audrei9's diary thing

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audrei9's diary thing

Post by audrei9 »

inspired by one of the posts and also because I need somewhere to scream
Maybe a place to log all my quests too.

quest/50 vosmari egg, a moss snail egg, and a vasant beetle egg. I shall see you again when you bring me all three."

quest/118 dire wolf (hence why I'm writing this to begin with, I need money)

quest/4 teruvian panther egg

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

Post by audrei9 »

Might as well ramble about my pets names while I'm at it.

My Pluvia Diane's name is because rainbow birds remind me of diamonds
I don't know why I named a Hydra Bonnie but it oddly makes sense
ex ash a twelve is a reference to X Æ A-12, which was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the fire
Storm TCNB is an acronym for Storm The Creatively Named Bird, but that was too long. It's a reference to some culturally appropriated OC I had when I was 12, based off the Native American thunderbird. Natually, I had no clue what a thunderbird was back then lol

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

Post by audrei9 »

Oh, might as well add this now that I have bought a direwolf.
I named my direwolf sherlock holmes because they specifically stated that the direwolf's sense of smell was needed.

they also specified that the direwolf needed to be an ADULT. Waaa >:\ WHAT'S WRONG WITH SMELLING THROUGH AN EGGSHELL AND SOLVING CRIMES BEFORE YOU WERE EVEN BORN so unfortunately, Sherlock needs to hatch before they can help me

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

Post by audrei9 »

There's this interview with a guy who ran a ... d D&D game, and he says that to keep his friends together they need a common connection. That D&D game is the common connection- their shared love for it allowing them to stay friends for many decades.

I think that's why virtual pet sites are still so popular despite forums slowly being phased out by discord and instant messaging in general.

I prefer forums much more, I like being able to have time to formulate a long reply, and see things from years ago get archived. It's good for nostalgia, and everyone here is very polite compared to other sites.

It makes me want to make my own virtual pet game someday, but I don't know what to do. Something to do with speculative evolution, obviously. Maybe one where evolution happens at a rapid pace and you need to regularly update your pet to adapt to the hostile new changing environments? It adds a reason for people to stay. Also, you get to keep your pet in your home if you're too tired to keep updating stuff.

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

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What the hell does Remy's special brew do

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

Post by audrei9 »

More ideas on the speculative evolution virtual pet site

There is no such thing as a 'perfect' pet, instead you'll be constantly updating your species to match the environment.

If a species dies completely, it goes 'extinct'.

Breeding and a crossing of traits is possible, but since it's unlikely for species in nature to crossbreed, both users have to pay money. Sometimes you can send over money for the other user to breed. Also, unsuccessful breedings hurt the species.

The backstory is that it's like a high fantasy setting which grew, and then somehow evolution and the creation of new life was broken and this place is the result.

The virtual pet place is sort of designed like a wizard trade school, where students of all ages can join. There's an easy mode and an advanced mode- in easy mode you won't be able to minmax as much but your creatures will be a lot less likely to die. You'll get cheap bonuses but certain features will be off limits for you. In the advanced mode, you can do anything but you are at risk of losing much, much more than usual.
You can switch your account between easy and advanced mode at will.
I've never seen a virtual pet game with a difficulty slider so this will be interesting!

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

Post by audrei9 »

quest/117 adult phoenix
quest/40 three eggs: one from a manticore, one chubacabra egg, and the egg of an albino nandi bear
world/27 free space for another egg
quest/89 she'll give me a gender changing potion for two donec hatchlings
quest/107 breeding cooldown potion for one female donec hatchling
quest/161 5000 gold (edit: done! WITH NO REWARD)

and then there's Quests Georg with 100 quests here: world/1
Last edited by audrei9 on December 11th, 2023, 2:41:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

Post by audrei9 »

quest/1 four koi shells
quest/8 albino direwolf pup named Kira
quest/9 xand bear egg

The rest of the quests are kind of weird because they don't ask for anything specific, so I'll record what they want me to

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

Post by audrei9 »

You rise from the book you have been poring over the last few hours and step to the window. The day outside is beautiful, the sun sparkling on what snow hasn't thawed yet. You can see the lake off in the distance, ice clinging to life along its shores. The grass is already recovering from winter, slowly turning green again under the first warm rays of the sun. You take your cloak off of its accustomed hook and shrug it on, pulling it tight around yourself.

You pass the open gates of The Keep and set off in the direction of the stream; a group of students already there greets you politely and you smile and nod in return. One of the magi bends to pick up an egg, water dripping down his hands. The student brushes past you as he leaves, a smile lighting his face.

Picking a dry spot high on a hill, you sit, tilting your face to the sun. The ground around The Keep are busy with people seeking fresh air on this first warm day after the winter. Hatchlings are playing among them, infected by the high spirit. One small kitsune grabs and tugs at your cloak excitedly, until you shoo it away gently.

The view is superb from your seat, allowing you to see all the way to the mountains in the north east. They appear blue from this far away, and you can just make out ice caps running along the tops of the peaks. Your attention is drawn to the well worn path leading there, and you lean forward when you notice something odd. Among the carts of goods delivered to The Keep, goods that will replenish the stocks depleted during winter, there is also a lone rider. As he pulls up alongside a group of magi and leans down to speak to them, you eye his beautiful black horse. A fine steed, you judge, and probably worth quite a sum. The rider is not a poor man. One of the students points up the hill in your direction; the horseman noods and urges his mount on. You stand up as he approaches and take in the fine sable cloak, the ring bedecked fingers, the beard neatly trimmed in the latest fashion; all about him speaks of riches. The man dismounts when he reaches you, a smile easy on his lips. You take the hand he offers and exchange greetings.

“I greet you, magi,” the man says; “My name is Vasial. I hail from Synara.” Releasing his hand, you introduce yourself. “I'm sure your ride was exhausting,” you say. “Perhaps you would like to continue to The Keep and take a short rest?” The man shakes his head. “Please, let us get straight to business. This matter is of great importance to me.” Curious now, you inquire: “And what is it you would ask?” Vasial brushes back a brown lock of hair, clearly anxious. “I wish to ask for my beloved's hand in marriage. It would be only appropriate to present her with a suitable gift for the occasion. I wish for a gem like no other, to be set into a ring made specially for her.” You smile at this and remark: “I am glad for you, but I ask: what is my part in this?” Vasial grins. “I need the gem. It is said that the Caves of Nareau contain stones the likes of which cannot be found anywhere else. However, those caves contain dangers only the magi dare to brave. Would you undertake this quest, seeking out a stone for me? I promise to reward you greatly for this favor!”

I'm copy pasting this because it vanished :/

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

Post by audrei9 »

quest/167 get a phoenix
quest/164 You will most likely need a potion to protect against poison, made more powerful with the moss of some five moss snails, as well as an Ornyx, a creature strong enough to fend off what Toreld described. A creature who is fast and can fly well in the jungle, like a manticore, would also be useful. Some protection from the song of a naricasa phoenix will keep you safe. And of course, if you're fighting a tree, something that can wield fire magic and is agile enough to maneuver in the jungle might help, so better to bring along a razan kalistavri as well.

aaaaaargh that's a lot

quest/154 5000 gold
quest/127 10000 gold

quest/99 "Nothing too bad," Talyn says before Carise can speak up. "Taggelisk is just your basic marsh. Right now it's in between the monsoon season and the dry season, so it's the safest time of year. Just bring, I don't know, a critter to keep the sun off you, like a nimbii, and something powerful that flies, like a roc, pegasus or puvia. Oh, and you definitely want something that can purify water but will be easy to carry, like a kaetus hatchling. Those'll work good."

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