Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril)

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Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

Background (we'll add more to it later as a "more as we go" type of thing):

As a superior alpha male in the Halfmoon Pack, you have 3 goals – conquer, survive, and mate. Being in a renowned, wealthy tribe – these things come easy……almost. Funny enough, the hardest of the goals happens to be mate. You don’t get to choose. As you progress into maturity, your moon spirit guides you through wolf and human form. Learning right from wrong, learning to survive, learning how to be the best. Your moon spirit connects you spiritually to your mate. You both can feel the longing, the desire, the aching sensations to your perfect match. Once you successfully overcome all obstacles, you will be united, and the traditional crowning ceremony will take place. But as easy and natural as this may sound, it is not. Not when you come to find out who your true mate is.


1. all MS rules apply
2. this rp is just between myself and xxavrilxx (avril)
3. all romance, violence, etc. will be PG-13; if it goes beyond that, we'll go to pm's or ftb (fade to black)/skip to the next day
4. have fun :D

Current chars; their forms are in the OOC thread, located in the back stage forum:

Link (Alpha)
Veronica (Ronnie for short; now a Beta/the Alpha female {his mate}])
new Tami (Beta)
new Beth (Beta)
new Onyx (Beta)
new Sam (Beta)

other packs (will be officially added later):

Full Moon
New Moon
Quarter Moon
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Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril)

Post by xxavrilxx »

It was a crisp, fall morning. The castle was rambunctious and full of life. Soft chatter could be heard in the foyer through the floor boards. Dishes clanked as maids prepared for the evening’s feast. Heavy foot steps could be heard outside the window, as guards marched endlessly. Howls we’re heard in the distance as life outside carried on.

Link exited his room, followed by yet another one of his mistresses. Sex is how he let his anger. It is what kept him from losing his mind and ripping other packs to shreds. She leaned in to grab his arm, in complete awe of his stature and build. He growled under his breath and yanked away, “Don’t touch me, I am done with you. You can leave now.” Despite his aggressive attitude, the young woman still seemed to drool over him as she pranced away.

Link rolled his eyes and made his way downstairs. It was Induction Night. Which was a fancy cover up name for Slave Trades. He could care less, as long as his food was hot and his room was kept pristine. “Peasants. Just more peasants.” He thought to himself.

Link grabbed an apple off the kitchen counter and made his way to the sun room. He did this once a day, hoping maybe his moon spirit would talk to him about his mate, or even explain why he has not sensed her. But his moon spirit matched him beautifully, being equally as stubborn as him. He settled down in front of one of the large, golden lined windows, legs crossed. He felt ticklish prickles as he connected to his inner wolf form and shifted. He kept his eyes closed, searching and praying maybe today was the day he would feel something. He wanted to feel anything other than loneliness.
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Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

Veronica, now fourteen years old, was a bundle of nerves as she and the rest of the slaves were arriving at the pack that they were sold to on a boat. She was mainly nervous about being sold back, yet again, to the sellers. She hoped that she wasn’t too young this time like she had been four years ago when she was ten, but also that she wouldn’t annoy anyone or cause too much trouble so as to be sent back. She had a whole bunch of thoughts running through her head, not all of them good, as she got off of the boat with the other slaves on the dock that was there. After they had all gotten off, they were approached by a representative of the pack who had them line up. He then proceeded to tell them that they would now be known as Omegas and where they would sleep along with their duties being anything that either the Alpha or Betas would require/ask them to do.

She and the others nodded before they were told of some other options of where they could sleep if they didn’t want to sleep in hovel-like buildings. They all nodded again before they were led to the pack where they were all studied with disgusted looks. She didn’t make any eye contact with any of them, feeling a bit dejected (there’s probably a better word for that but I can’t think of it so until then, it’ll be a placeholder) before looking up sharply when she suddenly felt prickles from her moon spirit which meant that her mate was nearby.

The only problem was, she couldn’t tell who it could be. Thanks a lot moon spirit, she thought sarcastically to herself before moving with the others over to where the hovels were. Instead of going into one, though she went into the woods with her stuff and towards a cave.
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Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril)

Post by xxavrilxx »

Link rose from his meditative state, frustrated. He felt nothing, other than the anger of his moon spirit. “Thanks for nothing.” He muttered under his breath. Weirdly enough, his heart seemed to tug at him. He brushed it off once he realized he was late to the Induction ceremony.

After quickly getting dressed in a freshly pressed black suit, with silver grey buttons and a bow tie to match, he fumbled his way to the ceremony. He stood in line next to his elders, siblings, and pack mates. He plastered a fake smile on his face, shaking hands with the omegas introduced to him. “You gotta look good, Link. Keep it cool.”, He thought to himself. As always, he faded in the the background of the crowd. He stole sips of wine when people weren’t looking.

“Faces. They are all just faces to me. They all look the same.” He said aloud to a pack mate standing near him. The pack mate nodded and took a sip of his drink. “Nice talking to you too, buddy.” He mumbled. Link wanted out. So Link does what he does best and vanishes from the scene. He slips behind the big curtains that hid a door and sneaks out the back. There was a small clearing near a secluded cave that he loved to run to. It was perfectly lit by the full moon. Maybe I should try connecting with my moon spirit there for a change. He thought to himself.

He sat down in the middle of the clearing, feeling the grass beneath his hands. He felt almost silly being so dressed up and sitting in the grass. He closed his eyes once again, summoning his wolf form and wolf spirit.
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Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

Ronnie got to a cave just as she noticed someone sitting in the clearing near it, standing behind a tree shortly afterward so as not to disturb the person sitting there. As she stayed where she was, she thought that he was quite handsome and good-looking which caused her to blush slightly, but then also had the thought afterward that he would think her insignificant with her being an Omega and all. She then thought it a bit intrusive standing there and watching him so she went to move away to do what she wanted to, but accidentally stepped on a twig when she was trying to be quiet. She flinched a bit before freezing where she stood while slowly turning to look at the clearing and for his reaction.

Her plan was to apologize and then head to another cave where she wouldn’t disturb him any longer to put her stuff away before heading back to the pack to see what she could do before it got dark and she went to bed.
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Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril)

Post by xxavrilxx »

Link immediately snapped out of his meditative state when he heard the loud cracking of a twig. He could smell another wolf nearby, not one he was familiar with. His eyes darted to where the sound originated. He let out a low growl as his eyes adjusted to the slowly darkening night.

“Who are you and what are you doing?! Shouldn’t you be cleaning something??” He snapped. Link assumed it was one of the new slaves, but that didn’t stop the anger seeping through his words. His muscles tensed as he gritted his teeth. His eyes looked her up and down, slowly. Not bad. I’m sure I could use this one later. Who could resist me anyways? He thought to himself.

Link felt a weird feeling in his chest. He brushed it off as it was only making him angrier. Not now, Moon Spirit! I have had enough of you today!! He snapped in his head.
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Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

Ronnie lowered her head when she heard him growl before hearing his mad questions afterward. "M-My name is Veronica and I-I was told that we could find a place to sleep before we were handed out our tasks. I didn't want to sleep in a hovel so I wanted to find an alternative place to sleep instead. I was told that if we didn't want to sleep in those buildings, that caves were the best alternatives. I apologize for disturbing you and I'll find one in another direction," she said in reply while stammering at first but then that cleared up as she continued to talk. She had kept her head down only because she thought he was a higher rank than she was, not knowing that he was the Alpha as she hadn't been around the others that stuck around to meet the leader.

She blushed just the slightest bit when she saw him slowly look her up and down, but didn't react. She then turned while saying, "Sorry again to disturb you and I'll be going." It was at that time that she felt a weird feeling in her chest and she muttered to herself in annoyance, "What you annoying piece of..." before realizing that she had said it aloud. She didn't want him thinking she was talking to him so she added while turning her head slightly to be looking over at him again, "Ever since I got here my moon spirit seems to be a bit on the fritz lately and it's causing me to be a bit annoyed. I'll truly be leaving now." She then had her head be facing ahead of her again before walking away soon after.
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Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril)

Post by xxavrilxx »

Link’s eyes softened, but he quickly darted his eyes downward so she couldn’t see. He didn’t speak as she stammered over her words. Veronicaaaaaa His moon spirit taunted in the background. Link ignored it out of annoyance. Once he realized she was walking away, his eyes glared, taking in all her curves and observing the blue tint the moonlight shined into her hair. There was something about Veronica that made his heart feel like it was sitting in his throat. He swallowed back the feelings and stood up from the ground.

He closed his eyes, shifting into his wolf form. Maybe I just need a good run. He thought to himself. Link stretched his hindquarters, ready to sprint into the woods. He let out a deep howl and pushed back as hard as he could off his back legs. He disappeared into the dense forest.

A few hours later, panting, Link made his way back to the castle. He was exhausted, as he made his way up the stairs. As soon as he reached his room, which was decorated in a deep red and black theme, he pried off his suit and hopped in the shower, letting the hot water soak into his sore muscles.
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Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril)

Post by Shadowfax278 »

Ronnie got to another cave that was closer to the pack, but not too close that higher ranked people would see her go in and out of it while jeering at her for doing so. She set her things down further away from the mouth of it and as she was coming out of it to head back to the pack to get her assignment, she heard a deep howl deep in the woods somewhere which caused her to shiver but she wasn't sure why. She thought maybe it was another feeling her moon spirit was giving her if it had come from the guy that she had spoken to earlier. She felt a bit sad that she hadn't gotten his name, but she figured that she could find it out later from someone else as she headed to the pack.

Once there, she got her assignment which was washing the floors in the main area of the castle. She was given a bucket full of water, brush, and cleaning solution before she was told to get to work. She nodded and went into the castle, starting on cleaning the floor at the end of the foyer first. She was approached by some of the pack members that lived there who then knocked her over, and caused her to fall towards the bucket which then spilled everywhere as a result. She called them a few names which made them angry, and caused them to tell the person in charge of her group what had happened which then in turn caused her to be led away and whipped five times.

After they had been dealt, she was told to go out to the well with the bucket, refill it, put more solution in, and to get back to work. She unhappily did so while finishing cleaning the section of the floor she had started on hours later. It was inspected after it dried and she was dismissed so that she could go to bed, but also told that she was expected to go back to the same area of the castle the next morning to continue with her assignment. She nodded but stiffly before heading out towards the woods, hearing the snickers of the pack members in the castle as she did so. She waited until she was at the cave that she would be staying in to let the tears fall from the pain she was feeling from her injuries received from the whip, shifting and curling up in a ball as a wolf as she did so.
Last edited by Shadowfax278 on January 17th, 2023, 2:59:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril)

Post by xxavrilxx »

After his shower, Link threw on his favorite pair of pj pants and headed to his warm, comfy bed. As he laid down to rest for the night, he felt a weird knocking feeling in his chest, as if someone was applying pressure in a push down motion. He brushed it off and closed his eyes.

He dozed off for a while but was woken suddenly with an awful headache and the feeling of the despair. “What the hell is wrong with me?!” He said, in a dazed sleepy state. He walked to the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face. Link looked in the mirror and outlined his facial structure in his head. His eyes looked angry, yet sad and tired. The bags under his eyes accented that. His finely chiseled cheeks and jaw line gave him a soft, yet scary look. He sighed and trudged back to bed.

The next morning he was awoken by the sound of a busy house. The new slaves were settling into their house keeping duties. Guards and pack members could be heard barking orders. Whip sounds screamed in the air when a slave did wrong. Link hated that deep down. He couldn’t stand seeing innocent people being hurt, but still didn’t care enough to do anything about it. It was how I am supposed to act, right? He thought to himself.

He made his way downstairs for breakfast, nearly tripping over the bustling slaves running about. He grabbed a plate and served himself. For some reason, he couldn’t get rid of the thought of the girl he saw last night. Her body, her stammers, the way she looked in the moonlight…”Ugh!” He snapped and shook his head, as if trying to rid of the intrusive thoughts.
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