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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

Already typing up schematics and various other calculations as her mind was in overdrive right now at the possibilities of what they could learn from this fallen human, There were so many things the yellow lizard scientist wanted to know that didn’t just have to do with the barrier and talk of soul power!

“The lab is so messy right now, I wish you had texted me about the human earlier so I could have made is nicer..what kind of impression will this make on them? And Asgore is coming too?? Oh...he is going to not like this, I-I should-“.

Chattering as she usually did when she got excited over something new to study like this human, Alphys tried to calm herself a bit even if it was obvious on her face that she was very happy to meet Mira.

“W-well, the weakest spot I can pinpoint to a exact location is actually not far from here, it’s to the far South of Hotland”, clearing her throat as she stopped geeking out for a moment to be serious, Alphys pointed to a part of the map that seemed promising, “its what I would call a re-emergence part of the barrier. You see, when a potentially open exit to the surface world emerges the barrier just kinda grows over it, weird right?...but it also seems to substantially weaken what it tries to fix two fold”.


The Spiral knight only having ever heard of humans before and never having seen one in person, he had good reason to be excited over Mira seeing as this would bring a lot of gossip the underground had been lacking lately!

“You got it, I’ll make sure none of the hot shots over in Hotland know justttt yet”, the odd monster speaking quietly back despite his rambunctious usual attitude, Mira meanwhile was petting a happy froggit on the head and didn’t seem to take notice of the conversation.

The spiral knight giving a over exaggerated bow to the pair as he had to take his leave now, he was going to be sure to only tell a select few of his friends about Mira...but that didn’t mean they wouldn’t in turn end up telling their friends and so on as it came.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

"alphys. breathe. it's gonna be fine, neither of them will mind," Sans said, hoping to reassure Alphys. Sans felt a bit bad that they had decided to come over on such short notice and it seemed to be making Alphys worried. "they'll be more focused on figuring out the barrier thing than anything else. i'm sure they won't even notice." At least she seemed more happy about meeting Mira than upset, as far as Sans could tell.

Sans looked at the spot Alphys was indicating on the chart. As Alphys had said, it was kind of weird that the barrier grew over any potential exits like that. Though, he supposed it just showed that the humans really didn't want the monsters escaping their prison. Sans sighed inwardly at that; he hoped Mira wouldn't be too disappointed when the humans refused to let the monsters go free after she managed to get back to the surface. She'd seemed to really be thinking that telling the humans about the monsters being nice would work.

That was about as likely as the barrier simply collapsing on its own. Which was to say, not at all.

"well, if every time it does that, it gets weaker... perhaps if we can somehow cause more of these openings to the surface, it'll weaken the barrier even more?" Of course, they'd have to be careful how they went about doing that; they didn't want to risk weakening the structure of the mountain so it would collapse on top of them. But if they could find some safer areas to try testing the theory...


Asgore smiled. "Thank you, my friend." he said to the spiral knight, relieved that he wouldn't spread the gossip all over the place just yet. Asgore glanced over at Mira, and seeing she was happily petting the froggit, smiled more.

"See you later," Asgore said, waving to the spiral knight as he took his leave, and feeling a bit embarrassed by the bowing. Sure, Asgore was the king of monsters, but he still felt awkward when others bowed to him. Especially friends. Regardless, he supposed they were merely trying to be polite, rather than make him feel awkward, so he tried to just accept it when it happened.

Turning back to Mira, he asked, "Ready to continue?"
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

Alphys seeming to be quite determined that her strange idea would work, it seemed pretty crazy but what other shot did they have than this? After all, it wasn’t as if no one had tried for decades to somehow get through this damn barrier....getting a monster through was pretty impossible at this point but if they could get a human back home through sheer soul power it opened up new possibilities of research for them.

“Sooo, uhh...what’s this human’s name anyways?”, Alphys not trying to be weird about the questions she had about Mira as she listened to Sans reasoning with her idea of finding areas of the barrier that were weaker to get the human through, the least she could do was not call the human by its species out of respect once they ment.

“The scientist bringing up a few additional screens that showed more details on the known exposed areas of the barrier, Alphys may have been rather naive to think getting Mira to the surface would help them in any way....but she felt in her heart it could benefit monsters if humans knew they had helped one of their own get home, “That’s not a impossible idea! I mean, this is pretty new research and we would have to map out what areas might be safe, but that’s pretty ingenious, Sans”.


Mira seeming to have made quick friends with the froggit that had stuck around after the spiral knight left, the girl was beginning to get comfortable with at least the smaller monsters of the underground, especially with the fact that she had the respect of Asgore watching over her so she didn’t get overwhelmed.

“Yeah, let’s continue~”, Excited to be able to reach the lab soon and meet up with Sans and Dr. Alphys, Mira has accepted the fact that the froggit she befriended had to go despite seeming a bit disappointed about it, “are we almost there, sir?”.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

"oh, right, sorry. her name's mira," Sans replied, a bit embarrassed to have forgotten to tell her earlier. Seeing how determined Alphys seemed to be that her idea would work, Sans felt more confident about it as well. After all, Alphys was the Royal Scientist; she had plenty of experience making and testing theories. Surely her being confident of something was a good sign.

"oh, thanks," Sans replied, even more embarrassed when Alphys claimed his idea was ingenious, especially since they didn't even know if it would work yet. Though, Sans hoped it would work. It would certainly make things easier if they could find a reliable way to weaken the barrier. Maybe someday they could even weaken it enough for them to be able to get past it, or break it altogether. Though that was probably just wishful thinking.

"so, if humans are able to get past the barrier through sheer willpower," Sans began, wondering if perhaps that was what the last human had done to leave, "would it be possible to find some way to recreate that? synthetic willpower or something?" Though it sounded kind of ridiculous to him as he said it aloud, if it was possible, it would be a lot quicker than trying to carefully make exits to weaken the barrier without destroying the mountain. Not that he had much hope for it; making synthetic willpower sounded like it would be ridiculously difficult if it was even possible.


Asgore was glad to see Mira had made a friend. This was what he'd been hoping would happen during the walk to Alphys' lab. "Indeed, we should arrive shortly. That's the lab up ahead," Asgore replied, pointing up ahead at the lab which could be seen in the distance in front of them. Asgore smiled at how excited Mira seemed to be to arrive.

Asgore just hoped that the discussion with Dr. Alphys and Sans would give them some ideas for what to do about the barrier. While he was glad for Mira's company, he didn't want her to feel trapped. Even though she had made a friend, he guessed she still wanted to go home as quickly as possible. So he would try his best to help make that happen.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

“Mira? That’s a nice name”, Alphys being happy to at least have a name attached to this mysterious incoming human as it would have been odd just continuing to refer to her as just that, she had so many questions about everything from human food to their history to how many of them there even were on the surface, “if I can ask, did she uhhh, react well to you finding her? I imagine she must have been grateful, yeah?”.

Sensing that the skeleton seemed to be put off when she had called his idea ingenious though, Alphys was aware that Sans didn’t often like to claim ownership of new ideas like this but she had to give him some credit for trying just for the sake of getting a mere human like Mira home.

“Synthetic willpower?...w-well, I could look into it but that’s not something we could just make in a day or two, and it would need a lot of testing before it’s ready”.

Shaking her head, the scientist wasn’t even sure if Mira had enough strength in her soul to withstand something artificial like that being put in her body, “it’s a really simple test to figure out what kind of soul she has, and once that’s done we can determine what might work best for her situation, easy!~”.


Mira wanted more than anything to be able to go home where she belonged, even if the monsters down here so far were very kind to her and seemed to be diligent to try and help her out as much as they could. By now her friends and family on the surface were probably very, very worried about where she had gone....

It didn’t take much longer for the pair to reach the lab, the human trying to hold back her anxiety over meeting Dr. Alphys and Sans as her gut was twisting and telling her that things might not go as she was hoping they would as she hesitated when they arrived.

“Sir, if there isn’t a way to help me get home I-I will do my best to help find a way for monsters to get to the surface still, I will make myself useful”.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

(Oh, Sans didn't mean putting synthetic willpower in Mira- he meant if they could make synthetic willpower they might be able to break the barrier with it, assuming that was what allowed humans to pass through it)

Sans shifted nervously at Alphys' inquiry as to Mira's reaction. While he doubted hearing Mira's initial reaction was to threaten him would put Alphys off from helping her, he still wasn't sure it would be a good idea to disclose it. "uh, she was, um... shy and uncertain at first. but i guess i am kinda scary-looking, to a human at least." Sans tried to shrug it off and hoped Alphys wouldn't ask any further questions along those lines.

"i figured it wouldn't be easy to make. besides, that might not even be what lets humans cross the barrier, so we should focus on figuring that out first," Sans replied. It would be nice to be able to break the barrier with synthetic willpower, assuming that was what had allowed the other human from a few years ago to pass through it. But, as he'd said, they didn't even know it that was what it was, so that was probably not a high priority for now until they knew one way or another.

Sans hadn't really thought about how a human's soul type might affect whether they could cross the barrier; maybe that was what was behind the other human leaving? If it was a specific soul type that allowed a human to cross the barrier, then that could be either a good thing or a bad thing; if Mira had that particular soul type, she'd be able to go home. On the other hand, if she didn't, she'd be stuck here until they could find a way to break the barrier... Though, Sans was a bit curious about the test Alphys mentioned, since he'd never heard of it before. "there's a test for that?"


Asgore was smiling as they reached the lab, and was about to knock on the door to let Dr. Alphys and Sans know they were there when Mira spoke. "Mira," Asgore said, struggling to keep the pain out of his voice, "please don't feel like you have to do anything to 'make yourself useful.' We would be happy to let you help us research the barrier and everything if you wish, but you are under no obligations to try to figure it out or deal with it yourself. Okay?"

Asgore didn't want a repeat of...

Well, he didn't want Mira taking on too much of a burden. If the monsters hadn't managed to figure out the barrier after all this time, there was no reason why a single human should have to carry the weight of trying to figure it out themself.

If only....

Asgore shook himself from his thoughts. The past couldn't be changed, but he would do everything he could to ensure it didn't repeat itself.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

(OH! I thought it was like a inject determination type situation you were getting at)

“Well I wouldn’t expect more from her. To be honest I doubt the humans up there even remember we exist”, Alphys not asking anything further on the topic of just how Sans had found Mira when she mostly had just asked to satisfy her own curiosity, aggression wasn’t out of the question though in regards to how a lone girl might react to encountering a monster down here alone,”either way she is safe and if we are lucky will lend more research on her kind and soul power”.

Sure, the scientist was well aware of the previous human who had managed to somehow pass through the barrier with no real explanation ever given, but that was a odd case in Alphys’s eyes and she saw it as a fluke more than something one could just do at any given time, “I don’t even know where to start on researching synthetic willpower honestly, it could be any number of things all the way from determination to some genetic inheritance, that’s one issue...the other is is it even possible to have it physically or if it’s truly only ethereal”.

If willpower was only ethereal than, well, Mira’s chance of going home wasn’t going to be likely anytime soon seeing as ethereal substances tended to be highly tricky to work with and fragile at best. At least determination could be physical, the scientist about to answer San’s question of just what type of test could help them figure out Mira’s soul when she sensed the presence of the King nearby.

“Uhh, I’ll explain in just a minute, it’s really very simple though you will see”, going to open the door o she could greet both Asgore and the new human, Alphys couldn’t help but near immediately blush at the sight of the small, nervous human next to the king and had to stop from mentally geeking out.


“H-hello sir! We have been expecting you, both of you, for a while now”.


Mira unaware of the pain that the king had gone through with a certain human who had fallen down here before, she was simply trying to do what felt best in her eyes to assist in getting rid of the barrier in any way she could. If she was going to be stuck down here the least the human felt she could do was at least try to show she could be useful and not just be a weird oddity too the underground.

Opening her mouth to say something just as the lab door slid open to reveal a Dino like monster in a lab coat, Mira smiled back small at the Dr and gave her a wave as whatever she had to say to Asgore would come later, “hello, it’s nice to meet you, I’m Mira”.

With how kind the monsters down here seemed to be in general, Mira was starting to find it easier to talk to them as she would other humans and didn’t shy away from introducing herself this time around as there really wasn’t that much scary about a short Dino scientist like Alphys.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

(Oh no, Sans would never suggest that! I can see why Alphys might think of it though, because of Flowey XD)

Sans nodded when Alphys left to greet Asgore and Mira, considering following but figuring the three would be heading here soon anyway. Instead, Sans simply considered what Alphys had said while he waited for them to arrive. She had a point, it would be extremely difficult to figure out how it worked. Maybe they should just stick with the other ideas.


Asgore was startled when Alphys opened the door before he'd even knocked on it, but hid the surprise quickly, hopefully before either of the other two had noticed. "Hello, Dr. Alphys. I hope we didn't keep you waiting too long," Asgore said, tone apologetic for the latter statement.

Asgore smiled at the fact Mira introduced herself with seemingly more ease than before. It seemed like she really was getting used to meeting monsters now. While he wondered what she had been about to say before Alphys had opened the door, he figured it could wait until later. Asgore hoped she knew that the monsters would be happy to take care of her regardless of whether she helped them deal with the barrier or not. The last thing he wanted was for her to push herself beyond her limits to try to break the barrier, just because she felt like she needed to to show the monsters she was useful.

Asgore did smile at Alphys' reaction to Mira, though. It was clear Alphys thought Mira was adorable.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

(Alphys : ‘We need a physically strong soul, not one based on emotion’

Mira: -Has a pink soul of love, literally the most emotional of them all- <->)

“Oh no you didn’t take too long at all, me and Sans were just discussing some things until you guys got here”, Alphys never having seen a human in the flesh before, they were a lot, uhhh...less muscular than she assumed Mira would be if she was basing them off her ‘history’ books and much shorter too, but adorable to her nonetheless with her fondness for cute things.

The anxious scientist ushering the pair Into the lab so she could begin to explain what her and Sans had been talking about earlier, Alphys could only hope that Mira had a determined soul rather than a potentially counter active one, “So t-to get right to the idea of getting the human-I mean Mira, home, me and Sans thought of some new ways we can counteract the barrier”.

Mira meanwhile glanced around at all the flashing buttons, computer screens, and strange devices she wasn’t even sure the function was for as Alphys re-explained the concept of using sheer willlpower against the weakest part of the barrier to somehow get the human back home.

“And than, Mira if you would”, Alphys not having explained to Sans earlier on how to determine what type of soul a human might have as they had been interrupted, it was as simple as her ushering the unnerved Mira behind a screen that would scan them for what was their closest match.

“What this does isn’t perfect yet but should let us know what we are working with in terms of power”, Alphys pressing a few buttons on the screen, the test wasn’t invasive and was more like a x-ray than anything, “red is the goal but green or yellow could be good too. What we don’t want is purple, orange or blue...from what I have studied they are geared more towards emotions than sheer strength which wouldn’t bode well for what we need”.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

"Ah, that's good," Asgore said, relieved to hear they hadn't kept them waiting as he followed Alphys inside the lab. Asgore smiled when he heard Alphys and Sans had been working on ideas to help Mira go home, and hoped that they would work.

Asgore felt a bit confused by all the technology, but made an effort to understand what Alphys was saying at least. Asgore figured Sans would understand the technology better than he did anyway, and would be able to analyze whatever was going on on the screens in his place.

From what he understood of the idea that a human could pass the barrier through sheer willpower, Asgore figured it could be the case and was worth a shot to try. While Alphys was busy ushering Mira behind the screen to scan her soul, Asgore turned to Sans and quietly asked, "Did you understand what was going on on all those screens?"


Sans nodded in reply to Asgore's question, "don't worry, if you understood what dr. alphys was saying, you should be fine. but i can try to explain the rest to you later if you want." Sans could tell Asgore wanted to help as much as possible and felt bad for not really understanding all this new-ish technology.

The two then waited for Alphys to complete the process of scanning Mira's soul to see what they would learn from it.
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