Random Writing

This section is for writing that is completely your own, including the world it is set in

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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 20 Stolen Moments (mirrored)
(made some changes hope you guys like it still ^^)
The urge became stronger as she glared at her reflection. She dared not let it loose for fear of alerting people to her. That was the last thing she needed. Instead she screamed through her mind, letting it out and clearing any other thought. A feral yell that would reach the heavens if she could use her throat instead of her mind. Inside she could feel someone trying to calm her.
Keero turned to see Quinn standing beside her. Having, no doubt, appeared by coming in through the window at such high preternatural speeds. " It will get better... This seperation cannot last," He whispered to her ear, stretching an arm around her to pull her closer.
Sighing she leaned against him closing her eyes, feeling as if she was dreaming again. A cold hand brushed against her cheek wiping away her tears, her gray eyes opening to look at the mirror again. He was there, Quinn was actually there beside her. "But these visits must be kept to a minumum..," she reminded gravely," To maintain that fine line between the mortals and you.. What was once vampire... then simply immortal...... and now? You're something else entirely........" Quinn sighed turning the girl around looking at her with eyes that were no longer their metalic blue. Instead where it should be white was dark almost black red and where the blue was supposed to be was a much paler red, like a layer of dried blood against white. He looked at her searching her expression before turning her chin up to look at him.
" Keero... Its not perfect but its better than how we were living before.....," His own expression saddened, pained. "... Do you remember the begining? I could hear you scream for freedom... when you were at your lowest.. When you were hurt so badly by someone who should have loved you just like i love you........ but I could not do a fucking thing to save you from it....... Could not free you from such despair .. Such anguish." He kissed her forehead taking in the scent that lingered in her hair closing his eyes to savor it. " I would have gone through Hell if i could have even this.. All the torturous levels that are held in those depths.... Just to be this close to you..... To never have either of us stay in the dark.....Never again seperated by one miserable law after another.... That protects humans from the supernatural......."
Lacing her arms around Quinn, keero held tightly to him. Reminding her of one night in perticular. She closed her eyes and let the memory wash over her.
Soft twilight drifting through the window beside the bed and the curtains from the small balcony on the otherside of the room. The gentle sound of rain could be heard giving her a sense of cleansing, a sense of healing. Keero loved the sound of rain but as she stared out the window it felt like she couldn't sleep yet this was not her room that she was laying in. The ones who were considered her parents had put her there mentioning that she was sick. Was she dreaming?
Everything felt real yet surreal as she sat up trying to hear faint whispers beyond the bedroom door. A light wind picked up the curtains , the light cascading through the balcony beyond the glass doors. A figure appeared though it was hard to see who it was as the billowed thin viel like curtains was in the person's face.
Not a word was said for a moment before a blur of swift motion as he quickly made his way onto the bed sitting just in front of her. " I'm sorry," he whispered, the shadow of the darkened room covering his face. She looked on at him feeling her throat catch. Keero knew who this was and he was going to say something she knew was coming for a long time. This was Quinn and he had met her through another dream this realistic, this painful. The love they felt for each other was just enough to keep them going, but the burn of their lonely hearts yearning to be together was enough to make one scream. To cry in agony, for no matter how much they wanted to be together, such a thing was impossible.
Quinn wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close as she bit back tears." I can't keep my promise to you." he whispered into her ear. Sliding her arms up his back Keero gripped tightly to the black leather trench coat that he wore. If it was a dream it was ridiculously real, feeling the form underneath the coat, feeling the leather and having the smell of it fill her senses. She cried while hearing his mumbled apologies and mentions of love as she gripped tightly.
" I can't take you out of here." Was he crying too? " I can't keep my promise." His arms tightened, but not enough to crush her as Quinn trembled in sorrow.
Her body screamed for him not to go, to stay holding her and to take her away with him, but it was only delaying the inevitable. Quinn pulled away from keero, no doubt sensing her internal protests. He returned to the curtains and looked at the lovely girl on the bed. " I have to go...," he whispered before leaving.
Once he was gone and she starred out the window, the sound of rain had stopped and the twilight still felt as wonderful as ever and she closed her eyes. The room she was in vanished as she opened her eyes again and looked up at the ceiling she knew as hers. It was her orginal room. Keero sat up and looked down at her hands remembering the feeling of Quinn's trench coat and body beneath her grasp. She wept silently while internally she screamed to be by his side again.

" That was horrible...," She whispered," to know that no matter what i went through in life, i could not be with you...... Could not... be by your side...."
Quinn pulled away to look down to see the tears he had hoped to quell had returned. A sad smile crept across his face, gently stroking keero's hair. She looked up at him looking more afraid than sad. " I don't want to have to wake up the next morning again and again thinking that the time we do share with one another is just dream! I don't want that!..... I don't want to lose you like that again..." He understood her worry, her fear, and it was a cruel reminder of why he couldn't stay with her through every waking moment. Taking her cheek into his hand again he looked at her and said softly," It is not a dream.... Let us cherish the moment we have together.... right now.....and i will show you how..... to know the difference between real and not... "
Quinn didn't wait for an answer as he pulled her into a deep kiss. Her body was trembling from the dread in her heart and the frustration that was filling her mind, it soon stilled as she responded eagerly.

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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 21 She is My Sin

He stood by the fire. Leaning over it as he gazed into the dancing flames. The fireplace was massive, of marble and threw off a great deal of heat to warm the large main hall of the castle. He cringed as the flames licked upwards towards the chimney. Something else troubled his mind more than the roaring fire that he felt he might be just a bit too close for. " I know this goes against everything....," he mentioned to the old lady, old enough to be his mother, dressed as though she were mourning. Perhaps she always will, he thought to himself as he turned to see her. He walked over to the chair that faced the couch and leaned against his hand. His palm covering his eyes in thought.
The room was only lit by the large fireplace, casting shadows from the couch and chair that surrounded it. It was sufficient and proved to give the right feeling of secrecy and concern. " I apologize for it.... We agreed not to speak ever again... and that i would not ask for you....... but this is of the utmost importance," The anguish in his voice surprised the old lady, but did not betray her emotion. Pulling his hand down in a more thoughtful look the pain was still etched into his pale green eyes.
" Listen," Her tone was cold and unforgiving," I get that whatever has you twisting and turning in your mind.... Your pain is evident and you wouldn't have called for me if it wasn't serious... Now what it is?"
He gave a bitter smile," As i have told you in the letter i have become a patron to a slave girl. I protect her with as much as i am able, and being what i am that is an easy feat. She is in the best care imaginable being here, and i would not dare reveal her identity since her masters are still on the search for her. She is definitely a beauty and one that i fear may be my downfall." He paused looking towards the fire. The old lady held her gaze on him, stern and still unwavering, she waited patiently for him to continue.
"I do not wish to break my resolve," He whispered," I cannot.... turn her... Though she makes my dead heart ache for such companionship." The old lady's face cracked. Her impenetrable gaze turned into rage. " You bastard," She hissed at him. The words like a verbal slap make him turn to her. " You denied me..... and now you wish to make a companion?" She damn near spat the words at him but he held fast. He kept his emotions in check knowing full well that she was right. He was despicable for denying her what she wanted but his resolved was stronger than she thought. Even now as the red haired maiden who slept upstairs as they spoke, he was trying his damndest to keep that same resolve.
" I understand your hatred for me over this... which is why i called on you," he continued holding up his hands to try and calm her. " I want her out of here... I vowed never to turn another human as long as my undead life serves me... I will not turn her.... Just as i didn't turn you..."
" Idiot vampire," her anger burned as hot as the fire beside them did. Yes... Still mourning.

It had been so long ago when she had asked him to change her, when he denied her such freedom. He had been her life long companion of the night, ever watching as her family kept the grounds outside of the castle in the best condition. The stories her parents told her of their benefactor family who supported the grounds keepers for generations, filled her mind with who the newest member of this great family was. Little did anyone know that said benefactor was only one person, and a vampire to boot.
She wanted to be with him always, and they did love each other, but he knew that this would be no life for anyone. It would ultimately change a person, and sometimes it would corrupt them. He did not want that for her, and refused to change her.
Enraged she told him that any contact between him and her were no longer tolerated. She wanted nothing to do with him and left the fields of the castle. She began a new life and had a family of her own, but lived in a near by village. Deep down she could never stray from him.

" So what do you purpose to do about this then?" She sighed in frustration glaring cold hardened eyes at the vampire.
" Take her with you..... Take her away from me.....," he whispered,"..... If she stays here any longer i will do something i will regret. I do not want her to end up being my sin...."
The old woman quirked and eyebrow and looked on at him," She already is...."
Last edited by KeeroTashimi on November 2nd, 2012, 3:04:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 22 Of The Mind

To be honest, i don't really know who i am. They call me Enigma, Enig for short, and i guess that's because i am a bit of one. I don't know where i came from or who i am supposed to be. Ameo, short for Ameoba, says i'm the balance to what is going on. There is a darkness that is encroaching on trains of thoughts throughout Psyche. He tells me that ever since Benevolent went missing things have been getting darker and darker inside of Psyches everywhere and that i might be the one to stop it.
Sinister says i am more like him.. Destroyer of good thoughts. Killer of mystical and intrigue to bring about a clinical and better world. Cold and devoid of any real mystery, feeling, or even intuition. He calls it all a parasite... He hops from Psyche to Psyche killing dreams and good ideas. Murdering them. How can that bring about a better world? I don't understand any of it, but i certainly do not like what Sinister is doing.
This world known as Psyche is actually rather large. Its like a three dimensional labyrinth, easy to get lost in, but you can always follow the electrical currently charged thought trains . They always bring you to the central station of Psyche. Its a wondrous place and each one is different but the lay out is generally the same. Colors change, ideas change. Interesting critters carry them around. They're kind of like ghosts one could say but inside them is a whole world of possibility. They are small, but i like them. I just wish i knew what to do with them. Do i kill all of the good like Sinister wants me to? Or do i try to stop this darkness that Ameo is warning me about, that is growing in each thought ghostling thing? What am i supposed to do when i don't know who i am to begin with? I wish i knew.... Its very frustrating and troubling. I don't want ideas to go away. I don't want Psyche to turn into a cold unfeeling factory popping out inane thoughts filled with neither darkness nor light. And i am scared that i am too late.

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 23 Precious

Beautiful bundle of joy
Lovely little boy
Hair of white and eyes of red
One night was taken from his bed

Shush mother, do not weep
Little bundle you must seek
Only one person who would dare
A child's life he would not spare

Grandfather so tender and kind
rendering little one blind
Unaware of whats instore
Behind grandfather's closed door

Grown hateful of his mother who has faded
Leaving little bundle broken and jaded
Trained to become strong and powerful
While mother searches frantic and sorrowful

Reunion bitterly recieved
Dear mother you have been decieved
Your father had a hand in this
Ruining your only bliss

Hurtful words met heart felt pleads
Tear filled eyes while deep wound bleeds
Feverent flury of claw and blade
Dear mother he cannot be saved

Deepened heartache sweet mother mourn
Leadened decisions you are torn
The state of life rests in your hands
Will you destroy your father's plans

One final cry the deed is done
Poor dear you have killed your only son
Sweet tender thing you hold in your arms
Now cold and quiet and safe from harm

"All you hold precious will die"
Says father who is near by
" You are my experiment true
There is only one future for you"

Poor sweet mother you must flee
Away from your father's grasp, be free
Tears of sorrow and pain flow
Go home and bury your son below

Erase your mind of these memories bleak
Lest the beast inside does speak
Sanity will loosen its once tightened grip
And from your hands more blood will drip

Cry your last tears
Sweet mother dear
of your lost tender bundle of joy
Your dead, lovely little boy

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 24 Children of Gaia

(warning: set in the 1920s if there is any racial offense i apologize in advance )

The jungle was thick. Bugs of all kinds were buzzing in our ears incessantly as we made our way through the thick untamed wilderness that is the African jungle. It was quite the sight to see. The humidity was intense and the smell of sweat and animals of all sorts lingered in the air. We had been at it for a while when I noticed after reaching a certain point the animals seemed to be oddly absent. Even the multitude of insects seemed to vanish.
We were standing in front of what I can only describe as a massive wall of leaf foliage. Perhaps even a door. There was a marking on a stone near by, of which the doctor could not readily translate. It was new to him but the local aboriginals seemed to know exactly what it was. I couldn't decipher what it was they were saying in such adamant fear but they didn't stick around long. So much for our guides.
From what little the doctor could translate from what our jungle guides had said, it was a mixture of spirit and earth. We figured it was simply superstition since the elder at least stayed behind. If a black man could go pale he certainly was. Dreadfully so.
Needless to say the doctor was furious with the rest of the crew as he was certain they were now cowering in our camp. He was giving the elder an earful that i simply didn't appreciate, though if i spoke my mind about it it would more than likely lose what little integrity i had in this expedition. I was after all a woman with a mind of her own, though admittedly kept for book keeping, and decided to move the massive jungle leaves and press onward.
The site i beheld was incredible. It was like a cross between a chrysalis and a massive flower or leaf bud. Easily the size of a man. I whispered, fearing that I might disturbed whatever was slumbering inside the massive leaf cocoon, for the doctor to make his way over. Both he and the elder walked through the massive leaves to witness what happened next.
I still cant even believe what took place in those moments.
First the elder had ran out of there just like his mates previously, then the doctor was in such jubilation over this discovery we both thought he disturbed whatever was inside because it moved.
I had walked up and placed a hand on it to notice that there was indeed a heart beat inside, which was incredible but terrifying all at once. And then it unfurled.
The leaves pulled away like a blooming flower and revealed a man. Full grown male human. Or so we thought. There was blackish blue markings all over his limbs and when he stood at full height it swirled around the center of his chest where the heart would be. He opened his large slender eyes which bore the same color as the markings. All one solid color as if the entire eye was a pupil. The young man had a very built muscle structure and goodness was he naked.
He looked from me to the doctor and settled on him and then began to walk. It was staggered at first, almost as if he had just been born, but then it was more sure. He then reached out a hand that bore the same swirl pattern on his palm and placed it on the doctors face. From there I still scarcely believe what happened. The markings went red but right where the doctor's face was the markings burned a bright green. The color flowed further up his arm while the doctor seemed to wither right in front of me. He became frail and decrepit like a mummy! Once done the green light filled every part of the markings. Why, even his eyes glowed green! I must of screamed because he was startled and cowered like the noise hurt his ears immensely.
The doctor was dead, I could see that plainly, as he was shriveled and dried out. His very life was taken, almost like it had withered away in this "young man's" hands.
The person....or....creature then walked to me. His eyes curious and full of almost a child like wonder as he tilted his head. His face, on the other hand was very stern, very controlled. I feared for my life, but he didn't seem interested in snuffing it out like he did the doctor. What could this creature be thinking? It seemed to try to speak but nothing I recognized came out. I must of fainted because I don't remember how we got back to camp.

Lost journal entry of Ms.Diane Fersen .

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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 25 Fear
It was oddly quiet as the boy of 17, ran through the alley ways of the town. He and his fellow orphans had found a couple of gentlemen who were foolish enough to have their wealth proceed them. The two men were dressed too extravagantly to be out in a town that was notorious for its pickpockets. The orphans were of course to blame for it, as they all pulled their weight and gained as much money as they could to feed their large numbers.
This boy was considered odd from the group and was never really allowed to go out for this sort of thing. He had silver hair and would no doubt be spotted easily if he were to be caught as a thief.Usually, he was indoors helping with the smaller orphans. Today was different. Today they were pulling all the stops for these two gentlemen.
The boy looked at the target street and noticed that there was absolutely no one about this heavily clouded afternoon. Something was off about that. There was no one, no noise of a bustling market place, or of people going about their days. Where was the sound of children laughing, screaming and just over all hysteria as they all rushed the two gentlemen in a fit of confusion and chaos?
Slowing his speed he began to tread softly trying to see if he could even hear footfalls of someone in the near by houses, but nothing stirred. There were no birds in the air, no dog barking in the distance, not even the sound of a carriage as it passed through the streets. Not even a sound from his troop of orphans. Just where did everyone go?
The silver hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as he reached the destination and carefully crept around the corner of the building.
Metallic blue eyes wide with horror as he beheld a sight like none other. A massive pile of bodies in the middle of the town square. He was certain everyone in town was there. From the richest to the band of orphaned thieves all laid together with their throats ripped out and their insides exposed to the air.
Shakily he wandered over seeing the smallest of his band. " Mary....," He barely managed to get out. The smell of it was repulsive but it didn't even seem to register as shock seemed to take his system. He pulled the little girl to his body and held her tightly. She was his favourite out of the little ones. Even if they weren't siblings he took care of her like she was his little sister.
Body shaking out of grief and terror the tears barely began to fall when a voice broke the deafening silence. " Poor thing," thickly sinister making the boy turn his head," Who could do such a dreadful thing? Is what you're thinking."
"Who....are you?" the boy shuddered noting on the fact that this man was dressed extravagantly. Just like one of the targets he was supposed to steal from. Black hair with one side short the other side about shoulder length, but dressed as richly as someone from a prosperous city. Not a small town like this.
"I am the one who has come for you, Quinn. You and you alone......," A predatory smile crept across the man's face revealing a set of large fang. Fear chilled every part of the boy as he dropped the dead girl and ran as fast as he could.

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 26 Unrequited

The light sounds of dishes being washed could be hear through the small house. Cat ears poked through brown hair while a halo sat above them. Small wings twitched lightly to being splashed by some water while a tale aimlessly swayed in contentment.She was a domestic angel cat, and though she wandered around in human form for convenience sake she was still ultimately a cat.
A light humming came from her lips as she busied herself with such a dull chore until she heard the door open and close. Golden eyes turned hopefully to see that the angel she called master had come home. Walking to the front door she greeted him with happiness and light affection as any cat would. The angel didn't mind returning the affection, just a small pat on the head, before heading into the living room." Did your day go well, master?"
"I may of done something against my jurisdiction Anju," The angel stated sighing as he flopped down into the couch. " There's someone who needs protection and he is by no means strong enough to fend off these creatures by himself."
" So you're protecting him then?" The angel cat asked taking a seat beside her master. Anju's ear twitched at this but remained pleasant. Worry stretched across her face noticing how the angel was severely troubled by this. " It certainly can't be bad, master," she mentioned in the hopes to brighten his mood," Protecting someone wouldn't be looked at as such, at the very least."
A sad smile crept across his lips at her attempt as he again gave her head a pat again. She was purring lightly despite the pain and disheartened look he held that so concerned her.
" It's not that simple," he mentioned biting his lower lip," The boy is a weak.... Well, very weak demon.... He has no family to take care of him.... These more powerful demons keep coming after him, he's uncertain the cause but he's in big trouble if he doesn't have some form of protection..."
There was something else the angel was hiding from his angel cat and she knew it. There was a different feel coming from her master that she couldn't place. A glow coming from the silver haired angel that she had never seen before, or at least not in a long time. She dreaded the words but she knew that she had to ask, to be sure.
"..... You care for this demon don't you, Izzekial?" She asked hesitantly. It wasn't for the fact that it was strictly taboo for an angel and demon to be involved that caused her to hesitate. The fact that her master could be in trouble did bring a hitch into her voice, but the thing that pained her heart greatly was what the answer could be. Despite being an angel cat, she wished above all that it was her that brought such a glow to the angels face. That it was her, that brought such a lovely twinkle into the other's eyes.
The thing that killed her the most inside was the fact that the angel was oblivious to it all. She had done her best to please him. Keeping the house clean, making sure her master was fed when he needed it, slept when he needed it. She did so lovingly and without need for praise, in the hope that her blind devotion would be noticed, and her feelings returned.
"...It's more than that Anju.......," Izzekial hesitated, brushing darkened silvery hair out of his eyes," I think i love him...."
She dreaded those words and knew that, that would be the case. She smiled as pleasantly as she could. " Then there's nothing wrong with that. But i shall keep silent about it i promise no one will ever know...," she whispered feigning her contentment. The smile that Izzekial gave her nearly shattered her heart. He was elated that he could trust his loyal pet to keep quiet about such a dire secret.
When he embraced the cat girl she nearly burst into tears, feeling the rest of her heart shatter to pieces. She barely heard him when the angel mentioned he was going to have a shower and simply nodded, keeping a hold of her happy mask. Though when he was out of sight she could not contain the pain any longer. Curling up she silently cried to no one. Inside her broken heart, she knew she would always be loyal to him. That she would always love him, no matter what.

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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 27 Werewolves

Stepping out the stairs that headed to the beach I looked up to the sky. It was a drastic change between night and day. The sun hadn't even set, yet the sky looked like it was cut in two. The night that was about to descend was starless with a large moon on the horizon. A gorgeous mix of a burning sky that came with the ending day, and the total darkness that only the night can provide.
It was like crossing a threshold or barrier in between worlds, only this was only between times. The minute I stepped onto the white sand of the beach it was immediately dark out. The water now an obsidian black and the sand was of an ashen white like what resulted after burning paper.
I walked aimlessly, reveling in the dark and eerie atmosphere. The moon was bright enough to give the ashen beach a bit of a glow yet not enough to have me cast and shadows. Then the oddest sight came into view. Trees, long since dead but placed in two single rows like in a royal courtyard or garden, but oddly placed here on the beach. It gave the entire scene and otherworldly feel and I began to feel as though I had outstayed my welcome. Every so often I could see oddly shaped foot prints in the sand. They weren't human but they certainly weren't of any animal I have seen. I began walking between the two rows of specifically placed dead trees and found myself looking over my shoulder. Hearing this or that noise, seeing this or that black figure move at the corner of my eye.
The oil lamps that had littered the verandas and cobble stone walkways where I had come from to get to the beach had disappeared. It was at that point i knew i had gone too far. the beach seemed endless and the water made the feeling sink home. Was I lost? Did I make a wrong turn? I looked behind me and saw no trace of where I had just been when a lout shrieking noise sounded from out of no where.
The sound was chilling, freezing me to the very core as I began to run only to be stopped by two odd looking dogs. Their fur was oddly colored. A sandy tan color lined with black markings, yet at certain parts of the body it looked pitch black. They looked at me in such a way that i knew they weren't going to be bounding towards me to let me pet them. Their glowed an disturbing red and their tongues lulled out of their gaping mouths panting and drooling at me. They looked more than just a little hungry.
I stood frozen for a time as they shifted closer, I dared not move for fear of them lunging me and taking me down. Their bodies may of looked skin and bone but i knew they could catch me easily enough if I ran. Indecision however got the better of me and i turned and broke out into a dead run.
They bolted at me I could hear their paws on the sand as I tried my damndest to run at my top speed, fear seemingly carrying my feet even faster. I tried not to scream knowing that it would do nothing here and kept searching for the warmth of light brought by those old street oil lamps. When I did I nearly wept with joy, turning my head to see that they were still following closely as I sprinted up the stairs as quickly as possible.
At the top I leaned doubled over as I panted greedily seeking the air my lungs were burning for. The dogs I came to call at that moment hell hounds simply looked up at me doing laps around the stair case at the bottom.
"Good," I breathed in relief," they can't follow me up the stairs." It was a really odd notion to think of. Usually dogs of any kind could climb stairs if they weren't steep, and these stairs were certainly not as such. It really sent the message home that these stairs especially at night served as a barrier.
I looked at the sky again noting that there was no more sun and moon contrast and simply the night had taken over the sky, suggesting to me much time had indeed passed while I was down there. When i looked back down at the hounds my throat seemed to cease and tighten.
Bones began to break and snap to the sounds of reformation and change while they lifted their front paws off of the sand i came to know as ashes and turned into hands with rather long claws. Body structures changed into something more human like and the face and muzzle almost receded into that of a half wolf half man. Werewolf hell hounds were what they were now.
"Oh shit," was all I could think of as I turned down the street and began running again. A loud thud could be heard behind me telling me they broken that threshold and had jumped up to the street. How no one was out that night was beyond me. Street by street as I ran as fast as my already tired limbs could carry me I could hear each step of their now monstrous hind legs as they ran after me.
I had damn near reach the edge of town when they decended on me and then...... I woke up.....

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 28 Silly Feuds

Howls could be heard, howls of laughter and pain. The struggle was beginning again. Monique sighed, her pale red hair whipping in the wind into her face. This battle over blood was starting to get under her skin and caused her hair to bristle on the back of her kneck. She would not participate in the fight tonight, for the thought made her stomache do flips. Agony and anger riddled her mind as she jumped down from the high rock and broke out into a preternatural run. As she ran the hair began to disappear and fur crept over her face and limbs. Turning into a wolf was easier than turning into her other form. The snapping of bones as the form changed into a four legged creature was far less of a strain on the body. It made her sigh feeling liberated of her human shell while she sniffed the air. She wanted to get out of the forest and get to the city. Surely there would be something else for her there.

Silver hair shimmered underneath street lights as a young boy no older than 17 wandered aimlessly. Hunched he shivered despite not really feeling the cold that ripped through the city.
Mortals wouldn't be out even if they had to be it was so cold that night. He wished he didn't have to be, but circumstances as they were, he had no choice.
A flicker of brownish red fur went past his sight for an instance and at first he thought it was a dog, but when he got closer and the animal weaved into sight again, he noticed it was far too big and could only be taken as a wolf. Knowing that if a mortal caught it the poor creature would wind up dead the boy ran up to the wolf. He knew vampires had a sort of affinity to wolves, why that was he would never understand, but he did love the creatures. Maybe he could use that affinity to get the animal out of the city and back into the forest where it belongs.
He slowed his pace when it stopped to look at him. There was a power about it that he couldn't shake. Was it truely a normal wolf?
" Are you lost?" He asked endearingly. The wolf starred at him uncertain on if it should come up to the stranger or not. " I won't hurt you..," The vampire boy said trying to sound unthreatening. ".. But you shouldn't be here... Humans don't like it when wild animals wander into their territory." He scoffed at his own words. He too would be concidered an "animal" since he was no longer human. 'Monster" would actually be the more correct term.
The wolf hesitated for a second before quietly, and cautiously wandering foreward. It sniffed the air and the ground trying to gather information that was unknown to the vampire.
" You smell of death...," The wolf said startling the vampire. At first the boy said nothing and blinked with his metalic blue eyes. " You can talk......," Was all he could find himself saying.
" Indeed i do," it was a female voice coming from the muzzle of the wolf. " Quite often.... And you are quite weak for a Blood Dealer..."
" Is that what you call vampires, werewolf?" The boy crossed his arms looking at the wolf in suspicion.
"... Yes.......," The wolf seemed to hesitate again, and seemed almost as if it were ready to either attack or run.
" What are you afraid of?" The boy asked. " You're not going to attack me?" The wolf asked.
" Why would i do that?"
" Because all Blood Dealers feed off of werewolves."
The boy couldn't help but break out into laughter. " Where did you get an idea like that?" The boy asked stilling his fits of giggles. " As much as i detest it... we feed off of humans..... only humans... Though werewolf blood i have never tried.. i certainly wouldn't go out of my way to find one..."
This seemed to confuse the wolf only further, which made the boy scratch his head in embarrassment. " Here lets start from the beginning...," The boy began," My name is Quinn... What's yours?"
".....," Hesitation again. She seemed to gauge the situation and when the boy simply offered an open hand it was a sign of frendship and to show that he had no weapons. No means to harm her. " Monique," she answered finally. ".... And... i have lived with this blood feud for centuries.. Vampires have always hunted us down and killed us... Feeding off of us to make themselves stronger...... I... I thought It was because they hated us... but i think its for their own survival...."
Quinn tried to keep his laughter under control because the notion was simply ridiculous. Vampires feeding off of werewolves to survive? Surely they must be joking. He quieted it when he noticed how serious she was. Monique seemed quite pained by this silly blood feud.
".. I never realized that they could feed off of mortals much like we do....," Monique finished noticing the ridiculous smile had finally left the vampire's face.
" They might be a different species of vampire than i am," Quinn explained," Because we are not all made the same... They might not know any better...... i can't imagine why... but that is a possibility......"
Monique gave a nod in understanding. So it could be that because they were ignorant to this fact much like Monique was. " I can help you," Quinn mentioned interupting her thoughts," If we try and figure out how to get to the bottom of this... Then we can possibly end this feud between the two species...."

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
Clicks are slower when on my phone but they do happen
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 29 Sane and Mundane
(warning:.. this is of my own mind..... honestly i am fine.. but this is just how i rant.. It's meant to look like this.. and meant to have a rhyme to it..... it's how i get things off of my chest sometimes... but yes... this is a part of me more so than my other stories... enjoy)

Long ago thoughts still plague the mind... Old fights still being fought while helplessly struggling to find..... That place of which one knows deep in their soul they belong....... A place that has been sought for so long.... It never ends... as the mind keeps going 'round that same bend.... Those dreams of euphoria that the mind sends..... Blends and rends one to tears.... Ripping apart the heart .... Real or not....... How can such clarity of a place be not real? To feel the fear, to touch the steel cold blade and grip it as if it were right there.... How is that fair? To be trapped in the ideals of what is real and not.. when really there is so much that isn't taught.. The endless possibilities are continuous beyond our plane of existence.... and yet we are met with such resistance..... Is it to keep us all in line..... to keep from crossing that invisible line... that divides us from the divine? Truly we could be closer than this..... so that everyone could have that bliss..... that feeling of knowing we are not alone... that the fantasy is closer than we think....... and that the sane and mundane won't smother us into compliance..... To have such a reliance on what the people of this world tells us... when inside of us... holds something so much more...... True its not hidden behind a door... and we all don't know that hidden score... that message in song... those dreams from so long.... but there is something more... that is in store... for all of us here........ no one can hear what it is...... for its inside of us..... this feeling of belonging.... of pure bliss....... instead of feeling misplaced.... so out of trace.... like a misfit in a world that demands conformity... uniformity..... when it doesn't quite fit....... what place is there for the one who will not conform to the ideals of what is real and what is not?... What place is there for one who hates and loathes what is sane and mundane? Would they be considered insane? One who must be contained? Taken away from society and then brought to "sobriety" when really they have been sane all along... only singing a different song...... Is the fate of the dreamer... to be left to the state of "the believer"... to be rendered into a stereotype... filled with misconceptions and hype.... Only to be left to their own devices.... seeking refuge in dangerous vices..... Feeling so utterly at a loss...... and dangerously tossed aside and looked at something to hide.... Keep away the believer.... Keep then under lock and key.....Maybe then they will see the errors of their ways.... for these ridiculous plays... of fantasy being real......... and teaching to feel.... for things that are not there....... If that is the case then really have we changed any in the world we live in?... Simply touting one thing for another... reason over belief.... instead of belief over reason? and to think otherwise is treason?..... Or laughed at... Tortured for what they believe.. despite that there might be something to it? Minds of great were destroyed because of it..... and they were on the side of reason... Would it be such a stretch if the opposite was true as well?...... Only its something more we cannot tell... For perhaps we are not ready... perhaps we don't yet have the technology to discover the divine... or has the search for knowledge left the third eye blind? And if we tried we would never find... that of which we seek..... That freedom from a world so bleak..... filled with despair..... we look and stare.. up at the stars thinking of so many possibilities.... on a world built on conformities..... The dreamer truly feels lost..... when the line is there but can never be crossed...... It pricks at the heart...... tearing them apart... when the world they know they belong.... will be out of reach for so long..... never to feel that bliss..... never to see what it is they have missed... when words are whispered in the ear..... enough to bring out a single tear....... This world is filled with such hate and sorrow...... When you look with dread to the word tomorrow...... Hoping that you could sleep forever...... only to return to the place you never... once.... felt you belonged.......

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
Clicks are slower when on my phone but they do happen
Wishlist is in my profile and can be found here.
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Happy Magiversary!!
Thank you to Ryves, Altairia, Anonymous, and the Magistream Team!! ^^

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