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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

Alia happily sipped the cocoa after she finished explaining about her adventures; she definitely wasn't used to talking so much all at once, so her throat very much appreciated the warm drink. She was glad to see Toriel seemed slightly less worried about her, at least as far as she could tell, after hearing what she had been up to. She managed to answer Toriel's questions as best she could, without mentioning Chara, as much as that made her sad to do. Of course, she also still felt a little bad she couldn't actually tell Toriel about everything that happened, but hopefully she would be able to find a solution soon.

Hearing Toriel sigh wistfully after mentioning things were the same as usual in the Ruins, Alia wondered again why she wouldn't leave the Ruins herself. It sounded like she could use more company, so why was she avoiding it? Naturally, Alia was too shy to ask, but she was quite confused by it. Well, at least she could visit Toriel which might help a bit...

She was surprised when Toriel asked if she would bring Mira along the next time she came to visit. It was a rather unexpected request considering how Toriel seemed to try to avoid contact with people outside of the Ruins most of the time, and Alia wondered if maybe she was considering visiting Snowdin. Nodding, Alia replied, "Sure, I can ask her if she wants to visit with me next time." Maybe this would be the push Toriel needed to leave the Ruins.

Though Alia had to wonder why Toriel wanted Mira specifically to visit; why would she choose someone she had never met before as her first visitor rather than someone she was already friends with? Perhaps she wasn't sure how a friend would react to meeting her, so a stranger would be easier for her to meet at first? Not that Alia could really understand that sentiment, she usually felt awkward around strangers herself. Well, it wasn't really any of her business, Alia thought, so she decided to focus on something else.

Fortunately, Toriel offered a distraction quite quickly by heading to the bookshelf. Alia watched curiously, wondering what book she was thinking of, and was excited to see it was a book on magic for humans. Maybe she would learn something from it that would be helpful for letting Chara talk with the monsters again! Even if not, it might give her some ideas on what to focus her research on so she wouldn't have to spend so much time just reading through random books hoping they would have relevant information.

When Toriel explained it used to belong to someone special to her, Alia guessed she must mean Chara, since she doubted a book on human magic would be as helpful to a monster as a human. She glanced at them and saw a smile of recognition on their face, which she took to mean her guess was correct. Normally, she would be hesitant about accepting something that belonged to her best friend, but this book could be extremely important in her quest to reunite Chara with the monsters, so she gave Toriel a reassuring smile and nodded again. "I will take very good care of it. Thank you, Toriel."

Alia had always been a very careful person, and was never one to be careless with any items regardless of who they belonged to, but she was definitely going to be extra careful with this book. After all, it was Chara's, and their friendship was extremely important to her. She didn't want to do anything that could hurt them.

As eager as she was to start reading the book, Alia managed to wait so she and Toriel could continue the conversation, not wanting to seem rude. She wasn't particularly good at small talk, but she did try her best to ask some questions she didn't think Toriel would mind answering. Considering Toriel had just given her a book on it, she figured asking her some questions about magic probably wouldn't seem too odd, so she asked about the differences between human and monster magic. She tried to make sure all her questions were basic enough that it would seem like general interest so Toriel wouldn't wonder why she was so curious about it. She definitely couldn't explain why when she didn't yet have a plan for helping Chara communicate with the monsters.


Chara was surprised by how quickly Alia had agreed to accept the book; they had expected to need to convince her first. Their confusion cleared up, though only slightly, when they recalled that all the books she had been looking at in the library were about magic, too. So, she was definitely trying to learn about magic, but why? They had not managed to ask her earlier, so they resolved to ask her on the way back through Snowdin Forest. Whatever it was, it was definitely important to her if she was willing to accept the book that had belonged to them without any fuss.

It was not that they were concerned about her interest or anything; they were sure she had a good reason for it, they were just unsure what it was. As Alia began asking Toriel about magic, they paid attention, trying to guess what she was trying to figure out. Since all her questions were quite basic, though, it was impossible to tell.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

Maybe she -was- being a bit sudden with certain questions to be honest, but self isolating from the inside of these Ruins wasn't nearly as good on Toriels mind as she wanted it to be, her unable to just forget about the wider Underground but rarely venturing out if ever to avoid the stir that would occur if she was recognized.

W-was it right to be discussing this with a child like Alia though?

Was she....just hanging on the past far too much with wanting human company? It wasn't as if she had had any type of closure with her dear Chara falling ill so long ago, and.....

No, this isn't right. I will not put much feeling onto a mere human child'

Toriel could tell Alia was wise beyond their years and had been through so much in their short life, but she was letting that cloud her vision and talk to them as more of a adult than a traumatized child, her figuring the book she was offering to the human might be a better alternative than continuing such a heavy topic.

"It will be very useful to know at least soma basic magic down here. I could even teach you some if you like", The warmth and happiness coming from the goat mom was akin to the same love she had held for Chara, Toriel remembering how often the child had spent practicing from this very book, "Even perhaps your new friends could help~".

Toriel explaining the basics of human magic and monster magic and why monster magic was typically far stronger than humans despite humans having a stronger Soul, it was a wonderful teaching moment for the monster as she seemed to relish showing Alia the small bit of fire she could make in her hands as a example.

"Focus on your Soul, child...Try to imagine what you wish to form", Toriel being patient and kind with Alia as they too were curious if the human had the capacity for magic, she was aware that many humans had at least some remnants of ancestral magic from before monsters had been sealed underground, "You have a strong Soul, I know you can~".
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

Alia listened intently as Toriel explained the basics of human and monster magic, making mental notes of anything that seemed particularly important or that might help her with her goal. She was glad to see Toriel seemed to be enjoying teaching her about it, and she watched in amazement as Toriel created a small flame. "Woah, that was so cool!"

"I think you may have misjudged the temperature a bit," Chara commented with a grin. Alia giggled, unable to stop herself. They always seemed to have a witty comment for everything. Alia hoped Toriel didn't notice her giggle, or wouldn't think anything of it if she did.

Alia was still surprised every time a monster displayed magic; though she was obviously well aware they could, it still wasn't something she was used to seeing yet. On the surface, she almost never saw any displays of magic, the only real exception being when she needed to summon some food she knew how to make. And that was typically done more out of desperation because she needed to eat something than for the purpose of entertainment. So to watch monsters display magic so naturally and regularly was honestly quite incredible to her.

Toriel's comment about possibly teaching her some magic made Alia curious; Papyrus had suggested something similar about teaching her magic, too, hadn't he? She'd thought it was unlikely she could learn much more magic than the little bit she knew of, but if Toriel thought it was possible too, maybe she could...? Well, there was no harm in trying, she supposed. If nothing else, this gave her an excuse to ask more questions about magic, so she couldn't pass up the opportunity.

Though, she had to admit she was a bit confused when Toriel told her to focus on her Soul. What did that mean, and how would she go about it? She didn't want to disappoint Toriel by saying she wasn't sure what to do; she wanted to impress her by succeeding on her first try. Thinking back to when she would summon some ramen to cook, she tried to figure out if she focused on anything specific, but she didn't remember if she did. It wasn't like she really even understood what she was doing or how it worked, anyway. It was more of something that she was just glad did work and didn't look too deeply into why.

Finally accepting she was going to need more of an explanation if she was going to succeed, she asked, "Um, how do I focus on my Soul?" After a pause, and realizing she'd already asked one question so she may as well ask another, she added, "And what should I try to do?"

After all, she doubted 'summoning a package of ramen' was at all what Toriel was expecting from this. But aside from that, she'd never tried to do anything else, and she was drawing a blank on ideas.

It was nice hearing Toriel felt so confident about her abilities though. It made Alia feel even more determined to succeed, yet also a bit nervous she wouldn't live up to Toriel's expectations... Alia pushed that thought down and tried not to worry. She would just try her best, and hope it would be enough. Chara smiled reassuringly at her, which, as usual, helped her relax a bit.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

It was hard for Toriel to not feel very much attached to Alia as if the child was her own, her wanting to be assured that the human could survive in the Underground with the common fact that not all monsters would take kindly to a human in this world despite the friends they had made.

Monsters were made of love, yes, but they were also made of other emotions and feelings that could lead to trouble for Alia, this book being a perfect guide for Alia to learn some basic magic and not seem so out of place.

"I can show you more once you have learned the basics on control", Toriel laughing a bit as she seemed to be quite happy that she actually was able to be a teacher for once in the long time she had been hiding, her naively assuming Alia already knew how to focus on their soul as she tilted her head a bit quizzically at Alias question.

"Dont they teach you this on the surface, my child?", Toriels gaze as motherly as ever as she pondered on how exactly to explain to Alia on how they could focus on their soul, she eventually seemed to be sparked with a idea as she smiled and kneeled before the small being, taking one of Alias hands into her own, massive furry one.

"Think of something that makes you feel full and happy...something you love and cherish", Toriel speaking gently as she really knew this could be difficult for Alia due to their tough past, she knew this child had a great inner power in them waiting to be unleashed, "Make...something easy, like water, or whatever you wish to create".
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

Alia couldn't help but feel embarrassed at Toriel's question. Was she supposed to have learned this on the surface? No one really discussed magic in general there, so she wasn't sure where she would have learned about it; maybe a book? Though the only books on magic she'd ever seen were all considered fiction books. Perhaps she was supposed to learn it from those books? But which parts were real and which were fiction? Or maybe it was all completely different, after all she doubted people would explain exactly how to do magic if they didn't want a bunch of people using it.

"Um... No, they don't..." Alia replied quietly, but was fortunately distracted from her embarrassment when Toriel began explaining what to do. She listened carefully, not only to make sure she knew what to do, but also because she wasn't sure if it might help with her research project. After all, if there was something she could do to help Chara, she wanted to make sure she understood what she was doing. She wouldn't want to end up accidentally hurting them in her efforts to help, after all.

Something that makes her happy? Well, she felt happy when she was exploring with Chara, and making that snowman with Sans, and drawing with Mira. Was that the kind of thing she was supposed to focus on for this? Well, it was probably worth a shot anyway, she figured, so she closed her eyes and focused on those memories.

As she focused on them, Alia felt... Something. Was this what Toriel had meant? She certainly cherished her friendships with Chara, Mira, and the monsters she'd met... So it probably was. Hopefully. Alia wasn't entirely sure how focusing on her Soul was supposed to feel, after all. But as far as she could tell based on what Toriel suggested, this seemed right.

Now for the more difficult part. Deciding what to make. She could try making water like Toriel suggested, but what if she made a mess? She'd never tried making water before, and the idea of creating a spill someone could slip on and become hurt by... No. Definitely something else.

And she didn't really want to just make some instant ramen appear, she wanted to challenge herself and see if she could actually make something else. But what? Normally, now would be when she would turn to Chara for advice, but with Toriel watching her so closely, that wasn't really an option...

"Either are perfectly fine. Chocolate is the best, though."

The memory of Chara's earlier advice popped into her mind unexpectedly, and just like that, she had an idea. Grinning slightly mischievously, Alia focused on all the memories of Chara getting excited about chocolate. And then, just like that... There was a chocolate bar in her hand. She discreetly glanced over at Chara, and beamed when she saw the awestruck look on their face.

"You can make chocolate appear at will?!?!"

(And now we start the 'Times Alia summoned chocolate' counter. Let's see if we can reach 99! XD)
[Times Alia summoned chocolate: 1]
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

Toriel knew little on what humans learned on the surface in regards to magic and was trying to be soft on Alia in case they didn't know any, her not in any way wanting to make them feel ashamed or embarrassed over not knowing any magic yet.

Patience was the key with someone this young and if Alia had any magic it would surely come out with a bit of practice, Toriel smiling kindly as Alia explained that no one had taught them magic on the surface.

"We will take our time, alright? There is no rush to learn things quickly. Everything will come to you when it's ready", Toriel encouraging Alia to summon whatever they felt if they could even summon anything at all, she didn't want the clearly anxious human to think there was somehow something wrong if it took them a few tries to figure things out.

'They have magic in them. I can feel it.....'

After caring for so many children in the past Toriel could easily tell when a human was unwell, everything about Alia yelling that this poor child had been terribly mistreated in life on the surface and that it could make summoning something they loved difficult because of it.

If anything, Toriel expected that Alia would summon air or some other element that they likely associated with the surface, her -not- thinking the beginner would have the skis to create a full fledged item, such a capability for someone so young meaning they had very great potential in them when it often took months to learn such magic.

"Oh, that's simply amazing, my child!~", Toriel smiling genuinely as Alia created a snack out of thin air, she was truly a proud goat parent with Alias success in their first summoning, "I knew you could do it~ I couldn't be more proud of you".

(The cutest snack summoner!)
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

(Yes ^^ Also sorry it took a bit for me to write a response, I've had some writer's block lately but I think I've finally pushed through it!)

Alia couldn't stop grinning after seeing Chara's reaction to her successful attempt, this was exactly what she had been hoping for. Now if only they could eat the chocolate... Maybe there was a way she could make it edible for ghosts? Hmm, something else she could research, though it would have to wait until after she figured out how to help them communicate with the monsters, because she still felt really bad she hadn't been able to figure anything out yet.

Looking towards Toriel to see her reaction, Alia was clearly happy to see she was smiling at her. She hadn't really been sure what Toriel would think of her summoning chocolate, especially since she had suggested water and Alia wasn't sure if she'd been supposed to make something like that rather than a snack. Of course, Toriel had said she could make whatever she wanted, but Alia usually ended up second-guessing herself anyway, so she'd still been a bit nervous.

Though slightly caught off guard by the praise from Toriel since she wasn't used to it, Alia beamed up at her, relieved to have succeeded and made her proud. Alia was still rather surprised whenever anyone said they were proud of her, it wasn't something she'd ever heard on the surface and since monsters were much more used to using and seeing magic she'd never expected anyone to be proud of her for the small bit of magic she could do. "Thank you, Toriel," Alia said happily.

Truthfully, Alia was rather proud of herself for successfully summoning chocolate as well. She'd never really tried to make anything other than instant ramen before and it was cool to see she could make other things as well, or chocolate at any rate. Perhaps she would experiment with trying to make some other stuff later, but for now she was just happy knowing she could make chocolate. Besides, she didn't have any other ideas for stuff to make right now.

Still, she wasn't going to fool herself; she knew she'd probably never be able to do all the many things monsters could do with magic. She hoped she wouldn't disappoint Toriel- or Papyrus, since he had also seemed to want to teach her about magic- if summoning random foods turned out to be the only magic she could manage. Compared to things like levitating stuff, it might not seem like much and she was internally a bit worried that if she didn't keep progressing in learning magic, the monsters might stop being impressed by her ability.

But for now, she was going to try to push those worries aside. After all, even if her abilities weren't as impressive as the monsters', she knew they would still care about her, so it would be fine. Anyway, she didn't have time to worry if she was going to figure out how to help Chara, so she should just concentrate on that.

"So, um, since I never learned any of this stuff about magic on the surface... Would you mind explaining more about how beginners should go about things? Or anything else I should know?" Alia asked hopefully. She figured learning more about how magic worked might give her some ideas. At the very least, she should try to get rid of any misconceptions about magic she might have from reading fiction books, since those would definitely hinder her efforts.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

Same though ><!)

Toriel was exceedingly proud of young Alia learning to create minor magic so quickly, her having sensed the child had a strong spirit and was happy that her intiation had been correct to lead them to discovering this talent.

To see Alia happy there wasn't much the goat mom wasn't willing to do. The chances of Alia or the other human, Mira, actually getting back to the surface were slim at best so at least she could provide a kind refuge in a Underground that could be unforgiving to non-monsters.

"Oh! There is plenty I would love to teach you, young one. There aren't too many monsters left such as myself that remember the surface worlds magic but I assure you if I don't know the answers to any questions you have I can point you to someone who does", Toriel being one of handful of monsters not born Underground, knowledge such as humans actually being capable of magic was rare and not widespread down here, most monsters assuming humans were powerless magic wise.

"One of the best pieces of advice I can give is to never overdo your limits. Yes, monsters and humans can use magic..but they are not the same. Monsters by virtue of being made of love cannot use their magic for negative reasons, but your does not have such a limit", Toriels voice a bit serious as she hoped Alia knew what she was getting at, a loose human down here, lost and afraid, could be very deadly with no restraints, "Of course, I know you would never hurt anyone, my child".
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

(If you want, we could skip to when Alia leaves to go back home?)

Alia smiled at Toriel's eagerness to teach her about magic. It was nice to know she could ask her any questions she had about magic, and she was sure she would have plenty as she continued her research. She was a bit concerned her questions may eventually lead Toriel to guess about her ghost companion before she found a way to help them communicate, but if Toriel knew of others she could ask questions to, she could ask them some of her questions instead...

Returning her focus to the conversation as Toriel mentioned advice, Alia listened carefully to her explanation of how monsters' and humans' magic weren't the same. She was concerned about Toriel's implication that a human could cause serious harm with their magic, and saw Chara seemed worried as well. Was she speaking from experience with another human, or was it truly just a warning that something like that could happen if one wasn't careful? Maybe she was just referring to her experiences on the surface when humans and monsters were in conflict, it didn't seem like any humans had gone on a killing spree down here or anything.

At least, she hoped not. She figured Chara would be devastated if they found out some human hurt their friends and family.

"Don't worry, Toriel. I'll be very careful," Alia said, smiling reassuringly. She was planning to be careful with using magic anyway, but hearing the monsters could get hurt made her even more determined to be extra careful. There was no way she would ever risk hurting someone just to learn more magic.

"Is there any other advice you would like to tell me?" Alia asked, hoping to get the topic off of this before Chara could work themself into a panic attack over the idea of humans showing up and hurting their monster friends and family. Besides, she knew she could use all the advice she could get. She still had a lot to learn about magic, after all.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

(Yes! Perhaps we can begin moving towards things starting to grow uneasy in the Underground once talk starts up about using the human Souls towards the barrier? Not that everyone agrees with it, but it might be enough for Mira to get ultra protective of Alia around strangers and she discusses get fears with Sans?)
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