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Re: Current events - Guidelines 1st Post.

Post by Dauntless »

Has anyone heard of Jodi Arias? I've been watching her case since January. Basically, she is a woman who killed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander. She claims it was in self defense, however, she stabbed him twenty-nine times, slit his throat ear to ear, and shot him. Her story has changed various times, and during her case she made attempts to make Travis seem like the villain.

At least the jury convicted her of first degree murder, and found the murder cruel. However, they couldn't reach a decision on Life or Death. Personally, I think she deserves death. But that's just my opinion. :wave:

Oh, and did I mention she is on Twitter? The REAL Jodi Arias.

Here are a few links; ... rder-case/ ... as-verdict
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Re: Current events - Guidelines 1st Post.

Post by Eclaire » ... 07907.html

Finally this woman is free. Another reason why I won't willingly go to Islamic countries. Their treatment towards women is so disgusting.
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Re: Current events - Guidelines 1st Post.

Post by hypnoPlatypus »

Has anyone heard about the Jimmy Kimmel Chinese controversy? He was talking about how the US owed China a debt, and this kid said, "We should kill all the Chinese people!"
Guess what he said?
"That's an interesting idea!"
And the whole thing was scripted! I'm Chinese, and I really don't think they should be joking about a genocide or even any kind of killing. I know quite a few people who were involved in protests and amrches to fire Kimmel, but apparently ABC won't do that.
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Re: Current events - Guidelines 1st Post.

Post by BBkat »

I once mentioned that every time it seems like we've figured out just how something works in nature, Mother Nature throws a big old 'fuck you scientists' our way leaving us baffled. And once again she's done that :lol:
This time, with a seemingly impossible planet- ... -be-there/
Basically, with everything we know (or think we know) about the formation of planets and stars, this planet should not exist and yet, it does. Scientists are utterly baffled.
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Re: Current events - Guidelines 1st Post.

Post by iheart801 »

BBkat wrote:I once mentioned that every time it seems like we've figured out just how something works in nature, Mother Nature throws a big old 'fuck you scientists' our way leaving us baffled. And once again she's done that :lol:
This time, with a seemingly impossible planet- ... -be-there/
Basically, with everything we know (or think we know) about the formation of planets and stars, this planet should not exist and yet, it does. Scientists are utterly baffled.

I think I read about that. I Think that article I read stated that the planet goes against how scientist believe planets to form.
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So my suburb is on fire...

Post by Twister4eva »

... How's everyone else's day going?

that fire is now almost out but another one was lit today~ Even closer this time.

From yesterday; 29 hectares have been burnt. It was a running fire and the embers were being blown around in the hot wind; So it was a bit out of control at one stage. It's been VERY hot where I live (between 28'c and 45'c most days) and fires spread very easily, especially when it is windy.
The fire jumped the roads and burnt though bushland and farmland and luckily did not come too close to homes dispite being told to evacuate.


Over 150 fire crew and volunteers, as well as 55 vehicles/ helicopters etc came to assist in putting out the fire.

Image Image

It is likely that the fire will smoulder for many days as it is now burning in peat which is a build up of decaying plant matter that forms in wetlands, and because peat burns underground it is near impossible to extinguish.

We had another fire evacuation warning. This time it was very close to homes in the suburbs and just as violent due to our hot weather conditions. I was absolutely terrified at work today. Being told your suburb is on fire and it's not safe to return when you have loved ones at home is beyond scary!

Photos from today:
Image Image Image Image Image Image

The cause of both of these fires is unknown and they are being treated as suspicious.
WHY do people deliberately light theses fires!?

Last week in the hills 55 homes were burnt to the ground and many more damaged by just one fire.
That particular fire was actually accidental, but it just shows how dangerous, life-threatening and tragic these fires become- IT REALLY is NOT A GAME!

REALLY hoping for a fire free day in my area tomorrow.
My heart can't take much more. T_T

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Re: So my suburb is on fire...

Post by ellysketchit »

Fires are so serious.

When I was growing up in NJ, we had a huge fire in the Pine Barrens and so much got destroyed. So many people I knew from school were evacuated from their homes. :/ Not fun, the worry and panic! And all because some (usually drunk/stoned) idiots made mistakes.


My sympathies, it hurts so much to see what these do to nature & people's lives!

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The South Korean Ferry Tragedy

Post by Mareu »

I haven't seen this posted yet, but it's been the big news around the world for the past couple of weeks. It's so sad that something like this could've happened. The whole country of Korea is in mourning.

I'd just like to know your thoughts on this incident.

If you haven't heard about this before, there's a Wikipedia site about it, or I can just sum it up for you.

On the morning of April 16th, a ferry boat called the Sewol carrying 476 passengers capsized while traveling from the Korean cities of Jeju and Incheon. It has been 2 weeks since this disaster, and 210 are confirmed dead at the time of this post while 92 remain missing. 174 were rescued.

My thoughts on this subject with some more facts:
It's just disappointing that such a thing could have happened. Many people blame the captain for reckless control of the vessel, the bad weather conditions, or even the possibility of the boat hitting something that caused it to tip over. I don't blame anyone, but the fact that most of the passengers are high school students and many of the crew members got themselves out first upsets me. Even the captain was one of the first people rescued.
The crew neglected their duties and instructed the passengers to stay where they were and not to move in order to stay safe, when they really should've been getting life jackets on and exiting the ship.
We know there was a female crew member who lost her life trying to help the other passengers get out, and we honor her.
Basically, why it happened? We're not sure. Human error is what most people believe to be the reason. The captain is only going away for 5 years, and we don't know about the other crew members.
This is a horrible incident that could've been prevented. We mourn and offer our condolences for those affected by this tragedy. We are still trending #PrayForSouthKorea on social media sites.
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Re: Current events - Guidelines 1st Post.

Post by MothballMilkshake »

Our prime minister (Australia) has just released the new budget cuts, and basically everyone except big mining companies are screwed. Massive cuts to healthcare, pensioners, education, job seekers, and a whole bunch more. Oh, all this after spending 14 billion on fighter jets we don't need!
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Re: Current events - Guidelines 1st Post.

Post by MightyOak »

Scotland will be voting on its independence today. I have only just recently moved here, but I am registered to vote and will be participating. The results won't be announced until tomorrow morning. The polls haves been close and it looks like it could go either way. I can't help but wonder what other people inside or outside of Scotland think about it, if anything.
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