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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

Flowey sighed internally when Mira stopped by the patch of echo flowers rather than continuing on her way; he should have known things wouldn't be that simple. Maybe she would just think he was a really strange looking echo flower though? Remaining as still as possible despite how nervous he was, Flowey watched as Mira brushed away the echo flower he had been hiding behind. Okay, she definitely saw him then.

And then she started talking to him. Flowey internally debated pretending to be an echo flower by just repeating what she said, but decided against it. After all, he doubted he would be able to match her voice perfectly without any practice, so she would probably realize he wasn't actually an echo flower right away. Plus, then it would sound even more suspicious when she told Sans about it. No, pretending to be an echo flower wasn't going to work.

So instead, he needed to make sure he seemed as friendly as possible. Perhaps then Mira would just think she made a new friend, and possibly not even consider it important enough to warrant much mention around Sans, and then Flowey would be safe to talk with Alia later. Yes, this was definitely the best course of action available to him at the moment.

"Howdy! I'm Flowey, Flowey the flower!" Flowey replied, with the most cheerful smile he could muster. The one good thing about all of his resets was that they had given him a lot of practice with pretending to meet a complete stranger. And cheerful smiles.

"it's nice to meet you! And I'm fine, just hanging out with some fellow flowers." Flowey continued, gesturing at the echo flowers with his leaves, hoping the random excuse he came up with on the spot would be convincing enough that MIra wouldn't question it.

"So, what brings you here?" Flowey asked, trying to get the focus off of him as quickly as possible without making it obvious. Fortunately, he had a lot of practice with that, too. Besides, even if he would never admit it, he was kind of curious why she was here in Waterfall. After all, Mira was still kind of an unknown variable, he didn't know very much about her compared to the majority of the citizens of the Underground.

It kind of reminded him of his first 'run' through the Underground after waking up as Flowey. Learning more about people he vaguely knew about, but hadn't actually interacted with much before. By now he knew pretty much everything there was to learn about most of the Underground's inhabitants, but he knew very little about Mira. Maybe it would be fun to talk with her for a bit and learn more about her; well, assuming she didn't tell Sans about him, anyway.

...Though it was kind of entertaining to imagine Sans' confusion upon hearing Mira had befriended the bane of his existence. Not enough for him to want to actually deal with the aftermath of it though. Especially when he really needed to talk with Alia soon.
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Current event wishlist: New event creatures!
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

Mira was as friendly as they came when it came to monsters she hadn't met down here yet and had no reason to see this flower as anything evil or malicious. After dealing with the result of going through that mysterious, grey door and nearly having her soul stolen by the desperate monster within she felt, wrongly, that she had faced the worst of what the Underground had to offer.

After all, even if this flower -was- something bad what could a sentient plant do to harm anything anyways?

As naive as ever, Mira smiled and nodded in acknowledgment of Flowey's name, it being fitting for such a 'happy little plant.

"Well its nice to meet you~ I was supposed to be delivering a letter to Hotland but sometimes it's nice to sit among the flowers and...listen to others thoughts", Mira sitting herself beside the flower as she listened to the sound of rushing water and past echoes, she much preferred this to the hustle of Hotland.

"Its weird, I've been down here for months now and I still haven't gotten used to places like this, magic places, just existing...", Miras thoughts returning to Earth where no true magic existed ever since monsters were banished, the remnant of power she had shown Sans was vestigial and useless compared to what monsters could use.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

Flowey was very relieved Mira did not appear to have any suspicions at all about him as she replied. However, his relief soon disappeared as she sat down beside him; Flowey had thought that they would maybe have a short conversation and then Mira would go about her business again and, ideally, forget all about meeting him. It seemed that she had no intention of ending the conversation quickly, though, which made Flowey rather concerned that she would remember it and potentially mention it to Sans. Regardless, he managed to keep smiling as if he didn't have a care in the world.

"So, there aren't many places like this on the surface, then?" Flowey asked, keeping his tone nonchalant with a small hint of curiosity, just like any monster might sound while asking about a place they had presumably never seen before. Although he didn't particularly like talking about the surface due to the... Rather traumatizing experience he had up there, Flowey definitely wanted to keep the topic of their conversation off of him as much as possible, and this seemed like the best way to do so. After all, Mira was surely used to other monsters asking curious questions about the surface by now, so it would probably make her feel like she was just talking with any other monster.

No matter how he felt about the surface, he had to keep his goal in mind. No matter what, he had to keep Mira from getting suspicious about him so he would be able to talk with Alia later without Sans interfering. No matter what, he needed to know for sure whether or not he had been imagining all of those things that reminded him of Chara.

All he had to do was get through a conversation. It couldn't be that hard, right?

Though, this did give him another idea... Maybe he could learn a bit more about Alia from Mira, and perhaps that would give him some insight about how much of what he had seen in Alia was him reading too far into things, and how much was reliable? Of course, he would have to be extremely careful. There was no way he could ask Mira a bunch of questions about Alia directly. If that ever got back to Sans, Flowey wouldn't be able to talk to Alia alone for the next century. Mira would have to bring it up herself. But perhaps Flowey could guide the conversation where he wanted it to go without her getting suspicious.

"How have you been adjusting to being down here? Have you been making good friends?" That should work, surely she would mention Alia among her friends, right?
To hatchling only please: Image
Thank you very much! <3

My wishlist is on my profile; I love Wind Hydras and Charaen!
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

As many of the monsters down here who knew her by now, Mira was a bit of a....ditz in the best way, always willing to lend a helpful hand when she saw someone who needed it. This little flower didn't seem threatening by any means despite others, like Sans, who likely knew something was up right away.

Unfortunately for flowey Mira saw this as a opportunity to make a new friend and probably wasn't going to just get up and go away like he wished.

"Not really, we don't have much magic on the surface these days", Mira shaking her head with a smile as she thought back about the land she had left behind...and everyone she knew and loved...she still wasn't fully settled with the idea of being trapped down here but her determination to get back home kept her going, "I mean, we do have plenty of cool non magic things up there too! Mile high waterfalls, oceans, frozen tundras....but not uh, talking flowers and sentient skeletons...".

Flowey was right to be wary of asking too many questions about Alia though. Mira was highly protective of the child and would easily catch onto any hints that Alia was in potential danger.....

The humans eyes brightening up when her new potential friend asked if she was making good friends down here though, Mira nodded and smiled, not catching onto the fact that she was being led into talking about Alia, "Oh, yes!~ I've met plenty of new monsters down here, even the king and the other human that fell down here not too long ago~ Everyone is really nice...makes me wonder why you guys are down here to be honest".
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MagiStream Donor
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

Flowey listened silently as Mira spoke; fortunately she seemed willing enough to talk about the surface and her friends rather than him. Maybe this could actually work. Flowey had to admit to himself that some of the stuff Mira mentioned about the surface sounded kind of cool... But not enough for him to ever want to see the place again. Not when he knew how the majority of the humans who lived up there would treat the monsters. Everyone was safer down here, even if they were trapped. Wasn't it ironic that the humans had trapped the monsters down here, claiming they were protecting themselves, when really it was probably the only thing stopping humans from attacking any monsters on sight?

Nonetheless, he forced himself to smile and nod, appearing interested. All he had to do was remember his main goal; for even the tiniest chance of seeing his sibling again, he would put up with hearing about the surface for an hour if he had to. After all, he knew Chara would have done the same for him.

Why hadn't he realized how badly he would miss them sooner? If only he could have reset far enough back to stop the plan in the first place... But unfortunately, no matter how many times he reset, he was always still Flowey.

When Mira began talking about her friends, Flowey pushed all other thoughts out of his mind. Right now, he needed to focus, he couldn't let himself get lost in his thoughts. While Mira didn't really say much about Alia specifically, she did bring her up. Flowey figured he could work with this. "I'm sure it's nice to have another human around, right? There's probably some stuff us monsters just don't quite get, huh?"

Mira's comment about wondering why the monsters were trapped down here made Flowey sigh internally. Flowey knew he was definitely not the right person for her to have that conversation with. After everything... Flowey wasn't up for sugar coating things. And Flowey figured a tirade on the cruelty of many of the humans on the surface was not the right way to keep Mira thinking she had just made a new friend that didn't warrant mention around Sans. "Yeah... I think we've all wondered that at some point or another." Flowey finally managed. Hopefully that would suffice, since Flowey wasn't sure he'd be able to keep acting cheerful if the conversation went down that line of thought much longer.
To hatchling only please: Image
Thank you very much! <3

My wishlist is on my profile; I love Wind Hydras and Charaen!
Current event wishlist: New event creatures!
Thank you so much for the gifts! <3


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