Random Writing

This section is for writing that is completely your own, including the world it is set in

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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 5 Wind

It was cold in the court, despite the warm colors of spring. Flowers, vines and of course wood were the make of the architecture. None of its splendor, and awe could take the bite away from the glares that were upon him.
"You're accused of treason against The Oberon's life, how do you plead?" The judge that sat before him on a raised seat asked. Crystal blue eyes locked in a enraged glare." I am not guilty…," He said in an even though livid tone. His voice was going hoarse from his protests and had to steer himself into a calm so he could face the entire Seelie Court. He stood proud and strong, despite his lithe appearance. He was afterall The Oberon's best friend. He HAD to be strong for this.
Murmurs echoed through the great hall about this. He was adamant and consistent at the very least, but to accuse Titania, herself, of the crimes he was being charged for was as much treason as plotting to kill The Oberon.
"Enough!" The judge roared before pointing a long slender, and accusing finger down at the accused." Aton! You are accused for multiple crimes of treason. Your plead of 'not guilty' has been heard! What does your majesties wish for him?"
Aton, flinched. He knew this was a one-sided jury and a "trial" was just a formality, but deep down he was still hoping to get some sort of appeal in. The Oberon knew him from when they were children, having been brought to the Realm of Fae, as all males are. Surely HE would see through this farce and know that his long time friend was being set up.

Pain was drawn across The Oberon's face. He felt so betrayed by the only fae he could call friend in this place. His one ally, against a stacked monarchy, only to turn out to be an enemy all along. Why would anyone go so far, for such a position as his?
Dwyn shuddered. He knew there was talk of someone wanting to kill him for the throne, but his own wife Titania? Absurd. True she carried the right to choose her Oberon, but she would never kill The Oberon she was with for another. Aton knew that, yet he played his cards all right. Even his act was believable, which made the pain grow even stronger.
Above all, if Dwyn didn't make a move he would look like a fool under the entire Seelie court's eyes. Dwyn would not be made a fool!
"Aton, faerie of sunlight embodied. You are sentenced to banishment!" The words flowed so easily, without sting and full of conviction. Dwyn even surprised himself with that, as he heard the gasps of some of the other fae among the audience. " You are never allowed to set so much a foot into the Realm again! You are to live among the humans and live there for the rest of your mortal days! May the Wind carry your wings high and far!"
With that farewell to his childhood friend, Dwyn turned and left the court. The color fading from Aton's face, as if he were sentenced to death was the last straw. Tears had started to form and he needed to leave before anyone saw that he had lost face.

Stunned Aton looked down at his hands helplessly. Golden curls covered his eyes, otherwise he would've seen the smug look of triumph across Titania's face. It soon faded, so no one grew suspicious as she began barking orders to the guards.
All the fae was in an uproar. Some cheering, others crying out in protest as the guards pulled Aton out of court. It all seemed unreal. Voices muffled, faces blurred as he was on the way to being cast out.
Reaching the portal the guards tossed him in and the Wind threw him out of the Realm. It flung him high up into the sky. Nothing but blue sky and white clouds around him as he struggled to get a firm grip on his limbs, which were flailing due to the force of the Wind of the portal.
Panic set in after the 5 minute mark, instilling the fear of hitting ground with such force and velocity that he might not make the first minute in the mortal world, let alone the rest of his days.
Just as he thought of it, he hit ground with a loud wump. It was like it snuck up on him, instead of seeing it in the distance, and dreading impact.
Thankful to having all of his appendages intact, if a little bruised, his tiny celebration was cut short when someone nearly walked all over him.
"Get off of the street you freak!" The man yelled as he finished crossing the street. Aton's clothes obviously stood out, being of a material and make that was unknown to this world. Lifting off of the ground he looked around at a city street. Nothing looked familiar. Everything there was foreign to him, but he didn't get thrown to a different country. No, this was a completely different world.

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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 6 Soul

Looking down through the tree branches below him, he saw his target. A lady on horse back heading towards an unknown destination at full tilt. With her head covered he couldn't be certain if this was his target or not, since his orders were rather vague. ' Kill the messenger. The orders that he or she has will determine the battle for the next few weeks. We need you to kill them so those orders do not reach their destination.' Simple, and all that was needed for an assassin like himself.
Golden eyes narrowed to see that there was a small bundle attached to the horse's saddle with a bit of parchment hanging out. No doubt the orders that needed to be stopped. Without hesitating he took out a bow and arrow and headed towards a better vantage point.
Pulling the bow taut he aimed for the woman and let it go as soon as the target was clear of any obstructions. A small thwack could have been heard and it had spooked the horse, rearing and knocking the woman down. Stampeding off the young man would seek it out later, it was important to see that the woman was killed. It would be all for naught if she lived. Parchment can be burned but if the messenger memorized the message -like they should- they would still be able to send the message, either by themselves or some other method.
Getting closer the woman gasped for air. Not a killing shot, but a punctured lung was a slow death none the none the less. She turned over and looked up at her attacker with angered eyes. The young man's conviction melted.
"K…Kyo?" She looked at him bewildered," It…. It was you?" Swallowing hard he cursed himself. How could he be so stupid? Of course it would be her, the very person whom he loved but could never have. Torren. A princess and strong warrior. He had watched over her since she was just a child and watched her bloom into such a lovely young lady. If he had been mortal he would've spent the rest of his life with her. Fate, however, had something different in mind.

"You are to look after my daughter no matter what.." The letter had wrote. Kyo didn't mind selling his talents to get some extra income coming in. Anything to get away from the one who feigns himself as a father to the boy. The young demon had thought baby sitting would be an easy job, but the little reckless spirit parading as a girl made it difficult on all sides. From nearly falling into the river, to plummeting from a high tree top. All Kyo did was have a quick snooze, but even that was impossible for one so curious and rambunctious as Torren.
Kyo thought that with him being a demon it would've been easy to keep himself unseen. That proved more difficult than he imagined, having to show himself in moments of near death for the little girl. It would've been easier if he was able to tap into that dark magic of his , but the curse that held fast to it made it impossible. The dreams would return and the pain and suffering would continue.
Still little Torren had seemed so adorably carefree about seeing him. It made his heart swell to hear her giggle, and smile at him. Never before had anyone give him such a heart warming smile.
As she grew older however, her life became more and more threatened. So many times had Kyo been in a fight while the princess had quietly wandered through the woods. Or had to stand in front of her as a reckless, nothing-to-lose, soldier had rushed at her.
The times had grown even darker when war was on the edge and had made the careless, ambitious little girl into a hardened war torn young lady.
Much was lost. Trust was lost when Torren had become so dangerously close to Kyo that they had made love. Kyo had told her that he was paid to protect her, not that he wanted to. She had ordered him out, said that his contract was terminated and to never return.
Disheartened and nearly dead inside he had drunk himself into a stupor, hating himself, cursing the king and everything around him. Even if he could of lived with her, taken her away from all of this war, and death, her mortal years would be so short to his lengthy immortality.
So to keep his mind off of it he returned to the job he was good at. Killing. Never would he have thought that the first kill, after so many years, would be the one he called his lover.

"Oh gods…. Torren…..," He whispered feeling that the arrow had pierced his heart and not her lung. ".. You hold on… I'll….. I'll get someone to heal that…"
"Stop" she said firmly though weakly,"… You've done enough. " Cringing he took a step closer, knowing that in this state there was nothing she could do to him.
"Please….. Let me help you…..," he whispered pained and stretched a hand towards her. Glaring at him then the hand she smacked it away.
"You needed money?…… Had to take up another job so quickly? Who are you protecting this time? …..," She coughed. He stood there shot again in the heart.
"Please let me explain…..," He tried again stretching out his hand.
"Why?! I thought you cared… I thought you LOVED me… but all I was, was some tail on the side to a cushy job..," She coughed again. If he took out the arrow she would surely drown on her own blood.
Standing up on her own Torren continued to glare at him. "What could you possibly tell me Kyo?… What could you possibly tell me?"
"That I do love you…. That I would've taken you away from all of this… If I was mortal I would've lived my entire life with you happily……. And then some…," he explained calmly and coldly. Sighing he scratched his head and wondered what he could do now. Would he be able to get to a healer in time? Would pulling out the arrow just fill her lungs and drown her?
Shock had covered her face, feeling like she had been a fool in believing what she had, and not giving the man she loved the benefit of the doubt. Only he wasn't just any man, he was a demon male. Would their customs even allow such a thing? In either event Kyo didn't seem to care about it.
"We need to hurry and get you to a healer….," Kyo pressed seeing the blood stain her cloak and dress. Torren had coughed, coughing up a bit of blood. The blood already started to seep into the lung. If it was pulled she'd be done for.
" I was going to have a short life for you anyway……..," She whispered, a sad smile spreading across her face. " But you would've stayed with me as I grew older…….. While you barely aged at all….." Tears fell down her face. Kyo truly was the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, but she never dreamed it would be like this. "Kyo…. I am such a fool…. Forgive me?"
Kyo could see a look in her eyes that made him go white as a sheet. " Of… of course…. Just… don't die okay?" He said pulling her close. She pulled out the arrow and collapsed in his arms.
"What are you doing?!" he roared," We could have gotten you to a healer or something! You don't have to die!"
Smiling as the blood filled her lungs she said," Listen…… Kyo….. Hate me for this…. But … I know that I cannot survive this.. A healer couldn't fix the wounds in time……. " Her words were becoming gargled but continued talking. " Know that I loved you even through my rage…." She couldn't say anything more the blood was too much and the coughing was incessant bringing up more and more blood.
It wasn't long until the convulsing from coughing stopped as she could no longer breath. Tears streamed down the demon's face having felt every bit of life slowly fade from her body. He roared as loud as he could having the animal in him reach his voice and the pain etch through out it.
No one would be as perfect for him as she was. No one would hold a candle. Demons loved many, but had only one soul mate. Torren was Kyo's and he had lost her…. Forever.

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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

I hope people do enjoy these..... if so visit my Deviant Art?? same user name... Same theme names^^ At least for the themed writing anyway. Fav my work or give a comment. Feed back is welcomed! *nods* ^^

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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 7 Obedience
Im gunna give a warning here, since this can come off as morbid.... So.. yeah... warning! lol....

Vision blurry and disorientating. Nothing really in focus but feeling was coming back to the body. Pain wasn't there ,which was odd, because the feeling of the chest cavity being open, was there. The sensation of things being exposed was not usually so hitting as clear as daylight. Things still hazy, looking around trying to gather where this place is. A place at the bottom of a castle? Maybe?
A dungeon, chains tight blood flowing, but still no pain. Just the awareness of things drying out that shouldn't be. Look down. Ribs pried open showing off the innards for the world to see. Panic sets in, struggling to make dead limbs move while looking around for a way out or some sort of help.
Eyes still blurry manage to focus on a couple of figures. A tall man in white beside a child. Whispered voices just audible enough to hear what's going on, but words come out garbled and distorted. Must be a dream. A nightmare.
'…What…….……… Disobey……. Feed ….……….. Punishment…'
Clicking like falling pieces disordered words become clear.
"This is what happens when you disobey. Don't follow their example… But you must feed. Its apart of their punishment." Tall man in white talking to fearful child. More panic sets in. Struggles harder. More blood flowing.
Child right looking fearfully sick about to grab a bite. Tears stream looks up and small begging.
"No.. Please don't…. Don't do it…."
Words so faint they don't seem to have a body to anchor them.

Images phase out in a haze of dark color and feelings. Wake up to fear and the feeling of death. All is well… Not really but better than being asleep.
Chest is fine. Breathing short and quick as if still in shock. Reality comes crashing down and she begins to feel better. Images still flashing through her mind as the dream really didn't feel like an out-of-the-norm., dream. It felt more like a memory, long lost, only to be resurfaced by some outside force.
As the thought rises through her head a laugh echoes through the silent spaces left inside her head. "This is what happens when you disobey." Words still replaying through her mind. All she can do is let it sit and look around the familiar room. This is real. Not that. Go back to sleep.
Tomorrow, have to get to work and forget what just happened. People would think she's crazy otherwise.

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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 8 cat

Sleek legs walking in a strut that demands attention. No one can drag their eyes away at the figure making it's way to the door step. They stop for a moment surveying the scene only to blink large eyes in a vain expression.
Time to clean.
Bathing in the sun without care to who sees stretching to such lengths that all eyes turn to see a cat looking as cute as the day when she was small.
One could almost see the smirk on the little girl's face as she licked at her fir noticing the attention by few people who passed by. Just a cat, nothing to really pay much attention to, but what attention was there the cat drank it up. Purring loudly and smiling in the sun. A mischievous glint as she looks for a bug to pounce at and play with. Such an abundance of energy for something so small and such simple pleasures. If only things could be so peaceful.
Quickly as she came, the little feline left. Jumped over the fence with grace and skill, still holding herself high with her tail straight to show her proud nature.

Strutting her stuff until she was certain she was a safe distance away. The sounds of bones reshaping and transforming. A female figure emerges and the fur disappears. Legs slightly contorted since the power is not strong enough to gain a full human figure.
Clawed fingers drag through long luscious black hair. Large cat ears twitch to the sound of birds in the alleyway. Feet clawed and more like cats than humans while she continued to walk with grace and that same demand for attention. A tail flows, still holding that high and proud that only cats seem to hold in nature.
Ducking around a corner, she heads to her little hidey hole she calls home and adorns clothes so she can step out into the streets without getting into trouble.
Folding her ears back they hid in her long hair, that way she could still hear but no one would suspect that she was something else. Stiletto healed boots to hide the cat like feet- they wouldn't fit in anything else- from prying eyes. Tail fitted around her waist like a fur belt. No one would be the wiser while she stepped into the busy streets and pulled on a pair of shades. Sure her cat like eyes could be explained with contact lenses, but why the fuss? Shades make the picture even just a little more perfect on a day like today.
"Meeko! There you are!" A voice called from behind her. She turned smiling. " Hello Zax," voice purring and velvety. The young boy rolled his eyes smiling with a chuckle. "Always putting on a show.. Aren't you kitty?" She winked playfully," You know it."
Arms linked they walked off merging with the crowd. Two demons with the best camouflage one could hope to find.

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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

So!! For theme 9 im gunna skip posting here because there was little to no difference from the one i had previously posted here.. Its the one about my dream... i called the theme red in DA *shrugs*... Anyways theme 10 is still in the works and im hoping to get it up before the week ends.. We shall see. (am striving to get it done before i go swimming shortly here...) Anyway enjoy^^

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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 10 Trapped

Staring at nothing the red haired youth struggled in thought. Sitting in an alley way with gloved hands a baggy shirt and jeans he leaned his head against the wall he was sitting against. In his right hand a peculiar looking necklace its pendant gripped in his hand while the chain swung freely. He looked at it again, gripping tighter on the pendant, and cringed only to return to his deep and troubled thought.
What do I do to get rid of tis DAMN thing?! The frustration through his mind causing him much stress.
He didn’t mean to kill the previous owner. She had gotten in the way of a rather nasty to-the-death fight right at the final blow he was going to deliver. She had been mortal and hadn’t survived the blast. The amulet around her neck, however, was perfectly intact. He owed it to her, to some degree, to hang on to it as a reminder of what he had done. Taking the life of a girl who didn’t deserve it.
“Gods and she had been so young!” He groaned at himself, banging his head against the wall. He didn’t realize that he who kills the owner of this necklace takes custody of it and will latch onto the killer. For on that day he was given a most horrendous surprise. One he was not at all ready nor qualified for.

Staring at her cold body and the necklace in hand he shuddered with guilt and remorse. How could something so terrible happen? People made sure no one got through the crowd and close enough to the lethal punches and kicks that were being given, to prevent this kind of thing from happening. How did she even get through? Was she so desperate to stop it? Or did she want to die?
Gazing at the pendant he read the inscriptions along the edge, that surrounded a rich ruby, but it didn’t make much sense. “ Unless one calls upon the guardian of this amulet the power itself is lost and cannot be used. If the bearer of this amulet dies or is killed either the next in line or the killer is responsible for its upkeep. “ What on earth could that mean?
Suddenly it seemed to glow the color as if it were heating up. Orangey-white light covered the alley way no empty of its onlookers for fear of getting arrested. He alone stood to witness this phenomena as a creature poured from the light and formed a young man, no older than he was.
“ You killed her…..,” the young man said in a loathing tone.” You sonuva bitch!! How could you kill her?!” Eyes glowed like fire as this creature lunged at the red haired youth. “ What the fuck did she ever do to you?!” the roar coming from this young man was ethereal like a dragon ready to tear something apart. The red head backed up stammering, trying to talk reason when the pendant began to glow again and a fairy popped out. “ Stop it Dane!” The tiny little creature cried in a high voice,” You’ll kill our new master! You knew such a day would come eventually! It was too much for her!” Little eyes brimmed with tears as she flew towards the creature, in a human form, to still the rage.
“ But he is a DEMON!” He roared,” Demons are not allowed to use the amulet. Their blood thirsty tendencies go against EVERYTHING we stand for. He could not possibly become our new master.”
Shocked at this new proclamation for becoming a master over two underlings he continued to stammer,” What…. What are…. You talking about??”
“Huo I refuse to be subservant to that man!” Dane huffed and turned his back towards the young man. Sighing in defeat the little fire fairy flew over to the red headed youth to try and explain.
“Tell us your name first..,” Huo replied. The boy had a bit of trouble finding his voice. This was way more than a sentimental trinket that he held in his hand and they wanted to start off with his name? He had so many other questions that didn’t involve something so mundane!
“Ka-…Kasei….,” he replied,”… I… didn’t… I don’t even know HOW she got there in between that fight! It was never my intention…………. Never… If I could have stopped it in time I would’ve…..”
Huo nodded sombrely believing what he had to say but Dane simple crossed his arms and shook his head. “If he meant it or not doesn’t change the fact that she is dead……” Was his final say as he returned to a being of orangey-white light and re-entered into the pendant that they called an amulet.
Once Dane was gone Huo sighed in frustration and sadness. “ He may never get over her…. She was…. Very special to him,” the fire fairy explained. “ Looks like I might have to teach you the things you should know…. But combat and various other traditions involved with the upkeep of this amulet is Dane’s specialty… So for now I will try to calm him down.” With that said she too disappeared back into the strange trinket.
Standing shocked and left numb Kasei didn’t react at first until the high pitch whine of sirens could be hears far off in the distance. The best he could do for the dead girl was heave her over his shoulders and take her to a remote spot to be buried. He didn’t even know if she had a family to take her body to or to pay respects to the grave he was digging. It made him feel horrendous and much like a murderer rather than it all being an accident, he felt like he had killed her on purpose.
Once the dirty work was done Kasei wiped his brow and looked at the amulet again. ‘I have to get rid of this….. The guilt will eat me alive,’ he thought to himself as he looked at the night sky.

Over the past two months he had tried doing just that. Selling it, giving it away, tossing out into the river, even losing it to the demon city Hell. Much to his dismay it always came back to him one way or another. Some with rather damaging circumstances. Someone had tossed it out a window, the person he sold it to demanded his money back since it seemed that Kasei still had it magically. He had even randomly found it on the side walk glimmering nicely. The ruby alone would attract many a thief, but instead it was like a repellent to all others and a magnet to him.
He felt trapped. Forever doomed to take care of this amulet and whatever powers it held. Huo would be more than willing to help him with it, but Dane would rather have Kasei’s head on a platter than train him how to use the element of fire.
Shivering at the thought of Dane finding out that he tried to ditch the amulet on someone else the red haired young man stood and walked out of the alley way, and headed to where ever. The amulet in his pocket like a burning ball and chain, reminding him of his guilt and the fact that he was trapped with it. Forever.

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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 11 Premonition

Screams could be heard a great distance through the corridors, even with the large thick double doors closed and locked. A man in long flowing robes and a shaved head save for a strip of black hair hanging to one side, stood in contemplative silence. His glasses reflected the electricity that surged at the center of the room.
"That's enough…," He commanded to a similarly, fashioned young man. The only thing that set these two apart was the sashes along the robes. Obviously the gold indicated a higher rank.
When the electricity subsided the man looked into what seemed to be a hollowed out pillar. In the center sat a man strapped down in a suit of rubber to protect the skin. On his head he adorned what appeared to be a motorcyclists helmet, plugged directly to the machine administering the high voltage surges or electricity. The glass was tinted so no one would see the young man's identity.
"How are the premonitions coming along?" He asked to the man who was working the machine, rather than the one strapped to it.
"They're coming in slower High Scholar, but they are coming in. This oracle has lasted much longer than the previous ones," The lower ranked man informed.
"Good and bad….," The High Scholar remarked disapprovingly," Up the voltage…. Lets see if we can't squeeze a bit more out of him today."
The subordinate looked at the High Scholar in horror." But sire,… He's… Already passed the required limit for a human being to handle before frying the brain.," was the wavering response.
"I don't care!" The High Scholar shouted," We need those premonitions as soon as possible! If we don't get as much as we can we'll never know of the dangers that the world will face. The human race needs us to know of these dangers in advance otherwise we cannot prevent them!"
The technician flinched and nodded turning the dial a little higher up before throwing the switch. The screams resounded again as the High Scholar turned and left the room.

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 12 Prey

Feet pounded against the roof tops of the city in pursuit of an enemy that recently shed light unto itself. The Demon Hunters had recently began announcing their presence to the public since the year had passed into 2021. Telling people of the threat known as demons and how they seem to integrate into society. They named themselves as humanities only means of protection and if anyone so much as feel that the person is a demon the Demon Hunters would look into it.
Naturally there had been prank calls and people who weren't really demons, but when it was a demon the Demon Hunters broke out in their high tech jet packed suits and equipment to take the monster down. This was such a case as they flew into view of this demon on the run.
The two communicated with each other saying this would be an easy target as the demon was young and still inexperienced with enemies such as Demon Hunters. They readied a net that spanned between the two of them. It hung low until the moment was ready to capture their powerful prey.
Frantically the demon looked back and upped his speed. He was going faster than a car and tried to run at a faster speed than that, but the jet packs were too fast. "Definitely not a speed demon this," One chuckled as they simply followed the demon. " No," the other replied," not much of a prize then is he?" They both laughed as they continued the chase.
In an act of desperation the demon doubled back and tried to jump down into the busy city street. Onlookers craned their necks upward in awe to see their new protectors in action. They stretched out the net quickly enough so the demon could land in it without touching anything on the streets below. Some applauded others made noises of amazement as the two Demon Hunters wrapped up the struggling demon.
The rope was demon binding. Having specialized treatments done so that the powers and strengths of the demon was instantly nullified. He was as weak as any mortal tied in strong heavy set rope. It wrapped and snaked around the demon make him immobile and easier to carry around. Frightened the demon didn't move only watched as the people looked on at him in awe and disgust. Little did the public know, his fate would not be quick and the Demon Hunters were never merciful.

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
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Thank you to Ryves, Altairia, Anonymous, and the Magistream Team!! ^^
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

So!! Theme 13 can be found on my deviant art account here:
Its just a revamped version of my first musically inspired writing i had done here.. I shall have another theme set up sometime tonight (i hope) i still have to do some figuring out first ><;;. Hopefully it will be done... hopefully >,;; anyway enjoy!!

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
Clicks are slower when on my phone but they do happen
Wishlist is in my profile and can be found here.
Rp 1x1?
Check me out here!
Happy Magiversary!!
Thank you to Ryves, Altairia, Anonymous, and the Magistream Team!! ^^

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