Poem's Clover Shop (open)

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Re: Poem's Clover Shop

Post by BeautifulPoem »

SourSam wrote:Id like to buy a few more with a dash of luck!

Could I grab the dark pegasus for 500g, a pair of wreath and a pair of sleighbell pegasus from 1k please~
(4.5k total)
As you order the 5 creatures the figure walks over towards the bowl covered table and retrieves the orbs from their respective containers. A single orb is tossed towards your feet which shatters into tiny pieces. Where the ball had been now rests a small black foal with wings pressed against its side. The young creature nuzzles your side and you gladly give it some pats which results in a happy whinny. The shopkeeper then throws the 4 remaining orbs through the door of the tent which shatter just the same and out pops 4 large winged horses. You feel relieves that the only creature summoned inside the tent was the young foal, or else it would get very crowded in the tent. Turning back to look at the shop keeper you notice that they are holding out their hand now, motioning towards the pouch on your waist. You quickly take out 4.5k worth of coins and hand them over, still petting the young foal who seems content leaning against your leg. The figure takes your payment and walks over to a large black cauldron that sat in a corner of the tent. They throw the coins in, resulting in a red puff of smoke to pop out of the receptacle. The shopkeeper turn towards you at the sight and states, "Unfortunately luck does not seem to be on your side today". Thanking them for their time you leave the tent, walking along the clover path through the forest, followed closely by the 5 horses. Upon reaching the end of the path you find yourself back where you had been before the journey had started. You look back at the forest, the path you had traveled no longer visible. Even so you can feel in your heart that if you needed to find the shop again, you will be able to.
English may be my first language, but grammar isn't :derp:
Take a look at my store: Poem's Clover Shop
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Re: Poem's Clover Shop (New Arkai and Chiolin added)

Post by aethelwhyne »

With luck raining down on all of us,

I would like to purchase your cascara amagnae baby
I absolutely love Mohrior, Vernox Dragons, Bread Creatures, Laetolis Beast and Cascara Amagnae frozen hatchlings just PM me if you have any for sale.
Wishlist: I love purple torveus dragons, frozen Cascara amagnae hatchlings,mohrior, vernox dragons, bread creatures, laetolis beasts, prism fox,confera pegasus, pennant pegasus, rabbitsune, me’chuan bengolo/rewana, skulk, alicantos and penguins.
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Re: Poem's Clover Shop (New Arkai and Chiolin added)

Post by BeautifulPoem »

aethelwhyne wrote:With luck raining down on all of us,

I would like to purchase your cascara amagnae baby
Sorry for the late reply! Quick note: this purchase is counted as #2 and is sadly not a winner. If you are uninterested in the creature due to how long this has taken me feel free to respond to this post or PM me. Whether you choose to purchase or not, this will still count as the #2 slot so the next purchase will be #3. I will be checking up on this shop mostly during weekends from now on, but because of the sudden rise in college homework, I may be shortening the story replies or using a story template. Thank you for your understanding.

You walk over to the table look at the different bowls, eventually pointing out a round orb with a small bird inside. The shop keeper walks over and picks up the orb, smashing the delicate thing at your feet. Out from the shattered remains pops out a stunning decorative bird that tweets happily as it perches on your shoulders. You look over to see the shop keeper holding out their hand, gesturing for payment. You reach into your bag and grab some coins, placing them on the outstretched robe covered palm. The shopkeeper whisks the coins away and moves over to a black cauldron in the corner throwing them in. Out puffs a red smoke that quickly dissipates into the air. "Unfortunately luck doesn't seem to be on your side." You thank the shopkeeper for their time and head out of the tent, back along the clover path, until you somehow ended up back where you had been before the adventure had begun.
English may be my first language, but grammar isn't :derp:
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Re: Poem's Clover Shop (New Arkai and Chiolin added)

Post by lunarocean »

I'm hoping for a small bit of luck with this post

I'd like to buy these two male Deiaurnox hatchlings for a total of 8k please, and thank you ^_^:

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currently have --/25 gifts; thank you! ♥
gifting off and on ❄
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Re: Poem's Clover Shop (New Arkai and Chiolin added)

Post by BeautifulPoem »

lunarocean wrote:I'm hoping for a small bit of luck with this post

I'd like to buy these two male Deiaurnox hatchlings for a total of 8k please, and thank you ^_^:

You give your request to the shopkeeper which walks over to the glass bowl labeled with a 4k on it. Reaching in they pull out two small orbs, throwing them at your feet. Out of the shattered remains pops out two small foxes, one white and one blue. Each of the foxes had 3 separate heads, which started to snap at each other playfully. They also had 3 tails, which were wagging vigorously, sweeping up some of the dust and dirt from the floor into the air. The shopkeeper holds out their hand to you as they let out a soft cough, motioning towards a coin pouch that rests on your hip. Taking out 8k worth of coins, you give the payment to the figure. They hurriedly whisk the money away and drop it into a black cauldron that rested in a corner of the tent. Out of the pot popped out a burst of red smoke which quickly dissolves into the air. The shopkeeper turns back towards you, "unfortunately it seems luck is not on your side today". You thank them or their time and scoop up the two fox pups, who now seems content covering your arms in licks. Walking out of the tent and back down the clover path you end up in a more familiar place. It seems that the path has led you to where you had been before starting this journey before dissipating.
English may be my first language, but grammar isn't :derp:
Take a look at my store: Poem's Clover Shop
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Re: Poem's Clover Shop (Ikonoki added)

Post by Hitsugaya »

Hi BeautifulPoem :wave:

i'd please like to buy from your 500g Tab the Pygmy Gemdragons

and from your parentless frozen Event-Egg Tab
both Pink Mohlaris Elephant
the Cootie
the Medeor Jackalope and Flos Jackalope
the 9 Valembat
14x 50g = 700g

i also would buy the 3 parentless Pine Vosmari for 7k each, but they are worth some Gold more, are you sure you want to sell them for 7k each? (i saw them go for around 50~90k each in the last time)

Thank you in advance ^_^
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Re: Poem's Clover Shop (Ikonoki added)

Post by Moon487 »

Hoping for some luck <3
Could I please buy the following?
  • 1k tab: all 6 Confara Pegasus
    2k tab: a male Porcelain Crystalwing
    3k tab: the Philia Dove
    4K tab: both Ember Chiolin
Sending the trade right now for the 19k!
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Re: Poem's Clover Shop (Ikonoki added)

Post by BeautifulPoem »

Hitsugaya wrote:Hi BeautifulPoem :wave:

i'd please like to buy from your 500g Tab the Pygmy Gemdragons

and from your parentless frozen Event-Egg Tab
both Pink Mohlaris Elephant
the Cootie
the Medeor Jackalope and Flos Jackalope
the 9 Valembat
14x 50g = 700g

i also would buy the 3 parentless Pine Vosmari for 7k each, but they are worth some Gold more, are you sure you want to sell them for 7k each? (i saw them go for around 50~90k each in the last time)

Thank you in advance ^_^
Thank you for your purchase! Unfortunately I have a very hard time finding prices for most creatures in this game. As such, much of what I sell is either underpriced or will be when the new month rolls around. This is the main reason why I set up the reward system of giving anyone who purchases creatures at a better price with a Bronze card which can be used for a 5% off next purchase, or be held to be gifted any new event creature when a gifting event rolls around. Since you brought this up I did a bit of digging and it seems 75k is the common price. I will be selling them for 70k each (so there is room for someone to pay more since Master Belmos sells them for 100k) and weather you buy them or not for this price I will be giving you a bronze card. If you do decide to buy it for a price higher than 70k, I will award a second bronze card, bumping you up to a silver card. Send me a message or reply to this message if you would like to buy or not.
Thank you again for your comment, and now here's your custom story line:
Upon inspection of the different bowls, you point out 3 small crystal balls that catch your attention from a bowl inscribed with a 500 on it. While the shop keep reaches in to retrieve your order you walk over to a large bin to the left of the door filled to the brim with small eggs. Reaching in you grab a bunch and place them on the table as well. As you do so, the cloaked figure throws the three crystal balls onto the floor. Out of the shattered remains pops out three small dragons. The creature rush over to you and start climbing up your legs. Reaching down you scoop them up, letting them snuggle into your arms. Glancing up you see the shop keeper hold out their hand towards the pouch on your hip. Reaching in you pull out a couple of coins and hand them over. Happy with the payment, the figure turns around and rushes over to a black cauldron in a corner of the tent. Throwing the coins in, a red smoke pops out from the rim. Turning towards you the figure says, "unfortunately luck does not seem to be on your side." They walk over to the table and sweep the eggs into a bag and hand them over to you. Thanking them for their time, you exit the tent, dragons still in your arms. You walk out of the tent and back down the clover path, ending up somehow to the spot you had been before beginning this adventure.
English may be my first language, but grammar isn't :derp:
Take a look at my store: Poem's Clover Shop
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Re: Poem's Clover Shop (Ikonoki added)

Post by Hitsugaya »

Thank you so much for your reply and your story, its fun to read the Story, also i'm happy to buy the 3 Pine Vosmari's. Sorry for my short answer, i'm just at my phone :D <3
BeautifulPoem wrote:
Thank you for your purchase! Unfortunately I have a very hard time finding prices for most creatures in this game. As such, much of what I sell is either underpriced or will be when the new month rolls around. This is the main reason why I set up the reward system of giving anyone who purchases creatures at a better price with a Bronze card which can be used for a 5% off next purchase, or be held to be gifted any new event creature when a gifting event rolls around. Since you brought this up I did a bit of digging and it seems 75k is the common price. I will be selling them for 70k each (so there is room for someone to pay more since Master Belmos sells them for 100k) and weather you buy them or not for this price I will be giving you a bronze card. If you do decide to buy it for a price higher than 70k, I will award a second bronze card, bumping you up to a silver card. Send me a message or reply to this message if you would like to buy or not.
Thank you again for your comment, and now here's your custom story line:
Upon inspection of the different bowls, you point out 3 small crystal balls that catch your attention from a bowl inscribed with a 500 on it. While the shop keep reaches in to retrieve your order you walk over to a large bin to the left of the door filled to the brim with small eggs. Reaching in you grab a bunch and place them on the table as well. As you do so, the cloaked figure throws the three crystal balls onto the floor. Out of the shattered remains pops out three small dragons. The creature rush over to you and start climbing up your legs. Reaching down you scoop them up, letting them snuggle into your arms. Glancing up you see the shop keeper hold out their hand towards the pouch on your hip. Reaching in you pull out a couple of coins and hand them over. Happy with the payment, the figure turns around and rushes over to a black cauldron in a corner of the tent. Throwing the coins in, a red smoke pops out from the rim. Turning towards you the figure says, "unfortunately luck does not seem to be on your side." They walk over to the table and sweep the eggs into a bag and hand them over to you. Thanking them for their time, you exit the tent, dragons still in your arms. You walk out of the tent and back down the clover path, ending up somehow to the spot you had been before beginning this adventure.
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Re: Poem's Clover Shop (Ikonoki added)

Post by BeautifulPoem »

Moon487 wrote:Hoping for some luck <3
Could I please buy the following?
  • 1k tab: all 6 Confara Pegasus
    2k tab: a male Porcelain Crystalwing
    3k tab: the Philia Dove
    4K tab: both Ember Chiolin
Sending the trade right now for the 19k!
Looking at the table, you point out 10 different orbs from the various bowls. The shopkeeper walks over and picks out the first few crystal balls, taking them outside of the tent to throw at the ground. In the shattered remains pops out 6 large horses with big feathery wings. They neigh and whinny as they settle down in front of the tent, happy to graze on the clover outside. The shopkeeper walks back inside the tent and walks back over to the table. They grab an orb from 2 other bowls and a pair of orbs from a bowl labeled with a 4k. They toss an orb at your feet which summons a white and grey dragon with feathered wings. The creature flutters over to you and rests in your arms. Another orb is thrown, and this time a small pink bird pops out. The bird flies over and lands on your head, cooing into your ear. Lastly, the pair of orbs is thrown, resulting in two long legged green birds to trot over to you. Looking up from your new menagerie, you see the shopkeeper motioning to a pouch on your hip. You grab a couple of coins from it and hand them over to the figure who turns briskly to a black cauldron in a corner of the tent. They throw the money in and a green plume pops out from the rim of the pot. The shopkeeper turns towards you with a large grin. With a mouth full of needle like teeth they exclaim, "Congratulations! Luck is on your side" They go over to the table, taking out your prize and handing it over to you. Thanking them for their time you exit the tent. The 6 pegasi follow closely with the Chiolin leading the way. You follow the clover path and eventually find yourself back to where you had been before starting this journey.

Congratulations on winning! You may choose a prize of a free creature whose price is 3k or under or a silver card (see initial post for details). Either send me a PM or reply to this post with which prize you would like.
English may be my first language, but grammar isn't :derp:
Take a look at my store: Poem's Clover Shop
Please feel free to click on anything in my main tab!

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