Random Writing

This section is for writing that is completely your own, including the world it is set in

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Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

(essentially just writing stuff that's coming from my head at the moment....
Oh and you don't have to read them all if you don't want to... Im just writing for the sake of writing. I'll probably make a table of contents for people if they wish....or care... *shrugs* )

Everything ran blank. Her mind became a void of white. Like staring at a white screen. Nothing on it. No dirt, no flickering. Just white.
" Why can't i think of anything?" She yelled at the atmosphere. "I had something going... but then it vanished. What do i do now?" The thought of her going back to the other room really didnt appeal. Her companion was watching inane programs and for some reason he was repeating them just to kill some time. How annoying and boring.
"I want to do something! Roleplaying... writting, drawing.... but nothing seems appealing enough....... My mind is literally blocked on all sides!" She shook her head in dismay tapping the pen on the piece of blank paper. She looked at the screen again watching and listening to whatever was already on there, feeling her mind slowly turn to goo. At least that's what it felt like.
"Brain mush... thats all im getting... is brain mush....." She whispered knowing full well she was suppressing her underlying issue. "..... Do i talk to her or don't i?... How do i do this without coming off as a total wierdo.... Sure she and i had a very bad break up........ but she had been my friend for years..... Hell she even tried to be friends -despite the blatant lack of effort- or had at least wanted to be friends. All i did was slap that hand away. I really am a fool......"
Leaning back in her chair she stared at the ceiling running over every sort of possibility before weighing her options. She was damned if she did, because if anyone had found out about it she would end up having a lengthy conversation about why, and what happened and she just didn't want to get into that. Damned if she didn't because she would regret not trying and potentially having her old friend back.
"Who am i kidding? I have two possible outcomes.. Well three if you include the fact that she might very well just be shocked.... She might be angry with me and refuse profusely .... Or she might be uncertain. Or might actually want to be friends as well... and has been waiting......... The last one being completely and utterly unlikely........ But not impossible........... Still is it really worth it?" Running a hand through her hair in furstration she looked on at the computer screen and sighed... i really am screwed here on this one... aren't i?...... So much for still being friends.... huh?..... "
Scratching her head she played with the pen in her hand and continued running the possibilities through her head. Deep down she wanted to desperately talk to the one friend she could be so open with but kept herself back. What would she say anyway? How would she be able to come off not sounding like a total and utter freak?

"Damned if i do..... Damned if i don't," She muttered to herself,".. Can i even go through with this?" Bowing her head she could feel the web page staring back at her. A reminder that if she was going to do this, she should do this soon. ".... Is this even such a good idea?"
Last edited by KeeroTashimi on October 26th, 2010, 2:01:16 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

(more randoms
Music inspired 1: Summer 2010 "TechnoMix" by Genisis11 on newgrounds(awesome song))

Beat pulsing through her viens she found herself on the dance floor. Body swaying to the rhythm, hair of dark but richly bright purple and a golden-ish orange streak in the middle, flowed with her. It had to be down to her butt and longer as she bounced to the intoxicating techno song that the DJ was playing.
The amount of bodies at this party sent shivers as she danced with a handful of people. Her white baby-T gave off a bright blue underneath the dark light as her body bounced and rocked, making people of either sex look at her. She was breath taking. Light mocha skin, tight shirt that showed off her belly and tight dark blue jeans. On her arm was a bangle with two spirals on opposite directions. Many people wanted to bring her home and even asked her, but she respectfully declined, continuing to dance to the addictive melodies and beats of the music.
"Leera!"A voice blared through the crowd, but she didn't quite her it. "Leera!! Where are you girl?!" Hearing it a second time it broke her trance and she sighed not wanting to leave just yet.
Wandering over to her older brother, who had called her, she looked up at him. "What is it, Daken?" She placed a hand on her hip a displeased expression across her face. "Can't you see i was having fun?"
"Yeah and you charmed every boy and girl in the club.... Come on we need to get home.....We're already late for our lesson..." He muttered looking rather unhappy as well. He was a largely built young man and easily towered over his little sister, who wasn't at all small either. He had black spikey hair and wore a tight sports-T and black baggy pants.
"Fine....," She muttered and walked towards the door. Before leaving she turned around and blew a kiss to the crowd. The trance that she seemed to have over the people was gone. True she was still very attractive, but she had cast a spell over the entire crowd by simply dancing. She was after all, a demon.
Last edited by KeeroTashimi on October 20th, 2010, 3:41:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Random Writing

Post by dreamwalker4523 »

Very well written, I love them both thought I do wish there was a bit more to the first one I want to know what she is afraid of saying and if they make up or not. I do hope to see more random writings from you. <3
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Well dreamwalker4523 im very glad you liked my writting... Sadly, the first one is complicated... I'm not sure where to go with that one... Simply for the fact that it deals with certain things in my life... So we'll see there might be a happy ending to that one... there might not be... So we shall see XPP

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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

(randomness 3
Music Inspired 2: ~BH~ Tendril by blackhole12 on newgrounds)

The sound of bubbling, crystal like laughter could be heard underneath the water as a creature at high speed swam just below the surface. The clear pearl scaly like dorsal fin could be seen only for it dipped into the water. The water was still for a short while before the surface was broken and a mermaid like creature jumped high above the water. The mermaid's tail looked like it was of a chrysalis material. Fragile yet durable it glistened like a beautiful pale blue jewel. No one could see that encased inside where two legs and at the end, making the tail, were flippers instead of feet.
Diving back into the water she giggled again while she slowed her swim. At the point of nearly stopping the chrysalis that covered her legs seemed to mold over her two appendages, revealing a third. A lizard-like, yet fish-like, tail that was used more for steering than swimming. Her hair was short with two long strands on either side of her face that flowed past her shoulders. It was the color of white, pink and even blue pearls. It shimmered underneath the sun that glittered through the shallow waters.
She blinked obsidian black eyes. Strange though they were for they was no white to speak of making her seem even more ethereal. She wore clothes that seemed to look similar to that of beta fins, and were of a light and dark blue. A rope was fastened around her waist to make the entire fabric into a short dress. the top was a halter top and didn't cover her back as it drooped down to the lower part of her spine. This was to make sure that the gills along her ribs weren't obstructed by the airy fabric. Where her ears were, were two large fins that went from either side of her head down to her neck and seemingly disappeared into the crystalline and pearl-like skin. Her hands were webbed and along her for arms were another set of fins.

Stretching she found a good warm place underneath the sun to lay on the sand. Unkown to her, she was being watched. A similar creature to her, but of a different clan all together. Instead of looking like a graceful wave dancer, this one had shark like traits. Colors were more gray and black, rather than the light airy colors of hers, and the "scales" that patterned the skin, were more noticeable. His clothes were much darker, resembling more of the deeper waters instead of shallower ones.
Smiling to himself he swam up towards the female and gently touched her face. Startled she jolted awake making the male chuckle to himself. Relieved she giggled. " Its you," She whispered in a tongue that none would be able to perceive. It sounded like the sound of a running creak. Bubbling and trickling with ease. The language flowed easily and was quick paced, anyone would fall behind listening to it. " And you're late.."
The male smirked," Oh, my darling little pearl, i was watching you swim...I thought i kept good time"
She flushed a bright red and shied away. "....Brash... My dangerous one.. How brash of you... If anyone of my clan spotted you doing that-" She was cut off by a gentle hand to her lips.
"Nixie...Nothing would stop me.... you know that..... " He muttered seriously. Frustration welled up in her black eyes. "Rio... You know i hate that.... You know that if you died... i wouldn't know what to do with myself....." She whispered sadly.

(i'm gunna leave that one there... Simply because trying to figure out NAMES for those two drove me nuts >,;;;; )

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

(randomness 1 continued)
".... I can't do it!" She yelled in her mind, her heart racing as she closes the windows. One had the note she was going to send to Her. The second being Her profile on face book. Sure, she wanted to be friends, but after 3 years was it even possible?
"I can't bring myself to do it...... " She felt defeated and so utterly spineless. Her confidence flew out the window. " I just.... Want to be friends again...... But i doubt that she'll even speak to me... i doubt it.......... "
Shaking her head she looked at the screen again, heart rate and breathing returning to normal. She knew deep down she had to do this. Something inside of her told her, almost screamed for her to do it. The fear held her back, it always did before, and now here it is again. Fear. Utter and complete fear.
" I can't....," She felt like screaming, crying. The chance is there... Its a possibility, but its still there and she's about to let it slip through her finger tips again. Just because she was afraid to even press the button to send it to Her. Afraid that everything will blow up in her face.
" I really don't have anything to lose by it... i just end up at square one thats all.. nothing more.......," She rambled to herself,".... Its not like i MISS that old friendship....... Frack..... This is frustrating..... How do i get sound advise for this?... How?! Am i doing the right thing?... Is this right?!... Someone answer me?!..... Someone give me advice... Am i doing the right thing or aren't i?" Tired she turns the computer off and waits a minute. She's cooled off. heart rate, normal. Breathing, normal. Running another frustrated hand through her hair, she almost wishes she could start pulling the strands out." Time for bed." She whispers looking at the now black screen. ".... I'll figure it out tomorrow....."

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
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Re: Random Writing

Post by dreamwalker4523 »

KeeroTashimi wrote:Well dreamwalker4523 im very glad you liked my writting... Sadly, the first one is complicated... I'm not sure where to go with that one... Simply for the fact that it deals with certain things in my life... So we'll see there might be a happy ending to that one... there might not be... So we shall see XPP
Yes thank you, I knew it was finished I was only commenting that I wished there was more so I knew what happened but I did know that that was it for that random writing. I do wish you the best in what ever is going on in your life right now and hopefully things turn out all right for you. I do thank you for writing a bit more of the story.
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

(randomness 1 continued
Part 3 )
Tired from work and walking home she plopped in front of her laptop. "This is the only way i can be ... Happy with my decision.....," She muttered to herself. Turning the machine on, she waited going over things in her head. Fate had a funny way of working things out. Seeing Her around twice and possibly a third time in the span of 3 days consecutively had been quite a shock to the girl. " I don't see hide no hair of her for 3 years and suddenly this year i start seeing her everywhere.... what the hell is going on?" She grumbled to herself scratching her head tiredly. Watching the screen flicker on she swivels in her chair a moment to consult her atmospheric conversationalist. Really there's no one there but it helps her think better to converse with her surroundings. Call it crazy but it does help.
"... If she shows up and has every intention to talk to me... i will contact her...... But i want to be SURE she wants to talk to me too...... Otherwise all of this ... Is an utter waste of time and effort..... If she wants to talk.... then i want to see her everywhere i turn... Otherwise whats the point?... if she doesn't want to talk then i have no reason to contact her.... if she wants to talk then i will..... But the only way i know... is if i see her and she has the same intention as i do....... Unreasonable, yeah.... But i know fate has been working rather strangely lately..... Seeing her out of the blew like this is all together odd..... I can't speak with her though.... because its either a distance away from me... or out of the corner of my eye.... So what the frack am i supposed to do with that?.... but 3 times? 3 ?? really? I know three is a deffinate thing but how can i be sure?... How do i know i won't get my face bitten off for even just messaging her, forget the context inside of the message but even just showing my face....... " Hearing the sound that the laptop was ready for whatever she intended she turned around and looked at the screen.
"........ I will not think of her... i will not speak about her... Until i see her and the only way for that to happen.... is if she has the same intent i do.... if not.... I do not want to see her.... And i will stop this charade..... Stop my intentions...... There is no point in wasting my time if she doesn't want to talk... Hell if she makes the first move it would make me even happier........ but the likelihood of that is damn near zero... so i will compromise and do this............... That's all i ask.... That i start seeing her around... when She wants to talk... otherwise... I don't want to see her...... Or long for that old friendship... i won't....."
Sighing she started going about her business. Looking for things that would help the drawings she felt need much improvement.
"And that's it for now," she mentioned in a low voice to whatever spirit may of been listening.
Last edited by KeeroTashimi on October 22nd, 2010, 5:33:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

(randomness 4
Partially musically inspired: Bright Side by Thornley )

Bright smiles and fake gestures. This is work. Gotta go through it anyway. The feeling of wanting to drop into that dream again always tugging at the seams. Its always picking at the still frayed edges of what was left when he had broke in and destroyed everything. Shock so great. This feeling of emptiness, unable to shake. What does she do now?
Work done. Time to go home now. He's not there yet, he'll be back later. What to do now? Clean. Nothing left to do, since she can't go back to what she used to. Can't talk to those people whom had flowed through her mind like running water. Crystal-clear images that seemed to just flow out of no-where in particular. Flashes of images and events that had been taking place at that moment flash and disappear like a vision. These things are not just imagination anymore.. Its like it has its own life now. What to do? Its not the same anymore. Gone gone gone.
Destroyed. Realization hits in. Fantasies and coping mechanisms. What of that time when she was a child of 8 or 9? Thoughts of running from a wonderful setting. Full of sunshine and happiness... No, have to run. There's a bigger meaning here but too young to understand. Doesn't that count for something? No, have to make sence of it. Logically these things do not 'just happen'.
"Its not healthy. Its not right... They're not real. Its just something you cooked up in your own head."
She cringes as the words resurface again and again. He doesn't listen to her. All he does is talk her down, say things that hurt her to make her realize that reality doesn't work this way. That she is wrong, no matter what she does. Always wrong, never right. Never real. All fake.
Tears well up as she sits in her room. Away from the bed they share. She doesn't fit in here either. Revert. Hide and cry. Don't give him the satisfaction that he has fractured her and will always be broken. What has he done?
".. You never hear the words im saying.....," She whispered into the pillow as she cries,"..... Why do you always do this to me?..... Always......"
"I'm worried about you.... I love you so much that this scares me.... I could lose you to this and nearly did..... "
"But im not GOING anywhere!" She screamed at the memory in her head. "....... why don't you understand me?...." Sighing and wiping her tears she gets back to what she must do. Clean. Purge, get rid of things. Keep others for her project. The only way to make him happy. Finish the project and drop the ones who had walked with her for years. Time to say goodbye to a time where she was something special.

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

dreamwalker4523 wrote:
KeeroTashimi wrote:Well dreamwalker4523 im very glad you liked my writting... Sadly, the first one is complicated... I'm not sure where to go with that one... Simply for the fact that it deals with certain things in my life... So we'll see there might be a happy ending to that one... there might not be... So we shall see XPP
Yes thank you, I knew it was finished I was only commenting that I wished there was more so I knew what happened but I did know that that was it for that random writing. I do wish you the best in what ever is going on in your life right now and hopefully things turn out all right for you. I do thank you for writing a bit more of the story.
More like an on going project i suppose. *shrugs* And thank you, i'm sure things in the end will turn out, one way or another. *shrugs*
You are very welcome *nods* and i added even more hehe so enjoy more of my randomness

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
Clicks are slower when on my phone but they do happen
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