Random Writing

This section is for writing that is completely your own, including the world it is set in

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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 30 Strange Visitor

The earth shattering sound broke my sleep and made me burst out of bed. The sun wasn't up yet in these few hours before dawn, but one could see that the birds flee from the forest as i looked out my window. My dog had been barking frantically soon afterwards and i knew that there was someone trying to get at my farm. I was far away from everything that it literally felt like i was in the middle of no where, but trespassers were not uncommon. I pulled my britches on as fast as i could and grabbed a hold of my shot gun before bursting through the front door. I cared not for a shirt, for this farm was all i had left and it was my means of survival. If i had trespassers they needed to be dealt with swiftly.
It was crisp out, feeling the grass underneath me riddled with frost. Thankfully my crops had been harvested in advance, as i held up my shot gun and made my way towards the forest. I looked along the large property making certain that there was no one trying to climb over the fence, to try and get at the barn from behind. My dog, Ranger, looked like he would take down a bull if he could. Reddish brown hackles were up and he growled deep and low while the two of us made our way to the forest line. There he still looked down right vicious and i have never seen him look so mean. Not even when we DID have trespassers did he look so terrifying.
Once at the forest line he seemed uncertain on whether he should go in. He would whine, dart in and than out. "What's wrong boy?" I asked my gaze going to the forest ahead then down at my dog. He barked and whined almost as if whatever was there was keeping him out. He certainly wanted in but he seemed scared.
" Ranger!" I called making him come up to me." Good boy. Sit. Stay." My dog obeyed without fail, tail wagging and a goofy smile on his face as he looked up to me. I patted his head and gave another good boy before turning to the forest. He whined not wanting me to go without him but i told him again to stay. I pressed through the brush, hearing the sound of crackling leaved underneath my boots hating the sound immediately. The sound would surely give me away as i crept to see where the problem was coming from. I strained to listen for any sounds that i could possibly hear over my incessantly breaking of leaves, and to my dismay and fright, i heard nothing. No morning birds to sing for the coming sun, no other critters scurrying about. Nothing.
It sent chills down my spine as my footsteps were the only thing to hear in this forest that was usually filled with life of all sorts. Thankfully in England i didn't have to worry about large predators wanting to take me down, but is this what it felt to be hunted?
I noticed a clearing coming up ahead and carefully made my way through. I noticed a few of the top branches of trees had been broken and even a tree had been felled. Something or someone must have fallen a great height, but from what? I didn't see any balloons passing over to suggest that someone may of been dropped, so this perplexed me even further.
I was hesitant crossing into the clearing, almost as if i was crossing some form of barrier and i wasn't welcome to. When i finally did cross over i nearly dropped my gun in surprise.
On the forest floor, where the grass and underbrush seemed pushed back by a big wind or by the impact, lay a girl. Dark hair and soft linens, she looked like someone of royalty and from India for her skirts were billowy, bright blue and silken. Gold embroidery and jewelery and her feet were completely bare. In fact there was more skin showing than any respectable woman should be showing. Arms bare and even her belly was barren, but her skin. Her skin was pale, not at all the tan of most Indians from that area. I nearly flushed at the sight of her if it wasn't for the fact that she had steal cuffs or shackles on her wrists. The were glaringly out of place and i could see that she had struggled for some time in them for they were dried with blood. Her wrists too seemed gashes and scabbed over.
Cautiously i put my shot gun to the side as i knelt down and crept closer to the girl. She was breathing which meant she was still alive! I looked up to the sky to see how it was possible for a girl so young and frail looking to have fallen a great height as that and come out with only scrapes and bruises. When close enough i reached out a hand to see if i could rouse her from her unconscious state when her eyes snapped open. She looked at me and in a blink of an eye she had a grip of my arm so intense it was like a vice.
Her eyes were strikingly pale but drawn in a vicious glare. The words that came out of her mouth i could not decipher, but it was like a mix of two languages. A flow to it yet harsh and abrupt. Like Latin and German melded together. I looked at her dumbstruck and she gripped tighter. I a grown man of 30 could not move my arm in this young girl's grip. She must of been what 17, and made me afraid that if i move my arm in protest she would break it! She spoke again, the same phrase in the same language.
" I don't understand!" i cried frantic that i would lose my arm all together if i didn't respond.
" Who are you? Where am i? How did i escape?" She spoke in English, but there was no trace of an accent of the previous language she had spoken before.
" I don't know!" I hissed in anger." You fell from something. I was making sure there was no trespassers on my farm when i found you! Now let me go!" I admit i felt like a child in this young woman's grip. Her eyes seemed to tell an age that far proceeded her youth like complexion.
Finally she let me go to let me nurse my arm. Even with her hands still bound together she was menacing as she looked at me with suspicion. My arm throbbed as i looked to see that her very hand prints were imprinted in my skin. I would end up with a massive bruise there now as i looked to her in fearful suspicion of my own.
" You...You're not human!" I shouted at her. Fear distastefully on my voice.
She smiled at me wickedly. Or was it sarcasm? " How perceptive, mortal." she replied mockingly," I am far from human......"
"Wh-.. What are you?"
" I'm a demon."

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 31 Rivals

Its a night like any other. A clouded sky reflecting the redness of this scorched world. In a city like Crost it almost looked like light pollution. I knew better of course. The sky still looked like it was on fire to me. No acid rain this time around though. That was a relief.
I looked at the picture in front of me and sighed. Being a PI nowadays didn't get you much, so i had to take up bounty hunting. This demon didn't live too far, and he had to answer to the big wigs, for drug dealing. Yes, even when the apocalypse has wreaked havoc on a dark world, drugs still find their way in.
I was going to need help though, and i HATED help. Running a hand through my short crop of hair i took another drag on my cigarette. " Fuck, i guess i have no choice....," I muttered picking up the phone. I didn't care who these "law enforcers" sent me, i just needed some people to back me up while i grabbed this guy. I would still get my bounty, they would personally hand it to me when i hand this asshole over. Shouldn't be a problem. They were gunna send me three guys -rookies most likely- to help me take the inferno down. Seemed like a solid plan. Or so i thought.

Rule one about ANY bounty hunting gig, don't expect them to come quietly. They're running for a reason, whatever that reason is, they are dead set on not going. I personally don't care. I will drag the shit head kicking and screaming if i have to, i need my money.
So, naturally we banged on his door, saying we have the place surrounded and what does he do? He tosses a fireball THROUGH the blood door!! Prick was aiming for my head!!
Pissed to no end at nearly having my head obliterated by a ball of flame, i look through the cindered hole to see the bloody dick run for it. Half naked!
I was chocked. I burst through the door and ran to the room in the back. Nice large window, in a high rise apartment. I would have admired the view but the idiot looked like he was going to jump. " You have no where to go!" I shouted pointing the gun at him. Now gun's don't kill demons, never will, they'll just slow the guy down; However, we can't use too many bullets since the humans, years before hand, decided to use damn near all of them. So safe bet is like maybe one shot per perpetrator. " Just get away from the window and no one gets hurt."
He really didn't want to take that chance, and jumped out the window. " No!!!" I cried rushing to the window as the three "officers" checked the apartment and his naked girlfriend for anything else. I looked out and for a moment i saw nothing, until i heard the flap of leathery wings. The guy was already a good distance away.
" Wings?!" I roared turning to one of the rookies lifting him by the collar. " No one fucking told me he had WINGS!!!" The elf boy stammered at me giving a shrug making me growl in frustration. I pushed him aside and ran out of the apartment to get to the street. I was NOT letting my pay check get away. I wouldn't have either if it wasn't for the smell of death and cindered flesh in the alley way that pulled my attention.
Torn, i looked between the alleyway and my bounty getting away. Grinding my teeth in anger and frustration, something told me I'd better look into the alley way. It might prove to be a better pay off than him. I can always get the prick later for nearly killing me, but a fresh body would not last, and it certainly was fresh. Closing my eyes tightly and my hands into tightly clenched fists i growled deeply and turned to the alleyway. " I'll get you later, you asshole," i muttered to myself before following the scent of burnt flesh.

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 32 Blue

( Warning: The main characters have no names ... So there wont be any in it... sorry for the inconvenience)
Dressed in naught but what would pass only for a piece of red cloth, enough to cover and the front and the back of her body, was a girl with dark brown hair. She looked past the hedge beside her in the direction of a near by school. The sounds of laughter and playing could be heard as children amused themselves around the playground.
The girl's mind was clouded, making it hard to make any form of coherent thought about the scene. Blue eyes seemed dazed, making her seem almost dead on her feet. A young man stood close by in the small strip that could scarce be called a yard. His words didn't seem to effect her, as he spoke of their plan of having her infiltrate this institution. "... It seems to be working well..," He commented looking her over. The dark haired young lady couldn't make a sound for the moment, whatever they had her take was having a massive effect on her. He guided her along while one of the workers mentioned that "outside time" was over.
" We'll get you out of here....," the dark haired young man stated once they were inside. There had been rumors of patients disappearing, even though this institution had a high success rate. Just where were the patients going? Despite her mind being in a haze, the young lady did feel that there was something odd about this place. It was far too quiet in a place that was supposed to be filled with people who were insane.
" If you can manage to speak,.... what can you tell me of this place?" He asked. Focusing with all her might she tried to form any semblance of speech. ".. They .... keep us.... un-..der ... ti ight control....," She strained. The struggle within was unbearable. She wanted out of this place, to finally be free of the suppressive drugs that kept her so malleable.
The more she struggled to speak to her friend, the less the control over her became. Her sentences were less fragmented and it was drawing attention to her. ".. Its wearing off," He hissed in a low tone," Its not yet time to get you out of here..... We might have to up the dosage." Panic set in, so much so that it seemed as though it was on overdrive.
" No!" she cried out,"... Not that.. No!" Her shouting naturally grabbed the ever vigilant staff. The forced the two apart, telling the young man to leave while giving the dark haired girl a sedative making her black out.
Through blurred vision and fits of blacking out, she saw a man with long white hair speaking to her, but the voice was barely noticeable. When next she woke the sun was setting and someone was pulling off the restraints from her wrists and ankles. ".. We're getting you out of here," It was her brown haired companion from before. They rushed out of the instigation, the white haired young man following suit as they piled into a red car and drove as fast as they could away from the area.
It was winter, snow riddled the streets as the sun continued its decent past the horizon. Cops were hot on their tails as the white haired young man said that he had a place which they could all hide in. The young man also confessed that he was a vampire, which startled the young girl's companion, but didn't seem to effect her so much. The white haired vampire reassured the young man that he would not harm anyone and continued to give instructions to his place.
Quite a bit of time had passed before things had settled down and the cops were no longer chasing them. The winter landscape now seemed to be covered in a dark-blueish tinge. Not dark enough to barely see anything outside, but not light enough to read anything in your lap. It was a wonderful time of night as the girl aimlessly watched snow covered trees and houses passing them by. They were still within city limits, so it meant that they weren't completely off the hook. With it being a vampires home, there was little to no doubt that any human could waltz up to the front door without permission or hitting off some form of barrier.
The girl's listless gaze seemed to brighten when the site of what looked to be castle pillars appeared in between the trees rather than modern day houses. She looked up to see how far the pillars went but couldn't see an end to it at that moment.
She must of dozed off without realizing it because before she knew what was going on, she was being carried down the steps towards the front doors. It was an odd set up. The stairway seemed like that of an out door play theater. A great semi circle with the stage far below and step like seats as far up as they could go. Only the seats were steps and the stage was two gigantic double doors. The hunters moon cascaded through the pillars and trees giving everything a crisp yet almost light bluish tint to the stone around them. The pillars appeared to be holding the rest of the castle up, to which the girl marveled while the three of them neared the doorway. When the door opened, she passed out.

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 33 Howl

( Warning: The main characters have no names ... So there wont be any in it... sorry for the inconvenience)
The sounds of snarls and growling tore through the otherwise quiet scene of a night time forest. Hunter's Moon was up high in the sky and but a bow sized crescent was visible through the trees. Two wolves circled each other, hackles up, heads low and ears flattened to their heads accompanied with two sets of teeth gleaming in the moonlight.
One wolf, a female, had long black fur, with purple markings within and bright violet eyes. the other, a male, was pale, grey and rather shaggy with brown vicious eyes. They had fought before but this fight was a little different. As with any small pack, there is to be order. An alpha and a beta, but this fight was not for dominance, as the female had lost time and time again. This time the female seemed to not back down. This time the female wanted to kill.
Shoulder bleeding she didn’t seem to be fazed by it as she lunged with all her weight. Seeing the female move the grey furred wolf countered and jumped to meet her. Fangs met flesh as they tore at each other in a fury of rage. The female let go only to try a different point to sink her teeth into tender flesh and found an old wound she had given him before. Yanking hard the grey wolf yelped and was pushed to the ground.
There was a small wave of satisfaction, in the female, finally gaining the upper hand as she glared down with malicious eyes accentuating the malicious grin of teeth. She didn't give much thought to her next actions as she grabbed a hold of the scruff on the male's neck and shook hard, wanting to tear it off. His yips and yelps only seemed to bring more adrenaline into her as she brought down her paws and smacked and clawed at the other wolves face. He snapped at them in an attempt to fight back and caught a hold of her paw not letting go even after the female had already done so from his scruff.
Furious she snapped at his face making him let go and snap back marring up her muzzle. Yelping she shook her head to shake off the momentary pain and lunged again, pushing the wolf down onto his back. Seizing the exposed neck she ripped through it hard, feeling the flesh give and tear. Blood splattered in this small clearing, on the trees and dampening her long soft fur, smearing across her face as she let go, feeling that there was no more fight in the other wolf. Whimpering, the male was still alive, looking at the black wolf with odd purple markings and violet eyes. She glared back giving a very harsh look that said, "I will kill you if you pursue me...." and walked over the bleeding wolf. Fur still flared with rage she gave a good kick in the grey furred wolf in the back before disappearing into the forest, caring not if the male died due to blood loss.
Once out of the clearing she broke out into a run and found a clear water creek. It was deep but not that fast moving, so she was able to sink in and not just clean her wounds, but clear off the blood and rid herself of his scent. Emerging on the other side she shook off the water and trotted away to find herself a small cave to lick her wounds and mourn over the separation.
In the morning she would turn in the direction of her family pack to gather her ground before testing her independence again.

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

To those who may be reading this Topic:
Edit Warning!!: These links do not work anymore. I have to rework my blog at some point to actually get things how i want them. Currently though, i am dealing with school. I will update these links when the time comes.... for now enjoy the randomness of these writings and the themes i have. I will..... hopefully... get back to all of this at some point.... *sigh*..
November 22, 2017

I have been currently working on a webcomic known as Psyche! I try to post on it every week (unless i end up sick or something happens, etc. etc.) currently i am up to page 9 and still finishing up page 10. I also do a drawing of the month picture for the corresponding month. I try to keep it a surprise and will ask for requests accordingly... In the mean time i will post up pages 1-9 here and will post a little reminder of a new page when it comes out! in the mean time: Enjoy!!

http://iamthebabblingmuse.wordpress.com ... he-page-1/
http://iamthebabblingmuse.wordpress.com ... he-page-2/
http://iamthebabblingmuse.wordpress.com ... he-page-3/
http://iamthebabblingmuse.wordpress.com ... he-page-4/
http://iamthebabblingmuse.wordpress.com ... he-page-5/
http://iamthebabblingmuse.wordpress.com ... he-page-6/
http://iamthebabblingmuse.wordpress.com ... he-page-7/
http://iamthebabblingmuse.wordpress.com ... he-page-8/
http://iamthebabblingmuse.wordpress.com ... he-page-9/
Last edited by KeeroTashimi on November 22nd, 2017, 10:12:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
Clicks are slower when on my phone but they do happen
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
Clicks are slower when on my phone but they do happen
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Rp 1x1?
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
Clicks are slower when on my phone but they do happen
Wishlist is in my profile and can be found here.
Rp 1x1?
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
Clicks are slower when on my phone but they do happen
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Re: Random Writing

Post by Beepbeep »

That is seriously random
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Beepbeep wrote:That is seriously random
oO did you actually read all of my posts or the comic?

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
Clicks are slower when on my phone but they do happen
Wishlist is in my profile and can be found here.
Rp 1x1?
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Happy Magiversary!!
Thank you to Ryves, Altairia, Anonymous, and the Magistream Team!! ^^

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