Current events - Guidelines 1st Post.

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Current events - Guidelines 1st Post.

Post by ElementalNovel »

This thread has been stickied so it no longer gets lost. "Hot current News Topics" should be discussed here. If a particular sidebar discussion gets in depth enough to start getting off topic (such as a detailed discussion of plate tectonics in general that results from an earthquake thread) it may be spun off from the original on a case by case basis.

  • Events should be current, on going or recently past. In general if it's in the news still it fits here.
  • Links to reference news articles should be provided.
  • Links should also be to current articles, especially for events that are protracted or on going. Links to news items or other such things that are older should be used for illustration of discussion points only. (That is X current event resembles Y past event here is a link to articles on X and here are links to articles on Y so you can compare)
  • This is not a place to bash people you don't like, no matter what their position in the world. Courteous discussion is still a requirement.
  • Thoughtful discussion is still a requirement. This is not a place for 'hey look at this it sucks!' (or is awesome sound byte agreement is as inappropriate to the forum as sound byte disagreement.) There still must be some thought for, against, or about the event in question (you don't have to be for or against it to discuss it but you do have to have thought about it.)


I tried this topic in the PS a while back and it deflated. Considering this new area for posting, I thought it'd be an excellent idea to start up again.

Basically, give some views on what's going on in the world right now, what you think of it, etc. Anything from politics to the environment to people having no morals and any other serious business you need to talk about.

Thanks to the admins, also, for finally having a place for serious discussion. Remember to respect them by honoring the new rules regarding conduct in debates.

Novel won't post here much because Novel no likey to share opinions because people shoot Novel's opinions out of the sky like airplanes. Novel will post when she is comfy doing so.
TxCat wrote:This is still the House of Speakers. Discussing the current events links in one or two sentences is NOT acceptable. State your views on the subject completely and actually discuss the event in question. Also, keep the stories current. Generally, that means it needs to be an ongoing news event --- local, regional or global --- or a developing event. In other words, timely and relevant.

-- TxCat, Moderator House of Speakers
Last edited by ElementalNovel on February 19th, 2012, 4:32:39 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Politics and World Stuff.

Post by Soirgriffe »

I think this is quite a broad subject, there are many things going on at the moment all over the world, the issues of which are going to come up in comments based around them. World news and politics are also different things.

But saying that, I would like to hear more about the goings on in Egypt at the moment, and the thoughts of people on Magistream on that matter.
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Re: Current events.

Post by ElementalNovel »

I changed the name to "Current events" to fix that, lol.

As far as Egypt goes, I'm terrified. This Mubarak guy isn't good news; thank God he's said he'll step down. The problem is, the Muslim Brotherhood is taking credit for the riots... now, I'm not trying to be a bigot but the problem with the Muslim Brotherhood is that they hate the US. If they take Egypt, it means trouble for us, you know? Iran, North Korea, and a handful of others already hate us openly and quite a few others are wary and mistrustful of us.

On the subject of that particular area of the world... we all know Lebanon collapsed and was taken over, right?
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crisis in egypt

Post by PossessedPotato »

i think that this is a crazy problem that needs to be resolved give your opinion on how you think it should be resolved.
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Re: Current events.

Post by Kestrad »

Oh, Egypt. What a mess for the US.

The government is completely held up by the US there. For all that we "support democracy," we don't actually unless it's in our interests to. A lot of the problems in the world for the US can honestly be traced back to this country's questionable foreign policy in the past, or even to brilliant foreign policy that wasn't followed up enough. The US helped Afghans fight against the Soviets, for example, then decided there just wasn't any reason to help them build schools and infrastructure. Look where that's gotten us now.

The New York Times had an excellent editorial about democracy in the Islamic countries. You can read it here: ... recht.html
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Re: crisis in egypt

Post by wolfeyedangel »

First: please watch your grammar and spelling, take a little more time to actually get things properly phrased. People tend to take you (and your ideas) more seriously if you use proper grammar and punctuation.

Secondly: This is a very broad topic and as phrased seems more an incitement to rant which I doubt is your intention. Take a step back and see what things you want to discuss. You seem to want to find solutions to the problem, which is laudable. Set up the situation so people know what's going on (not everyone has the opportunity to watch the news as much as they'd like.) Keep it to facts as much as possible and keep your own opinions expressly separated from the actual occurrences. That way it doesn't come across as a call for people to echo your opinion.

I'm posting this here rather than in PM because these are easy mistakes to make and have been common in other discussion forums I've been on and hopefully this will help me clarify things to both you and others who are reading this.

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Re: crisis in egypt

Post by Fishy »

MOD Note: Please do NOT post one line comments in the HoS. We expect, and it is clearly stated in the rules, for people to post thoughtful content fully explaining their opinions. Furthermore, this comment does not make sense in context with the original post. Please keep your comments in context.

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Post by BMF »

Recently got the news that the U.S and Britian sent our first wave of sunmarines and warships to Libya to help stop Ghadafi and stop violence. Does this mean war? Is it helpful? Or should we stay out of it?

My opinion:

It's the same exact thing as Iraq in a way,we went over to help and we got into a war,and millions of us were killed. Now,then again,a lot of things settled down in Iraq. Now as for Ghadafi,were trying to help but we could very well get TOO caught in it,and we could have the same thing after we JUST ended the war. I think we get too envolved,and should stay back and take it easy,not just throw out battleships and get back into the mindless violence thats our Earth's downfall.
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Re: War in Libya? (Whats your opinion?)

Post by TxCat »

I am moving this to the Current Events thread, which is where it belongs. Please look through all the topics to see if yours fits somewhere else before posting a new one. Thank you!
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Re: Current events.

Post by ElementalNovel »


There's a million better topics in the HoS than this, lol. Go there.

Mods, if you could lock this? The button to do it seems to have vanished...

Edit: Fixed the glaring typo that has been bothering me for eons.
Last edited by ElementalNovel on March 10th, 2015, 6:16:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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