happy holidays! Congratulations on being a _ card holder, here's a gift from us. Sincerely, Poem's Clover Shop
5. Do you have to only pay in money? Nope! you can purchase using any creature from "my Parentless creatures I need to get" section on my profile. Since there are no prices there you may come up with what is fair (shop creatures are usually shop price +500g)

6. I am also looking for some story-fitting art to add to this shop. YOU WILL BE CREDITED! Depending on the size and detail of the art you can receive one of the types of cards and even special creatures!
7. Please do not try to use this game as a way to seek profit (such as reselling) if caught you will be blacklisted.
8. If you are rude or do not follow the rules even after multiple warnings, you will be grey listed (see bottom of page for details)

What creatures are there?
250g Bowl - Streamborn
500g Bowl - Event/Quest Bred and Pond
1k Bowl - Crafted
2k Bowl - Confara Pegasus, Crystalwing, cookies, etc.
3k Bowl - Random eventborn
4k Bowl - Arkai, Glass Turtle, and Random eventborn
5k Bowl - Random eventborn, 0% Rauna Crystalwing hatchling
7k Bowl - A Dark Temple Giraffe for some reason :derp:
10k Bowl - none

NEW Special Bowl
This bowl has creatures who have prices over 10K. Prices are checked to be cheaper than Master Belmos to sell better. If bought at higher price (such as Belmos' price) you gain a bronze card!
Rewin Dragon - 50k
Silvan Tycoleon - 140k
Nadolig Corgerus - 180K
Prismatic Crystalwing - 170K
Blue/Green/Bronze Plumed Crystalwing - unlisted in Belmos, 150k?

Creatures to be moved:

Gold Card holders (20%):
Silver card holders (10%):
1. bigeagle - 1st winner
2. LokiWolfbane - 2nd winner
3. Hitsugaya - Notified me of creature's higher price and paid higher price for creatures
4. Moschou - 4th Winner
NEW5. Aolasai - 5th Winner
Bronze card holders (5%):
1. Brynmala - first customer
2. bigeagle - bought creatures for higher price
3. Fabian - bought creatures for higher price
4. Hollowshield - bought creatures for higher price

Art credit:

Black list
(all cards will be taken away, you will be banned from playing the shop game, you will not be allowed to buy creatures from the shop)
Grey listed
(month ban from playing the game)
Winners (their winning #) and their prizes!
1. bigeagle (4) - Silver Card
2. LokiWolfbane (3) - Silver card
3. Moon487 (5) - Creature
4. Moschou (2) - Silver Card
NEW5. Aolasai (4) - Silver Card

Creature price changes:
Cascara Amagnae - 7k
Ethereal Amagnae - 5k
Fluorowing crystalwing - 800g

After each winner the count will restart to 1 for the next purchaser.

I have a bunch of 0% frozen stream eggs that I don't need. Any egg from here is parentless and 0% frozen. Each I will sell for 5g
WARNING: tab has almost 4000 eggs in it.
I have a bunch of 0% frozen retired event eggs that I don't need. Any egg from here is parentless and 0% frozen. Each I will sell for 50g
WARNING: tab has almost 1000 eggs in it.
Also some free eggs here
WARNING: tab has over 1000 eggs in it.
Last edited by BeautifulPoem on August 15th, 2024, 3:03:26 am, edited 73 times in total.
English may be my first language, but grammar isn't :derp:
Take a look at my store: Poem's Clover Shop
Please feel free to click on anything in my main tab!
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Re: Poem's Clover Shop

Post by BeautifulPoem »

Breeding requests (closed)
(Only open when there is no new creatures arriving)
I will breed anything that does not have limited breeding amounts from my Retired tab, Black Market tab, Quest tab, or pretty much any other tab.
This includes hybrids created from pairings of these creatures
Stream & pond: 100g
Shop (not BM): 500g
Black market, quest, and retired: 1k
anything else: 500g

1. You may not request an outcome from breeding, only the 2 parents. Whatever egg/gender that is created is what you get.
2. I will only use 3 egg slots for breeding, the rest will be used for personal projects
3. For 100g you can also ask for me to breed you a sacrificial donnec egg.

Raffle zone (Closed)

I have a fun idea for a raffle! For this first raffle I will be using my own creature as a prize, and to enter you will give me creatures. These creatures will go in a special tab to be the prize of the next raffle, which will continue round and round.

Raffle end date:

How this will work:
- Please start the trade
- 1 winner will be drawn randomly using a random # generator
- To enter you will give me a creature and I will place the creature
- You may send multiple creatures in a trade at once but each individual trade counts as one ticket.
- You may make multiple trades for multiple tickets up to a maximum of 5 tickets.
- The raffle will end once there is at least 10 individual people entered (X) AND the creatures for the next raffle either equals or is close to the value of the last raffle (X).
- If the value of a raffle exceeds the previous past a reasonable amount, ex. if donation creatures are entered, then the next raffle will end after at least 1 week (X) and 20 individual people entered (X) AND if the value of creatures for the next week has enough value for me to deem worthy (X). (unfortunately I can only go by gut feeling in this situation)
- If you would not like to enter the raffle, but want to donate creatures to it feel free to do so!
- If the raffle does not meet requirement by the Raffle end date the current raffle will be canceled and all creatures will be returned to their owners OR I will add personal creatures to make up lost value

First Raffle Prize:
Current pool approx. value:

Document containing who creatures entered belong to:

Current raffle prizes will be moved to here



Last edited by BeautifulPoem on August 14th, 2024, 2:14:21 am, edited 14 times in total.
English may be my first language, but grammar isn't :derp:
Take a look at my store: Poem's Clover Shop
Please feel free to click on anything in my main tab!
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Re: Poem's Clover Shop

Post by Brynmala »

Looking for a bit of luck... :)

Please could I have the 6 platypus hatchlings in your 500g bowl?
Thank you to everyone who gifted me :)
Image "Just one small aubergine..."

RIP Phoebe (avatar cat) - 1995 - 2nd June 2012

nice ninjas?

For Sale, Gender swap PM me to discuss.
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Re: Poem's Clover Shop

Post by BeautifulPoem »

Brynmala wrote:Looking for a bit of luck... :)

Please could I have the 6 platypus hatchlings in your 500g bowl?
*note: rule 4 was added after this comment so this trade is exempt from following it*
As you order you notice an excited glint in the shopkeeper's eyes. Upon finishing your request the figure retrieves the 6 jeweled orbs from the 500g bowl. As they are grabbing the balls the sleeve falls back revealing large human like hands weaved from a teal yarn. The shopkeeper raises the spheres above their head before violently smashing them at your feet. A large puff of green smoke appears where the orbs had shattered, thankfully you are wearing shoes. Out of the green mist 6 full sized platypus come rushing out towards you, squeaking excitedly. As they start climbing you, you see the teal hand motion for payment. Struggling to reach the coin purse on your hip you finally manage to grab the correct amount before handing it over. The shopkeeper walks over to a black cauldron that you had missed on your first look around the tent, and with as much enthusiasm as when they were smashing the jeweled orbs, the coins were sent into the pot. Upon the payment entering, a red puff of smoke rose into the air above it. The excitement from the figure's eyes disappeared, clearly showing displeasure at the color. Returning to their spot at the table the delicately feminine voice returns, "unfortunately luck does not seem to be on your side, but since you are the first customer I feel that some reward is a must". The shopkeeper hands you a rectangular sheet of bronze metal, etched into the surface is a 4 leaf clover. "Bring this card to your next purchase for 5% off or keep it as a souvenir". As you stumble out of the tent, still covered in the 6 Platypus, you look behind you to only see an empty clover hill. Following the clover path once again you make it out of the woods only to find yourself in a place you recognize. Looking back you notice the clover path has disappeared. Clutching the bronze card still in your pocket you guess that if you need to find the shop again, you will be able to somehow.
+1 bronze card
English may be my first language, but grammar isn't :derp:
Take a look at my store: Poem's Clover Shop
Please feel free to click on anything in my main tab!
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Re: Poem's Clover Shop

Post by Shadowfax278 »

hoping for a bit of luck with this order

I'd like to buy the female Nikollus hatchling, and two male House Muris hatchlings in the 1k bowl please ^_^. I also started the trade with the 3k for them :t-:)
Image | my Magiversary wish list | my Halloween wish list | my Christmas wish list

currently have --/25 gifts; thank you! ❄
gifting off and on ♥

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Re: Poem's Clover Shop

Post by BeautifulPoem »

Shadowfax278 wrote:hoping for a bit of luck with this order

I'd like to buy the female Nikollus hatchling, and two male House Muris hatchlings in the 1k bowl please ^_^. I also started the trade with the 3k for them :t-:)
Upon your request the cloaked figure reaches into the bowl marked with a 1000, rummaging around until they pull out 3 orbs. The shopkeeper then gently tosses the orbs towards you, landing just in front of your feet. The orbs shatter and dissipates on impact, even though the throw was way too light to damage what you felt was a fairly sturdy ball. Out of the dissipated crystal, 2 small blue ornaments with mice tails rolled towards you and started making figure 8’s around your feet. As you look up you notice one more creature, A small brown puppy waits patiently in a green gift box that is wrapped in a red and gold bow. The pup looks up to you, raising one of its front paws towards you. Clearly the creature would rather sit comfortably in its box, waiting to be picked up, then walkover itself. Though by the giant smile it has and the increasing frequency of the waved paw, it is excited to go home with you. After catching the ornaments by your feet so you don’t trip, you go over to scoop up the puppy before looking back up at the shopkeeper who holds out a cloaked hand for the money for the pets. Putting the blue ornaments down you reach into your coin pouch before placing 3k gold in the outstretched hand. After receiving the payment the figure hurries over to the metal pot behind the table, excitedly throwing the coins in. Out of the pot bursts a red puff of smoke, which returns to the pot just as quickly as it appeared, leaving not a single trace of dust. The shopkeeper turns towards you and exclaims,”sadly it seems luck is not on your side, but I do hope you enjoy your new friends”. You thank the figure before scooping the ornaments back up and walking out of the tent, down the clover hill, through the forest, and magically returning to the last place you remember before waking up on the clover path. Even though the path is gone, you can feel the magic in the air telling you that if you want, you will be able to find the shop again.
English may be my first language, but grammar isn't :derp:
Take a look at my store: Poem's Clover Shop
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Re: Poem's Clover Shop (Cascara Amagnae added!)

Post by SourSam »

Lets get lucky!

I'd like to purchase a pair of Gallium Crystalwing hatchlings for 4k total, please!
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Re: Poem's Clover Shop (Cascara Amagnae added!)

Post by bigeagle »

Am I getting lucky or not? We will see^^

I´d like to buy all your 19 Cascara Amagnaes in your 4k tab, so opening the trade with 133k for them (buying them for 7k each^^)
MY Wishlist! Currently released Creatures prefered!

2/25 gifts The new Realese creatures would be awesome, THANK YOU ALL!
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Re: Poem's Clover Shop (Cascara Amagnae added!)

Post by BeautifulPoem »

SourSam wrote:Lets get lucky!

I'd like to purchase a pair of Gallium Crystalwing hatchlings for 4k total, please!
The cloaked figure sweeps over towards the bowl with a "2k" etched into the side. From the bowl the figure draws out 2 small crystal balls, which were tossed gently towards you. Upon crashing into the floor, out pops out 2 liquid metal dragons. As the two dragons slide towards you they leave a silver trail of liquid metal behind them. You gently pick them up and place each of them on your shoulders, where they cling happily, while leaving silver colored stains on your shirt. Luckily this wasn't a fancy shirt, but you do hope it will wash out. The shopkeeper raises a cloaked hand towards you, motioning to the coin pouch on your hip. Wiping your hands on your shirt, since it is already dirty, you reach into the pouch and pull out 4k in coins, handing them over. As you pet your new pets who make a metallic purring noise in response, you watch the figure move towards a black cauldron in the corner of the tent. The figure tosses the payment in and watches displeased as a red smoke exits the pot. Just as soon as the smoke appeared, it was gone, and the figure turns toward you before speaking. "Unfortunately luck does not seem to be on your side, it seems though that you are quite enjoying your new friends, do take good care of them" the shopkeeper says. As you turn to leave you see the figure pull out a cloth from their robe and start cleaning the floor with a bucket of water you hadn't seen before. The metal easily gets picked up and disappears from the cloth as it is mixed with the water, which spells hope for your poor clothes. You walk back down the clover path, and back to where you were before the journey began. As your two new dragons start playing with your hair, you have a faint feeling that if needed, you will be able to find the shop again.
English may be my first language, but grammar isn't :derp:
Take a look at my store: Poem's Clover Shop
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Re: Poem's Clover Shop (Cascara Amagnae added!)

Post by Fabian »

May this home be blessed with good luck!

I would like to purchase all your 5 Ethereal Amagnaes in your 3k tab for 5k each.

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