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Post by PossessedPotato »

It wasn’t as if Mira had thought intentionally tried to get herself into this mess, it had just been a escape from the bustle of the human village that she wanted is all...but this, this was turning out to be so much more than she bargained for...

It had begun like any other regular day, the girl of about 19 or 20 just taking her usual walk on the same path as she did most days to go to town, but something had caught her eye today, something she hadn’t seen before despite her countless walks among the Fall leaves.

It was a divergent path, quite overgrown with weeds and tall grasses but a new path either way...one she hadn’t noticed before, a chilly wind giving a eerie feeling to the girl as she winced at the sudden change in the forest.

It wasn’t quite a feeling of dread as much as it was of the unknown...

Despite the overgrown grasses and weeds it was clear there was some kind of large wedge in the ground ahead though, as it a giant person had taken a axe and burrowed its head into the soft Earth.

Perhaps a old well? No, it was too big for that...

Carefully making her way to the ominous hole, Mira steered clear of the edges as she knew the dangers of mine shafts and the like, a odd blue light emanating from the blackness way deep down, farther than any regular old mineshaft or well around these parts.

Having turned around to leave the odd area behind as she could easily assume this light was the reflection of old standing water, the next few minutes were a blur to Mira, it was as if some invisible force had tugged her and caused her to fall down down down into the casm that looked impossibly deep and forbidding as if she had it been intentionally watching her footing, her mind going blank as she was surely going to die from this mistake...

The thud of her body hitting the ground far below being followed by a sick crunch on her left leg, Mira felt tears of pain sting her eyes immediately as she sensed it was likely broken or worse.

The sensation of cold under her though bringing the smallest bit of relief, Mira winced at the sharp pain in her leg as she tried to ease herself on..was this snow? There also seemed to be trees down in this strange place as well...and full grown ones at that, the cold wind of this mysterious underground cavern stinging the human’s Face as she was able to scootch under one of the plants for some type of protection despite the strangeness of this all.

“What is this place?”, muttering to herself as she tried to keep warm, it wasn’t easy but Mira did manage to bring her pained limb to her chest as she sighed and..tried to think of what this place even could be. It was a mere chance of luck that she survived the 300ft fall down here somehow but she really needed to think on how she would get out of this underground forest and fast too.

This place...it gave the girl the creeps to be honest, the howling wind sending a shiver up her spine as she reached into her pant pocket and pulled out a small pocket knife. Sure, it couldn’t do much but it was still better than being completely unarmed in this gloom.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

It was just another day in the Underground, but for some reason, Sans felt a sense of uncertainty, like something big was going to happen soon. The last time he had felt like this had been a few years ago. A human had fallen into the Underground and traveled through it; however, the human had left, and the monsters had remained trapped in the Underground. Nonetheless, the human had befriended quite a few of the monsters during their journey, so most of the monsters felt significantly less hostile towards humans now.

Sans had seen that human's exp, though, and knew they had killed at least one monster at some point. So, he wasn't quite sure he would trust another human, should one fall in the near future. Of course, he wouldn't attack them, either. Sans was more of the wait-and-see type, after all. Besides, he didn't even know what the feeling was. Maybe it had nothing to do with fallen humans at all.

"SANS! STOP LAZING AROUND, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE WORKING!" Papyrus' shout startled Sans from his thoughts.

"oh, right. sorry bro. you know i'm a lazybones," Sans replied with a chuckle, his expression quickly switching to his 'comedian' persona. Sans didn't want Papyrus to worry about him, after all.


"okay, okay. chill, bro." Sans replied with a grin.

Papyrus sighed. "THAT WAS A PUN, WASN'T IT..."

"yeah... but you're smiling," Sans teased.

Papyrus didn't bother denying it. "WELL, I'M GOING TO WORK ON MY PUZZLES. I'LL BE BACK LATER." With that, Papyrus rushed off, his signature laugh trailing behind him.

Sans sighed and stood up, figuring he'd better listen to Papyrus. Besides, it might get his mind off how uncertain he felt. The short skeleton pulled on his blue hoodie and set off into the cold area of Snowdin. Today he was supposed to be searching through the forest, if he recalled correctly. Sans considered taking a shortcut to save time, but ultimately decided on walking.

After walking for a short while, Sans reached the forest. It looked just like it always did, but Sans knew better than to just teleport back home and call it a day. Heading through the trees, Sans glanced around, looking for anything out of the ordinary. Sans thought he heard something- 'It's probably just the wind rustling the leaves,' Sans told himself- and walked towards the source of the noise, not expecting anything unusual.

Instead, he found a figure huddled under a tree. To be exact, it was a human huddled under a tree.

Having been completely thrown off, Sans froze up for a moment. "uh, heya," Sans said after recovering from the shock of finding a human in the Underground. "are you alright?" Sans added, noticing the human seemed to be cradling one of her limbs.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

It wasn’t as if Mira had never heard the tales of the monsters of the underground or anything of the sort, the girl had always just been wary of believing such a thing when no one had seen any in forever.

Besides, if monsters were real they would had wiped out humanity by now, right? After all, that was why they had been locked away...or so Mira had been taught.

There was a sense of something in the air thought that wasn’t quite right to the girl as she cradled her injured leg to her chest as she mentally mapped out her plans. A crackle in the air was what she would describe it as...not bad, but one she needed to keep a eye on.

‘Maybe if I just go North I’ll eventually uhh..hit a ledge or something, than...’

Frowning at her too ambitious plan as there was no way she could climb a entire cliff right now, going North didn’t mean she would find anything in particular importance either.

‘South usually leads to water, right?? I mean, this is a cave, but-‘

The girl fully expecting that she was deathly alone in these woods as she was lost in thought at the moment, only the sound of a unfamiliar voice brought her to attention as she looked up confused at who, or what, had found her.


At first glance Mira naively thought another human for some insane reason was down here as well...but that made no sense, her dark eyes widening in fear as it was pretty easy to tell this was not a human by any means the more she looked...

“M-monster...!”, her voice catching in her throat as she gripped her knife tighter by instinct, the Pain in her leg was the least of her worries now as she knew monsters like this ate humans like her, “back off or I’ll cut you!!”.

Glaring in a mix of anger and fear as she held the knife in front of her ready to strike, she wasn’t exactly expecting to see a sentient skeleton down here of all things, but regardless she had zero reason to trust this creature to not harm her.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

Sans reflexively darted back and to the side as soon as the human held up a knife. Sans only had 1 HP, after all; if someone did manage to land even a glancing blow with a knife on him, he'd be dust. At least it didn't seem like this human would be able to attack him quickly enough to out-speed his dodge reflexes, with the way she was holding her leg as though it were injured. Nonetheless, Sans watched the human warily and moved even farther away.

The fact the human's immediate reaction had been to threaten him made Sans even more wary of her. However, a small part of him noted that alongside the anger, the human also seemed scared. Sans supposed he couldn't blame the human for being scared the- presumably- first time she saw a monster. A skeleton probably wasn't the friendliest looking monster to serve as an introduction to monsterkind, either.

Then again, humans being afraid of monsters was what had gotten them trapped under this mountain in the first place. And, possibly, was the reason that other human had gained a bit of exp before going on to become friends with the remaining monsters. Sans didn't plan on letting the same thing happen now. Maybe reasoning with the human would work.

"i'm not gonna hurt ya, kiddo," Sans said calmly. Deciding to go with diplomacy by not adding 'as long as you don't attack me first,' Sans simply watched and waited to see how the human would respond.

Sans wasn't sure whether it was a good thing or a bad thing that he'd been the one to find the human. Papyrus or one of the Royal Guard dogs doubtlessly would have seemed more friendly than he did; however, Sans wouldn't have wanted any of them to potentially be hurt by the human in anger and fear. Well, there was no use wondering about how things could have gone differently. All Sans could do now was try to diffuse the situation.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

Mira’s eye wide and nervous as she was more than willing to attack if given the chance, she wasn’t going to let this monster get any closer than he already was as her heart pounded in her ears.

Why should she trust this thing? For all she knew the skeleman was going to kill her just like any old monster would do to someone like her. If she was going to die down here she would die fighting at the very least despite her hand shaking from the fear that she was being seen as prey by a potential predator.

The human world had never been the best at explaining to children growing up that most monsters were not evil and out for blood, almost every story revolving around a hero slaying the beasts for humanities sake as if it was a good deed to get rid of their underground presence.

Him having moved father away appearing to have calmed Mira slightly though as she lowered her knife a little, she observed the skeleton from afar for any signs that he was jesting her and just waiting for a way to make her let her guard down.

“Why should I believe that?”, her voice pained as she heard the mysterious monster speak up and say he didn’t want to hurt her, Mira remained on alert as ever despite the apparent friendliness of the skeleton, “you a m-monster, I know your going to try and kill me!”.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

Sans was relieved to see the human lower the knife a bit, though his expression remained neutral and he continued to watch her carefully. After all, the human could have only done that to try to get him to lower his guard. The human certainly didn't seem like she'd let her guard down.

The human's words confused Sans a bit. Why did she seem so convinced that he was going to try to kill her? Sans didn't think he'd done anything to imply he planned on killing her. Sans thought back through their meeting so far; he didn't recall any hostility on his own part. Then again, the human's wording suggested it was the fact he was a monster that had her so scared. Sans sighed inwardly, if that was the case calming her down would be even more difficult. It wasn't like he could just stop being a monster, after all.

Sans had to wonder what the other human had told everyone after returning from the Underground, if this was how humans react to seeing a monster. Sans would have thought they'd have at least said the monsters weren't evil, if not that they were nice. Then again, it wasn't like that human had made any effort to free the monsters from their underground prison, so who knows. Perhaps that human just hadn't actually cared.

Regardless, those were the least of Sans' worries right now. Right now, there was only one human he should be focusing on. Sans figured some humor might help calm the human down; hopefully her sense of humor wasn't as anti-pun as his brother claimed his was. "hey, it's not like i have a bone to pick with ya," Sans replied with a small chuckle. Hopefully the joke would at least show he wasn't as evil as the human apparently thought he was.
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Thank you very much! <3

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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

Keeping a close eye on the monster ahead of her despite lowering her knife a bit, Mira wasn’t quite sure what to think of this hoody wearing skeleton seeing as he really didn’t seem like he wanted to even come hear her much less attack.

Mira was..uhh, small to say the least, her always having backed this downside up by having a hairpin temper when things went as wrong as they had today. She wasn’t a child though, her not being naive to the fact that this monster could just be waiting for a chance to strike if she let her guard down....

Mira’s mind couldn’t risk it, but her body was telling her to just calm down already as she forced herself to lower he knife to her side just for the time being. The sharp pain in her leg being unavoidable as she kept it close to her body, hearing the skeleton crack a joke seemed to do a little bit of help as Mira’s eyes softened slightly.

“You don’t want to hurt me...?”, her voice quiet as she was just as wary of the monster as he was of her, she was kind of confused by his humor but didn’t sense any ill intent in the way he spoke, “but your a monster, why are you being s-so friendly?”.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

Sans watched as the human lowered the knife to her side. Starting to feel more hopeful of his chances of calming the human down and getting out of this alive, Sans relaxed a bit, but only slightly, and he was careful to keep it out of his expression. No need to let the human think he might have let his guard down, after all. At least the pun seemed to have helped a bit; Sans internally debated trying another, but figured he should try to be serious for now.

Based on what the human said, it seemed Sans' guess had been accurate. The human thought he wanted to kill her, just because he was a monster. "nah, i don't wanna hurt you," Sans replied, trying to sound reassuring. "us monsters... we're not like what you think we are. none of us would hurt you."

Sans figured he probably wouldn't be able to completely convince the human he wasn't a threat this easily, but it was worth a shot. At least now she seemed to be willing to talk it out rather than possibly attack at any moment. Even so, Sans stayed where he was, not wanting to scare the human again.

Glancing at the way the human was still cradling her leg, Sans wondered if perhaps helping with her injury would prove he wasn't planning to hurt her. Then again, he didn't have healing magic himself, and he didn't think bringing another monster over would do anything to ease the human's worries. If anything, it would probably scare her more. Monster food could heal humans, but what if she thought he was trying to poison her if he offered her some food? This was a lot more difficult than he'd expected... Oh well, he could at least try. "if you want, i can give you some food that will heal your leg. it's your choice though," Sans said.
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Thank you very much! <3

My wishlist is on my profile; I love Wind Hydras and Charaen!
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

Despite having shown that she was at least willing to communicate without violence, Mira was still unsure of what to think of this monster they didn’t seem to intend her any harm. It wasn’t as if she had ever actually seen a monster until now...but she had heard the stories and that wasn’t something so easily wiped away...

Even with the casualness between them, Mira seemed to be struggling to decide if she could let her guard down still as her emotions were in a twist right now as would be the same with any human in her precarious situation. With a potentially broken ankle, a mere pocket knife to defend herself with, and the vastness of this forest it wasn’t as if she had much more than a choice to trust the skeleman anyways if she was going to not freeze to death.

“I...I...”, Mira trying to find the right words for a response to being told that monsters weren’t going to kill her as she assumed though, her face blushed a bit as she was embarrassed by how defensive she had gotten over what was apparently truly nothing to worry about, “listen, you don’t seem so bad, but...”.

Trailing off as she seemed to be thinking of something, Mira decided to put the knife back in her pocket for now when it was apparent she had had a small change of heart by whatever it was she was thinking of, “I’m sorry for pointing my knife at you, it was a stupid move....”.

‘J-just try to be casual with him Mira, maybe he is right and is telling the truth, but still...be prepared’

There still being slightly hostility in Mira’s eyes as she made sure the monster kept his distance, she seemed to hesitant when she was offered food that could heal her Injured leg, the pain making it pretty much impossible for her to walk otherwise.

What if he was trying to poison her?? But didn’t he just say monsters wouldn’t try to hurt her? The confusion in her heart beating in her ears as she simply nodded to the offer, when she wasn’t on the defense Mira was truly just a terrified human who wanted to go home and harm no one and get out of...whatever this place was.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

Sans waited silently as the human decided what to do. At least she seemed less like she was going to attack him at any moment now, though Sans still didn't let down his guard. Sans listened as the human struggled to find the right words to say; he didn't blame her for being uncertain, though he definitely would have preferred not to have been threatened at knife point.

Relief flooded Sans when the human finally put the knife away, though only the slightest bit of tension left his expression and posture. After all, she still seemed a bit hostile, so she might have just been planning to get him to let his guard down and then she'd take the knife back out. Either way, there wasn't much Sans could do but wait, so that's what he did.

When the human eventually nodded in acceptance of his offer of food, Sans slowly reached into the pocket of his hoodie, carefully removing a hotdog and holding it up so the human could see it really was food and not a weapon or anything.

Internally, Sans wondered if, as soon as she ate the hotdog and her leg was healed, the human would just take the knife back out and try to kill him. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea... But he'd already offered, and he didn't like seeing anyone suffering, even if it was someone who'd threatened to kill him earlier.

"alright, i'm going to levitate this over to you, okay? i won't go near you." Sans said, figuring the human would prefer that over him walking any closer. If he was being honest, Sans didn't really want to go near the human anyway, knowing she had a weapon. Slowly, the hotdog levitated towards the human, stopping in the air a foot or so away so she could reach out and take it if she wanted to.
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My wishlist is on my profile; I love Wind Hydras and Charaen!
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