Fallen twice (Potato x Sans)

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Re: Fallen twice (Potato x Sans)

Post by PossessedPotato »

Mira had every reason to be afraid of monsters with the stories she had heard of them and 'why they had been sealed underground, it being a bit difficult to put aside her prejudice of them for the moment even as this seemingly kind skeleton helped her feel a little better with his silly jokes and food.

The human was determined to remain kind and friendly towards Sans though, even if she naturally kept her guard up in a place this new and strange. It would take her a while to not feel she needed to watch her back 100% of the time.

It was....strange how this monster food seemed to take the pain away from her leg so easily, the bruises on her body as well fading quite a ways away much to Miras shock. Of course, with it clearly being a type of magic imbedded food though the exhausted human was in no mood to question it.

"O-oh! Yes, that would be wonderful", Mira snapping out of her thoughts on the properties of this seemingly magic food as her new skeleton friend suggest he could show her to a warmer area, with a wobbly test of her newly healed leg, Mira began to follow the monster with a few experimental steps in amazement that her leg was actually cooperating.

As she followed Sans though a grim thought came over her mind, her unsure if other monsters would be as kind to her as Sans was, it already taking a leap of logic for her to accept that there seemed to be a whole society under this mountain that met her no harm despite humanities treatment of them.

If they didn't want her here she feared a single, short skeleton wouldn't really be able to do much about it........


The 'test of independence' was one that Toriel gave to all the children that fell down here to assess the level of care they would need in regards to attachment. Some human children were incredibly clingy and needed much more one on one time than others who might find themselves in over their head through exploring in areas...she didn't exactly want them to explore.

The children who got in over their heads sometimes didn't make it, either disobeying Toriels warnings, or.....

Hiding behind the pillar at the end of the hallway always felt a bit silly to the goat mom but it was best that the fallen child not see her and learn to interact with the froggits and whimsums on their own accord without her being able to come to the rescue.

"You did excellent, my child!", A warm, proud smile on the goat moms face as she acknowledged Alias success through the hall of independence, she was truly happy that Alia hadn't resorted to violence to get past the few monsters they had encountered, "I didn't wish to leave you like that, it was merely a test of your independence".

A thought crossing Toriels mind for a second as she handed Alia a rather older looking model of cellphone, it was quite small compared to the goats large paw, "Here, I will give you a cellphone if you are in need of my contact. Unfirtinayely I do have a errand to run so please do not leave the Ruins. It would be quite dangerous to explore by yourself".

The final test for the fallen child was to see if they would remain where they were told or explore the ruins ahead where, if the few simple puzzles were solved, they would inevitably stumble across a cozy little home tucked away in the Ruins. Toriel didn't really have a 'errand' as much as she was going to have food waiting for Alia 'concidently', her wanting the child to be fully comfortable in their new home.
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Re: Fallen twice (Potato x Sans)

Post by SeriousSans »

(I had to continue my tradition of posting on Undertale's anniversary XD)

Sans began leading the way back to Snowdin Town, at first walking rather slowly so the human could easily keep up while she adjusted to walking on her recently healed leg. Though it made him kind of anxious to lead the way, making it more difficult to keep an eye on the human in case she changed her mind and did decide to attack him, he tried to reassure himself with the knowledge that she had plenty of opportunities to attack him already and had not done so. Besides, she seemed quite friendly now that they had talked things out a bit. Of course, Sans still couldn't quite ignore the concern that things could still change in an instant if something startled her...

Deciding that maybe telling her more about the Underground might prevent something like that from happening, Sans began explaining more about where they were. "this is snowdin forest, and the town we're heading towards is called snowdin town. on account of the fact that whenever we get a lot of snow, most of us end up snowed in." Sans chuckled; his jokes had seemed to help lighten the mood earlier so maybe they would be helpful again now.

"anyway, it's a pretty lively town, and like i said, it's been quite a while since any humans have fallen down here, so everyone will probably be kinda curious at first. don't worry, they all mean well and none of them would ever hurt you. and if it gets overwhelming, just let them know and they'll back off a bit." Sans continued, offering the human a reassuring smile.

As the two left the forest and one of Papyrus's puzzles could be seen up ahead in the distance, Sans said, "we're almost there now. how are you feeling?" Sans hoped that his explanation had helped somewhat, so she would feel prepared for meeting other monsters. The two would probably start coming across some soon, the closer they got to town.

Suddenly realizing he hadn't actually introduced himself yet, Sans added, "oh, by the way, i'm sans." Well, things had been really tense at first so he understood why introductions hadn't been high on his list of priorities during the conversation until now.

But now that things weren't... Quite as tense, he did want to try to be friends with the human. It was much better than making enemies; Sans already had enough to deal with from Flowey, he didn't need any more negativity in his life.


Alia smiled as Toriel walked over from her spot behind the pillar, happy to hear she had succeeded at the test, though she couldn't help but glance over at the ghost in concern when Toriel called her 'my child' again. Despite what the ghost said about it before, Alia still felt guilty whenever Toriel called her that. She didn't want to replace the ghost, and though she knew that Toriel had no idea the ghost was present, it still felt like she kind of was replacing them whenever the phrase was used. Not that she could really explain that at the moment, since it would involve telling Toriel about the ghost and she didn't want to do that since it would probably make her sad. If only she could see and hear the ghost as well... Things would be much simpler then.

"It is alright. If the monsters are happy, I am too," the ghost said reassuringly. Alia sighed internally; even if they said they didn't mind, she knew being replaced couldn't be a good feeling. And they had helped her so much, surely this wasn't the right way to repay them... Surely there was something that could be done to reunite them with Toriel... And Alia was determined to find a way.

Returning her attention to the conversation with Toriel, Alia nodded in acknowledgement of the test of independence; truthfully she didn't mind it much since she was used to being alone. Besides, she had not truly been alone during the test anyway- the ghost had been there to help her when she needed it. "It's okay, Toriel," she said with a smile.

Having never used a cell phone before, Alia looked at the cell phone Toriel gave her curiously, but tried not to look too confused. The last thing she wanted was for Toriel to realize she had no idea how to use it. Instead, she simply thanked her and hoped the ghost would be able to tell her how it worked if she ever had to use it. When Toriel told her not to leave the Ruins while she ran an errand, Alia nodded. She didn't mind staying there for a while, it would give her an opportunity to actually introduce herself to the ghost who had been helping her. Though Toriel's comment that it would be dangerous to explore by herself confused her somewhat, nothing she had come across so far had seemed particularly dangerous besides that one puzzle with the spikes. Were there more puzzles like that down here?

The ghost seemed quite confused as well. "Dangerous? But Rei and I would go exploring all the time, and we were fine..."

Alia glanced over at them, but they seemed to be deep in thought and didn't say anything else. So she turned back to Toriel with a reassuring smile and said, "Okay. I won't get into any trouble."
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Re: Fallen twice (Potato x Sans)

Post by PossessedPotato »

(Cute x3!)

Mira was a major softy and wouldn't have hurt Sans or any other monsters even if given the chance, her having enough kindness in her soul that despite being nervous still she saw nothing but good in this skeleton monster.

Could he be tricking her? Easily....but really what others choice did Mira have when the alternative was freezing to death in the forest?

It was still a curious thing that snow was Underground like this, Mira taking note of everything around her despite a lot of it being pretty similar to the surface save the strange Snowdrake or bipedal guard dogs.

"Snowdin? A perfect name for such a...uh, n 'ice' place", Mira trying to make a little pun of her own to counteract Sans own, it wasn't the best but she was doing her best, the soft crunch of snow beneath her feet being strangley soothing, "a-and Im Mira, its 'ice' to meet you, Sans~".

A genuine happiness existing in Miras eyes that wasn't there before as Sans explained what whe needed to know for living down here, she would have asked more about the incoming town and such if not for yet another skeleton, this one quite taller than Sans, appearing to be hunched over working on something by a odd, mismatched checker of colored snow.

"Another skeleton?", Mira whispering to Sans nervously as for some reason she hadn't thought that there would be -other- skeleton monsters as well, it seemed a bit silly now though as the new skeleton sighed and wiped imaginary sweat from his brow.


Toriel was naturally the type to worry, especially about the children that fell down into the Ruins and most of the time decided to take their chances in the wider Underground.

The many children that had come and gone, besides Frisk of course, had all perished once Toriel had allowed them to leave the Ruins. The goat mom was sure that in time young Alia would end up wanting to leave as well but from experience she would make sure Alia was prepared for when that time came.

The way she treated the humans that fell into the Ruins was calculated despite her kindness, even the long hall that Toriel had thr children wk through alone being a test to see how clingy or independent a newcomer might be.

The dummy test was Important as well, some children that fell being more inclined to violence than others which could lead to issues down the line if Toriel didn't put them on the right path.

Leaving Alia alone right now was yet another test, Toriel unsure if the human would actually stay put or decide to explore on their own. Of course if they decided to explore the Ruins there would be little danger from the weak monsters that took shelter there, Toriel planning on returning soon to retrieve Alia once they had tidied up the home they inhabited deeper in the Ruins.

Why was she feeling so...off about this new child though? Alia was in no way a threat to her at the moment nor likely would be one ever...but there was a odd air of...something about Alia, or more like something around them...a familiarity....
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Re: Fallen twice (Potato x Sans)

Post by SeriousSans »

The fact that the first couple of monsters the two came across during the walk towards town did not seem to startle Mira was quite reassuring for Sans, giving him a bit more hope that there wouldn't be any incidents, or at least that there wouldn't be any that couldn't be resolved by talking things out. After all, the monsters were all quite friendly and would surely want to become friends with the new inhabitant of the Underground, and it seemed like Mira was open to making new friends as well. Well, all the monsters besides Flowey, but Sans hadn't heard or seen any sign of him in a rather long time, so with any luck he would stay away a while longer while Mira adjusted to the Underground.

Hopefully. Though Sans' luck very rarely worked out that way. Pushing aside the thought, Sans tried to just focus on the present. Worrying about Flowey right now was not going to help the situation at all, he was just going to have to try to be prepared in case the flower did show up. But for now, his focus should be on helping Mira adjust, not worrying about things that were beyond his control.

Grinning at Mira's pun, Sans was happy to see she also had an excellent sense of humor. "you snow it," he replied, laughing without the hint of anxiousness he had been feeling beforehand. At least for the moment things were going well, and he had been tense enough all day that he could really use a lighthearted conversation to help him relax somewhat.

"it's nice to meet you, too," Sans said, glad to see his explanation seemed to have helped Mira and that she seemed happy despite being in an unfamiliar place. As the two kept walking and he spotted Papyrus up ahead, Sans figured that meeting Papyrus might help Mira adjust to the Underground more. Although he could be quite excitable, Papyrus had a caring heart and was always happy to make new friends. Sans was sure he would welcome Mira and try his best to make sure her time spent in the Underground was exciting and fun. Of course, Sans would try to as well, but he did have to admit that his brother had the stronger social skills of the two in most cases, being much more open about his feelings and such than Sans was.

Unfortunately, that could also lead to Papyrus being rather naive at times, believing the best of everyone regardless of their actions. Sans' main concern about this being Flowey, who had previously taken advantage of Papyrus's friendly nature to convince him they were friends even though Flowey didn't really act like a friend. But Sans was not worried about that with Mira, she seemed quite genuine and Sans was rather confident in his abilities to see someone's true nature by now.

When Mira noticed Papyrus as well and whispered nervously to him, Sans smiled reassuringly. "yeah, that's my brother, papyrus! he's really cool. don't worry, he's really friendly, too. do you want to go meet him?"


As soon as Toriel left the room, Alia turned to the ghost, eager to thank them for all their help and formally introduce herself which she had not really been able to do while in the presence of the monsters. "Hi, I'm Alia! Thank you for helping me so much!"

The ghost hesitated for a moment before speaking, "Greetings. I am Chara. You are quite welcome."

"It's nice to meet you, Chara," Alia said, smiling.

"It is nice to meet you, too," Chara replied. "Thank you for being kind to the monsters."

"They are very important to you, aren't they?" Alia asked, having gotten the idea that the ghost and the monsters must have been close with how Chara had called Toriel 'Mom' and how much they clearly cared about each of the monsters.

"Yes. They took me in when I was alive." Chara said, their smile seeming nostalgic for a few moments.

"That sounds nice. They all seem very kind," Alia said, thinking back to her encounters with the monsters she had met so far. Living down here would actually be pretty great, everyone seemed nice and treated her better than the humans did, most of whom ignored her while some would pick on her since it was so unlikely anyone would stand up for her.

"They are. And they would be happy to take you in, too."

Alia blinked. "You're very perceptive."

"So I have been told." Chara seemed amused.

As much as Alia liked the idea of staying here, of finally being accepted, she still felt like she would be replacing Chara, and she didn't want to do that. She didn't want to have to take someone's place to be accepted. She wanted to find her own place as a human down here, with Chara rather than instead of them.

Alia felt even more determined to reunite Chara and the monsters. There had to be something she could do, right? There had to be a way to help her friend... The first friend Alia ever had... But she was not going to find it here in this empty hallway with nothing but a pillar inside of it. Even the little monsters Alia had met earlier had moved on with whatever they were doing by now. She would just have to keep searching. But, hadn't Toriel wanted her to stay in this room? Alia didn't want to disappoint her by leaving if she was expecting her to stay put.

"When do you think Toriel will be back?" Alia asked. She didn't want to seem impatient, but she really did want to find a way to help Chara and the monsters as soon as possible.

Chara shrugged. "I am not sure, but you could probably go exploring for a bit before she comes back if you want."

"I guess you can't snitch on me, after all," Alia commented with a grin.

"Oh, really? I'm telling Moooooom," Chara replied in a teasing tone, with a small smirk.

Alia giggled, impulsively passing through the doorway into the next room. Normally, Alia was not one to be this impulsive, leaving the room when she was probably supposed to stay there, but she had gained some confidence from Chara's encouragement. Besides, if she was careful not to wander too far away, she should be able to return to the room before Toriel did. And she definitely was not going to find what she was searching for by just standing in an empty room...


Chara felt relieved after the conversation with Alia; it seemed she truly did have no intention of hurting any of the monsters, and she simply wanted a place to live where she would be accepted. The Underground was definitely the best place for that, the monsters being much more accepting of everyone than the humans were. Chara could not help but feel glad that, if they were going to have to follow a human around as a ghost, it was someone who was genuinely kind. Someone they did not have to feel anxious or uncertain about, someone they could trust to be around the monsters and not hurt them. Plus, joking around with her had been nice.

To their surprise, Chara realized they were friends with another human... And they were actually happy about it.
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Re: Fallen twice (Potato x Sans)

Post by PossessedPotato »

(Sorry about the delay ^^; Been having a hard time mentally)

Mira was having a good enough time with Sans so far, the fact that she was in a world of monsters seeming to have sunk in for the human as she easily made puns back towards the short stack skeleton that he equally retaliated back towards her in time.

Maybe being down here wouldn't be so bad? It was...a bit of a adjustment yeah, but all the monsters she had met were friendly so far, her naturally being unaware that things could and did go wrong down here sometimes for humans.

Mira seemed a bit hesitant upon seeing the taller of the skeletons though for some reason, her trusting Sans claiming that his brother was a 'cool' guy as she gave him a nervous smile at the terrible pun.

"U-uh yeah, sure", Mira nodding just as Papyrus seemed to notice Sans and her upon getting up from working on his puzzle, the thin skeleton seemed to be more surprised than shocked at the sight of Sans companion, his jaw agape as he offered a friendly hand to Mira.

"Sans! I didn't know you had a human friend!", Papyrus being a naturally rambunctious skeleton, Mira was nervous still but offered a hand to his gloved one, Papyrus somehow smiling even wider than his already skeletal grin allowed, "Are they one of Frisks companions??".

"Frisk?", Mira glancing at Sans confused as she had no real idea who this other human was, she blushed and shook her head in response to the skeletons question herself, "I don't know a Frisk, I kinda fell down here myself into the snow and Sans found me".


Toriel hadn't had a human in the Ruins in a very, very long time, the goat mom doing her best to take care of each child regardless though to the best of her abilities, many of the books on the shelf in her cozy living room being on human-child care and about the surface worlds history.

But with no one to entertain or have around her tiny home in the Ruins Toriel wasn't always on the up and up her wanting to tidy up her home for Alia later when she retrieved the human.

It didn't help that she was also wanting to bake a pie for the child, her being keen that Alia likely wouldn't want to dine on Snail pie tonight.

There was something about this child though that was different than the few in the past that had fallen....it almost felt as if this humans soul was 'incomplete' in a way or damaged....had other humans done this to this poor child?

Toriel had been born on the surface and knew that humans could be much cruelest than monsters towards each other, the Underground only seeming like a haven for monsters due to the lack of conflict with humans for the past 1000 years.

No, she wasn't 'fond' of humans but children were the exception, being innocent souls that had to be guided towards good. Alia would recieve nothing but love living in the Ruins with her, Toriel already thinking of a curriculum for Alias education down here even.
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Re: Fallen twice (Potato x Sans)

Post by SeriousSans »

(It's okay, I hope things get better soon!)

Sans noticed that Mira seemed kind of hesitant about meeting Papyrus. Before he could say anything, though, Papyrus had spotted them and came over to greet them. Hopefully Papyrus's outgoing nature wouldn't make Mira uncomfortable, Sans thought as he watched her nervously shake his brother's hand. Smiling reassuringly at her, Sans carefully hid some confusion from his expression as Papyrus asked if she was friends with Frisk. It had been some time since Frisk left the Underground, and as far as Sans knew, none of the monsters had heard from them since. They had been the only other human Papyrus had ever met, though, so perhaps it was natural he thought the two might have had some kind of connection.

Seeing Mira turn to him with confusion about who Frisk was, Sans did his best to explain. "frisk was another human who fell down here in the past. they were the one i mentioned who was able to return to the surface somehow. we aren't really sure what happened with them after that." Sans hoped the explanation would suffice.

Looking back at Papyrus, he added, "heya bro. like mira said, i came across her in the forest not too long ago. i was just showing her the way to town." Having answered the two's questions- hopefully, anyway- Sans was able to relax slightly. While he would of course speak up to answer questions if necessary, Sans was happy to let the two interact a bit while he thought through the unexpected events that had occurred today.

After all, a human falling into the Underground was a rare occurrence, and he certainly had not thought he would come across one today. And Sans was the type to need to spend time thinking things through; even if he sometimes appeared to be spontaneous with his puns and little harmless pranks like whoopie cushions, in reality he actually spent a lot of time thinking. Maybe too much, if his utterly destroyed sleep schedule was anything to go by.

When was the last time Sans had been able to fall asleep without his mind racing about a dozen different things for at least an hour or two? To be perfectly honest, he couldn't remember.

Besides, he knew that Papyrus, while occasionally unintentionally overwhelming, meant well and would truly want to become friends with MIra. Papyrus was very open and trustworthy, always eager to make new friends. Sans figured that once she got to know him a bit better, Mira would see that as well. And in the meantime, he would do his best to help out however he could, so things were as stress-free as they possibly could be for both of them.


Alia quickly learned that she enjoyed exploring with Chara, the ghost's helpful narrations always seeming to be exactly what she needed to figure out how to solve a more complicated puzzle or how to befriend a monster. While Toriel had seemed quite protective when she had been guiding Alia along- which hadn't been a bad thing, of course!- Chara was more the type to help her as she figured things out for herself. They didn't treat her like she needed help with every little thing, but when she did need help, they never made her feel like that was a bad thing, either. She wasn't used to having someone stick around by her side for long periods of time like this, and she certainly wasn't used to someone encouraging her so much.

On the surface, Alia was used to just being ignored. Or in the case of her parents and teachers, being given instructions and then ignored. She had quickly learned to stay out of others' way, mind her own business, and take care of herself. She'd gotten used to it, so she didn't really mind, per se, but she had to admit that it was really nice to have a friend.

Because Chara did not just give hints and then silently follow along; they told jokes and pointed out things they thought Alia would find interesting or funny. They talked with her, and they looked out for her. When the two came across a puzzle with unstable flooring that dropped when someone stepped on it, Chara had quickly realized that she didn't like the feeling of falling. At a later puzzle involving the same thing, Chara made sure to guide her through it safely, without her falling even once.

They were truly the best friend she could have asked for.

As they explored, Alia lost track of time, until eventually she realized they had wandered a lot farther away from the room Toriel had left them in than she had meant to. Turning to Chara nervously, Alia asked, "Do you think Toriel went back to the room yet?"

"I am not sure. We can go back if you like, but just remember, she will not be mad at you." Chara said reassuringly. If it had been anyone else, Alia would have felt uncertain about that. But she knew she could trust Chara; Toriel was their mother so of course they would know how she would react. So she nodded, and the two returned to the empty room to wait for Toriel.

Before Toriel arrived, however, someone else appeared in the room. Flowey, the talking flower who had appeared when she first fell, but then disappeared just as quickly. "Howdy!" Flowey announced cheerfully. "Sorry about earlier, something suddenly came up."

"Hi Flowey," Alia replied. "It's okay. Is everything alright?"

"Yep!" Flowey replied, before looking around. "So, uh, what are you doing? Isn't standing around in an empty room kind of boring?"

Alia shrugged. "Well, I'm waiting here for Toriel..."

"Oh, okay!" Flowey said, his tone still cheerful, though a flicker of realization about something appeared on his face for an instant. Alia wasn't sure what it was, but she decided not to ask. "Well, I was gonna offer to show you around the Ruins a bit, but I guess if you're waiting for Toriel, she's probably got that covered," Flowey continued with a slightly awkward laugh. "But if you wanted, I could show you around some more later?"

Alia considered this. She supposed she wouldn't mind, even though it meant she wouldn't be able to talk with Chara since she already knew Flowey couldn't hear or see them. "Sure."

"Cool. Well, I'll see you later, then!" Flowey announced, pausing barely long enough for Alia to say goodbye before disappearing into the ground again. Alia blinked. Well, he seemed nice enough, though she did have to wonder why he kept disappearing suddenly.


Flowey burrowed underground, slightly panicked. Was he nice enough? Was he too nice? Did Chara think he was friendly, or just some weird flower that randomly showed up every once in awhile? At least they had agreed to let him show them around later. That must mean their opinion of him was positive, or at least neutral, right?

But things would be easier when they went exploring together. Even though it had been long ago- and all his resets and timeline shenanigans really didn't help- he did still remember some of the places in the Underground that Chara had especially liked. So, he would just make sure to show them those places, and they would become friends again! It was the perfect plan! Though it would be a lot easier if he could feel emotions again; as it was, he had no idea whether or not his cheerfulness seemed natural or fake. Hopefully Chara wouldn't be able to tell it was fake. After all, he really wanted to be friends with them again, even if he wasn't quite the same as he used to be...

...And maybe, eventually, he and Chara and Toriel and Asgore could be a family again.
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Re: Fallen twice (Potato x Sans)

Post by PossessedPotato »

Papyrus had seen humans before, eh...well, one human in the past that had made it out safely! Frisk, the child that he had befriended despite Undynes order to capture them and who had made it through his clever traps, Papyrus having been left with a odd sense of loss when Frisk left the Underground....

Not that he would ever let that show though! Papyrus knew he needed to be strong for both him and Sans sake (especially Sans) and he would keep good morale until the day monsters could go free as well.

He would have never expected another human to fall down so relatively soon though like this, the tall skeleton trying not to appear intimidating to this new human who -didnt- seem to be a child unlike every other fallen human in the Undergrounds past.

Come to think of it, how long did humans live anyway?

Mira seemed to be doing her best to not be afraid of Papyrus as she shook his hand, her cheeks flushed from the cold of Snowdin forest as the skeletons familiar nyeh heh heh reached her ears, a thought seeming to come over his mind as he did something completely unexpected.

He took off his gloves.

"Here human! I have read that your kind gets cold very easily. Us monsters that live in Snowdin are used to the snow...or don't feel it at all! Heh!".

"Oh! Uh, thank you! Are you sure?", Mira seeming surprised that this monster she had just met was being so kind already, it appeared to be a trait of monsters to be strangely kind to strangers, Mira popped on the gloves, her chilly fingers already feeling much better with Papyrus's help.

"Of course! After all, you will also need them for the traditional puzzles I have set up for you to solve! The last thing we need is your fingers freezing!", Papyrus saying this all in jest as he wasn't going to -force- Mira into any puzzle after all, the determination oozed from the human at the challenge of a 'puzzle'.

"Is it like a....board game puzzle?", Mira cocking her head curiously as she glanced at the strange, multi colored lights on the ground behind the skeleton, she figured maybe it was some weird shuffle puzzle, Papyrus extending a proud hand towards the carefully crafted area.

"It is a bit! Do you see the multi colored tiles? Each tile has a different effect! Blue tiles are water...you will get wet from them! Purple tiles are filled with piranhas! Orange tiles are orange scented, they will make you smell delicious! Yellow tiles are....".

Papyrus rambling off what each tile could and couldn't do and sometimes backtracking a bit from confusing himself, Mira soon found herself on the first tile as she began to make her way across the strangely 'dangerous' puzzle, her wondering how on earth Piranhas ended up in the Underground oddly enough.


Toriel had gotten carried away a bit with tidying up the house and making a treat for the newly arrived Alia and half expected that the human would come stumbling out of the Ruins just as her dear Frisk had back in the day, mud on their pants and a stick in hand having befriended just about every monster they had encountered in the maze like tunnels.

But Alia seemed like a much more careful child, Toriel assuming they actually did stay in the room like she had asked them. It wasn't as if this was a bad thing at all though, Toriel just realizing a different approach would be needed with Alia.

"Oh! There you are, my child! I shouldn't have left you alone for so long", The protective gost mom greeting Alia with a friendly smile as she gently offered the human a huge paw, Toriel had no sense that Chara was following Alia around and maybe it was for the best, the pain from...those events truly never going away.

Leading Alia through the remainder of the Ruins, soon a small, cozy house appeared onwards the back of the long cave, a lone tree shedding red hued leaves standing tall in the middle of the well maintained yard.

"Here we are~ I know its not much but I promise you will have a happy life here", Toriel smiling softly ss she led Alia into the house, it had been a long time since she had anyone here, much less a human child, the warm scent of a baking pie filling the cozy home, "Make yourself at home, okay dear?".
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Re: Fallen twice (Potato x Sans)

Post by SeriousSans »

Watching as Mira and Papyrus interacted, Sans could tell that Papyrus was making an effort to not appear intimidating to Mira, while Mira was trying not to be afraid. This made him feel quite hopeful that things would work out without too much awkwardness. Of course, he couldn't afford to get too hopeful, though. After all, if Flowey decided to show up, or even just reset, everything could change in an instant. Sans had to be ready. Even though Mira didn't seem to pose a threat to the monsters, Sans couldn't fully let his guard down in case Flowey decided to attack the group.

Sure, Flowey seemed to prefer to attack one on one whenever possible, but who knew what he might do when he found out there was a new human in the Underground? One thing that had become abundantly clear to Sans throughout all of Flowey's resets was that the flower seemed to think of everyone as playthings, toys to manipulate and discard whenever he felt like it. Maybe he would attack the group, just to see what they would do. Even if Sans were to defeat him, Flowey could always reset and try a different tactic.

Despite these concerns, Sans still couldn't help but smile as Papyrus offered Mira his gloves to help keep her hands warm. It was a relief to know Mira would have some form of protection from the elements while Papyrus was showing off his puzzles. Truthfully, Sans wasn't entirely sure how humans would handle the cold temperatures in Snowdin for extended periods of time. On top of that, he wasn't entirely sure how long Mira had been waiting in the forest before he found her. Hopefully she would let them know if she really needed to go inside due to the cold, even if it meant Papyrus had to wait to show her some of the puzzles.

It was of course no surprise at all to Sans that Papyrus wanted to show Mira the puzzles he had made; they were really quite incredible and Papyrus had put a lot of effort into them. Sans was proud of his brother's skill in puzzle-making, even if he rarely had enough energy to try any of them out himself. While Sans kind of felt bad about that, he wasn't really sure what to do about it; it wasn't like he could explain the real reason for his 'laziness' to Papyrus without telling him about Flowey.

Which Sans really, really didn't want to do.

For whatever reason, Sans was the only one who could remember what Flowey had done, and he was rather worried that telling Papyrus about it might somehow cause him to remember. And with how many times Flowey had attacked everyone, that would just be upsetting for him. It would be upsetting for anyone, really. So it was much better to keep it all to himself, so everyone else could continue on without the burden of knowledge of what Flowey had done.

Sans would rather not dwell on that now, though, so he returned his attention to Papyrus and Mira, who were discussing the first puzzle. Papyrus was clearly trying to explain it, though with all the different tiles and their various effects, it was unsurprisingly very confusing. Still, Mira seemed eager to attempt the challenge, and Sans smiled encouragingly at her as she approached the first tile.

It would be nice to see Papyrus get to show off his puzzles, and hopefully Mira would have fun solving them. Unfortunately he had no idea how to help her get home because of the barrier, but at least they could try to make her time staying here enjoyable. Maybe he should go check in on Alphys later on, and see if she had any new information on the barrier.

As the Royal Scientist, Alphys was the most likely to be able to find a way for Mira to return to the surface. Sans figured she probably would have been researching what Frisk might have done to return to the surface since they left. After all, if the monsters could find a way to replicate whatever Frisk did, maybe they could leave the mountain too? Well, that was pretty unlikely to be honest, but still, any new information about the barrier they could learn would be welcome.

Due to how unlikely it was that Alphys might know a way Mira could leave right away, Sans was hesitant to bring it up yet since he didn't want to give Mira a false hope that she would not be trapped here with the monsters after all. She probably missed her home, so it would likely be discouraging to keep getting her hopes up only for things not to work.

But he could ask Alphys himself, and if she somehow did know of a way, he would tell Mira then. For now, he would just focus on helping Mira get used to the Underground. Sans made sure to keep encouraging her as she solved the puzzle. Maybe if she was distracted with fun stuff like this, staying here for awhile wouldn't seem so bad.


Alia and Chara had both been rather silent since Flowey's sudden departure, each deep in thought. Which was likely a good thing, since Toriel's return took both by surprise, and if they had been chatting, she definitely would have heard some of it. Alia had no idea how she would have explained it to the goat monster, since it would have seemed like she was talking to herself.

Managing to smile up at Toriel despite internally wincing at being referred to as her child, Alia replied, "Hi Toriel! It's okay, really!" No matter how many times Chara might insist they didn't mind it, Alia really didn't like the feeling she was replacing them. Surely there was something she could do... Still, she pushed aside the thought for now to focus on following Toriel through the Ruins. Though Toriel did not offer comments about the various things they came across as Chara had, Alia still made a point of examining her surroundings. After all, as far as Toriel knew, she was seeing these things for the first time. Alia had been quite curious about everything thus far, so for her to suddenly start acting like she was used to everything could end up revealing she had left the room.

And she really didn't want Toriel to find out she had gone exploring instead of staying in the room the whole time.

At least it was easier once they reached an area Alia had not explored yet. Even with Toriel present, Chara told Alia about the things they came across, though they- seemingly reluctantly- tried not to tell as many jokes so she wouldn't start giggling in front of Toriel. This made Alia feel a bit better; even if she couldn't really acknowledge what they were saying, hearing Chara's narrations was a reassuring reminder of when they had been exploring together.

When they eventually came across a house, Alia noticed Chara was silent; glancing at them revealed they had a nostalgic expression on their face. Alia felt concerned when Toriel spoke up. Would staying here mean she was replacing Chara? Despite the thought, Alia smiled up at Toriel again; after all, Toriel had no idea Chara was here, so she wouldn't understand why Alia might feel uncertainty about staying in the house. And it sounded like Toriel had put time and effort into preparing for her arrival. Alia didn't want to seem ungrateful...

So, Alia smiled up at Toriel again and followed her into the house, trying to act like she was not worried at all. She could smell a delicious scent as she entered the house; she wondered what it was but decided not to ask. After all, she was used to avoiding asking adults questions, in case they were busy with something more important. Though she didn't necessarily think Toriel would be too busy to answer questions, it was still a habit. Besides, she figured Chara would probably be willing to answer her questions later.

Though she had to resist the urge to glance over at Chara in concern when Toriel told her to make herself at home, Alia still managed to smile and reply, "This is really kind of you, Toriel. Thank you." As awkward as it was, Alia didn't want to explain her concerns to Toriel since she figured that knowing Chara was there but she couldn't see or hear them would probably make her sad. Instead, she would just try to act like nothing was wrong... But hopefully, she would figure out how to help Toriel and Chara communicate soon. In the meantime, she supposed she might as well explore the house a little, and glanced around curiously. She noticed a room that looked like a living room through one of the doorways, and began wandering over to it.
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Re: Fallen twice (Potato x Sans)

Post by PossessedPotato »

(Sorry ^^; Been busy!)

It seemed that both Mira and Papyrus had a equal amount of curious interest in each other, neither knowing terribly much about the other species yet being willing to work together despite just meeting.

Things were bound to remain great between the pair if things continued at this rate, Papyrus having learned....that some of his past puzzles were far too dangerous for mere humans who didn't possess magic to pass through in one piece.

The knowledge of Flowey and the countless resets that had gone on over who knows how long was luckily lost on Mira and Papyrus...but unfortunately this put the entire burden that things could be reset at any moments on Sans....

If only Papyrus had known that Sans was aware of Flowey than the younger of the brothers could have pointed out that he had also interacted with such a monster in the past.

One that offered him advice and predictions....

For the time being though Papyrus was cheering his new friend Mira on as the human girl managed to navigate one of his most challenging puzzles, her successfully activating the snow bridge with switches hidden under piles of snow.

"Sans! Im curious on where the human will be staying!", Papyrus deciding to talk one on one with Sans as Mira was sidetracked to pet a long necked dog, the skeleton was naive but he also knew the Underground could be dangerous for a lone human, not all monsters having good intentions for such a potential Soul, "We could have her stay with us! Frisk seemed happy with the dog bed I provided when I captured them...before they escaped the garage and all".


Toriel knew that a child like Alia was likely in shock from falling down here and that was potentially why she sensed that there was something a bit 'off' about the human, the goat mom unaware that Chara, her beloved human child of years past, was hanging around Alia and offering advice and info about the underground.

The Ruins weren't very big once one got used to them and neither was this little house, it having served as a refuge for the former queen for the past 100 years or so ever since....that incident had taken place.

No, she didn't wish to think of it, she had Alia to care for now and she couldn't focus on things of the past like that....

Settling to read a familiar book to calm her nerves, Toriel was glad to see that Alia was exploring their new home surroundings, her still sensing the oddest presence whenever Alia was about but pushing it to the back of her mind, "Young one, would you like to hear a exciting snail fact?~ Did you know that snails sometime flip their digestive system?".

"Also, did you need anything? Feel free to ask me for anything", The motherly vibes from the monster being as pure as they could be, this home was as warm and cosy as one could get.
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Re: Fallen twice (Potato x Sans)

Post by SeriousSans »

(It's totally fine, I have been busy too!)

Sans watched as Mira solved the puzzles Papyrus had prepared, offering encouragement if Mira looked at him and congratulating her when she finished a puzzle but otherwise remaining quiet, not wanting to interfere with Papyrus's fun as he introduced Mira to the puzzles. After all, his brother had worked very hard to make them all, and now that he finally had someone new to try them out, Sans didn't want to get in the way. It was nice to see Papyrus having fun, and Sans hoped Mira was having fun as well.

By the time the group came across Lesser Dog, Sans had started to relax somewhat, though still not entirely. While Flowey had not appeared during the time they had spent checking out Papyrus's puzzles, there was still a chance he might at any moment.

Seeing Papyrus wanted to take the opportunity to talk while Mira was distracted petting Lesser Dog, Sans turned to his brother. "well, that's up to her," he replied when Papyrus mentioned being curious about where Mira would be staying. Being trapped in a place one hadn't even known existed would likely be a big shock for anyone, so Sans wanted Mira to feel comfortable with wherever she ended up staying.

Papyrus's suggestion of Mira staying with them was of course completely fine with Sans, as long as Mira wanted to, though Sans did feel a bit awkward when Papyrus mentioned the dog bed he had given Frisk. Glancing over at Mira to make sure she hadn't overheard that, since he doubted she would want to sleep in a dog bed, Sans then turned back to Papyrus to try to talk him into getting a regular bed for her if she chose to be their guest.

"she's definitely welcome to stay with us if she wants to, but let's get her a regular bed, okay?" Sans said. Admittedly, he had been quite exhausted when Frisk had arrived due to Flowey's resets, much more so than he was today, so he had been kind of just going through the motions and hadn't had the energy to try to talk Papyrus out of anything at the time. At least Frisk really hadn't seemed to care about the fact Papyrus got them a dog bed. Then again, Frisk had moved on to Waterfall pretty quickly anyway, so they hadn't actually had to use the dog bed much.

Regardless, Sans hoped he would be able to convince Papyrus now, and prevent that from happening again. Sans wouldn't want Mira to be upset, she was already dealing with quite a lot, with falling into the Underground and learning she was probably trapped here along with the monsters and all of that.


Alia was looking around the living room, with Chara alternating between narrating about whatever Alia was examining and staring off into space. She waited patiently whenever she noticed them doing that, not wanting to interrupt their thoughts. They often smiled, probably at a memory, and Alia could not help but feel bad that she didn't know how to reunite them with the monsters they clearly loved so much.

As Toriel sat down with a book and spoke up, Alia turned her attention from the bookcase where she had been glancing over the titles to listen. Nodding in agreement when Toriel offered to tell a snail fact, Alia listened curiously as she told her about snails' digestive systems. "That's really interesting," she said with a smile. She was happy to listen to Toriel talk about whatever she wanted, it would delay the inevitable awkwardness of her trying to explain why she didn't want to take Chara's place without mentioning that Chara was there, at any rate.

Toriel's question took Alia by surprise. She wasn't used to people asking if she needed anything. Alia usually took care of herself, and had to figure everything out on her own on the surface. Thus, she wasn't used to asking for help, and truthfully didn't really know how to. Chara was the only one she had become used to accepting help from, and they seemed to intuitively guess when she needed help, so she didn't actually have to ask for it most of the time.

"Thanks, Toriel. I'm fine now, but I'll keep that in mind," she replied finally, giving a grateful smile to show she appreciated the offer. Asking Toriel for help would be rather challenging for Alia, since she was used to staying out of adults' way and not bothering them. Besides, she wasn't sure what she would ask for right now.

At the moment, Alia was still getting used to the Underground and all, so that was her main focus. She hadn't given much thought to anything else yet. For now, she would just keep wandering around looking at stuff. That was probably for the best anyway, after all, Toriel had a book which Alia assumed meant she wanted to read, and she didn't want to interrupt her while she was reading.
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My wishlist is on my profile; I love Wind Hydras and Charaen!
Current event wishlist: New event creatures!
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