Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril)

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Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril)

Post by xxavrilxx »

Onyx unfolded the blanket and gently fluffed it out to spread it evenly on the ground. He sat down on one side, motioning for Tami to sit next to him. He laid back on the blanket, scooting closer to Tami. "You're right, it is beautiful out here tonight!"

"I usually run until I reach a clearing in the middle of the woods. There is a bunch of empty caves that I explore sometimes. We could go there." Sam suggested, smiling back at her.

"Yes, lots of options! They even do rolled ice cream." Link said, glancing over at Ronnie to flash her a grin. He drove them to the little ice cream shop just on the outskirts of town. The place was lit up with various neon signs, accenting the bright yellow color of the building. He parked his car out front, unbuckling his seat belt after the car was in park. He got out and walked over to open Ronnie's door for her. "Ladies first." He said, playfully bowing while pointing his arm in the direction of the ice cream shop.
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Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

“Mm. We should probably do this every day this week around this same time if the weather's still going to be nice,” Tami said in reply before sitting down beside him at his prompting and then laid down beside him soon after.

“Okay sounds good,” Beth said in reply with the shy smile on her face. “Should we start running from here or at the edge of the woods instead?”

“Hm I think I might want to try rolled ice cream because I've never had it before and it could be fun trying a new thing,” Ronnie said in reply before they got the ice cream place. “Why thank you handsome,” she said after he had opened the front passenger door for her before giggling a bit when she saw his bow.
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Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril)

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"I agree, I would love that. I enjoy spending time with you, Tami." Onyx replied, shyly. He snuggled close to her, smiling up at the stars as he tried making out constellations. "This is an easy one, but do you see the big and little dipper?" He asked.

"I usually start off from here in my wolf form to get a good head start. Once I reach the clearing to rest, I switch back. Then I run back like normal. But I am open to doing whatever the pretty lady prefers." Sam said, ending his spiel with a teasing statement.

"The rolled ice cream is pretty good. They also have boba tea! I sometimes get that when I am not in the mood for ice cream." Link said, reaching to open the door for Ronnie. Once inside, the aroma of sweets filled his nose. He led them towards the menu, squinting as he read it.
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Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

“I'm glad and I enjoy spending time with you as well Onyx,” Tami said in reply with a blush as she got comfortable against him after he snuggled closer to her. “Mhm I see them. They're also part of the big and little bears,” she said in reply to his question as she also looked up at the sky.

“Okay. We can do what you suggested, and how about we make this interesting? Last one to the meadow is a rotten egg,” Beth said and asked in reply with a smile before taking a head start in their little race by first starting off in her human form and then shifting to her wolf form soon after mid-stride while heading towards the woods.

“Mm alright sounds good,” Ronnie said in reply before walking inside after he opened the door for her. She kissed him softly on the cheek before also heading towards the menu and looking at it. “Are you tired? We can get this to go and enjoy it back at home if we should just head straight to bed,” she said when she noticed him squinting at it.
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Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril)

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"Yes! Do you see the pyramid?" Onyx asked, pointing at the sky. He glanced over at the moon as it seemed to illuminate the surrounding area perfectly. He let out a soft sigh of relief, enjoying the peacefulness of the moment.

"That sounds- Hey!!" Sam replied, scrunching his face at her teasingly. "So not fair!" He said, quickly changing to his wolf form, his large paws thudding loudly off the ground. It wasn't long before he caught up to her, their paws seeming to hit the ground together in rhythm as they ran. Sam noted the size comparison between their forms. Beth was slimmer and had a more athletic build, while he had broader shoulders and towered above her. He panted as he made his way beside her, pushing harder off the ground, trying to push ahead.

Link chuckled and said, "I am tired, but it's just so bright in here! We can get it to go since it is late." He stepped forward and nodded at the cashier to greet her and said, "I would like a chocolate cookie ice cream sandwich rolled in sprinkles, please." He then stepped aside so Ronnie could order.
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Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

“Yes I think so,” Tami said in reply to his question as she looked up at the sky and towards where he was pointing. She also sighed, but in happiness as she enjoyed her extra time with him.

Beth giggled when she heard everything he said after she took off, thinking it was cute how he reacted. She then looked over at her right side a few minutes or so later, seeing him there after hearing his thudding paw-steps. Then she went a bit quicker when she noticed him wanting to get ahead of her, staying in the lead for the moment after she did that.

“Okay,” Ronnie said in reply before he ordered what he did and then it was her turn. “I'd like chocolate rolled ice cream please with milk as my base,” she said to the cashier with a smile before moving down towards the end of the counter where she saw the toppings were. She figured that after she got the cup with her dessert in it, she could add what she wanted to it.
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Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril)

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Onyx continued laying with Tami, very much enjoying her company.

Sam pushed a little harder, pulling ahead for a moment, but then watched as Beth pushed further and took the lead. He panted heavily, realizing the clearing was right in front of them. He skidded his paws to a stop, causing him to roll into Beth, gently tossing them right into the clearing. He laughed hysterically as they tumbled, and said, "I think you won that!" He continued panting, and laid down in front of Beth, using his snout to nuzzle her.

Link watched as they made his sandwich and smiled as it was handed to him. "Thank you." He said, then proceeded to take a big bite out of his ice cream sandwich. He waited patiently, munching on his sandwich as Ronnie's ice cream was made.
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Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

Tami also enjoyed being with Onyx while looking up at the sky. After a few more minutes or so, she yawned a bit but stifled it behind her hand. “I'm sorry. I guess I'm getting a bit tired. Maybe we should head back in?” she said and asked after she had composed herself but was still snuggled up against his side.

Beth let out a surprised noise a few minutes or so later when she felt him tumble into her from behind, both of them ending up in the clearing sooner than she expected. “Yes I guess I did,” she said with a smile and twinkling eyes as she held her own laughter in but then blushed a bit when she felt him nuzzle her with his snout. She shyly nuzzled him back before standing up and shifting back to her human form soon after, walking towards the middle of the clearing that was just a few feet in front of them until she was standing in the moonlight. You've done well so far. He's starting to not be so stubborn in realizing that he's your mate, Jules told her which caused her blush to be a bit darker than it was earlier as she looked at all the flowers that were there.

When Ronnie was handed the cup with her ice cream in it a few minutes or so later, she put the toppings she wanted on it that were chocolate sauce and rainbow sprinkles along with a spoon so that she could it with. “Should we head back now or just eat our treats outside before heading back since it seems that you might already be done with yours? It also looks like mine's starting to melt even with the AC on.”
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Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril)

Post by xxavrilxx »

Onyx yawned also, and responded after, "Yes, I didn't even realize how sleepy I was." He sat up and stretched his arms, then stood up and offered a hand to Tami. After helping her up, he started to pick up and fold the blanket.

Sam shifted back after Beth did. As he scrambled to his feet, his moon spirit chimed in, Don't just stand there, pick her some flowers! For once, Sam listened and walked over to a nearby patch of wildflowers and picked a bouquet of different ones, then presented them to Beth. "Pretty flowers for a pretty lady." He said, breaking the silence.

Link giggled and said, "I couldn't wait any longer! We can eat them here, the warm night weather is perfect to sit outside in." He then led the way to the door, holding it open for Ronnie. He chose the nearest patio set and pulled out Ronnie's chair for her before sitting down across from her.
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Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

Tami smiled sleepily at Onyx when he helped her up before he folded up the blanket and as she watched him do so she asked a bit shyly, “Would you like to stay in my room with me tonight?”

Beth turned when she heard him approach her and said shyly while taking the offered flowers, “Oh um thank you.” Now's your chance to kiss him! Juliet said encouragingly and she listened to her for once before wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him soon after.

“I don't blame you because it looks really good,” Ronnie said in reply with her own giggle before hearing the rest of what he said after. “Okay,” she said before following him outside to the patio and to a table he picked out. “Thank you love,” she said when he pulled her chair out for her before sitting down in it while eating her ice cream afterward.
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