Official Creature Suggestion Thread

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Official Creature Suggestion Thread

Post by Morgaln »

This is the official suggestion thread for new creatures.

Suggestion Guidelines:

The following things have been suggested to death and will not be added to the list:
Any kind of hybrid
Any kind of dragon
Any kind of wolf, especially winged ones
Any kind of cat (this includes wild cat species)
Whatever "original" animal combination you can come up with to make a gryphon
Any regular creature with wings and/or horns tacked onto it

Please first check the list whether your suggestion is already on there. Chances are good someone already had that idea before you.
If you provide a wikipedia link (or link to an equivalent site) with your suggestion, I'll add that link to the entry.
Suggestions that you made up yourself are better made by drawing that creature, posting it in the Hall of the Arts and providing a link here.
Suggestions that are specific to a game or work of literature might fall under copyright and will not be considered.
Any suggestions made in other threads will not be added to the list, unless they are made here as well.

Some creatures are color-coded:
Green: These creatures already exist on the site
Blue: These creatures are very similar to what already exists. That doesn't exclude them from being added to the site in the future.
Purple: These creatures are human-like and will only be available as allies, if at all.
Red: These creatures have been rejected

Guidelines / Real Animals / Extinct Animals and Cryptids / Mythical Creatures / Other Suggestions
What did the monk say to his food?
Out of the frying pan and into the friar
Knives: cutting-edge technology to this day.

This is Moe. Moe's a saurus.
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Real Animals

Post by Morgaln »

Real Animals
Aardvark link
Addax link
Akita Inu link
Albatross link
Alligator link
Alligator Gar link
American Bison link
American Black Bear link
American Kestrel link
Amphiuma link
Angel Fish link
Angler Fish link
Ant Eater link
Antlion link
Apollo butterfly link
Appleyard Duck
Arapaima link
Ashera link
Asian Black Bear link
Aye-Aye link
Bactrian Camel link
Baird's Tapir link
Bald Eagle link
Banded Sphinx Moth link
Bass link
Bearded Dragon link
Beluga link
Bengal Cat link
Betta Fish link
Binturong link
Bird of Paradise link
Black-Footed Ferret link
Black Hawk Eagle link
Black Rhinoceros link
Blanket Octopus link
Bleeding Heart Dove link
Blind Cave Fish link
Blob Fish link
Blue Jay link
Blue Sea Slug link
Blue Tailed Skink link
Blue Whale link
Blue-Footed Booby link
Boa link
Brown Hare link
Budgerigar link
Buffalo link
Bullet Ant link
Caecilian link
Caiman link
Candy-Striped Leaf Hopper link
Capybara link
Caracal link
Caraval link
Cardinal link
Cassowary link
Catfish link
Centipede link
Chausie link
Cheetah link
Cheetoh link
Chevrotain link
Chinchilla link
Chinese Crested Dog link
Cinnabar Moth link
Clam link
Clouded Leopard link
Cock-of-the-rock link
Cockatiel link
Cockatoo link
Coconut Crab link
Coelacanth link
Condor link
Congolese Spotted Lion link
Copepod link
Coral link
Coral Snake link
Cougar link
Coyote link
Cuttlefish link
Dalmatian link
Death's-Head Hawkmoth link
Dik-Dik link
Dingo link
Dog link
Dogfish link
Donkey link
Dormouse link
Dragonfly link
Duiker link
Dumbo Octopus link
Eagle link
Ear Mite link
Earthworm link
Echidna link
Eclectus Parrot link
Eel link
Egret link
Egyptian Vulture link
Elephant Beetle link
Elephant Shrew link
Emperor Penguin link
Emperor Shrimp link
Ethiopian Wolf link
Eurasian Badger link
Fairy Shrimp link
Falcon link
Finch link
Firefly link
Flea link
Flying Dragon link
Flying Fish link
Forest Owlet link
Frill-necked Lizard link
Galapagos Tortoise link
Galago link
Garden Snail link
Gecko link
Gemsbock link
Genet link
Gerbil link
Gharial link
Ghost Crab link
Ghost Glass Frog link
Ghost Knifefish link
Giant Deer Mouse link
Giant Freshwater Stingray link
Giant Otter link
Giant Salamander link
Giant Squid link
Glass Knifefish link
Goat link
Goblin Shark link
Golden Eagle link
Golden Lion Tamarin link
Goose Barnacle link
Gorilla link
Great White Shark link
Greater Mouse-Deer link
Green Anole link
Griffon Vulture link
Guinea Pig link
Guineafowl link
Gyrfalcon link
Hammerhead Shark link
Hamster link
Harpy Eagle link
Hawk link
Heron link
Highland Cow link
Hippo link
Hirola link
Honeypot Ant link
Hornet link
Horse link
Hottentot Teal link
Hummingbird Moth link
Humpback Whale link
Hyena link
Hyrax link
Iberian Lynx link
Ibis link
Iriomote Cat link
Jackal link
Jaguar link
Jaguarundi link
Javan Rhinoceros link
Jerusalem Cricket link
Kakapo link
Kanchil link
King Cheetah link
King Vulture link
Komodo Dragon link
Krait link
Kudu link
Leafy Sea Dragon link
Leatherback Turtle link
Leopard Gecko link
Leopon link
Liger link
Linsang link
Lion link
Lionfish link
Lizard link
Llama link
Lobster link
Loggerhead Sea Turtle link
Loon link
Lovebird link
Luna Moth link
Lungfish link
Lyre Bird link
Macaw link
Magellanic Penguin link
Maine Coon link
Mako Shark link
Mallard link
Maltese Dog link
Mamba link
Manatee link
Maned Wolf link
Manta Ray link
Mantis Shrimp link
Mara link
Markhor link
Marmot link
Marozi link
Meerkat link
Megamouth Shark link
Mink link
Mole link
Mongoose link
Monitor Lizard link
Monkey link
Moray Eel link
Mormon Cricket link
Mosquito link
Mouse link
Mule link
Naked Mole Rat link
Nautilus link
New Mexico Whiptail link
New World Porcupine link
Newt link
Nudibranch link
Numbat link
Ocelot link
Okapi link
Old World Porcupine link
Orca link
Oriental Hobby link
Ostrich link
Otter link
Palm-nut Vulture link
Panamanian Golden Frog link
Pangolin link
Parktown Prawn link
Parthenice Tiger Moth link
Parrot link
Parrotfish link
Pea Frog link
Peacock Spider link
Pere David's Deer link
Peregrine Falcon link
Persian Fallow Deer link
Pheasant link
Philippine Eagle link
Pig link
Pika link
Pine Marten link
Piranha link
Plecostomus link
Polar Bear link
Poodle link
Porpoise link
Prairie Falcon link
Przewalski Horse link
Pufferfish link
Puffin link
Pumapard link
Pygmy Hippopotamus link
Pygmy Possum link
Quail link
Quetzal link
Rabbitfish link
Raccoon Dog link
Rainbow Trout link
Rat link
Rattlesnake link
Red-Footed Falcon link
Red-Fronted Gazelle link
Red-Tailed Hawk link
Red Kangaroo link
Red Squirrel link
Red-Winged Blackbird link
Red Wolf link
Regal Moth link
Regal Tang link
River Dolphin link
Rockhopper Penguin link
Ruffed Lemur link
Saiga Antelope link
Salamander link
Salmon link
Salmon Shark link
Sandworm link
Saola link
Savannah Cat link
Scorpion link
Sea Anemone link
Sea Horse link
Sea Lion link
Sea Otter link
Sea Pig link
Seal link
Secretary Bird link
Serengeti Cat link
Serval link
Sexton Beetle link
Shark link
Shoebill link
Siberian Husky link
Silk Moth link
Silver Pheasant link
Silverfish link
Sloth link
Slow Loris link
Slug link
Snapping Turtle link
Snow Goose link
Snow Leopard link
Snowshoe Hare link
Sparrow link
Spectacled Bear link
Sphynx Cat link
Spiny-tailed Lizard link
Spotted Handfish link
Spotted Skunk link
Star-Nosed Mole link
Stoat link
Stone Fish link
Stork link
Sugar Glider link
Sumatran Rabbit link
Sumatran Rhinoceros link
Sun Bear link
Sunfish link
Tamarin link
Tapeworm link
Tapir link
Tardigrade link
Tasmanian Devil link
Tick link
Tiglon link
Toad link
Toucan link
Tree Kangaroo link
Trilobite Beetle link
Trout link
Tuatara link
Turaco link
Turkey Vulture link
Vampire Squid link
Velvet Worm link
Violet Snail link
Violet-crowned Woodnymph link
Violet-tailed Sylph link
Viscacha link
Volvox link
Walrus link
Wasp link
Water Dragon link
Western Imperial Eagle link
Whale link
Whale Shark link
White Lion link
White Rhinoceros link
White-tailed Deer link
Wild Boar link
Wildebeest link
Wolverine link
Woodpecker link
Zebra link
Zebra Duiker link
Zebra Finch link
Zebu link
Zonkey link

Guidelines / Real Animals / Extinct Animals and Cryptids / Mythical Creatures / Other Suggestions
What did the monk say to his food?
Out of the frying pan and into the friar
Knives: cutting-edge technology to this day.

This is Moe. Moe's a saurus.
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Extinct Animals and Cryptids

Post by Morgaln »

Extinct Animals
Adelobasileus link
Ambulocetus link
Ankylosaur link
Anomalocaris link
Archaeopteryx link
Arthropleura link
Aurochs link
Baiji link
Beipiaosaurus link
Belantsea link
Bluebuck link
Bory's White Bat link
Brachiosaur link
Carnotaurus link
Cave Bear link
Cave Lion link
Compsognathus link
Confuciusornis link
Cryolophosaurus link
Daeodon link
Deinocheirus link
Deinonychus link
Deinosuchus link
Delphyodontos link
Diacodexis link
Dickinsonia link
Dilophosaurus link
Dimetrodon link
Dinofelis link
Diplocaulus link
Doedicurus link
Dracorex hogwartsia link
Dunkleosteus link
Dwarf Elephant link
Edaphosaurus link
Edmontosaurus link
Elasmotherium link
Elephant Bird link
Entelodont link
Eucladoceros link
Falcatus link
Falkland Islands Wolf link
Giant Short-faced Bear link
Gigantopithecus link
Gomphothere link
Gorgonopsid link
Harpagofututor link
Helicoprion link
Homotherium link
Hyaenodon link
Icadyptes link
Ichtyosaur link
Iguanodon link
Indricotherium link
Iniopteryx link
Irish Elk link
Kaua'i 'O'o link
Khaan link
Kronosaurus link
Liaoningopterus link
Liopleurodon link
Longisquama link
Mammoth link
Mastodon link
Megalodon link
Megantereon link
Megaraptor link
Megatherium link
Mesonychid link
Microvenator link
Moa link
Moeritherium link
Montealtosuchus link
Mosasaur link
Nanotyrannus link
Nimravus link
Ornithocheirus link
Oviraptor link
Pakicetus link
Palaeoglaux link
Parasaurolophus link
Passenger Pigeon link
Phorusrhacidae link
Phytosaur link
Placoderm Fish link
Plesiosaur link
Priscileo link
Procolophon link
Propleopus oscillans link
Protoceras link
Protoceratops link
Pterosaur link
Quagga link
Quetzalcoatlus link
Rhomaleosaurus link
Sacabambascis link
Sarcosuchus link
Sharovipteryx link
Sivatherium link
Smilodon link
Spinosaurus link
Stegosaurus link
Styracosaurus link
Symmorium link
Syndyoceras link
Synthetoceras link
Tapejara link
Teleosaur link
Thalassodromeus link
Tiktaalik link
Titanoboa link
Trilobite link
Tyrannosaurus Rex link
Velociraptor link
Warrah link
Woolly Rhino link


Altamaha link
Brosno Dragon link
Canvey Island Monster link
Hodag link
Jenglot link
Jersey Devil link
Kongamato link
Loch Ness Monster link
Mexican Ruffed Cat link
Mngwa link
Mokele-Mbembe link
Mongolian Death Worm link
Montauk Monster link
Onza link
Orang-Bati link
Ropen link
Yeti link
Yowie link

Guidelines / Real Animals / Extinct Animals and Cryptids / Mythical Creatures / Other Suggestions
What did the monk say to his food?
Out of the frying pan and into the friar
Knives: cutting-edge technology to this day.

This is Moe. Moe's a saurus.
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Wielder of the Banhammer
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Mythical Creatures

Post by Morgaln »

Mythical Creatures
Abada link
Adar Llwch Gwin link
Afanc link
Al-mi'raj link
Allocamelus link
Ammit link
Amphisbaena link
Andramelech link
Anemoi link
Anubis link
Aosaginohi link
Argos link
Arion link
Ashray link
Audhumla link
Avalerion link
Axex link
Bäkahästen link
Bahamut link
Bakeneko link
Balaur link
Bandersnatch link
Banshee link
Baphomet link
Bar Juchne link
Barong link
Basan link
Basilisco chilote link
Bastet link
Behemoth link
Bennu link
Bicorn link
Black Dog link
Black Shuck link
Blue Crow link
Boi-Tatá link
Bolla link
Bonnacon link
Boobrie link
Brownie link
Bunyip link
Byakko, the White Tiger of the West link
Cadejo link
Caladrius link
Calygreyhound link
Calydonian Boar link
Camahueto link
Carbuncle link
Cat Sith link
Cath Palug link
Catoblepas link
Centycore link
Cerastes link
Cerberus link
Ceryneian Hind link
Cetus link
Chamrosh link
Charybdis link
Chatloup link
Chrysomallos link
Cipactli link
Cockatrice link
Colo Colo link
Crocotta link
Cu Sith link
Culebre link
Cyclops link
Dahu link
Danava link
Dobhar-chu link
Dryad link
Elemental link
Elf link
Empusa link
Enfield Beast link
Ent link
Erymanthian Boar link
Fachen link
Faerie link
Faun link
Fenghuang link
Fenrir link
Fur-Bearing Trout link
Gagana link
Gandaberunda link
Gargoyle link
Garmr link
Garuda link
Gembu, the Black Turtle of the North link
Genie link
Ghost link
Gilane link
Gnome (elemental spirit) link
Goblin link
Golem link
Gorgon link
Gremlin link
Grylio link
Gulon link
Haetae link
Harpy link
Headless Mule link
Heraldic Antelope link
Heraldic Panther link
Hercinia link
Hieracosphinx link
Hircocervus link
Hippalectrion link
Hoga link
Homunculus link
Huma Bird link
Hydra link
Hydrus link
Ibong Adarna link
Imoogi link
Imp link
Incubus link
Indrik link
Isonade link
Jabberwocky link
Jack-o'-Lantern link
Jötun link
Kamaitachi link
Kappa link
Karkadann link
Keelut link
Kelpie link
Keukegen link
Keythong link
Knucker link
Kumpee Nimit link
Lamia link
Lammasu link
Lavellan link
Leucrotta link
Lhurgoyf link
Lindwurm link
Loto link
Luison link
Lycanthrope link
Manananggal link
Maneki Neko link
Martlet link
Mbói Tu'i link
Medusa link
Melek Taus link
Merlion link
Midgardsormr link
Minka Bird link
Minokawa link
Minotaur link
Musimon link
Naiad link
Nekomata link
Nemean Lion link
Nian link
Nightmare link
Nine-Headed Bird link
Ningyo link
Nixie link
Nue link
Nymph link
Ogre link
Oomukade link
Ophiotaurus link
Opinicus link
Orphan Bird link
Orthrus link
Ouroboros link
Pantheon link
Parandrus link
Pardalokampoi link
Peluda link
Peng link
Peuchen link
Piasa link
Pixie link
Pixiu link
Púca link
Pyrassoupi link
Pyrausta link
Questing Beast link
Quinotaur link
Ramidreju link
Rat King link
Salamander link
Sandwalker link
Sarimanok link
Satyr link
Scylla link
Sea Serpent link
Seiryu, the Blue Dragon of the East link
Sekhmet link
Selkie link
Serpopard link
Shachihoko link
Shadhavar link
Shisa link
ShiShi link
Sidehill Gouger link
Sigbin link
Simurgh link
Siren link
Sirrush link
Skvader link
Skrzak link
Sleipnir link
Snallygaster link
Sphinx link
Squasc link
Squonk link
Sta link
Strix link
Stymphalian Bird link
Su link
Succubus link
Suea Peek link
Suzaku, the Red Bird of the South
Sylph link
T'ien-kou link
Tailypo link
Takto link
Tanuki link
Tarrasque link
Tatzelwurm link
Tengu link
Teumessian Fox link
The Blob link
Theow link
Thestral link
Three-legged Bird link
Thunderbird link
Tiamat link
Tiki link
Twrch Trwyth link
Tyger link
Undine link
Vampire link
Wadjet link
Wampus Cat link
Warak ngendog link
Warg link
Water Leaper link
Wendigo link
White Stag link
Wild Haggis link
Will-o'-the-Wisp link
Wise Monkey link
Wolpertinger link
Xolotl link
Yale link
Yamata no Orochi link
Yppotryll link
Zilant link
Ziz link
Zlatorog link
Zmeu link

Guidelines / Real Animals / Extinct Animals and Cryptids / Mythical Creatures / Other Suggestions
What did the monk say to his food?
Out of the frying pan and into the friar
Knives: cutting-edge technology to this day.

This is Moe. Moe's a saurus.
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Wielder of the Banhammer
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Location: Munich, Germany

Other Suggestions

Post by Morgaln »

Made-Up Creatures
Acinde link
Alligator Frog link
Almaricorn link
Anubite link
Arasas link
Armoured Hawk
Articun link
Aurora Horse link
Axiomic Mouse link
Brachioraffe (Brachiosaur - Giraffe Hybrid)
Butterfly-winged Bat
Cabbit link
Camelflage (Camouflage camel)
Campchurch link
Cat Fish
Cat Horse
Crocagator link
Crystal Dog
Crystal Gryphon
Dolwark link
Dragon Cobra
Dragon Donkey
Dragon Wolf
Dragon Wurm link
Drakaze link
Dyrincx link
Elemental Dragon
Feackox link
Ferrecoon link
Ferret Dragon
Fire Cat link
Fire Fox
Fire Lion
Fire Mammoth
Fish-tailed Cow
Flying Ferret
Flying Goat
Flying Llama
Flying Panther
Flying Penguin
Flying Pig
Flying Platypus
Flying Seahorse
Flying Shadow Wolf
Flying Spider
Flying Squid
Frost Dragon
Fuzzy Ant Spider link
Gem Dragons link
Ghost Cat
Ghost Wolf
Giant Butterfly
Giant Crab
Giant Isopod
Giant Koi
Giant Mosquito-Flea-Tick
Giant Scorpion
Giant Spider
Giant Wasp
Glass Whale
Glencat link
Golden Dragon
Gummy Wyrm
Halloween Cat link
Heaven Hound
Hell Butterfly link
House Hippo link
Ice Fox
Ice Mammoth
Iron Defender link
Janka link
Kangaroo with butterfly wings
Katurmit link
Krilp link
Kylepter link
Leaf Frog link
Leopard Gecko
Leopard Owl
Light Horse link
Likanga link
Lohog link
Looney Bird link
Lupusdactyl link
Man Bear Pig
Mining Dog link
Monarch Dragon link
Moon Hare link
Moon Shan link
Moon Wolf
Musketeer Cavalier Spaniel link
Mystic Blizzard link
Necs link
Night Raptor link
Nightwalker link
Onion Lion link
Orechaser Hound link
Origami creature
Paikea Whale link
Pandog link
Parasite link
Peacock Phoenix
Phoenixdragon link
Pink Elephant
Pumpkin Pillbug link
Pushmi-Pullyu link
Pyropotamus link
Raggant link
Rainbow Mood Dragon link
Raza Skull Snail link
Razaian Leech link
Reverse Gryph link
Reverse Zebra link
Rezdri link
Ristockle link
Rock Piranha
Ruby Gryphon
Rygon link
Sabertooth Dragon
Sea Bear link
Sea Cat
Sea Dog
Sea Rhinoceros
Sea Unicorn
Serangor link
Shadow Dragon
Shadow Friesian Horse
Shadow Hound
Shadow Horse
Shadow Pegacorn
Shamora link
Shroedinger's Cat
Skeletal Snake
Skeleton Bird
Skeleton Cat
Slow Cheetah link
Sonic Saber link
Sorrow Crested Dragon link
Space Dragon link
Sqwan link
Stone Lion
Stone Wolf
Strazard link
Sun Raptor link
Swamp Booger
Tapir-Itawata link
Tazal Cat link
Tewoxi link
Thistle Cat link
Thorn Wolf link
Thunder Tiger
Tiger Lily link
Tiger Shrimp
Time Fox link
Treasure Dragon link
Tree Turtle link
Treenae link
Trimple link
Two-Headed Snake
Underwater Bigfoot
Underwater Panther link
Venom Hound link
Water Horse
Water Leaper link
Wind Horse link
Winged Bear
Winged Cheetah
Winged Cow
Winged Cyclopian Potatocorn
Winged Deer
Winged Elemental Tiger
Winged Elephant
Winged Monkey
Winged Tiger
Wolf Dragon
Wolf Wyvern
Wyrm link
Xiau Dragon
Yaoguai link

Yin/Yang Bear link
Yin/Yang Dragon

Hybrids and Variations

Paraphrasing for users: Please let everything make hybrids with everything, and make at least two, no, better four versions of every hybrid and make color variants of every creature, with every color you can find and then some, and of course of all the hybrids as well and then make hybrids of the color variants of the hybrids and please have them ready tomorrow. Thank you!
Arkenian Manticore
Autumn Farir
Black Dire Wolf
Black Rose Imp
Black Temple Cat
Blue Rose Imp
Capricorn Kraken
Chimera variations
Dark Phoenix
Driaderk's Hyena link
Emerald Capricorn
Enox Hybrid
Fire Dire Wolf
Fire Kraken
Fire Leviathan
Fire Manticore
Fire Pegasus
Fire Puvia
Fire Winged cat
Galaxy Hippogryph link
Golden Axolotl
Golden Koi
Golden Panther
Gray Direwolf
Gray Kitsune
Green Capricorn
Gryphon elemental variations
Gull Gryphon
Heart Fish link
Heart Leviathan link
Ice Dire Wolf
Ice Leviathan
Ice Manticore
Ice Pegasus
Ice Puvia
Ice Seagryph
Kitsune - Phoenix hybrid link
Koi color variants
Lava Leviathan
Leviken link
Light Phoenix
Lightning Gryphon
Minicorn hybrid
Neutral Puvia link
Phoenix elemental variations
Pinto Minicorn
Pygmy Leviathan
Rainbow Gryphon
Rainbow Phoenix
Rainbow Winged Cat
Red Wyvern
Rewist (Rewin x Icist Hybrid)
Roadrunner Gryphon
Sea Lion
Silver Pearl Wyrm
Silver Temple Cat
Snow Temple Cat
Snowy Owl Gryphon
Steam Gryphon link
Swamp Alphyn link
Two-Tusked Narwhal
Unigryph (Unicorn-Hippogryph)
Vampire Dire Wolf
White Gryphon
Winged Cat color variants
Winged Fire Cat
Winged Hippocampus
Winged Ice Cat
Winged Unicorn
Wingless Gryphon
Zebra Pegasus


Banana Monster
Christmas Tree Monster
Clockwork Mouse
Constellation-based creatures
Cymbal Monkey
Easter Bunny
Flying Spaghetti Monster
Glow Cat link
Great Pumpkin
Lag Monster
Lantern creature
Lawn creature link
Living Book
Maxwell's Demon link
Mechanical Dragon
Mechanical Nightingale
Mud Puppy link
Ninja Brownie
Ninja Mango
Onion creature
Scythian Lamb link
Seasonal Cycle of Creatures
Smiley Monster
Vampire Watermelon link
Venus Flytrap
Vine Monster
Zodiac animals

Guidelines / Real Animals / Extinct Animals and Cryptids / Mythical Creatures / Other Suggestions
What did the monk say to his food?
Out of the frying pan and into the friar
Knives: cutting-edge technology to this day.

This is Moe. Moe's a saurus.
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Re: Official Creature Suggestion Thread

Post by chickenhound »

I just found a creature that would be awesome to add the Wendigo its some kind of flesh eating monster


steve max lvl 500 * ruby max lvl 300 * kazigami max lvl 100?

current goal: Gather 15 adults of each creature
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Re: Official Creature Suggestion Thread

Post by wolfeyedangel »

Might I ask where you found that? I'm hunting through my D&D monster manuals but I could have sworn I saw that thing in one of them. I'll post if I find or don't find it and what level of OGL it falls under if I do.

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Re: Official Creature Suggestion Thread

Post by Omigawd »

Ya. Wendigo's are flesh-eating/cannabilistic monsters/spirits from Native-american and canadian tribes. Depictions vary widely from animal-like monsters, yetis, to just very pale and gaunt humans.
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Re: Official Creature Suggestion Thread

Post by DragonBound »

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Image<Thank you Refion ♥
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Re: Official Creature Suggestion Thread

Post by pegasi1978 »

wolfeyedangel wrote:Might I ask where you found that? I'm hunting through my D&D monster manuals but I could have sworn I saw that thing in one of them. I'll post if I find or don't find it and what level of OGL it falls under if I do.

Wendigo's are more of a White Wolf RPG thing rather than a DnD thing.
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