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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

Having probably a hundred other questions to ask about this mysterious human, Papyrus was already thinking of how they would take care of one and make sure they didn’t run off as he figured humans did.

“So the only thing you know is it’s a girl than??”, Sighing a bit as he would have preferred a boy human personally, at least a girl was the second best option out of two!, “we are keeping her, right?? I can get everything to care for a human and I can make sure they get walked everyday...well, almost everyday!”.

To be honest it didn’t really seem like Papyrus knew much of the difference between a human and a dog, but he was far too excited to think about much else right now, “Yes, I will do that right now! This human will never have had a better owner than the great Papyrus!”.


Even if she was never going to admit it outright, Mira had been kinda lonely in the human world despite being happy up there, humans being very busy creatures and not having the time to just sit and talk like she was with the King right now.

This wasn’t to say that falling underground was some kind of blessing though, the only reason she was still alive being because Sans had found her by chance in the forest...

“You really think I can help? I mean, I didn’t even know monsters existed until today...”, trailing off at the thought that she might able benefit the research of the barrier in some way, Mira wasn’t sure what she could contribute seeing as he knowledge was bound to be far less than this Dr. Alphys but if she could put a human perspective on research than she would be more than willing to help out.

A determined look on her face as she resigned to being able to help in any way she could, Mira got the sense that someone, somewhere was talking about her but she brushed it off for now as it was likely just her nerves, “should we be off soon? I’m excited to meet this Dr. Alphys I have heard so much about~”.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

Sans blinked, feeling a bit worried by the fact Papyrus seemed to think that taking care of a human was synonymous to taking care of a dog, and hoped Mira would never find out about this particular conversation. "uh, bro, you're not gonna, uh, own her. she's a person." Sans said quietly, so as to ensure Mira and Asgore would not overhear. The idea of that was almost as mortifying as the idea of Papyrus suggesting he take Mira for a walk like a dog to her face. "we can invite her to stay with us, but... i think first we need to have a discussion on what exactly taking care of a human means."

Sans desperately hoped Papyrus would listen to said discussion and take it to heart, because he had a feeling otherwise things would get very awkward very quickly. "first things first, we'd need to set up a room for her. you can get the materials for that if you want." Hopefully, Papyrus would recognize he needed to get a regular bed rather than a dog bed or something, but at least this would keep him occupied until Sans could meet up with him for a more lengthy discussion for which Mira would be nowhere near within hearing distance.


"Of course you can!" Asgore replied with a smile, which grew when Mira mentioned being excited to meet Dr. Alphys. Asgore was glad that Mira seemed open to meeting more monsters. "Certainly, we can leave right away if you would like. Sans can catch up with us after he finishes with his phone call." Asgore set about writing a quick note for Sans so he would know where they had gone- though it was probably pretty obvious where they were going, there was no harm in doing so anyway- and then turned back to Mira with a smile. "Shall we go?"
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

Papyrus seeming pretty confident in himself that he was somehow fully aware of what a human was, as he had read plenty of books about them before and they didn’t seem too difficult to care for as far as he could tell, but from what he was hearing now his brother seemed to know a thing or two more than him about what they actually needed.

“So your saying we can keep her as long as we don’t...own her?”, Seeming to be kind of confused at the idea of not being able to ‘own’ this mysterious human as much as they would just invite her to live with them instead, it was a lot less exciting but if it met his brother would let him keep the girl than so be it.

Did he get what his brother was implying about with the apparent need to treat Mira as one would themselves?...vaguely, very vaguely.

Was the skeleton planning on getting Mira a actual bed but also chew toys and a ball? Of course, as he knew humans got bored quickly and needed stimulation!

“Alright, new room and things to go in it, got it, I won’t let you down brother”, confident that he was sure of what Sans was meaning, Papyrus was wondering what collar color might go best with Mira already as he was on his way to waterfall, “anyways, I gotta go, I have training with Undyne soon and she would probably smash my phone again if I kept talking to you during it”.

And with that the skelebro hung up, already determined on a journey of his own to make Mira as happy as he could make her in half of the wrong ways.


Trying to be confident in the face of new monsters despite her rather small size seeming like almost a silly concept, Mira knew in her heart that if one of them wanted to hurt her she was as good as dead meat due to he having little to no fighting experience on top of this. Sure, Sans had said monsters weren’t evil or anything but it didn’t mean they had to like her at all...

“Yeah, l-lets go”, Mira really doing her best to open her eyes to the idea of other monsters that lived in the underground as not being terrifying, so far Sans and Ashore were pretty nice so she hoped others might be just as well as she followed the kindly king out of the castle.

‘Just be brave Mira, you got this...’
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

Sans was relieved that Papyrus was listening and- as far as Sans could tell- had a better idea of how to take care of a human now. Hearing that Papyrus sounded confident made Sans feel better about the likelihood of this turning out less awkward than he'd initially worried, and Sans relaxed a bit. "i know, bro, you are the coolest after all," Sans replied.

"see you later bro, have fun at your training," Sans added after Papyrus explained he had to go. Knowing Undyne, that last comment was probably completely accurate and Sans had no desire to try to piece together a shattered phone. It was best just to leave the conversation be for now.

Once Papyrus hung up, Sans found the note Asgore had left for him, and since Papyrus would be busy with his training for awhile, Sans figured he should tag along with Mira and Asgore. Deciding to simply take a shortcut to Dr. Alphys' lab to save time, Sans teleported out of the castle, appearing right in front of the lab door, and knocked on it.


Guessing Mira felt a bit nervous about meeting new monsters, Asgore gave a reassuring smile. "There's nothing to worry about, you have nothing to fear from the monsters. If you ever feel overwhelmed or anything, though, just let me know, and we can head back to the castle. I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

Asgore had chosen a path to Dr. Alphys' lab that was a bit longer, but more out of the way. This way, they weren't likely to run into any large groups of monsters, but might pass one or two along the way. Asgore figured it would be a lot easier on Mira if she only spoke with one or two other monsters at a time, at least until she got used to this.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

Meanwhile, completely unaware that things were going to be taking a very, very ‘interesting’ turn for the underground soon enough, Alphys was hidden in the lab as usual working on this and that but mostly focusing on whatever anime had managed to hook their attention on that given day.

Unaware that a human had fallen from the surface world, the anxious scientist really didn’t think such a thing was even possible these days seeing as the last had apparently fallen quite some time ago...and, well...

That was a subject she didn’t allow herself to talk about out of respect for the king.

Having gotten a rather vague text from Sans earlier though, Alphys was used to the skeleton dropping by occasionally but not often for anything too terribly important, work being rather slow around here and the Dino enjoying the pun loving monster’s company regardless.

Today had a rather ‘weird’ feel to it though when Alphys heard a familiar knock at the lab door, her being greeted by the familiar sight of Sans as she welcomed him in, “its great to see you again, the lab gets pretty dull when I’m alone in here all day, y’know? I mean except for my anime and stuff, that kinda makes it less dull, but....

Awkwardly shuffling some papers as the weird feeling in the air persisted, Alphys was unaware that Sans was potentially one of the first monsters to make contact with a human in a very long time, “so..w-what was up with that text from earlier? Is everything alright over in Snowdin??”.


Mira practically feeling like a child next to the huge goat king as they walked along the path that led to the lab where they would meet Dr. Alphys, the presence of other monsters was immediately clear once they were away from the castle but the girl refused to let her heart seize up regardless.

‘Just be brave Mira..I-it’s like Sans said, the monsters down here won’t hurt you’

Of course monsters were bound to notice that the king was out and about though eventually, a odd little frog monster and a strange looking spiral knighted jester being the first to greet their king.

“We haven’t seen ya in forever Asgore, what gives?”, the spiral knight jokingly chattering with the king as meanwhile Mira seemed more comfortable with the less talkative froggit, she gave a small wave to the creature and smiled to show she ment no harm.

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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

"heya," Sans greeted Alphys as he followed her into the lab. "it's great to see you again too." Sans felt a bit bad that Alphys seemed to have been feeling bored alone in her lab, and decided to visit her more often, even after they figured out a way for Mira to go home. For now, though, she'd be having even more company soon.

"well, i found a human in snowdin today," Sans began in reply to Alphys' question. "she wants to go home, so i was hoping we could try to figure out a way for her to get past the barrier. did you find anything in your research that might give us a place to start?"

Sans hoped that Alphys might have found something during her research that would allow them to easily find a way to help Mira cross the barrier, though he knew it was a long shot. Regardless, Sans would certainly help continue researching, and hopefully working together they'd stumble across something.


Asgore smiled upon seeing the two monsters approach. The shy froggit would probably get along well with Mira, he figured. "My apologies," Asgore replied, "I'll try to get out a bit more often from now on." Truth be told, Asgore had kind of shut himself up in his castle after...

Well. Asgore figured he should indeed try going outside more frequently. It would probably help with the loneliness, he realized. Returning his thoughts to the present, he continued, "How have you been?"

Asgore smiled upon seeing Mira wave at the froggit. This was definitely a good start. Asgore hoped that this encounter would show Mira that the monsters meant her no harm, so she'd feel comfortable down here until they could find a way for her to cross the barrier.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

Alphys knowing that only one other human had fallen into the underground before, what happened to them was already tragic enough to warrant finding a way to prevent them from falling in the first place seeing as...certain events had lead to the death of both the adopted human and the king’s own son.

“W-Wait, how did you find a human all the way in Snowdin?? There’s no way they traveled that far in the ruins by themselves”, Alphys honestly not knowing how many old unknown entrances there were on the topside surface world, maybe there was more than one besides the one guarded by ‘her’ in the ruins after all.

The scientist knowing that humans wielded incredible power though like super speed and ultra strength as she had learned from her manga books of the Human world, perhaps...they had simply powered through everything before ending up in Snowdin?

Truly the only logical explanation.

The eager look on Alphys’s face to be able to get to know this Human flustering when Sans asked if there was any new research on the barrier though, she shook her head in disappointment as she brought up a chart of every known area of the barrier exposed to contact.

“The weakest point over by Snowdin is still stronger then anything we can calculate. Right now I would say..uhh, we are as trapped as ever, nothing that comes through can go out, not even your human most likely”.


The spiral knight having taken notice of Mira when the girl waved to the froggit nearby, he had personally never seen this kind of monster before and eyed her up carefully, the girl shrinking back a little as she wasn’t ready to deal with this kind of pressure yet.

“You got a new friend there?”, Spiral knight mostly just being curious as he ment no harm towards the girl, his appearance was a little intimidating but he was as harmless as a froggit, “Maybe Shyren’s kid? They do seem pretty similar”.

The froggit meanwhile hopping towards Mira almost as if it sensed her unease, the human tried her best to not be afraid of spiral knight as she spoke up for herself, “m-my name is Mira, I’m not a monster”.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

(Wait does Alphys not know about the other human who fell down a few years ago and left? Or did I misunderstand what she was thinking and she meant only one other human after Chara?)

"oh, uh, i don't know... she was in snowdin forest when i found her, it looked like she'd fallen near there," Sans explained awkwardly. Sans felt bad he didn't have a better explanation, though he didn't really understand why Alphys seemed so convinced that Mira must have come through the ruins. After all, with how injured Mira's leg had been when he found her, Sans doubted walking all the way through the Ruins and into Snowdin would have been feasible.

Sans looked over the chart Alphys showed him, spotting the area she mentioned in Snowdin. "maybe that's where she fell," Sans muttered to himself, it did seem to be over Snowdin Forest after all, so that would check out...

"hmm, perhaps her falling down here weakened it further? though i have no idea how any of us could reach that section of the barrier from down here. so we couldn't really test it anyway, unless we found a way to let someone fly or something." Sans sighed, realizing that even if there was a section of the barrier weak enough for Mira to pass through, there was no way to get her to it. "guess we'll have to just work on weakening a more accessible area," he eventually spoke again. "any ideas what could potentially weaken the barrier?" Sans wondered, while also trying to think of some ideas himself.


Seeing Mira shrink back a bit, Asgore placed a gentle, reassuring hand on Mira's shoulder to remind her she didn't have to be afraid. After Mira introduced herself, Asgore addressed the spiral knight again, "Indeed, she is my friend. I trust that you will make her feel welcome while she is here?" Asgore hoped that the spiral knight didn't seem too intimidating to Mira. Asgore figured though that the spiral knight probably had no idea he might be intimidating her.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

(Ahh I probably messed up writing that, my bad, mistakes happen ^^;)

There were...a few reasons for Alphys to assume if any new humans fell that it would be through the ruins and not some often neglected area that were already difficult to access in the first place, but explaining that wasn’t what she was focused on right now as other things had already sprouted In her mind about this fallen human.
“Well I guess she is lucky you found her than~”, laughing a bit awkwardly as she wasn’t very cold tolerant herself, a human lost in Snowdin forest wasn’t likely to survive very long by their selves, “I know humans are strong but geez, that’s a long way too fall too”.

....Wait a minute...

Knowing really nothing about the fallen human so far though in regards to their soul or anything of the sort yet, that brought another idea to Alphys as, even if the chance was small maybe they had a human on their hands who perhaps had strength or determination to get through a weaker part themselves...sure, the chances were low but...there was a chance, right?

And if they could get a human through somehow maybe they themselves weren’t as far from freedom as they liked to think.

“Are you bringing the human here?? I-I might just have a plan”, Alphys not knowing if her idea would work or not she was hesitant on really saying for sure if they could weaken a thinner part of the barrier even, the first part was actually mapping out a area accessible to work with that wasn’t 600+ ft in the air and also assessing the strength of the human’s power.

Shuffling to her computer, Alphys brought up a screen that showed a vague interpretation of what she had studied of the human potential for determination and soul power, “it’s not really feasible that them falling weakened it much further, but uhh, maybe if they have enough determination than they could use sheer willpower! I know it sounds crazy but think about it, We both know human souls are stronger than our monster ones so who’s to say she can’t take advantage of that to just push herself through??”.

Ok, maybe she had watched one too many anime’s about human ‘history’ but if they could find the weakest spot wherever it may be, and this human was strong enough...maybe it would j u s t be enough for them to make it through?


Mira really was doing her best to be brave in the face of her fears as she spoke up to the spiral, the only thing holding her back being mere appearances and nothing more. Sure, the monster was enthusiastic about a newcomer down here but otherwise he seemed pretty harmless.

“Of course! A friend of yours is a friend of mine, even a non-monster!”, the spiral knight smiling in a way that didn’t quite scare Mira as much as before, he took a minute to catch onto the fact that non-monster ment, well, she wasn’t exactly ‘one of them’, his confusion being evident as he wanted to get closer but kept his distance due to the king.

“Wait, your a human, aren’t you??”, Excitement in the spiral’s voice, this was a new and exiting being down here that he could spread the news about, Mira nodded and was having the feeling she was going to end up meeting more like this monster soon enough.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

(Oh, it's fine!)

Sans shrugged awkwardly when Alphys mentioned it having been a long way to fall. Sans hadn't really thought about what would have happened if he'd arrived too late, or if Mira hadn't actually survived the fall. Sans really wouldn't have known what to do if either of those had been the case. Alphys had a point that the fall would have been quite long, but since the human who fell a few years ago had survived when they fell, it hadn't really crossed Sans' mind that things could have ended differently.

Anyway, there wasn't time to think about what-ifs. Alphys was speaking again, and Sans quickly tuned back in. "yeah. she should be coming here with the king soon." Sans replied, wondering what Alphys' plan was. Hopefully, whatever it was, it would work. Of course, Alphys wasn't the Royal Scientist for nothing, so Sans felt confident that even if it didn't work, they'd at least make progress.

Sans listened to Alphys' idea and nodded. It sounded a bit like one of the anime Alphys was so fond of, but Sans figured it wouldn't hurt to try it anyway, and if it worked, Mira could go home. "it's worth a shot." Sans said, reading the information on the screen Alphys had brought up curiously. After all, he really only knew what was common knowledge about human souls and determination, so learning more would be interesting.

"which area of the barrier would you recommend trying?" Sans asked, glancing back at the schematic showing the known areas of the barrier. Sans wasn't entirely sure how to tell which parts were weaker or stronger just from looking at it.


Asgore watched to see how Mira was feeling, not wanting her to be uncomfortable. Fortunately, the spiral knight appeared to have caught on- at least a bit- and wasn't moving closer despite clearly wanting to. Asgore was glad of this, and hoped that Mira felt less scared.

Asgore hoped that when the news inevitably spread, they wouldn't end up with a bunch of monsters all approaching at once; he had a feeling that would be a bit much to handle right now. Deciding to do what he could to forestall that, Asgore spoke quietly to the spiral knight, "Mira is still getting used to the Underground, so if you could ask anyone who seems eager to meet her to take care not to overwhelm her, I would appreciate it. Smaller groups would probably be best for now." Asgore hoped that everyone would listen; he really didn't want Mira to feel scared while she was here.
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