audrei9's diary thing

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

Post by audrei9 »

The market place is situated just outside the Keep’s main building, the closest place people can usually come near the great fortress. Entering the center of the Keep would require the express permission of a Magi, and not many people have a valid reason to be allowed inside. Out here, however, many people gather, and the long lane is usually crowded. It is here where farmers and merchants offer their goods to magi and visitors alike, competing amiably with each other. Shops try to lure customers in with their various wares on display, while coffee houses attract attention with the beguiling smells of hot beverages. If you need a new pair of boots, beautiful handmade jewelry, or just a place to meet and relax with friends, this is it.

Leisurely, you stroll through the market, stopping now and then to handle something on display. Even though you are not high in the hierarchy of the Keep, people respectfully greet you as you go past. You smile and nod to them in return, showing your high spirits to these people. They might not be magi, but it is they who provide food and other goods to the Keep; even the most powerful magi would starve without these hardworking people.

You have just stopped to inspect a small, wonderfully carved wooden statue that caught your eye, when you notice something odd. Out of the corner of your eye, you see one of your fellow students looking around furtively, then vanishing into a small dark alley. He is not someone you know by name, but you have seen him around the Keep, and your interest is piqued. Putting the statue back on the table absentmindedly, you follow in the student's path to the narrow street and peer inside curiously. Not a street, you quickly correct yourself; a stairway, leading down only a few steps and ending at a dark wooden door. The student who just passed through is nowhere to be seen; he can only have gone through the door, as the opening doesn’t lead anywhere else. You take a look around, then realize you probably seem just as suspicious as your colleague and grin at yourself. Curiosity gaining the upper hand, you walk down the steps and, hesitating briefly, knock on the worn door.

A small window in the door is opened from within and a face peers out. "You are not a member," the man inside says in a high, sharp voice. "Go away!"

Before he can close the window again, you quickly speak: "But I want to become a member! What do I have to do for that?"

The man looks at you doubtfully, but answers: "To prove you are worthy of even being considered, show us that you can tame a dark and dangerous creature! Then we will consider your application!" The expression on his pinch face expresses his doubts about you.

"What creature would that be?" you ask, desperate for some more information, but the only reply you get is "Find out!", as the window slams shut on you.

Do you want to try to become a member of this mysterious organization?

copy pasting because this is probably a chain event like from guardian tales

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

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You walk slowly across the grounds outside the Keep, returning from a visit to Lake Lakira. Although it is a fine day, you cannot enjoy it as much as you should. Your thoughts keep dwelling on the strange occurence of about two weeks ago. While it hasn't happened to you, you have heared several accounts of that night, and all of them are similar. In the deepest of night, before even a glimmer of dawn had appeared on the horizon, students have been wakened by whining and scratching. When looking around drowsily, they saw their Rewin Dragon standing at a window or the door, whining and scratching at the panels, obviously wanting to be let out. Students had been trying to calm their dragons down; some by talking, some by petting them, some even trying to distract them with food, but nothing made the little creatures stop the noise. Many finally decided to let the dragons out, hoping to catch another few hours sleep that way. By now, they all wish they had left that window closed; not even a single scale of these dragons has been seen ever since, and worry is great among the students that something might have happened to their creatures. Everyone seems to be mystified about where they have gone.

As you enter the Keep, a young boy, one of the first year students judging from his age, hails you. "Excuse me," he says. "Master Belmos sent me; he wants to talk to you. He is awaiting you in the Nursery at your earliest convenience."
You thank the boy and make haste towards the Nursery. Master Belmos is kind enough under his gruff demeanor, but it doesn't do to keep him waiting.You descend deep into the bowels of the Keep, to the large vaults occupied by the Nursery. After a quick knock, you enter the room; it has the feel of a library, but instead of books, it is lined with nests holding eggs that are kept in the shelves that cover the walls of the vault, only interrupted by the doors leading to adjacent rooms. In the middle of the room, a desk is standing that seems tiny compared to the background of the high shelves. Master Belmos is sitting behind it, peering up at you over his reading glasses as you enter. A low growl comes from below the table, but the master silences it with a quick gesture of his hand. You catch a glimpse of the large, white direwolf lying there and you suspect it to be either Kolsyn or Dydrist, one of the famous pair of direwolves specially bred as guardians of the Nursery.
"Ah, my dear, good of you to come so quickly." Belmos says. "Please have a seat!" After you took place on the chair standing opposite the desk, he continues: "You might have noticed that many Rewin Dragons have left the Keep some time ago and have not returned so far." You nod, but do not interupt him. "Usually, that would not be a matter of concern. It is a journey some of them take upon themselves every few years. However, this time their return is long overdue, and we are curious as to what has caused this delay." The master takes off his glasses and leans back in his chair. "Unfortunately, my duties do not allow me to look into this matter myself. Therefore, I would ask you to undertake this journey on my behalf. You will have to travel to the Callisto Islands and make your way to a small island there, by the name of Rone. Someone among the local fishermen will surely know how to find it. Find out if the Rewin Dragons are still there, and what is keeping them. Of course I expect you to make extensive notes of what you find. Are you willing to undertake this journey for me?"

another chain event

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

Post by audrei9 »

Peering into your cauldron, you watch carefully as your potion brews. The amber liquid swirls are mesmerizing before your eyes, and as you peer in you almost feel as though the magic is speaking to you. Bending closer, the aroma of the potion drifts upward, and in a flash, you are experiencing a vision. It is nothing concrete, and you see only rushing shapes. Everything is dark and fluid, but the feeling of fear and need rushes through you. Someone, somewhere, needs help. They are close, full of magic, and are reaching out to you. You must go to them. Will you?

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

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It is said that in the dead of winter, strange creatures walk the nights, wandering through the dark. More superstitious people do not venture forth after the sun sets, wary of strange beasts. But for those who dare to, nighttime walks can be most interesting.

It is a cold evening at The Keep; snow has been falling at a steady pace all day, and the ground is heavily carpeted with the downy flakes. The sun is slipping behind a distant mountain, making the air even chillier. You would normally be tucked away inside your rooms, windows barred shut and a fire burning merrily, but for a strange note you found. It was slipped under your door while you slept, and one of your many companions brought it to you as you awoke. The letter was written on old, yellowing parchment, and the hand was unfamiliar to you. It read:

“I write to alert you of someone in need. It is heard that the magi help those who require assistance, and unfortunately you are my last hope. I beseech you to travel to the most southern of the caves of Nareau. There you will find someone who is in great need of your help. My many thanks.”

Do you want to travel to the caves? It is a long trek, and the weather is not agreeable.

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

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With a sigh of relief, you sit down on the bench in one of the Keep's many gardens. It has been a long morning, full of various tasks and chores, and you're happy to get a few minutes of rest. Not to mention the sandwich you grabbed on your way through the kitchen. You take a big bite out of it, catching a few falling crumbs in your hand and throwing it to a Jerboa Rat that is watching you curiously from a few feet away. You eat another piece when you hear someone call your name. You look up and see a young magi come toward you, a friend of yours called Helen. She comes toward you and asks: "Taking a break?" You nod and hold up your sandwich as an answer. "Good, good," she says, standing in front of you and smiling broadly. "What," you ask. "Is anything the matter?" She grins and replies: "Don't you notice something?" You look at her, wondering what she could mean, when she reaches into a pouch and carefully pulls out an egg you haven't seen before, greyish with a green gem on it. "Look what I got here," she says. "What egg is that?" you ask. "I've not seen its like before." - "I don't know yet what it will hatch into," she replies. "I didn't ask because I want it to be a surprise. As to where I got it," she continues before you can speak, "they are only sold to members of the Society of the Trident; and as of this morning, I have been accepted into their ranks." She smiles and points to a small blue emblem sewn to the front of her robes. "Congratulations!" you reply. "But what is the Society of the Trident?" - "We," Helen says, and you hear the emphasis put into that single word, "are magi who have dedicated ourselves to caring for and learning about aquatic creatures. Whether they live in lakes, rivers or the seas, we are interested in all of them." She gives you a calculating look. "Now that I am a member, I am allowed to introduce potential new members, you know," she tells you slowly. "Perhaps you would be interested?"

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

Post by audrei9 »

You meet Helen in front of one of the smaller festive halls of the Keep. "Why did you want to see me?" you ask. "The Society of the Trident is having a gathering here today," she explains. "It will be an opportunity to introduce you to the Lord of the Seas, which is necessary if you want to join the Society." - "The Lord of the Seas, huh?" you reply. "Well, isn't that a mouthful. Who is he?" - "He's the head of the Society here at the Keep," Helen explains, "and since this is the headquarters, the head of the Society in general. Well, actually one of the two heads, there's also a Lady of the Seas, but she's away on some business currently. Now come, let's go in!"
The two of you enter the hall, where a man asks you your business. A few explaining words from Helen later, he nods you through. Inside, tables have been erected, laden with food and drinks that are placed around ice sculptures and small fountains. Magi are standing or sitting in small groups around the room, many of them clothed in blue or green robes. All of them have the same emblem sewn to their robes that Helen showed you.
Helen heads toward a group in the back of the hall that has assembled around a plump elderly man sitting on a chair. He is draped into pale blue robes embroidered with gold, a squarely cut, curly beard hanging down to his breast. Other groups of Magi are keeping some distance from this one, telling you that these people must be of some importance. Helen approaches the group and curtsies, then addresses the man on the chair. "Excuse me, Lord of the Seas. I have brought a friend who is interested in joining the Society. I would like you to meet them." She steps aside and waves you forward. You take a few steps to stand in front of the Lord of the Seas, who looks at you thoughtfully. "I am sure you have heard tales about the privileges entailed in joining the Society of the Trident," he says, flashing Helen a look that makes her blush. "I hope you are also aware there are duties that go with thise privileges?" He waits for you to nod, then continues: "Of course there are also certain requirements for joining. First of all, members of our Society need to have an interest in those creatures living in the water, whether in rivers lakes or the sea. I assume you do, or you would not be here." Not waiting for you to agree, he keeps speaking. "Secondly, those who want to join must be proven friends to the merfolk." He snaps a finger at one of the Magi standing nearby, a slender man in his thirties, wearing glasses. "This is Meros, the local Lord of the Rivers," he explains. "That means he is responsible for the daily administrative duties in the Society," Helen whispers into your ear helpfully, then falls silent again as she earns another look from the Lord of the Seas. "Give him your name and he will inquire if you are known among the merfolk. Once that little matter is out of the way, he will let you know what else is required." He nods at Meros, who pulls you to the side and asks you your name, scribbling it down busily when you give it. "It will take a bit to hear back from the merfolk," he tells you. "You can call on my office in a few days."

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

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There's a tingle on your skin, a sense of something deep beneath your feet, that's been building ever since the fox collection began. Every student who has contributed has brought their foxes by the strange room, the foxes themselves seemingly unfazed by whatever magics are present. But their presence is clearly having an effect.

The writing on the wall of the room is constantly illuminated now, each line that describes elemental magic a different color. The lights cast rainbow illumination into the depression in the floor, which seems to swirl like liquid, even though it is simply the glow of magic. The magic laps nearly to the rim of the depression, like a bowl of soup.

You wait there now, studying it along with other magi. Everyone has been wondering what will happen when it's full, and with just a few more foxes, you're sure it will be.

As you wait, footsteps come down the hall, mingled with the sound of padded fox feet. A lot of padded fox feet.

You expect Thane, but instead Master Belmos rounds the corner into the room. And behind him are a veritable parade of foxes.

"I heard from several students that we need foxes for the discovery down here," he says with a grin. "So I decided to cut out the middle-man and see how much help I can give directly."

The foxes behind him-and there must be hundreds-dash past the bowl of magic, moving in a single file line before heading back down the hall. Belmos clearly trains his creatures well, and you wonder how he finds to time to train so many.

But you're grateful, especially as the magic in the depression finally fills to the top. There's a moment of tension, a student near you leaning forward in anticipation as the fox nearest to the bowl flicks its ears.

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

Post by audrei9 »

Your head is nearly dropping into the book on your desk, the words on the page beginning to swim. With a sigh, you turn the page, hoping the next section won’t be as boring as the first. You’re unsure if that’s even possible. Outside the window of your room, a V marks a flock of Osath heading south for winter, and a rush of wind sends a sudden cold draft seeping inside. You shiver and lean further over your book. You need to know this information for the exam taking place in two days.

An enormous thud makes your ears pop and the door rattle, sending adrenalin arcing through your veins to chase away the late autumn fatigue. A series of similar thumps follow, as though every student in your hallway is slamming their doors closed in quick succession. Heart now pounding, you stand up from your desk, magic shimmering under your skin and ready to be called upon. Your upcoming exam is forgotten as you move toward the door and fling it open.

You see nothing but ordinary gray rocks littering the hallway, and a laughing youth in long robes at the end of the hall. This young magi has an amagnae by her side and a squirming direwolf puppy in her arms. You roll your eyes as others emerge from their rooms, mutters of anger and annoyance reaching your ears. You’ve seen this girl around the keep before—Gwendolyn, a first year mage who loves to make mischief.

“What are you all studying for?!” Gwendolyn shouts. “It’s almost Halloween!” She throws her own free hand in the air. “Someone, come outside with me!”

You shake your head, and the other magi in the hall do the same. One by one, doors begin to close, and you turn to do the same, swinging it so that it will shut loudly. As you do, Gwendolyn’s face falls. “I guess I’ll go on my own, then,” you hear her mutter.

You catch the door before it clicks. “Wait,” you say. “Go where?" It’s probably nothing special, but you have to admit, you felt bad for her. And who knows, she might have something intriguing planned.

“Do you want to come?” her eyes widen, and the amagnae by her side ruffles its wings. The puppy in her arms wags its tail at you, still trying to get free. “I’m going to show Pip here,” the direwolf puppy nearly falls out of her arms with the force of its happy wiggling, “Silva forest, where Remy said his egg came from.”

“Well…” the wind outside howls, and you shiver even thinking about it. You could retreat back into your room, build a large fire and settle in for the evening.
“Please?” Gwen’s eyes turn big and pleading. “Everyone is studying for exams, and no one is enjoying the season! Just for a little bit? I'll even throw in a surprise for you!"

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

Post by audrei9 »

Huh! So it turns out that remy's brew might be a quest item or something. No wonder it's so cheap.

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

Post by audrei9 »

audrei9 wrote: December 10th, 2023, 7:22:45 pm You walk slowly across the grounds outside the Keep, returning from a visit to Lake Lakira. Although it is a fine day, you cannot enjoy it as much as you should. Your thoughts keep dwelling on the strange occurence of about two weeks ago. While it hasn't happened to you, you have heared several accounts of that night, and all of them are similar. In the deepest of night, before even a glimmer of dawn had appeared on the horizon, students have been wakened by whining and scratching. When looking around drowsily, they saw their Rewin Dragon standing at a window or the door, whining and scratching at the panels, obviously wanting to be let out. Students had been trying to calm their dragons down; some by talking, some by petting them, some even trying to distract them with food, but nothing made the little creatures stop the noise. Many finally decided to let the dragons out, hoping to catch another few hours sleep that way. By now, they all wish they had left that window closed; not even a single scale of these dragons has been seen ever since, and worry is great among the students that something might have happened to their creatures. Everyone seems to be mystified about where they have gone.

As you enter the Keep, a young boy, one of the first year students judging from his age, hails you. "Excuse me," he says. "Master Belmos sent me; he wants to talk to you. He is awaiting you in the Nursery at your earliest convenience."
You thank the boy and make haste towards the Nursery. Master Belmos is kind enough under his gruff demeanor, but it doesn't do to keep him waiting.You descend deep into the bowels of the Keep, to the large vaults occupied by the Nursery. After a quick knock, you enter the room; it has the feel of a library, but instead of books, it is lined with nests holding eggs that are kept in the shelves that cover the walls of the vault, only interrupted by the doors leading to adjacent rooms. In the middle of the room, a desk is standing that seems tiny compared to the background of the high shelves. Master Belmos is sitting behind it, peering up at you over his reading glasses as you enter. A low growl comes from below the table, but the master silences it with a quick gesture of his hand. You catch a glimpse of the large, white direwolf lying there and you suspect it to be either Kolsyn or Dydrist, one of the famous pair of direwolves specially bred as guardians of the Nursery.
"Ah, my dear, good of you to come so quickly." Belmos says. "Please have a seat!" After you took place on the chair standing opposite the desk, he continues: "You might have noticed that many Rewin Dragons have left the Keep some time ago and have not returned so far." You nod, but do not interupt him. "Usually, that would not be a matter of concern. It is a journey some of them take upon themselves every few years. However, this time their return is long overdue, and we are curious as to what has caused this delay." The master takes off his glasses and leans back in his chair. "Unfortunately, my duties do not allow me to look into this matter myself. Therefore, I would ask you to undertake this journey on my behalf. You will have to travel to the Callisto Islands and make your way to a small island there, by the name of Rone. Someone among the local fishermen will surely know how to find it. Find out if the Rewin Dragons are still there, and what is keeping them. Of course I expect you to make extensive notes of what you find. Are you willing to undertake this journey for me?"

another chain event
AHA! a chain event! Need 5000 gold quest/23

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