Wanted: Nursery workers

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Wanted: Nursery workers

Post by Master Belmos »

Hello, dear magi. Please do not confuse this thread with a Nursery event, it is not related to them. The workload of the Nursery has been a lot for an old man like me, and thus I would like to find a few young people willing to help me out with some of the lesser tasks. Morgaln is better at talking about all the legal issues, so I'll give the word to him now.

Official Nursery worker badges

Well, you have heard the dear Master. He is looking for a few reliable and trustworthy people that are willing to help him out with some menial tasks. The main duties for those people will be sitting eggs and streamcatching creatures, with Master Belmos telling you when he needs you to do something for him. Other duties might be added if necessary.

You will not be paid for these position. However, there will be a few perks. Every official Nursery worker will be allowed to carry a badge they can put in their signature, profile or avatar, if they so choose (badge made by GlassWalker). All Nursery workers will also automatically receive the full five tickets for every Nursery raffle held, without having to pay for them. Of course you'l also have the prestige of occupying a semi-official site position. Like duties, perks may be added if we deem it appropriate.

Of course anyone chosen will be allowed to quit the position at any time; a simple PM to Master Belmos will suffice.

We are currently looking for three to five people. That number might be increased or reduced as we see fit. However, this thread will remain open indefinitely, since we can never tell when we'll decide we need another worker. Feel free to keep applying even if we have already chosen several people for the job.

To apply, please fill out the following form. That form is mandatory; you may say whatever you like and think is helpful in your post, but if it doesn't include the form, your application will not be considered. See it as the first test on whether you are reliable.

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[size=150][b]Application form[/b][/size]

[b]How often are you on Magistream?[/b]
[b]Are you using the click threads regularly?[/b]
[b]Are you fishing from the stream regularly?[/b]
[b]Do you, or did you ever provide sitting service?[/b] (If still active, please provide a link to the thread)
[b]Do you, or did you ever provide streamcatching services?[/b] (If still active, please link to the thread)
[b]If you answered one or both of the above questions with yes, are there any users you would like to mention as references for your service?[/b]
[b]Is there anything else you'd like to say that you think qualifies you for the position?[/b]

The following is a list of people who have so far been chosen as Nursery workers. They are the only ones allowed to carry the official Nursery worker badges:


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Re: Wanted: Nursery workers

Post by Chuckeh »

Application form

How often are you on Magistream?Everyday, time might change when I go back to school.
Are you using the click threads regularly?Yes.
Are you fishing from the stream regularly?Yes.
Do you, or did you ever provide sitting service? Here is the thread:
34-daycare/106525-re-ninja-and-pirate-s ... #p11313937

Do you, or did you ever provide streamcatching services? Yes.
If you answered one or both of the above questions with yes, are there any users you would like to mention as references for your service? Not that I know of.
Is there anything else you'd like to say that you think qualifies you for the position?Nope.
Last edited by Chuckeh on August 18th, 2011, 10:34:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Wanted: Nursery workers

Post by Shiranui »

Application form

Username: Campari
How often are you on Magistream? every day
Are you using the click threads regularly? yes
Are you fishing from the stream regularly? yes
Do you, or did you ever provide sitting service?I am sitting for several people...they provide me with new codes via PM. I have a topic here: 34-daycare/119413-offering-some-permane ... spots.html
Do you, or did you ever provide streamcatching services? No
If you answered one or both of the above questions with yes, are there any users you would like to mention as references for your service? Lunalux, Fin, oflittlediamonds, Raimei, SilivrenTinu
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Re: Wanted: Nursery workers

Post by Pinky »

Application form

Username: SoftPink
How often are you on Magistream? All the time. :P
Are you using the click threads regularly? Yup.
Are you fishing from the stream regularly? No not really...
Do you, or did you ever provide sitting service? (If still active, please provide a link to the thread) Yes. 34-daycare/106525-re-ninja-and-pirate-s ... #p11313937
Do you, or did you ever provide streamcatching services? (If still active, please link to the thread)Yup.47-kancha/116595-lth-people-for-the-job ... -want.html
If you answered one or both of the above questions with yes, are there any users you would like to mention as references for your service? IloveChuck and horses112
Is there anything else you'd like to say that you think qualifies you for the position? ...No? XD
Last edited by Pinky on August 16th, 2011, 2:25:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wanted: Nursery workers

Post by ShenziSixaxis »

Application form

Username: ShenziSixaxis

How often are you on Magistream?
Everyday. Very rarely am I not on, and if I am not, it's usually only for a day.

Are you using the click threads regularly?
Not so much unless I'm raising easy to hatch critters (not often). Mainly I use the Temple Nursery and/or Twitter (as I can fit 6 or so TinyURL links into one tweet) as those show a better growth rate.

Are you fishing from the stream regularly?
I'm not sure how to answer this one. I check the stream quite often, probably a dozen or so times every hour real quickly. If I see something I want and have an empty eggslot, I'll take it.

Do you, or did you ever provide sitting service?
I did, back in 2009.

Do you, or did you ever provide streamcatching services?
I don't believe I did.

If you answered one or both of the above questions with yes, are there any users you would like to mention as references for your service?
There's none I can think of. :t-shrug:

Is there anything else you'd like to say that you think qualifies you for the position?
Seeing as I have one of the highest sums of gold on the whole site, I've been able to purchase whatever I need and don't really do anything anymore, in terms of creatures, because of this. And because of all this gold, I could supply shop born and 1st generation bred shop creatures. I've also been here since the beginning, pretty much, so I know my way around stream catching.
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Re: Wanted: Nursery workers

Post by Imperialism »

Application form

Username: Imperialism
How often are you on Magistream? Everyday. My turn has come up at work for the overnight shift so will be on almost always.
Are you using the click threads regularly? Not personally. I have a couple permanent sitters that do. I mainly use twitter and Yarolds as I feel I hatch eggs quicker that way.
Are you fishing from the stream regularly? When I am not breeding.
Do you, or did you ever provide sitting service? (If still active, please provide a link to the thread) No
Do you, or did you ever provide streamcatching services? (If still active, please link to the thread) No
If you answered one or both of the above questions with yes, are there any users you would like to mention as references for your service? N/A
Is there anything else you'd like to say that you think qualifies you for the position? I really do not need anything for myself. I basically spend my time on MS breeding my QB's, GB,s, etc. I can breed anything that is breedable and hatch pretty quickly. If streamborns are needed I can do that instead of breeding. Although, to be honest, my specialty is GB and QB breeding (as I have several breeding pairs). I also have several breeding pairs of Purebred Hybrids, including bronze and green CW's (most of which I had before the crash and several I purchased from people after the crash). I also have a large amount of gold that I have no need to spend so I can get shopborns if needed (or breed them if needed).
Last edited by Imperialism on December 2nd, 2013, 10:04:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Wanted: Nursery workers

Post by ZackyBear »

Application form

How often are you on Magistream?: Roughly 60 hours a week I'm on magistream
Are you using the click threads regularly?: Yes! I always need my eggslots freed :headdesk:
Are you fishing from the stream regularly?: Yep~
Do you, or did you ever provide sitting service?: No, not really...
Do you, or did you ever provide streamcatching services? When viridus crabs first came out, yes. Any other time, no.
If you answered one or both of the above questions with yes, are there any users you would like to mention as references for your service?: ILoveChuck, Ryko, GamingGal
Is there anything else you'd like to say that you think qualifies you for the position?: Just let me know what you need done and I will do everything I can to get it done in a timely manner~
Last edited by ZackyBear on August 18th, 2011, 5:16:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Click...click...lick...Wait, what?! O.o
-Transformers Is My Twilight!-
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Re: Wanted: Nursery workers

Post by crazyflight »

Application form

Username: Crazyflight
How often are you on Magistream? Everyday, every week, usually. I sometimes go on trips and stuff, but I'm on for at least 2 hours a day.
Are you using the click threads regularly? I always do.
Are you fishing from the stream regularly? Yes, if I need to.
Do you, or did you ever provide sitting service? No, but I definitely could if I had the time. I don't want to set up my own, though... I sit for Shukura and the Dream Pet Help Thread, and I am also an egg ninja.
Do you, or did you ever provide streamcatching services? I bought some people shopborn creatures and raised them quickly, but I could easily pull off a streamcatching. I also am currently doing a streamcatching service for the Dream Pet Help Thread
If you answered one or both of the above questions with yes, are there any users you would like to mention as references for your service? Well, I often advertise the eggs of the Morgaln Fan Club and The Autumn's Beginning Giveaway. There are about 10 really active members in each guild (a little less in ABGG).
Is there anything else you'd like to say that you think qualifies you for the position? Well, I am very consistent and I love to help people. I am patient with waiting for things to pop up in the stream, and although I often have my eggslots filled, I can make exceptions. I don't do very much for myself besides breed penguins for my armies. The rest of the eggslots I will use for my new shop. BUT if no one buys from it (it is stocked already) I will set my eggslots aside for you. I would be honored and very glad to work for you if I ever got the chance. :D
Last edited by crazyflight on August 17th, 2011, 8:28:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
always looking to buy streamborn opal and diamond gemstone kirin!
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Re: Wanted: Nursery workers

Post by FyFy »

Application form

Username: FyFy
How often are you on Magistream? basically every day (i do go away for a few days but i can always hop online for an hour or so)
Are you using the click threads regularly? yes
Are you fishing from the stream regularly? yes
Do you, or did you ever provide sitting service? no
Do you, or did you ever provide streamcatching services? yes, but sadly it is inactive at the present.
If you answered one or both of the above questions with yes, are there any users you would like to mention as references for your service? ErrantMisty
Is there anything else you'd like to say that you think qualifies you for the position? Not really sure actually, i have lots of time on my hands (besides my few days of getaway/me-time). I follow orders to the best of my ability and am pretty good about updating important things. And thank you for considering me for this position.
Last edited by FyFy on August 16th, 2011, 11:55:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wanted: Nursery workers

Post by WolfKeeper »

Application form

Username: WolfKeeper
How often are you on Magistream? Usually everyday, sometimes I'm away for trips but I try to be on for at least an hour everyday.
Are you using the click threads regularly? Often, sometimes I don't if I'm short on time but most days I do.
Are you fishing from the stream regularly? Yes.
Do you, or did you ever provide sitting service? No
Do you, or did you ever provide streamcatching services? Yes, but it's not active anymore.
If you answered one or both of the above questions with yes, are there any users you would like to mention as references for your service? Yellowfang, Zackeline, twilian, IloveChuck, GingerFang, ErrantMisty, CrossYuyite and a few other people
Is there anything else you'd like to say that you think qualifies you for the position? I love helping people out especially with breedings that they need done, or streamcatching or any other help I can offer. I try to get everything done in a reasonable amount of time and am very organised.
Big thank you to Rosehill for the beautiful Signature!ImageImage
Please click, thanks :D!
LTB: Female Aecor Samean or Female Lunar Fox!LOVE KNOWS NO LIMITS<3
Please don't click any of the unfrozen hatchlings in my keep, they are supposed to stay that way.
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