audrei9's diary thing

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

Post by audrei9 »

LMAO how the fuck did I get 9 eggs at once XDD

Well, this rules out any of the egg-collecting ideas I may have had in the meantime, so I might just as well sit here and write my story ideas or vent about my life and stuff until I've got enough money to do something. This doesn't count as spam right? I hope not.

I think that a forum board dedicated for users to write their diary entries would be cool, except for cybersafety reasons they can't do that. Eh, I'm cybersafe so I don't mind.

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

Post by audrei9 »

Turns out getting money when you write but not being able to have money is a FUCKING GREAT motivation to write!! If this forum were private I would be able to get anything done!!

It's a shame I'm trying to monetise so many of my ideas while still trying to be anonymous. I'll use code names for EVERYTHING then.

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

Post by audrei9 »

I think this might actually have a chance of becoming the site I use the most EVER.
Reasons are because not only do I get rewarded regardless of what I post even though it isn't spam, but also because no one will seriously read the whole thing.

Hmm, what are the things that I should talk about the most??

Backrooms? Glaggleland?
That FNAF fanfiction I'm trying to treat like a school assignment?
Yeah that's one I'll focus on.

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

Post by audrei9 »

Ughhhhh do I really want to build on that fanfic? There's so many questions that as a chronic worldbuilder I will never be able to explore without being disrespectful towards the true creators. I guess I'll raise these questions but never write a sequel unless I get pressured into it.

Do I want to base my assignment off something I'll end up hating?

eh. I got a divergent fanfic idea.
One day some factionless teen finds the corpse of a factioned person, and realises they're nearly identical. The other factionless people decide to dress up the teen because after finding out stuff about the dead kid, they learn that it's the kid's turn to choose a faction, and they see it as an opportunity to have the factionless teen to finally have a life that isn't a person living on the street. Except that the person was killed for a reason... and the murderers are still at large and trying to finish the job. So the imposter teen has to figure out who killed the teen they're impersonating, fend off the murderers, and also continue being an imposter. All at once.

Actually, divergent is crap. This could work with some other form of media too.

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

Post by audrei9 »

I got a list of specualtive evolution dragons

1. endoparasitic worms which I already have a sort of entry for

2. hive queens that control huge swathes of dragonets to get the nutrients they need to breathe fire and create all the chemicals they need to be a Dragon(tm), and go apeshit when you hurt one of their hive. Also, they fly by summoning all their dragonets to carry them at once.

3. dead lake adaptation- a serpent of some kind that lives in an ecologically dead lake survives by learning to spit water at migrating animals flying above, and also to fly for short distances. This leads to them developing fire breath and flight lol

4. genetically engineered dragonets that pilot mechs and have prosthetics. This is for a sci-fi setting, you know how perigrine falcons have way faster reflexes than humans? Well what if someone could train them to use machinery that requires fast reaction, when none of the computers are advanced enough? The dragons would be small but capable of fire breath and flight, only difference is that some guys put their brains into mechs and let them run around in much bigger bodies. Maybe not put their brains in mechs, put the whole dragon in a mech and let them run around and train them to be adapted to it so they can be better pilots than people

Actually I see the last one being the most likely to happen, AI is crap but we have brain scan technology. I wonder when we'll be able to train animals to pilot mechs? At least until ai catches up

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

Post by audrei9 »

I'm really disappointed that most sea serpents aren't real, and also that hoop snakes aren't real. They make perfect biological sense, not even any physics breaking powers or anything!
I'm pleased that the oarfish can swim vertically and isn't a predator, which is an interesting answer to sea serpents, but is it too much to ask for just to have ONE ocean dwelling titanoboa somewhere??

Maybe they did exist at one point. They could constrict and kill sharks and whales, but maybe whaling got out of hand and the ocean got hit hard by human activity, and that was what caused them to go extinct. I doubt it, they would have been in the fossil record somewhere.

HOOP SNAKES, however,

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

Post by audrei9 »

Ok I have some more comments on hoop snakes and why they didn't evolve. Rolling as your main form of locomotion isn't really effective. You can't see where you're going well unless you have highly specialised eyes like a raptor, and a highly specialised brain for directional control, and the bigger you are and the faster you go the higher chance you'll run into something like a sharp rock or plant that can hurt you. Plus, this method of rolling doesn't really work that well unless you've got smooth roads, which aren't that common in nature. It's more for when you need an emergency exit burst of speed.
I believe that there could exist or evolve certain species of snake which can roll down hills or cliffs to escape predators, like the cartwheel spider. However, this is extremely niche. Why bother rolling away when you can bite and envenom them? Rolling away doesn't post as much risk for a cartwheel spider, who lives in the desert and has a lot of sand mounds to roll down, but for a larger animal such as a snake, that's not as good a look.

HOWEVER. I never said I needn't dream.

There can be snakes small enough to fit into the ecological niche of the cartwheel spider and know how to roll when they need to book it!
More on speculative hoop snakes later.

I still don't think it makes sense for sea serpents to *not* exist. We have eels and sea snakes. Deep sea gigantism exists. Why can't they combine to form a sea serpent??
I can understand flying things like gryphons and pegasi and dragons, because flying takes a strain on the body and the rest of the skeleton needs to be adapted to better resist the strain that flying puts on the form, and you can't just glue a pair of wings to something and call it a day.
But sea serpents seem perfectly adapted to exist. They have an evolutionary niche and are supported by physics so why hasn't it happened yet?
I searched reddit but 0 results :(
And I found a gem on reddit..... ... rrestrial/

I have new speculative evolution ideas!!!

It just occured to me that sea serpents would probably be outcompeted by killer whales. The average fish can swim a lot faster than an eel or sea snake, so orcas would have a speed advantage. I imagined sea serpents killing by strangulation or crushing, but orcas can rip things apart with their mouths which is way faster. Speaking of which, the idea of killing a whale by strangulation is really stupid considering that whales can hold their breath for FUCKING HOURS, so the sea serpent would either need to beach the whale and let the sun do it's thing, or be strong enough to crush all the bones. Plus, oracs hunt in packs. They'd be able to tear apart a giant snake in no time if the snake didn't have a family. If the snake DID have a family, the orcas might pick them off one by one. Maybe there are fossils of that serpent out there... but we haven't discovered them yet because they're under the sea or something, though I find that unlikely due to tectonic movement.

I've been thinking a lot more about sea serpents... speaking of tectonic movement, how many dinosaurs do we know specialised on spending time on *the beach*? How many fossils were found there? How many fossils were lost due to tectonic movement?

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

Post by audrei9 »

Snakes are good at climbing, swimming and crawling. A sea serpent wouldn't be well adapted to going out in the deep, empty, blue, especially since snakes are not known for their good fat reserves, but would be EPIC at patrolling the coastlines. Driving whales up to beach themselves and then feasting on the remains. And back then the creatures wouldn't have just been whales, they would have been everything! The sea serpents would have a reason to completely vanish, then, if they lived along the coast. Coasts are a limited ecological niche. They wouldn't preserve well. And unlike crocodiles and their ancestors, sea serpents don't thrive well in swamps which, while ubiquitous throughout time peroids, they would get out competed in.

All of this is assuming that sea serpents aren't venomous. If they were, they'd thrive in a variety of environments and be the ones thinning out competition! But that would mean many animals would go extinct and the sea would be a lot more dangerous, so this is probably for the better.

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

Post by audrei9 »

I've been wondering why I use dystopias as backstories rather than settings. Dystopias are stagnant! They're so hard to write without not going anywhere.

And just like that I got an idea for a dystopia, which I'll write first. Dystopia where science, in particular genetic engineering or something, is at the forefront of society. The government regularly performs tests on its own people, damaging them and making them reliant on medication or something, so they are never fully independent from that country. The government assimilates every person ever, and is forcefully assimilating and making the population of other countries reliant on them because it would both be an asset to resources or reduce the chance of war. Anyone who wants to be self sufficient is branded a heretic and a rebel.
This could be a pretty good dystopia disguised as a utopia imo!

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Re: audrei9's diary thing

Post by audrei9 »

Aight so now for why I don't usually like to write dystopias.

The point of a dystopia is that it's a functioning society where people hate it there. So whatever happens has to keep them alive and suffering. If they were allowed to fight back and be cool in the face of innumerable odds, that would make it apocalyptic fiction more than a dystopia.
To keep someone alive, you need food, water, and shelter. Also chances to reproduce if you want to keep a population alive. To keep someone happy, you need meaningful emotional connections, a sense of satisfaction, progress, art, education, appeal to the senses, etc. If you made them alive but not happy that's.... literally just real life, or history, depending on the country. People working themselves to death and being unable to progress in life and stuff... and since it's assumed that the population is just given enough to survive, where are the main characters getting things that makes them interesting and special? The nature of a dystopia sets the protagonists up for failure, and I don't like writing stories with sad endings to them. I want to write a dystopia that falls apart, or someone escaping from that dystopia! At least it gives me a sense of escapism from real life. The dystopias I can think of that aren't like this tend to be more apocalyptic than dystopian, because a dystopia is something that's explicitly caused by humans, the government in particular.

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