Fallen twice (Potato x Sans)

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Fallen twice (Potato x Sans)

Post by PossessedPotato »

Mira really wasn't sure exactly how she had wound up down in this....snowy, cavern of sorts as she came to senses after what must have been a dangerous fall, the look of pain on the girls face as she scrunched her brow and attempted to stand up being a clear sign that her fall hadn't been kind to her despite landing in a puffy snow bank.

As far as she could tell she had likely been out for quite a bit, her skin as cold as ice as she shivered and wrapped her light clothing around her with a nervous sigh, looking around warily.

Fir trees extended in all directions for what looked like miles, only occasionally dotted by snowy little mounds or bushes that were covered in a light frosting of white, no footprints of small animals or even birds extending from the underground forest.

'I need to get help, but....'

Mira wasn't a child and knew that simply calling for help would be pointless despite her fear, her struggling to move to the crook of a nearby tree
Where she could rest her sore body and map out a plan to somehow get out of here.

Wiping her bloody lip she had acquired in her rough landing, the sting of the snow was of little matter to her as she shuffled through her torn bag...or what had survived of it upon landing, her phone being cracked and broken beyond repair now and her trusty camera being in no better condition.

What did she have? A trusty but dull knife, a book on the Flora of Mt Ebott, a few energy bars, a few paperclips surrounding now waterlogged notes, and a half full waterbottle.

Nothing that could really assist her in traveling with her likely broken leg, panic setting in Mira's chest at the thought of how far she might have to travel to even just get out of this weird forest, her closing her eyes and leaning her head against the rough tree bark in the hopes some spark of determination might come to her.

'Just think Mira, maybe you can find a branch or something and use sheer willpower like in the movies.....o-or crawl? That could work....but....'


How long had it been since she had isolated herself in these old chambers and taken on the unofficial duty of 'Caretaker of the Ruins?'

Toriel knew it had been at least 100 years...maybe a bit longer, but long enough that many younger monsters knew little of the Queen that had fallen into such despair that she simply 'ceased to exist' one day long ago.

It was better this way....

This was the life she had chosen though...one where she might be able to present that tyrant Asgore from shedding more innocent blood from the humans that every few decades fell into the Ruins, almost all of them being mere children that had little to do with monsterkinds predicament.

Children, as naive as they were, rarely stayed in the Ruins for more than a few days until curiosity got the best of them and exploring the wider, more dangerous Underground got their attention, some leaving before Toriel was even aware and a few simply ignoring her pleas to stay where it was safe....with her in the Ruins, in a happy home where the pain of reality couldn't touch them.

It had been nearly 15 years since the last human had fallen, the mute child having engaged Toriel in a battle of wills when she had demanded they show they could defend themselves in the Underground, the fear and desperation she had felt overriding sense as the child only chose Mercy, over and over.....

Checking the yellow flowerbed at the only outside entrance known to the Ruins was a daily routine for Toriel, the Golden petals of the well taken care of patch bringing back memories, good and bad for the former Queen.

She had taken her dear child's body from that basement before she had left so long ago, Chara deserving so much better than a eternity of collecting dust and terrible memories.

The last thing Toriel was expecting seeing as her routine was really the same day to day was a crumpled up small body lying among the flowers she tended to so carefully, her usually calm, motherly demeanor being broken as she went to scoop up the small human.

This child though, their appearance made her pause as she made sure they had no broken bones and could breath, her knowing it wasn't 'her' child, even so her Soul taking on a deep sadness over the uncanny similarity this newly fallen human bore to the very first so long ago.
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Re: Fallen twice (Potato x Sans)

Post by SeriousSans »

"SANS! WAKE UP ALREADY, YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR WORK!" Papyrus shouted from the other side of the door. Sans sighed and stood up, heading to the door and leaving his room. "GOOD MORNING, SANS! I HAVE LOTS OF PUZZLES TO ATTEND TO, SO I'M LEAVING NOW! BUT DON'T USE THAT AS AN EXCUSE TO GO BACK TO SLEEP! YOU HAVE WORK TODAY!"

"alright, bro. see ya later." Sans watched as Papyrus rushed off with armfuls of blueprints and various materials. Truth be told, Sans doubted he would be able to fall asleep now even if he wanted to. And he hadn't been asleep when Papyrus came to wake him up, either. Sans had another nightmare last night; the same nightmare as usual, about Flowey fighting everyone in the Underground, over and over. Although he hadn't seen or heard much from Flowey recently, he had experienced enough resets that these nightmares were a regular occurrence. If anything, Sans typically didn't get enough sleep rather than oversleeping.

But it was much easier to let Papyrus think he was lazy than tell him the real reason Sans was so tired all the time. Besides, for whatever reason, Papyrus seemed to have no memory or knowledge of Flowey's evil deeds, and Sans certainly didn't want to be the one to tell him. Actually, it seemed like Sans was the only one who knew about what Flowey had been up to. And while Sans had no idea why that was, he wasn't complaining. The resets, Flowey's unwillingness to stop as he killed monster after monster... It was terrible to experience, Sans wouldn't want anyone else to have to remember it.

And with how quiet Flowey had been recently, Sans figured he was planning something. Probably trying to lull Sans into a false sense of security, and then show up and kill everyone again. Sans dreaded whenever that was going to be. The nightmares were rough enough already.

For now... Sans supposed he should actually go to work. After all, before everything with Flowey, the job had given him the ability to take care of himself and his brother. So however tired he was, he still took it seriously and he wasn't going to try to skip work today. Sighing again, he left the house and started down the path to Snowdin Forest.

As he walked along the paths, checking to make sure everything was as it should be, he tried to keep his worrying to a minimum. After all, it wasn't going to stop Flowey from doing whatever he wanted. Nonetheless, especially right after nightmares, the memories stayed at the edges of his mind, reminding him of what had happened countless times before, and could happen again at any moment.

So far, there was nothing out of the ordinary to report, and Sans began to feel slightly more at ease due to the familiar scenery of the forest. It was a good place to go to clear one's mind, a quiet and peaceful area where there was rarely anyone else around. Most monsters didn't venture this far into the forest very much, Sans being the only one to do so due to his job. But just as he was starting to relax after settling into his routine, he saw something unusual.

Or rather, someone.

There was a figure huddled under a tree. Sans was confused; by now he was so deep into the forest, he practically never came across any other monsters wandering around. But he was even more confused when he started to approach the figure and realized it wasn't a monster. It was a human. Sans stopped, not wanting to get too close. After all, humans could be... Unpredictable. Some were friendly, but others were nearly as quick to attack as Flowey was. Regardless, Sans was the wait and see type, so he was certainly going to give the human the benefit of the doubt for now.

"heya. are you alright?"


Alia had decided to climb Mount Ebott. Most humans would consider such a decision to be a death wish. After all, there were longstanding rumors that anyone who climbed Mount Ebott would never return. This had been the belief of humans for over a century. Except... One human claimed to have climbed Mount Ebott and returned. They said they had found monsters there. They said they had explored a giant underground area. They said they had returned, and they were completely fine. That had apparently been years ago. Having heard their claims, Alia was extremely curious. About the monsters, about the Underground... About everything.

And it wasn't like she had any reason not to go.

So she started climbing the mountain. At first, it was just like climbing any other mountain. Alia was beginning to wonder if there was even actually anything unusual here at all. Maybe all of the rumors had been made up. But then something strange happened. The ground beneath her feet seemed to disappear, creating a gaping chasm beneath her. Alia felt herself falling. Confusion, shock, terror... All of these feelings coursed through her, but Alia couldn't do anything but keep falling.

Then, she landed. Looking around, she found herself in a flowerbed full of golden flowers. Surprisingly, she didn't feel any pain. This confused her even more. A fall that far should have injured her badly. Why did she feel completely fine? Well, Alia supposed that in order to reach the Underground, if that was in fact where she was now, the other human probably fell pretty far too, and they had obviously survived the fall. Before she could consider this further, a voice spoke up, gaining her attention.

"Howdy! I'm Flowey, Flowey the flower! You must be new to the Underground. You probably need someone to show you how things work around here. I guess little old me will have to do!" Alia looked over at the speaker and found... A flower. A flower with a face.

Suddenly, there was a red heart floating in front of her. Alia stared at it in confusion for several seconds, but Flowey spoke up again before she could ask what it was. "See that? That's your soul. The very culmination of your being! Right now, it's weak, but it can get stronger with LOVE. You want some LOVE, right? Don't worry, I'll share some with you! Down here, LOVE is shared through little... friendliness pellets."

Some small white orbs appeared in the air in front of Flowey.

"What? That is not-" A different voice spoke then, only to be cut off by Flowey, who appeared not to hear it.

"Here, catch as many as you can!"

"No! Dodge them!" The second voice again. Alia was incredibly confused. What was she supposed to do? But to her surprise, Flowey hesitated. The friendliness pellets suddenly disappeared. And then, the red heart... Her soul... Disappeared too.


Flowey had been surprised to find a human in the Ruins. It had been many years since the last human who fell. And he had been growing bored again. Very bored. Laying low for awhile to see how Sans would react to his sudden reappearance had been a fun idea when he first thought of it, but he had very much underestimated how boring it would be in the meantime. But now, here was someone new to mess with! Flowey had popped up and started his little speech, not really paying much attention to the human. After all, this human was just another toy to play with until he got bored of it.

Though, the red soul that appeared when he drew the human into a fight gave him pause for a moment. A red soul, just like...

They're gone. Focus on the present.

So Flowey continued, summoning his attacks with a cheery explanation. But just as he was about to send the attacks towards the human's soul, he took a closer, more careful look at the human for the first time, and saw.... A short child with brunette hair, and an expression of confusion and curiosity. A trusting expression. Just like many, many years ago, he had found another fallen child. And suddenly, all he could see was Chara, right after they fell.

Flowey immediately ended the battle, getting rid of the attacks and returning Chara's soul to safety.

"Ch-!" Flowey started, before quickly cutting himself off. Flowey was no longer the kindhearted little goat monster they would recognize as their brother. Now, he was a talking flower who had almost just tried to kill them. How could he?

"Never mind, I have to go, we'll have to talk again later!" Flowey said hastily, before burrowing into the ground.


Alia was even more confused by Flowey's sudden disappearance, and she laid back down in the flowers, trying to make sense of everything that had just happened. Was Flowey a monster? What was that about her soul? Frisk had never mentioned anything about that. And what about the friendliness pellets? And that other voice? Why had the other voice told her to dodge? Why had Flowey stopped and left like that? She didn't think it was because the voice had told her to dodge, because Flowey hadn't seemed to be able to hear it the first time.

Alia didn't really have much time to try to figure out all the confusing thoughts going through her mind, though, since she soon heard footsteps approaching. Looking over, Alia found a goat monster walking towards her.

"Mom!" the voice who had spoken up during her strange interaction with Flowey cried out. Alia finally had an opportunity to actually look and see who the source of the voice was, and was surprised to find a child who seemed to be about the same age as her floating nearby. Wait, floating? Were they a ghost?

Alia looked back at the goat monster, but it seemed she hadn't been able to hear the voice either. Was Alia the only one who could hear them?


Chara had been unconscious for a very long time. They had actually rather expected that to last quite a significant amount of time longer, considering they were dead. But suddenly, they felt something they had not felt in a very long time.


It had not been difficult to locate the source. A human child who looked... Surprisingly similar to themself was standing nearby, listening to a flower who was talking to her. Chara was very confused about that; they had never met a talking flower before. Well, aside from the echo flowers in Waterfall, but this one was definitely not an echo flower.

Then, the flower summoned some attacks, clearly intending on harming the human. Though Chara was not a fan of humans in general, they did not want to see someone get hurt. So they warned the human to dodge, although fortunately it seemed the warning had not been necessary because the flower suddenly ended the battle without attacking.

Chara had barely had a chance to process any of the incredibly strange wake up call they had just experienced before they got yet another surprise when Toriel walked over. They were, of course, very happy to see her, though they were also rather confused about what she was doing all the way here in the Ruins. The confusion could wait, though. They were just glad she was here. She always knew what to say to help them feel better.


It did not seem like Toriel heard them when they called out to her.

Come to think of it, the talking flower had not seemed to be able to hear them, either.

But the human looked directly at them when they spoke. Was she the only one who could hear them?
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Re: Fallen twice (Potato x Sans)

Post by PossessedPotato »

Mira thought of herself usually as a calm and clear headed adult who didn't belive in things like monsters and demons, the thought of the stories often told to children of the odd things about Mt Ebott were just that...stories for children to keep them away from dangerous areas.

The silence of this strange cavern was eerie though, her too in shock to even wonder how fir trees this large grew in a place with such little sunlight as she sighed and looked at the 'ceiling' far, far above when she had fallen.

'Well, no going out that way I guess'

The brunette was only mildly educated in emergency care as she took the band keeping her hair out of her face and attempted to make a makeshift band for her broken leg, shuffling her torn pant leg up to cushion it and keeping it in place with said band.

Wincing in pain at the pressure, it would serve to help her navigate better if she could just find a stick or branch to attempt to hobble out of here without having to move her limb much-


The girl nearly jumping a foot in the air at the sound of a male v o i c e of all things from nearby as she snapped back to reality, Mira's branch idea came to a sudden stop as she spied a short figure clad in a blue Hoodie about ten feet away, her almost thinking it was somehow another human as relief filled her Soul.

The lightly falling snow obscuring
the short figure for a moment as she was about to explain her predicament and ask for help, Mira's dark eyes widened as the empty sockets and wide grin of this 'human' became more clear, instinctual fear taking over as she pressed her back to the tree she was leaning on.

"What -are- you?? You can talk??", Confused curiosity bring mixed in with her fear as the skeleton merely asked her how she was instead of attacking as she assumed a creature like this would, Mira didn't make a move towards the weapon in her bag as she could have done....something in her told her it wasn't necessary despite her shock, "Can you help me...please? I don't want to fight you....".


Toriel, through reset fatigue and the pace of time, unfortunately didn't know much about the tiny flower that had threatened Alia's life as soon as they fell into the ruins, her only really remembering that once she had to knock a rather obnoxious plant creature away from her dear Frisk long ago that was threatening them.

Frisk, the quiet child who had managed to make it back to the surface....Toriel did wonder how they were doing back where they belonged and if they were happy being among other humans again.

"My child, are you all right??", Toriel unaware of the second, unearthly child that had called out to her, it didn't seem as if this youngster was terribly injured by their fall, the goat mom breathing a sigh of relief as she helped the child to get to their feet, "May I ask your name, young one? I am Toriel, Caretaker of the Ruins and It has been a very long time since any human has fallen down here".

This human....it hurt to look at how similar they were to the first child who fell, her dear Chara from nearly 100 years ago. Toriel knew in her heart of hearts that even if they had lived she would have had to say goodbye inevitably due to humans short lifespans compared to monsters, the pain of 'that night'....losing two children and along with them hope for the future, still weighed heavy on her after all this time.

"I will guide you through the catacombs, dear. Do not worry, I will keep you safe", The motherly smile on the goat moms face being genuine as she led Alia along a purple hued corridor, the bricks were flecked with age and centuries of plants and moss creeping along the ancient walls.
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Re: Fallen twice (Potato x Sans)

Post by SeriousSans »

Seeing that his question seemed to have startled the human, Sans watched uncertainly as she looked over at him. Hopefully he had not startled her too much; the last thing he needed right now was for her to think he was a threat. A fight with a recently fallen human was not something he wanted to deal with today, or any day really, especially considering he only had one HP. And he definitely did not have the energy he would need to get through a battle, due to his lack of sleep the previous night.

At least she seemed to be willing to talk at the moment. Sans was careful not to make any sudden movements and stayed where he was, not getting any closer. After all, the human did look afraid, though fortunately there was also some curiosity and confusion in her expression. Maybe that meant she would hear him out?

"i'm a monster, specifically a skeleton," Sans began, figuring if he answered her questions it might put her mind at ease somewhat. "i don't want to fight either. none of us monsters do." Sans wasn't sure what the rumors regarding monsters were like on the surface nowadays. Previously, they had been quite negative, but he had no idea whether Frisk's experience in the Underground had any effect on making them more positive, or at least neutral.

Taking note of the makeshift band around the human's leg, Sans wondered if she was injured. If she was, maybe offering something to help fix her leg would help show he meant what he was saying and that there was no need for any fights. "is your leg injured? monster food can help heal physical injuries; i have some with me if you want it."

All he could do was hope that his offer of help would be enough to convince the human he wasn't a threat. If she didn't believe him, this could easily go very bad very fast. Even with an injury, the human would likely outlast him in a fight if she decided to attack him, he was just too tired to dodge attacks over and over right now.

Though, it seemed like she had meant it when she said she didn't want to fight. Sans was pretty good at judging people's intentions, and she sounded genuine enough when she spoke. Of course, things could change in an instant when someone was scared, but hopefully that would not be the case here. The human had tried speaking with him first, after all. That had to count for something.

So, while he didn't fully let his guard down, he decided to be cautiously optimistic about this encounter turning out okay.

It was a good thing he had decided to bring along some monster food today. Sans didn't have any healing related abilities himself, and he wasn't sure how well the human would take having to travel through this whole forest to get to someone who did have healing abilities. Especially with an injured leg.

Well, he supposed he could have tried teleporting her to Alphys' lab if he had needed to, but he wasn't really sure how the human would react to teleportation, or magic in general, either. Maybe it would only scare her more. That wasn't really something Sans was interested in finding out the hard way.


Alia momentarily thought she had been mistaken about the goat monster being unable to hear the ghost when she spoke. But when she reached out to help Alia to her feet afterwards, Alia realized the monster had been speaking to her. She couldn't help but feel a bit awkward about the monster calling her 'my child' in front of the ghost, and glanced at them with concern.

The ghost appeared surprised by her concern for a moment, before telling her not to worry about it.

"It's nice to meet you, Toriel. I'm Alia," Alia replied, managing a reassuring smile towards Toriel despite her concern for the ghost not being fully alleviated. For now, though, she supposed she should focus on the conversation with Toriel; considering Toriel apparently could not hear the ghost, trying to converse with them now would only confuse her. Besides, Alia would definitely make things super awkward if her talking with the ghost caused Toriel to realize they were there, but she couldn't talk with them.

And Alia usually made things awkward enough as it was.

So instead, Alia simply followed Toriel when she began leading the way through the Ruins. She glanced around curiously at the old, purple bricks, and the plant life that was spreading over them. Well, she had been wondering about what the Underground was like; at least she had an opportunity to explore it now! Alia noticed the ghost following along as well, appearing deep in thought. She still felt bad they could not communicate with their mother, despite her being right here. Maybe there was some way Alia could help?

Although it was probably unrealistic to think she could do much. After all, she still had no idea why she could hear the ghost in the first place, when it seemed like nobody else could. She would just have to wait and see, she supposed. In the meantime, she would just focus on learning as much as she could about this place, one never knew what seemingly minor detail might prove useful in the future!

"Thank you, Toriel," Alia said with another smile at the goat monster. She was eager to see everything, but she definitely felt better having someone around to guide her, so she wouldn't get lost or anything. She really had no idea what to expect, to be honest. But she still felt optimistic that coming here had been a good thing, even if she couldn't fully explain why.


Flowey knew that if he could feel emotions, he would feel joy that Chara was back. As it was, he couldn't truly feel that emotion, but he had this unshakable sense that he should feel it. Another thing he sensed he should be feeling was guilt that he had nearly attacked them. Why hadn't he thought to look closer at them before going straight into a battle? For the first few moments after he burrowed into the ground, Flowey was planning to load a save he happened to make a few days ago. Then, when they showed up again, he would be prepared. When they showed up, he would greet them properly, and they could be siblings again, just like before.

Except when he tried to load the save, he couldn't. It seemed like the ability he had taken for granted and used countless times was simply gone now. There was no going back, there was no way to fix the awkward encounter they had just had.

At least it seemed like Chara hadn't realized what he was doing. If he made sure to never summon any 'friendliness pellets' around them again, they would never have to know. From now on, he would just make sure he was a lot nicer to them, and surely everything would be fine.

Flowey couldn't help but think this was the absolute worst timing for him to lose his ability to save and load. After all, he had spent so much time treating the Underground and its inhabitants like a toy. It had been a long time since he had tried to genuinely be nice to someone, not to trick them, but because he actually wanted to be friends with them. What if he messed up? Flowey couldn't stand the idea of losing his sibling again, especially when they had only just come back.
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Re: Fallen twice (Potato x Sans)

Post by PossessedPotato »

"A skeleton?....A monster??", Mira still feeling naturally afraid of this stranger as she had little idea that the rumors of 'monsters' existing in the mountains were true, if anything her idea of monsters was werewolves and vampires who would attack a human on sight, not a short skeleman who seemed as calm and relaxed as this, "This can't be real, it's....but it has to be....its....".

Mira sighing as she tried to calm herself and put it in her heart that she really wasn't going to be hurt or tricked, something in her Soul told her to take this chance at help and put her fear aside for now.

'He is just bones, right? Even if he is lying and did attack I could take him in a fight I'm pretty sure'

Mira blushing a bit when Sans offered her some 'monster food' that could supposedly help heal her injuries, the girl looked down at her badly wrapped leg and knew that this would be the best option...unless she wanted to try to make it out of this forest alone somehow.

"Uh....sure", Mira speaking shyly as she nodded at the offer of food to help her injury, she wasn't sure what monster food was but this skeleton seemed to be just as wary of her and she was as him but hopefully they really met no harm, "Can I ask why your helping me though? I wouldn't think a monster would ever want to help a human....I always thought your kind eats us and that's why there are so many weird dissapearances around here.....".


Toriel was fully unaware of the ghost of Chara tagging along with Alia and not thinking it was awkward at all to acknowledge the human as she often did to those who looked like they needed guidance and care.

If she had know about this spirit revived by Alias falling there would have been a terrible old wound opened in the old monsters heart, the thought of somehow the first fallen child existing but unable to be held or loved or...seen being a living Hell.

Of course, for all she knew Alia, being a human, could be dangerous towards her and the rest of the Underground if they so close to be but time and time again (or so she remembered) the children that fell down here were kindly and innocent, only wanting to find a way home....before....

No, she would not entertain such a thought.

"Alia? Thats a lovely name, dear", Toriel holding Alias small hand in her paw as she led the child through the ruins, a few small froggits hopped here and there when they saw the approaching human, the goat mom leading Alia over a odd, strange spiked floor that seemed to have a pattern in the previous room explaining its path.

"I used to have fallen humans navigate these puzzles on their own to test their independence but unfortunately they have been falling into a bit of disrepair lately. It might be best just to keep close for now", Toriel hadn't been unaware of the former fallen child, Frisk, falling into old, cracked floor tiles and almost impaling themselves on spikes when they had wandered about on their own, "There....is one thing I would like you to do, my child".

The pair approaching what looked like a rough sewn dummy, it stared blankly at Alia with button eyes, Toriel letting go of Alias hand to encourage them to approach the 'creature', "I want you to talk to this dummy, make a conversation".
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Re: Fallen twice (Potato x Sans)

Post by SeriousSans »

Sans felt worried about the human's reaction to his explanation about being a monster. It seemed like she was still scared, maybe even more so than before, which made him think that most likely, the general opinion about monsters on the surface was still pretty bad. Nonetheless, Sans made sure to keep his expression and posture calm. Maybe if he seemed calm enough, it would help her calm down, too? At the very least, he certainly did not want to cause the tension to escalate.

Fortunately, the human seemed receptive to the offer of monster food. Surely helping to heal her injuries would show he meant no harm, right? Sans slowly took a hot dog out from the pocket of his hoodie, holding it up so the human could see it was in fact food before cautiously taking a few steps closer and holding it out for her to take. Still, Sans made sure to keep enough distance between them that he would be able to get away quickly just in case the human decided to attack him instead.

Hearing the human's questions left Sans very confused. She thought monsters ate humans? Sure, he knew humans didn't like monsters, but where did they get that idea? Shaking off the thought, he focused on answering the questions. Hopefully, talking things out would help her to see that the rumors about monsters on the surface weren't actually true.

"we don't eat humans. as for the disappearances, well, when the humans trapped us monsters under this mountain, they put up a barrier to keep us from leaving. i'm not sure exactly how it works, but it seems like it prevents humans who end up down here from leaving too. there was one human who was able to leave, though, years ago. but i don't know how they did it, and i don't know if anyone else knows either, unless they told someone when they got back to the surface?" Sans shrugged uncertainly, not really having any idea whether Frisk had even told anyone about what had happened in the Underground.

It kind of seemed like they hadn't, if humans still thought monsters would hurt them. Or maybe they had tried, but most people didn't believe them? Considering how humans literally trapped the monsters under a mountain, it seemed like they really didn't like monsters, so maybe they just ignored anyone who might try to explain what monsters were actually like.

"and i'm helping because, like i said, i don't want to fight. us monsters aren't like... the stuff you heard about us on the surface. we would rather just live in peace."


Alia glanced at the ghost again with concern when Toriel took her hand. They again told her not to worry about it, but she still couldn't help but feel like she was replacing them. She didn't like that feeling. But she also had no idea how to explain it. After all, if Toriel could not see or hear the ghost, how could Alia convince her they were actually there? And wouldn't it only make things worse, since Toriel would certainly be sad if she knew her child was there, but she couldn't see them?

So, she just kept following Toriel, looking around and taking in the scenery of the Ruins. Alia waved slightly at the little frogs that hopped by, and when she noticed that seemed to make the ghost's smile a bit more genuine, she decided she would make an effort to be kind to all of the monsters. Not to replace the ghost, but to make them happy. And someday, maybe she could find a way to help the monsters see them again.

Alia hesitated a bit when she saw the spike puzzle on the floor in front of her. Though Toriel started leading the way through it, it was still a bit scary to actually step on tiles that had spikes on them. "It will be okay, some of these spikes cannot hurt you. Just follow where she steps, and you will be completely fine," the ghost said reassuringly. Alia nodded, and followed Toriel across the puzzle, being very careful to only step on the tiles Toriel stepped on. When they reached the other side unscathed, Alia looked back at the ghost with a smile.

Next, Toriel led her to a dummy. While she was a bit confused by Toriel's request for her to start a conversation with the dummy, she had already met a talking flower and a ghost, so at this point she figured pretty much anything could be sentient. Maybe the dummy was, too. "Okay," she agreed, before turning to the dummy.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you! I'm Alia. What is your name?" Alia said with a smile.


Chara was very surprised by how concerned this human seemed to be about their feelings. No human had ever cared about their feelings before. In fact, lots of humans had bullied them when they were on the surface. It was only after they fell into the Underground and met the monsters that they had learned what it was like to be cared about. Really, they had never even had a positive encounter with another human before. But Alia... She was different. She took their feelings into account, even though they were a ghost no one else could hear or see.

As distrustful as they- rightfully- were of most humans, Chara did not sense any reason to be distrustful of Alia. She had been polite and nice to the monsters she had encountered so far, even that strange flower that had almost attacked her. She seemed genuine, too. There was not a hint of deceit in her tone or her actions. They wondered how and why she had ended up here. After all, there had been rumors among humans even when they were still alive that anyone who climbed Mount Ebott would never return.

Maybe they and Alia had more in common than just their appearances...

So they decided to try to help her as she adjusted to life in the Underground. They started by reassuring her about the puzzle with the spikes. It seemed to have helped, and as she smiled back at them, Chara decided that maybe, there were humans who were not so bad. Well, one specific one, anyway.
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Re: Fallen twice (Potato x Sans)

Post by PossessedPotato »

(Dummys response is a bit short because dummy lol)

Mira wasn't too sure that monsters didn't eat humans with how many people had gone missing in these mountains and was clearly distraught by the idea of this stranger seeing her as food, even with his friendly seeming disposition she couldn't be too wary.

What if he was trying to lull her into a false sense of security?

What else could she hope to come along to help her though? A human?

The girl listening nervously to Sans explanation that monsters in fact did not eat humans and that other humans had fallen before her, thinking back she had- heard that a child a few years back claimed to have somehow gotten out of 'The Underground' but few believed them, the idea simply seeming too far fetched for most.

"Me and you are alike then....", Mira trying to give the skeleton a small smile to show she really did mean no harm, she shifted her injured leg with a wince as the grating tension between them was starting to difuse, "I've uh, never met a monster before so this is kinda new for me. S-sorry if I came off as rude just now too".


The dummy stared at Alia still with its button eyes, not responding to stimuli but somehow seeming sentient at the same time as Toriel looked on hopefully, as if she hoped Alia would find the solution on their own.

"Perhaps a compliment?", Toriel hoping to edge Alia to the right idea as the dummy simply stared, perhaps this would be difficult for someone as young as Alia?...No, surely not, every, well almost, every human that fell down here made the good choice.
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Re: Fallen twice (Potato x Sans)

Post by SeriousSans »

(That's fine lol)

Sans stood there awkwardly holding the hot dog out as the human considered his words. Truthfully, he kind of wanted to move a bit farther away in case she decided she didn't believe him, but he managed to stifle that thought and stay where he was. For now, his best bet was just to look as calm as possible and hope that she would believe him. She was listening, at least, and he had been standing here long enough that if she'd been planning to attack him, she easily could have by now.

Still, he was keeping his guard up and he would be ready to move away in an instant if he needed to.

When the human spoke and managed a small smile, Sans felt relieved. As well as he had been hiding it, this encounter had been quite stressful for him. However, there was still a tiny bit of worry in the back of his mind that this could be a trick, which prevented him from relaxing completely. After everything that had happened with Flowey, Sans couldn't help but be a little overly cautious about something being a trick. But the human seemed to mean what she was saying, so that was a good sign.

"hey, snow worries." Sans said, trying to lighten the mood with a pun. Hopefully his sense of humor wouldn't annoy her as much as his brother claimed it annoyed him. Telling jokes and puns had become his coping mechanism, a way to easily distract Papyrus- and anyone else- from how he was actually feeling. Any time it seemed like Papyrus might have noticed something was going on with him, he could tell a couple puns and Papyrus's focus would shift completely to complaining about his terrible jokes. And pretty much everyone else just saw him as a 'class clown' type and generally never looked any deeper than that.

Seeing the human wince after shifting her leg, Sans felt concerned. It seemed her injury was pretty bad, her leg might even be broken. Sans didn't like seeing people hurt, and he really did want to help her. So, despite his uneasiness about moving any closer to the human, he took another small step forward so the hot dog would be easier for her to reach without moving her leg.

"here, try the hot dog. it'll help your leg," he said with a reassuring smile.


Alia waited for something to happen after she spoke, but as the moments passed and the dummy did not react in any way, she started to get nervous. Did she say something wrong? Was that not what Toriel had meant by starting a conversation? But... How else do you start a conversation? Was there some specific way that monsters started conversations? Then again, Flowey and Toriel had both introduced themselves when she first met them. Or was that just because she was a human? Maybe it was different if a human was greeting a monster?

"Alia, breathe." Alia glanced over at the ghost, and saw them watching her with concern. "You are doing great. I am sure she will explain what she means further."

Sure enough, Toriel spoke again, telling her to give the dummy a compliment. Alia nodded, turning back to the dummy and managing another smile. "Your eyes are really cool," she said, hoping she understood what Toriel meant. She really did want to be friends with the dummy, and all the other monsters too.
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Re: Fallen twice (Potato x Sans)

Post by PossessedPotato »

Miras stomach rumbling at the hotdog that this odd skeleton was holding, she honestly was willing to risk anything at this point to get out of the cold and fill her belly, the nervousness between the two that the other might attack remaining even as Mira smiled nervously and Sans cracked a pun.

"Thats....", Mira giggling at the bad pun as she smiled and shook her head as she nodded her thanks and took the hotdog that was offered to her, it looked like a normal 'human' dog....but upon taking a small bite it was clearly different, much different.

It wasn't immediate but the pain in her injured leg slowly began to wither away, it dulling to a faint bruise as it....almost felt like her leg had never been broken at all.

"Whoah!", Miras flushed, cold cheeks brightening as she gave standing up a good try, to her amazement she was able to do so with little effort, her realizing she was only slightly taller than Sans, "U-uh, thank you so much! Im not really sure this will be the best repayment, but.....", Mira rummaging through her bag as she eventually pulled out a energy bar, it was the most she could do right now, "Its 'human' food, since your monsters and all~".


The dummy, with its blank eyes and mouthless form seemed to react in its own way towards Alias compliment of its eyes, the apparently 'lifeless' thing floating off into the air and away from sight as if it was too shy to continue this conversation any further.

"Oh! I...wasn't expecting that", Toriel seeming a bit confused by the dummy flying off, nevertheless she smiled and gave her thanks to young Alia, "You are good, very good, now come along~".

Toriel leading Alia through the ruins and towards what seemed like a especially long hallway, Toriel stopped before entering the long space and despite seeming reluctant patted the small human on the head, "This is a test I need you to do yourself, young one, forgive me for this....traverse this hallway on your own please".

Despite this small test being one she gave to every human it did have a important purpose, many small monsters appearing on this path and the goat needing to know if Alia would make peace with them without her presence.

It used to be that she wouldn't dare a child to get close to 'her' children but even since Frisk had fallen a few years ago and had interacted with Froggits and Whimsums perfectly fine....she had begun to feel a bit less tense about the idea of letting things play out without her interference. (Sometimes)

Of course, the goat mom was hiding behind a pillar at the end of the tunnel waiting to see if Alia would traverse the lightly populated area, the pair almost being home and Toriel quite excited to show the youngster where they would be staying for hopefully a long time.
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Re: Fallen twice (Potato x Sans)

Post by SeriousSans »

Sans' smile became more genuine as the human laughed at his pun. At least he had been able to lighten the mood a bit, and it seemed like it had helped lessen the unease between them slightly. Good thing Papyrus wasn't within hearing distance, Sans could almost imagine him shouting about 'bad puns' and scaring the human even more. Fortunately, they were so deep in the forest that no one beyond it would have been able to hear him telling jokes.

Sans watched as the human took a bite of the hot dog, waiting patiently as the magic of monster food got to work healing her injury. When she was able to stand without any issues, Sans felt relieved. Curiosity filled him when the human started searching through her bag, wondering what she was looking for. At least it didn't sound like it would be a weapon or anything, she sounded like she was genuinely grateful about her leg being healed so he doubted she was trying to trick him.

Sans was immediately interested when he saw the energy bar. Could this human food actually give him energy? While he knew of the ability of monster food to heal injuries, he'd never really had a chance to learn about human food and any abilities it might have. If this really could give him energy... It would be a good trick to have up his sleeve if Flowey decided to show up again sometime soon. Though, hopefully he wouldn't need to use it, since he really didn't want anyone to get hurt. But it was better to be prepared than to just hope something didn't happen.

"this seems really cool. thanks," he replied with a smile, before realizing how cold it was and that humans probably were not as capable of weathering the low temperatures as a skeleton monster was. "uh, speaking of cool, do you need to go somewhere warmer? I can show you the way out of the forest if you want. i live in a town that isn't too far from here."


Alia waited nervously for the dummy's response, uncertain what it thought of her efforts due to its silence and unreadable expression. When it suddenly floated away, Alia felt confused. Why did it leave? Did it not like the compliment? Was there something else she should have said instead? Why was socializing so confusing? She supposed she really shouldn't be so surprised. It wasn't like her inability to hold a conversation was anything new. She had the same issues when she had tried to interact with her classmates at school. By now, she had basically accepted her status as the 'outcast.' Why had she expected things to be different here?

Toriel seemed to think she had done well, though. Maybe the dummy's reaction was normal for monsters? Then again, Toriel had also seemed confused by it floating away. She glanced at the ghost, who looked confused as well. Even so, when they saw her looking at them, they smiled reassuringly. "I am not sure either, but you do not need to worry. The monsters are all very nice, perhaps the dummy was just shy?"

Alia considered this. She could understand that; it was quite reasonable that it might have been just as overwhelmed as she was. Maybe she would come across it again later and see if it was willing to be friends then. Nodding discreetly with a grateful smile at the ghost, Alia felt a little better about things.

Toriel began leading the way onward again, and Alia followed, trying to push aside her confusion and uncertainty after the encounter with the dummy. When Toriel stopped at the entrance of a long hallway, Alia looked around curiously, wondering if there was some significance to the hallway. It looked like a relatively normal hallway, but she supposed appearances could be deceiving. When Toriel explained she needed to cross the hallway on her own as a test, Alia felt almost certain there had to be something else in the hallway- another puzzle, perhaps?- but to her surprise, nothing happened as she began walking along the path.

A frog much like those she had seen earlier approached her as she was walking, though. It made a ribbit sound, almost like it was trying to speak with her. Alia wasn't sure what it was saying, but fortunately the ghost spoke up before she could get too anxious about it. "I can translate for the froggit, if you want."

Alia nodded, and the ghost began talking her through a conversation with the froggit. It went much better than she had been expecting after her awkward attempt to talk with the dummy, and by the end of the conversation she was feeling a lot better about things. As the froggit hopped away, Alia turned to the ghost and smiled, whispering a quiet, "Thank you."

Continuing down the hallway, a few more monsters approached her, but with the help of the ghost, Alia was able to hold a short conversation with each of them. Soon enough, Alia had reached the end of the hallway, and she looked around for Toriel, eventually spotting her standing behind a pillar. She wondered what the test had been. Hopefully, she had passed it, whatever it was.

If she had, it was definitely thanks to the ghost. Without them, she never would have been able to figure out what the froggits were saying. She probably would have still been feeling down about the encounter with the dummy, too. And as far as she could tell, they really had no reason to be helping her so much. But they did anyway. Alia felt herself smiling genuinely. Maybe, despite her social awkwardness and confusion, she had actually managed to make a friend.
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