Wanted: Nursery workers

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Re: Wanted: Nursery workers

Post by ApprenticeCrone »

ApprenticeCrone wrote:Application form

Username: ApprenticeCrone
How often are you on Magistream? it varies; when home, twice a day at least
Are you using the click threads regularly? no, only semi-regularly
Are you fishing from the stream regularly? yes
Do you, or did you ever provide sitting service? no
Do you, or did you ever provide streamcatching services? no
If you answered one or both of the above questions with yes, are there any users you would like to mention as references for your service? N/A
Is there anything else you'd like to say that you think qualifies you for the position?
I'd like to offer my services breeding eggs of the non-stream variety for your shop/giveaways/other events.
I've quite a few breeding pairs of shopborns, questborns, and hybrid types, at this point, and it just seemed the thing to do, to offer.
Obviously I can't supply eggs in the same quantities as are available from stream-catching, but what I can do, you can take advantage of, if you like.
I'd like to emend this.
What I really mean by it is, if you ever want to do up a list of which NON-stream eggs you need, most to least, like you have for stream-eggs in your signature? Well, then I can start breeding and sending you those eggs like I catch and send you stream-eggs.
(Well, also if you ever just have a special need for something that's not an "ongoing basis" you can always let me know and I'll help with that too)
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Re: Wanted: Nursery workers

Post by thunderwave »

Application form

Username: thunderwave
How often are you on Magistream? now? Almost every moment I get
Are you using the click threads regularly? yeah
Are you fishing from the stream regularly? as often as I can
Do you, or did you ever provide sitting service? (If still active, please provide a link to the thread) no.
Do you, or did you ever provide streamcatching services? (If still active, please link to the thread) no but want to.
If you answered one or both of the above questions with yes, are there any users you would like to mention as references for your service? no
Is there anything else you'd like to say that you think qualifies you for the position? nah, ill probably not be accepted anyway.
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Re: Wanted: Nursery workers

Post by Antic »

How often are you on Magistream? Almost every day
Are you using the click threads regularly? Yes
Are you fishing from the stream regularly? Yes
Do you, or did you ever provide sitting service? (If still active, please provide a link to the thread) Yes
Do you, or did you ever provide streamcatching services? (If still active, please link to the thread) No
If you answered one or both of the above questions with yes, are there any users you would like to mention as references for your service? Yes, TenshiMorningstar
Is there anything else you'd like to say that you think qualifies you for the position? I love egg sitting so I think this would be a fun job :)
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Re: Wanted: Nursery workers

Post by Sylverkitti »

Application form

How often are you on Magistream?Usually All day, everyday.
Are you using the click threads regularly?Everyday, yes
Are you fishing from the stream regularly?Most everyday, unless I get breed orders then I may only grab one or two eggs...but that doesn't happen often
Do you, or did you ever provide sitting service? no
Do you, or did you ever provide streamcatching services? yes back on 09. I do not anymore
If you answered one or both of the above questions with yes, are there any users you would like to mention as references for your service?no, sorry. Hard to remember who I hung out with back then. Many have quit.. :crazy:
Is there anything else you'd like to say that you think qualifies you for the position?I am on everyday, unless I am ill, or something happen like a vacation...nope, I will be on everyday....I have time to do tasks, if it is understood real life sometimes gets in the way. Darn it real life anyway...
I am buying a Male Light Vanx for 250k. If you have one for me Pm me please!

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Re: Wanted: Nursery workers

Post by Master Belmos »

SeaCrest has retired from her position as a Nursery Worker. To replace her, I have chosen Sylverkitty to help me out.
Master Belmos has a new place in the Merchant District:
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Re: Wanted: Nursery workers

Post by Syndicate »

Welcome to the team Sylver!
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Re: Wanted: Nursery workers

Post by lordofthebutts »

Application form

Username: lordofthebutts
How often are you on Magistream? Alot.. just started!~ :D
Are you using the click threads regularly? Yus i am v selfish and a click wanter
Are you fishing from the stream regularly? Yes
Do you, or did you ever provide sitting service? I currently am.
Do you, or did you ever provide streamcatching services? No
If you answered one or both of the above questions with yes, are there any users you would like to mention as references for your service?
Is there anything else you'd like to say that you think qualifies you for the position? im on alot but thats basically it im v sorry

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Re: Wanted: Nursery workers

Post by Demon121 »

Application form

Username: Demon121
How often are you on Magistream? To tell you the truth 24/7
Are you using the click threads regularly? Yes
Are you fishing from the stream regularly? Yes
Do you, or did you ever provide sitting service? (If still active, please provide a link to the thread) Yes, but at the moment no.
Do you, or did you ever provide streamcatching services? (If still active, please link to the thread) Yes, but at the moment no.
If you answered one or both of the above questions with yes, are there any users you would like to mention as references for your service? Im sorry but at the moment I can't think of anyone. I ask for old post to be deleted. :facepalm:
Is there anything else you'd like to say that you think qualifies you for the position? Im always on site, positive, open mined, and ready to get to work. :evil:
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Re: Wanted: Nursery workers

Post by shadowfighter »

Application form

Username: shadowfighter
How often are you on Magistream? Whenever I can, which since it is summer, is right about 24/7
Are you using the click threads regularly? Yeah, since I almost always have a growing creature I want to have grow up XD
Are you fishing from the stream regularly? If I see something I like, I will try to take it.
Do you, or did you ever provide sitting service? Not yet, but I hope to some day! (maybe for a really small fee)
Do you, or did you ever provide streamcatching services? Nope, but it sounds neat!
If you answered one or both of the above questions with yes, are there any users you would like to mention as references for your service? N/A
Is there anything else you'd like to say that you think qualifies you for the position? Well, I am pretty nice unless someone did something really really bad, which I think the mods would pick up on with their Hound like mod skills. I am also usally more than willing to breed/catch you something, just ask! But mind you, I have creatures growing on my scroll most of the time, but I will work my butt off if I get the honour of working in the nursery! Also, just a little Q&A, would I have to sign a contract or something like that? If so, count me out.
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Re: Wanted: Nursery workers

Post by henley421 »

Application form


How often are you on Magistream?
Five to six times daily

Are you using the click threads regularly?
Yep, once a day to keep it fair :3

Are you fishing from the stream regularly?
Yes, I am looking to start hoarding collecting streamborn creatures and doing it for other people would keep it interesting.

Do you, or did you ever provide sitting service?
As of yet I have not. I have been debating on whether or not to, but I do have resources that I use of which I can hatch my own pets within 24 hours to the stage I want.

Do you, or did you ever provide streamcatching services?
Yet again I do not but seeing as I have been doing it for myself offering it for the nursery would make me keep doing it and feeling good about helping out.

If you answered one or both of the above questions with yes, are there any users you would like to mention as references for your service?
Nope ^_^

Is there anything else you'd like to say that you think qualifies you for the position?
I would love to work with the nursery to see if I would like running my own services similar (and obviously not as.... well-known) and this is a perfect opportunity to do so! I hope you consider me and give me the chance to prove that I would make a great addition to the team. I am perfectly happy doing tedious tasks and helping out whenever I can! Thanks so much :D
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